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The Pregnancy Chat Thread!



  • Registered Users Posts: 512 ✭✭✭collegeme

    I'll be asking for an enema this time! There wasn't one offered last time. I was induced and nothing happened for hours, so I had lunch and snacks and all sorts. Don't know what I was thinking, it made for one very unpleasant aspect of labour! I'll be much more careful about what I eat going into it this time, and if labour happens to start itself this time, I'll be looking for help early on to make as much room as possible for baby!

    Oh i was the same last time. Induced and they fed me a huge roast dinner.........Never again

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    dublinlady wrote: »
    21 weeks Tom :-)
    My back is killing me today, been a long week at work tho where I have to stand all day so I hope that's it!
    Big scan on Monday! I'm sooooo excited!! Let's just hope my baba doesn't keep his / hers legs crossed!!

    Tigeress can't believe your 29 weeks! That's brill!

    So far no probs with constipation but I know duphalac and laxose liquid are both ok in pregnancy but important to drink plenty of water while taking it as otherwise ya can get dehydrated!

    Started prenatal yoga this week - def think I'll need it with this back pain I'm getting!

    I can't believe you're 21 weeks already missus! It doesnt seem that long ago when ya got your positive on the TTC page!

    Sorry to hear you're suffering with back pain :( I get it on and off mostly when I over do it.. Hope it goes away soon for ya!

    Best of luck for Monday! :) I'll be so jealous if you find out :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Aww yay Caprilicious does that mean you're telling everyone this weekend? How exciting!!! Ah don't go wishing it away, every step is so amazing...have you got any of the pregnancy apps? I love getting my up date everyweek and see what changes are going on :D

    Yeah, I have my GP visit this morning now, my poor boss is in a panic in case I won't make it in for my last week next week, he's given me taxi far too and from the surgery, so that should help keep me BP low lol

    Thanks Hannibal, yep tis all official as of now. I went the less conventional route & put my ticker on fb.
    I like the tickers & one's similar to that. Unfortunately I'm in the dark ages with a crap phone that doesn't have apps to just follow them on the laptop instead :) But you're right, it is brill getting the updates & seeing what changes are happening.

    Wow sounds like you're seriously in demand with your boss that he was even sending you in a taxi! are you looking forward to finishing up in work?

    Dublinlady can't believe you're 21 weeks already, and Tigeress 29 :eek: only feel slike a few weeks ago that you two announced your BFP's!

    Avril123 your ante natal class experience sounds pretty much the same as mine. I thought it would all about breathing techniques etc but there was none of that!
    Cuidiu run ante natal courses, not sure if they're free, I think they are if you're a member which is relatively inexpensive. Might be worth googling them to see?

    Ms2011 I can't get over how strict the Domino scheme is :eek: I was enrolled with them for the last pregnancy, but as it ended in a miss I couldn't go with them this time.
    Its a pity as the service sounds excellent. Fingers crossed you'll get onto it :)

    Tigeress the domino scheme is a midwife led scheme, so instead of you going to see a consultant each time (& probably having to wait hours) you attend a midwife for the majority of your appts. They also operate a quicker release scheme after you have baby as the midwife is on call to attend you at home should there be any issues.
    I would've loved to be able to go with it this time, usual waiting times in the hospital I attend is 2-3 hours per appt :(

    Any word on Cbyrd? Hope you're not out painting guttering or cleaning chimneys with your nesting in overdrive :pac:
    Best of luck if you're already in labour :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Tigeress wrote: »
    MS what's the Domino thingy?! Never heard of it.. Congrats on the 15 weeks :)
    Tigeress the domino scheme is a midwife led scheme, so instead of you going to see a consultant each time (& probably having to wait hours) you attend a midwife for the majority of your appts. They also operate a quicker release scheme after you have baby as the midwife is on call to attend you at home should there be any issues.

    Yep that's it Cap also I can got to my Health Centre for all my appointments which is 1 minute drive (5 minutes walk) from my house. I also like that you get out between 12-24 hours after having babs so I get back to my own bed and my own house which would be alot quieter than a hospital ward and a midwife will call everyday for the first five days and give you one to one advice and as I am hoping to breastfeed this would be a great resource to have.
    All in all I really hope I can join it, guess I'll know next Thursday.

    Cap so happy your 'secret' is out, I felt so much relief not to be hiding the fact that I was sick and tired plus you can let it all hang out now and not suck in your belly everytime you're around friends and family :D

    DL I'm looking forward to see if you find out whether babs is a boy or girl, it's so exciting, I hope when my time comes I can find out too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    Is this d-day for Cbryd? If so very best of luck, hope everything goes well.

