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WTS Broadband



  • Registered Users Posts: 16 zooned

    Just as a matter of interest MickLimk and old boy. What does it cost to get wts broadband and what are the upload / download speeds they are providing for their residential package.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭MickLimk

    I think it was €200 install and €35/month for 1Mbps up & down. No caps but I'm sure there's probably a fair usage policy (jbkenn?). My previous post gives more details on the service I was seeing on Friday evening. I can post stats again this evening to see what they're like today.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 110 ✭✭tony1212

    jb kenn, if you see this, which you more than likely will, where were you tis-evening, i was waiting and waiting, and not even a phone call to let me know that you werent coming, so would you try to ring me, cauz im really getting sick of this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,078 ✭✭✭bigpaddy2004

    tony1212 wrote: »
    jb kenn, if you see this, which you more than likely will, where were you tis-evening, i was waiting and waiting, and not even a phone call to let me know that you werent coming, so would you try to ring me, cauz im really getting sick of this.

    I dont believe that to be very professional behaviour in trying to attempt to contact someone through boards with your problems.

  • Registered Users Posts: 919 ✭✭✭jbkenn

    tony1212 wrote: »
    jb kenn, if you see this, which you more than likely will, where were you tis-evening, i was waiting and waiting, and not even a phone call to let me know that you werent coming, so would you try to ring me, cauz im really getting sick of this.

    You gave me €199 and I gave you Broadband, and, as you were able to post here, I take it that it is working.

    You gave Microsoft €395 for your Xbox 360, and it is not working, take it up with Bill Gates.

    Effective today, we will not be providing connections to Gamers or online poker players.

    Should you wish to terminate our service, we will be happy to arrange to remove our equipment, at your convenience.

    John Kennedy


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 110 ✭✭tony1212

    I dont believe that to be very professional behaviour in trying to attempt to contact someone through boards with your problems.

    i have tried ringing him, i gave him a month or more to try and fix the dam problem, all i want to do is go online with my xbox 360, so dnt you tell me about professional behaviour, and surprise surprise, he has just said that he is not doing anymore online gaming, strange to say that i know a fella in murroe that can still use he's x box to go online gaming.

    oh and im sure you will be at my door in 5 min if i cancel, YA RIGHT.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,658 ✭✭✭old boy

    with an attitude like yours if i was the provider you would be an ex customer

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 Zicom

    Foggy43 wrote: »
    I have done a search here but cannot find anything relating to a company called WTS.

    Looks like it is based in Limerick and looks relativly new. Have any of you used this provider? Any opinions?

    The web site address is:

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 Zicom

    Xbox is a case of settings and ports if you are using a router internally.
    I install WTS broadband and have my sons Xbox on line no prob.
    If you stuck email me!

    You may need to open up specific ports on your router that allows the xbox 360 to safely and securely pass through the firewall on your router. If these ports aren't open, and thus not allowing the traffic through, then DNS won't properly function.

    XBOX 360 Ports are as follow:

    • UDP 88
    • UDP 3074
    • TCP 3074

    You can more than likely make these changes under the port forwarding/port triggering section in the 'Applications and Gaming' tab in your config.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 Zicom

    MickLimk wrote: »
    Without WTS Broadband, I'd be in the land of two tins and a bit of string so sincere thanks to John and all those others out there providing wireless services to those of us who do live outside of the pale and are connected to an exchange that has two chances of being upgraded.

    My experience with WTS has generally been good and I would recommend them to people who want broadband for general web browsing, email and some downloading (nothing too heavy mind!). I've never had any problems using VNC or remote desktop over VPN into work either.

    Occasionally it has its issues. It has been known to drop completely a couple of times a month usually about 8 or 11pm but most often is back within an hour.

    You don't get a public IP address and there are quite a few hops on a 10.x.x.x net before seeing the outside world. I know the number of hops is due to the nature of the network itself but I'd love to see a map to know the 7 sites my traffic is hitting before it gets to the Smart Telecom network! Of course there could always be more than one 10.x hop within a single site...

    Speeds are variable depending on time of day/contention but unlikely to reach the full 1Mbit. At the moment they're looking as good as I've seen them in a while on IrishISPTest and I'd imagine Friday evening is quite busy. It's showing 785kbps download and 537kbps upload so I won't complain about that. QOS is at 66%, round trip time of 24ms and max pause 314ms.

    I'm not a gamer or haven't gotten around to setting up for VOIP yet so don't know what these figures will do for your experience. Ping times to are currently showing up as 40, 33, 19 and 21ms which in my limited knowledge would imply no problems with this particular VOIP option at the moment.

    Just note that figures quoted are those showing up at this very moment, it does vary a lot and the figures above are at the higher end of my experience. I have been let down before where the service was down one morning when I had arranged to work from home but I'd still recommend them for users who would fit into the category mentioned in my second paragraph.

    I don't work for WTS or any other ISP but just figured if there were any others reading this thread who wanted some more info other than what's been posted, I'd give it a shot. If anyone wants more comprehensive stats on upload and download speeds, I can run a test once/twice a day for a few days and post the results.