    If not, I'll take a pot of spag bol and my grass could do with a cutting....thanks :D

    No... was my last day at work though :D so it being sunday now i'm prepared for the cramps again.. i've had them the last 2 and thought i was going but then nothing :rolleyes: i'm resigned to wed ..

    I have also promised my husband i will sit and relax for the next few days.. the strange thing is i have no tiredness like i did on the others and it's so frustrating that the mind is going ninety thinking all i can get done and i do it and then i'm wrecked.. cos i keep forgetting i'm nearly 10 months pregnant :D

    I just hope i retain some of the energy after baby comes :D

    On constipation... lots and lots of water.. sparkling if you can and i hate to say it but walking.. apples and apple juice always helps me.. and coffee :eek: things like bran and bulking fibres sometimes can make you worse as it does what it says on the pack and creates more bulk.. if you get me :D i'd speak to the pharmacist or gp and go with whatever they say.. ;) exercise is one way of keeping the system working.. i'm so lucky that if i eat dairy it clears me... so out with the ben and jerry's :pac::pac:
    I'll keep you all posted it'll up on my fb page within minutes cos my family are on the watch :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    January wrote: »
    Thought they done away with enema's years ago :eek:

    I'm in denmark - maybe it's still the done thing here

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Is the Domino only available in Dublin?! Never heard of it.. Thanks for filling me in Cap & MS :)
    Cap Congrats on getting to tell everyone :) delighted for you!

    Cybrd, delighted you finally finished work :) hope you're not waiting too long on baba to arrive!

    DL best of luck on your scan tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing how it went!

    I'm Absolutley exhausted today.. Had my OH's family visiting and although we had a great day I'm wrecked from cooking dinner and cleaning up.. Here's hoping being so tired now will help me sleep tonight!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Thanks tigeress!! Sooo excited but now quite nervous!! Not sure why really but will be glad when it's over!! Hope to god we can find out the sex!! Gonna have a bottle of lucozade and some chocolate before I go in to try to make the baby move so that it won't sit in one position with it's legs crossed!!! Obviously I's love love love love either but I'm not great with surprises and tension so will be much happier just to know!! Healthy is the main thing tho!!! I'd give my right arm for a healthy happy baby!

    Tigeress I think the domino scheme is only in Dublin cos I think they do some of the appts in your home! It's also only available within certain areas in Dublin - not everywhere!!!

    Cybrd - fingers and toes crossed for ya that ya get a day to relax and then go naturally!!!! :) p.s I'll have your pregnancy energy when your done with it please!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Morning in here....Caprilicious, what a great weekend it must have been for you breaking the news! If you go on to the babycentre website, they email you updates every week too, with pics and videos and everything. I wish I'd thought of getting a ticker for FB!

    Off for a bp series today and I am full sure that they are going to keep me in...bp on my monitor was 159/90 this morning, no way they're gonna let me out if that's the reading they get, not if 130/80 gets them all hot and bothered :eek::D

    I'm so convinced they're going to keep me in, I'm taking my bag with me, I've left a spare set of keys with my folks in case my car needs collecting and I've cleaned the house from top to bottom so it's nice and neat when we get home...we as in me and junior:p I'm even worrying about the cough I have, will they do a section with a cough? What if they're standing over me with a scalpel and I cough and it's like carnage everywhere :eek::D

    There is of course a small rational side of my brain telling me I'm being over the top, but I'm choosing to ignore it, because the plus side is I get out of work tomorrow ;):D

    Best of luck with the scan today Dublin Lady xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭Cottontail

    Good luck Hannibal Smith!

    We got our baby's room all done up at the weekend, there was a load of junk in it which my husband moved out, the cot is made up as is the changing table, there's a lovely jungle mat on the floor and I put up some jungle animal wall stickers (my contribution to the work). We've still got some bits and pieces to do but it really hit me that it's all so close now - about 10 weeks to go! Excited and nervous at the same time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Hi Guys!
    Habbibal I really hope that your bp comes down and you dont have to be kept in!! Plenty of steam inhalation for you with the sounds of that cough!!

    Cottontail - that must have been sooo lovely to be decorating! I cant wait for that bit as it must make it all feel so real!!!

    Well We had the big scan today!! It was FABULOUS!! The midwife in Holles st was just lovely! She was really chatty and showed us everything really clearly - she talked us through everything she was doing which wasjust great! I had it in my head that it would be some rude woman who didnt give a toss and would havethe personality and empathy of a plank of wood and i was very pleasantly proven completely wrong!! She was soooo nice!
    Everything is measuring perfectly and the heart seemed to be functioning as expecte, she said the baby has quite long legs!! in proportion tho!! And a small head (within normal limits tho!!) Which is kinda what i am like myself - longish legs and small head!! haha i sound ridiculous!!!
    Anyway the big surprise...........!!! At first she thought we wouldnt be able to find out as the baby was in an awkward position - but the bottle of lucozade and pack of minstrels that i had half an hour before kicked in and the baby started dancing :D
    Super delighted.....................its a girl!!!! I cant believe it as theres no girls on my husbands side at all going back for generations, but all along id said to him i felt alot more love towards a girl and i didnt know why - i would have been happy either wa and so this is why i wanted to find out - so that i could sort my head out and stop feeling so warm towards a girl if it was a boy!! I think i knew :)
    Uber excited! Not telling anyone so its lovely to be able to share it on here with all my boards buddies!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    OMG DL that's amazing :) so so happy for you hun! Congrats on a little girl :) glad the mid-wife was so nice! I've never had a prob with them myself but it's Docs that do the scans down here & they're not as good ! Are you gonna get some pink stuff in now?!

    Hannible best of luck today Hun! Hope the bp settles down for ya! Wow you're super organised lol better than not being prepared for sure!

    Cottontail that's awesome :) we have just less than 11 weeks to go and finished building the furniture a few weeks ago & loved it :D it's all do exciting! As of yesterday I have officially finished washing and ironing all babs clothes, blankets etc.. Delighted! Just have to put them away today :)

    I hope you're enjoying the rest Cybrd!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Thanks a mill Hannibal, actually it was a little bit of an anti climax announcing it on facebook, hardly any of my family replied!
    That said a lot of them are on relatively infrequently so I'l telling myself that's what it is!
    Thanks for the link to that website, I must check it out. I love getting the weekly updates :)

    Fingers crossed they wont keep you in (well not if you don't want it!) but if so wow you're organised!
    Such a good idea leaving the place all tidy ready to come home with junior if that's what happens.
    I was too massive/shattered tired at the end of the pregnancy last time to be so organised!

    DL WOW Congrats!!!!! So exciting that you are having a little girl! I'm delighted that the midwife was so nice too, it makes the world of difference!

    Tigeress I did the same a few weeks before dd was due, spent hours meticulously ironing all her teeny little clothes (including socks :o) it was the first and last time that happened :D:D

    Cottontail that's lovely having the nursery all ready to go, hopefully the last 10 weeks will fly by for you!
    I got the nursery ready about the same time when I was pregnant last time and loved going in and looking at all the teeny clothes (& the even teenier newborn nappies!)
    It makes me so excited at the thoughts of it!

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Dublin Lady - So delighted for you getting a princess!!!! Probably gonna be a right daddys girl eh? ;)
    I have my second private scan at 9+4 on Wed. Hopefully I will have the letter this week from the hospital to find out when my first public scan will be. We plan to announce, all going well, the bank holiday weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    Well another day done.. :rolleyes: i don't think i'll go past tomorrow though i had a show today and contracting this morning.. although it stopped after a hot bath and started again in the afternoon then stopped again.. at least i know i'm heading in the right direction...but i've an appointment at 10am and i reckon they won't send me home... so i better bring my bag too. .
    I'll be rightly disgusted if hannibal has her baby before me .. that just wouldn't be fair :D
    Great news dublinlady . . ;)
    Hopefully won't be chatting tomorrow :D hopefully i'll be holding a baba ;);) maybe

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Good luck Cybryd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so exciting! By the sounds of things ya mightnt be able to wait til 10am tom!:p Fingers crossed!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Neyite - best of luck on wednesday!! So exciting for ya! Hope your little babas are doing well! I'd say your dying to see them again!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Cbyrd the very best of luck tomorrow, though I agree with DL, the signs are looking good, would be suprised if you don't have babe in your arms by the morning.
    (best not jinx you though, one of my birth club buddies skipped the queue and had their baba a week before me last time :D)

    Neyite so exciting getting to see the two little baba's! Are you dying to tell people or happy enough to have it as your own little secret for now?

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Neyite so exciting getting to see the two little baba's! Are you dying to tell people or happy enough to have it as your own little secret for now?

    Absolutely bursting to tell people! :D. I used to be crap at keeping secrets, but have gotten better as the years go by. Though, I do like that we have our little secret(s) to ourselves for the last few weeks but now just wanna tell people.