    Thanks again to Jbkenn and BigPaddy2004 for not forgetting that the rest of the country does need and want broadband.


    Hi MickLimk,
    As you stated the hops are from one radio to another on the backbone. That is how this type of service works. If there is a hill in the way, we have to hop round it! We are currently removing hops as new radio equipment becomes available and new, higher sights are located for AP's and back haul links. However is it still a balancing act, as you do not want to have hops of 20 kilometres + even with the antennas to do so as the signal will degrade. We do what we can to provide broadband to those who no one else will provide to. It’s easy to make money by only putting access points in populated areas, but that is not what we are about.
    As you can see from our coverage in many small villages and towns lands....see coverage map

    All the best and we strive to provide the best service we can, putting up with storm damage, cow cams and video senders etc. We have to use public frequency like everyone else so 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz on the same channel can cause interference. The best answer is to lobby the backward thinking government to release 3Ghz band to wireless providers. Especially as they only like to blow their trumpet on how over 80% of the population has access to broadband. Fine if you live in the cities where they get their stats from!



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  • Registered Users Posts: 617 ✭✭✭sheff the ref

    I am based near Galbally and I have had WTS broadband since around last October and while there have been minor issues on occasions I have been extremely happy with it. I would use the internet for a significant portion of every day, and its a dream compared to ISDN.

    People need to be realistic in that
    (a)We will never have Eircom landline enabled broadband in the rural areas

    (b)WTS have been prepared to give us broadband in the rural ares when nobody else gives a toss

    (c)The number of customers would have increased significantly in a short space of time and this would have brought with it an infinite workload with limited resources, meaning inevitable teething problems

    (d)WTS generally react quickly when there are difficulties, but in the case of storm damage etc. not everything can be instant and we have had some rough weather of late. The door of my car for instance was recently caught by the wind and damaged. Mobile phone masts were damaged. These things happen.

    (e)In our area we have a tecchie guy who is tied in with WTS and his broadband is also down when mine is down. Methinks that he would like to get it up as quickly too.

    Keep up the good work WTS

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,658 ✭✭✭old boy

    as the ref says little probs now and again, most are solved over the fone, as some one who depends on the web for a social life, i am a very happy camper, sail on the good ship W.T.S.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 Zicom

    bigpaddy, I'm not sure why you think I'm trying to badmouth a company I've admittedly never heard of.

    My point FWIW jbkenn is that there are a whole plethora of sites out there referring to failed or never started "will o' the WISPs". If I come along a website that seems half-complete or out of date, chances are you're one of them.

    You say you don't need to advertise:
    Fair play, but maybe if the more of the general unwashed had heard of you, more people might be connected with you. Advertising isn't about people in sharp suits talking rubbish over expensive coffee and wasting your money, it's about letting people know that you exist, that you have a product to sell, and that it's something they might want. You might have a cunning plan for growing your business that doesn't involve letting people know who you are, but you might want to feature it in your plans somewhere.

    Finally, I too wish you well for the future. If you are actually delivering a product and not just a promise, fair play, we need more people like you.

    Whom are you to comment on unfinished sites or old sites not updated......I was just wondering?
    I own and run .....(and by the way feed my wife and kids with the profits from) I.T. consultancy and web design company from rural Tipperary, Ireland. I had a dial-up connection only when we moved to new location with 12kb at best that would hold the connection for 5 mins if you are lucky. It is with great thanks to jbkenn and WTS Broadband that I am not only still in business but have a faster connection than in our last location.
    I have known many companies with multi million Euro turn over who have no web site, or worse have an incomplete or out of date site. May I suggest that you do not comment so harshly on matters you either know nothing about or do not have sufficient information to comment on?
    I don’t know what you do as you do not seem to want to tell us! So please let those WHO DO know what they are about, like jbkenn, provide the service the best they can to those of us who need it.
    I can only presume you are a web or marketing guru, self employed and built up your own business from nothing.....and never once lived off the state! I know jbkenn has done that, as have I. It’s easy to turn up to a job every day knowing you are getting paid and how much.....oh and if you don’t feel like it pull a sticky and get paid any how!
    All I’m trying to say is DON’T cast your opinions’ on what other have done (especially if they have suffered and fought to make it) unless you are qualified to do so. It really pi**es off those of us who have and give to society more than we take. :mad:

    ps. Eircom have outages too.....and they are not fixed in hours.....last Eircom outage was 7 days and that's on a business line!
    WTS could be as professional as Eircom......would be easier!
    Internet phone support: 9am 5pm, Monday to Friday only!
    Instals: Make you wait over a month! Oh and they don't tell you anything when you chase up and dont return calls either!
    Rollout: Wait till some poor bugger like WTS have gone live and think ....mmmm...must be worth it lets go live and make off with all their customers!

    Sorry to rant on but for those of you who think it is easy (oh and loads of money to be made) is suppling WiFi broadband ..... all I can say is try it, if you think you'r up to it!

    Like I said sorry but some people realy wind me up!