    Cbyrd - Good Luck! hope it all goes smoothly for you! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭cocoemma

    cbyrd wrote: »
    Well another day done.. :rolleyes: i don't think i'll go past tomorrow though i had a show today and contracting this morning.. although it stopped after a hot bath and started again in the afternoon then stopped again.. at least i know i'm heading in the right direction...but i've an appointment at 10am and i reckon they won't send me home... so i better bring my bag too. .
    I'll be rightly disgusted if hannibal has her baby before me .. that just wouldn't be fair :D
    Great news dublinlady . . ;)
    Hopefully won't be chatting tomorrow :D hopefully i'll be holding a baba ;);) maybe

    Good Luck Cbyrd ;)...very exciting..

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    woohooo!!!! Good luck Cbyrd...hope everything goes quickly and you're holding your new baby soon xxxx

    Nope no baby for me, bp is perfectly fine, in fact one readings was 118/70 lol and head isn't even engaged so don't worry, I won't be holding nothing but me big belly for a while :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Neyite best of luck with your scan :) bet you're dying too see those two little babas again :)

    Cybrd best of luck! Hope it's a quick & painfree as possible hehe

    Well I'm not a happy camper... I woke up yest as normal put on my bio oil and when I was dressing for bed I was shocked to see 2 massive Strech marks on my stomac & a few at my chest :( I thought I was doing great having none lol but they've caught up on me...

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    God I completely forgot about the BioOil this time. HAve to root that stuff out and get going with it.

    Made a holy show of myself in work Sunday night, managed to make into the stock room to projectile vomit into a box. The poor guy who came over to help didnt know what to do, he just went off to get one of the girls to help me. So, by 10pm Sunday night mammy, daddy and baby had a bug.

    Pandemonium in the house. We're all better now but I want everything washed and sterlised in this house.

    It was so weird when I was puking, the baby was kicking at the same time making me more sick, I was sitting on the floor in the bathroom in stiches laughing. My other half thought I had lost my mind.

    Its alot harder being sick while minding a 1 year old.

    17 weeks to go its really flying, not back to the hospital for another 5 weeks.

    The midwife last time said they would do everything possible to ensure I dont go as early as I did last time, what did she mean?

    I can think what they could do.

    Best of luck for Cbyrd, but she didn't get much of a rest did she?!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    I'm a real weirdo when it comes to stretch marks...I love them :o I see them as like badges of honour type things :o

    wpmdd3, I'll never forget having a tummy bug a while ago and baby kicking while I was puking, as if I wasn't feeling crap enough! :rolleyes::D

    Maybe the hospital are going to suggest you walk around on your hands for the next while? :confused::D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Neyite best of luck with your scan :) bet you're dying too see those two little babas again :)

    Cybrd best of luck! Hope it's a quick & painfree as possible hehe

    Well I'm not a happy camper... I woke up yest as normal put on my bio oil and when I was dressing for bed I was shocked to see 2 massive Strech marks on my stomac & a few at my chest :( I thought I was doing great having none lol but they've caught up on me...
    I asked my gyny about bio oil and other products like that...he said they don;t really work, only not putting on too much weight works :( and also, if you put on any oils or creams within a week or so of a scan it can significantly reduce picture quality of a scan...

    So I'm not using any creams and hoping that the fact my weight is not ballooning will work...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Awww just seen that Cbyrd had the most gorgeous little boy! so delighted for her :)

    Ivy that's good to know about the oils, i didn't use bio oil but had a lovely smelling Elemis oil that I used to use when I was pregnant last. Must bear in mind not to use it this time!

    Wmpdd3, I hope you recover from the bug soon. Sounds rotten having a gurgling tum & a baba in there kicking just for good measure!
    Gas how useless some men can be with peuk!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,872 ✭✭✭Sittingpretty

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Neyite best of luck with your scan :) bet you're dying too see those two little babas again :)

    Cybrd best of luck! Hope it's a quick & painfree as possible hehe

    Well I'm not a happy camper... I woke up yest as normal put on my bio oil and when I was dressing for bed I was shocked to see 2 massive Strech marks on my stomac & a few at my chest :( I thought I was doing great having none lol but they've caught up on me...

    Don't worry, they do fade. I got to almost 7.5 months without any and then lo and behold they arrived!

    My little boy is almost 5 months now and already they are faded quite a bit! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Thanks Singingpretty :) I guess I'm just a little freaked out..

    Ivy that's very interesting about the scans! Think I'll stop before my next scan and see if there's a difference!

    Awww Congrats to Cybrd!!!! Hope Mama and baby boy are doing great x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    awww that's fantastic news, well done Cbyrd, massive congratulations xxx:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 35 dimple_smile

    I think it's time I join this club, 7 weeks today :D
    Feeling alright apart from constant tiredness, which really kicks in after lunch I almost feel like bringing my pillow in to work :o
