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The Pregnancy Chat Thread!



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Lola92

    Huge congrats Cbyrd! Eventful is a bit of an understatement :P Gorgeous name too! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    My goodness Cybrd! That was a rush! Glad to hear everything was grand in the end! How are you? Hopefully not too sore x massive Congrats :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 362 ✭✭Play Bunny

    hi girls,
    back in the running got a bfp on my test this morning 11dpo , im delighted but very very nervous after last month :( so airing on the side of caution and telling NO ONE! (well bar mam) v.tired the last week as ive had a bad cold so extremly tired and starving all the time (more than usual as im normally a gluton, feeling a bit dizzy, not sure if those symtoms were cold related) still have a dose of it on me however, took no neurofen as i was dying with a headache yest and tiredness so took the lempsip , seemed to clear the headache thank god, i suffer with tinnitus which has me driven batty....
    hope every1 else is well and fingers crossed for me and prayers pls :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭Cat Melodeon

    cbyrd wrote: »
    It was the most eventful of all my births and the quickest.. it took less then a minute for stage 3

    Oscar is obviously taking after you from day 1 cbyrd, no messing about and hyperefficient! Well done, sorry it got scary there for a bit for you all.

    Good midwives really are what's holding the maternity system here together. So glad you got one. Hope you take time to recover a bit now before you start single-handedly reroofing the house or some similar minor project!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    cbyrd wrote: »
    Right so remember when i told you all i was contracting and i had a bath and they stopped and then kinda started again... well i turns out that my waters probably broke when i was in the bath.. :eek: and i didn't realise.. so i got a massive pain at 1.30am and 8 mins later a second and then 5 mins later a third.. so i phoned my friend and she came over to stay with the kids while we went to drogheda..
    Got there at 2.30 and checked in i was 3cms and contracting every 4 mins or so.. so off down to the delivery room and got the gas.. fairly uncomfortable but copable.. so about 20 mins later feel the need to push so she tries to break my waters.. cos i had told her they weren't gone.. and when she couldn't break them decided to call the doc in to break them for me.. so he tries.. and at this stage i'm getting ready to push but i'm still only 4cms.. :eek: so i hear them say drip and speed up and i swear it was like a red rag to a bull.. i ask to get up on all fours cos my back and bum are killing me.. they help cos i'm strapped to the monitor.. baby's getting distressed doc checks me again about 5 mins later i'm up to 8 cms.. start pushing midwife tells me to keep pushing when i have to cos if not the *doctors will interfere*:pac::pac: they turn me over again and i'm fully dilated baby is nearly there but they need him out cos he's really distressed and they're going to suction him .. get the scan out and realise the waters have been gone all along.. they put the cap on his head but the midwife says right stop messing and get this baby out now... i give 3 massive pushes (massive) and he's out.. one minute from nearly crowned to out..
    then the fun started... 4 docs 3 more nurses burst into the room baby is whisked off cos there was a lot of thick muconium and he'd inhaled and swallowed some:( husband's balling and i just want my legs out of the STIRRUPS... they put me in stirrups. . :rolleyes: they gave him the all clear after an hour and he's been so placid ever since..
    It was the most eventful of all my births and the quickest.. it took less then a minute for stage 3 .. and that midwife was a wonder.. only for her i've been cut and he'd have had a sore head :eek: he did have 5 scrapes where they tried to break the waters and got his head instead...
    he's asleep now while ben i shouting for his dinner and the oh is hoovering around me :D oh joys. . . :pac:

    Same as me so, 3cm to 10cm in 20 minutes! Although none of the kerfuffle of baby being whisked off! Oscar is gorgeous, congratulations again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Congratulations Play Bunny :) great news!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Play Bunny wrote: »
    hi girls,
    back in the running got a bfp on my test this morning 11dpo , im delighted but very very nervous after last month :( so airing on the side of caution and telling NO ONE! (well bar mam) v.tired the last week as ive had a bad cold so extremly tired and starving all the time (more than usual as im normally a gluton, feeling a bit dizzy, not sure if those symtoms were cold related) still have a dose of it on me however, took no neurofen as i was dying with a headache yest and tiredness so took the lempsip , seemed to clear the headache thank god, i suffer with tinnitus which has me driven batty....
    hope every1 else is well and fingers crossed for me and prayers pls :)

    Absolutely delighted for you Play Bunny! Fingers crossed this little baba is a sticky x

    Cbyrd omg sounds like a fast and furious birth! In tears reading about how they had to take him away, God love you that must have been nerve wracking. So glad all worked out well.
    He's a handsome little fella too, absolute wee dote!!

    How are you after the birth? you were home fast enough anyway, hope all is going well.

    January how are you and your newest little girl getting on too? She is absolutely gorgeous! Very like S when she was a baby.

    Tigeress I'm absolutely delighted that the hospital are treating you right now and that they had the courtesy to offer you another scan.
    I've seen in hospitals where there can be a tendency to treat it like a cattle mart, one patient in/one patient out, but this is your hopes and dreams tied up in that little precious bundle!
    I hope the scan is brill next week, really clear :)

    Ms2011, how fantastic that you felt kicks! (hope the cat's ok too :D)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    omg cbyrd, what an event...I'm not at all dreading the birth now ;) Did you hear the story about the woman who ran the marathon and gave birth just she any relation to you per chance? :D Hope you're both doing well, it must have been very scary for a while xx

    Congratulations Play Bunny...I have everything crossed that all will go well this time xxx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    January how are you and your newest little girl getting on too? She is absolutely gorgeous! Very like S when she was a baby.

    We're getting on great, it can be exhausting... A & S are not well at the moment so we're back to some sleepless nights when I had just gotten them both sleeping through. Thankfully I have loads of help, my parents live just around the corner so they come and take the two eldest off for a little while and let me and Ellen have some rest! My mam also cleans the place :eek:

    Everyone is saying she looks like S... I think she looks very like A! How are you getting on? Does R know she's going to be a big sister yet or do you think it's too early to tell her, will she understand?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Big congrats Play Bunny so happy for you, here's to a happy and health pregnancy :)

    Tigeress what great news on your new scan really hope you get to see baby's sex, fair play for complaining, people should be treated with a bit more respect especially at times like a scan when you're worried and nervous enough as it is:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 362 ✭✭Play Bunny

    thanks girls,really praying this works out for me...gagged this morning cleaning up the doggie poop had to leave it :/ im presuming this could be cos of my bean? as i do it every other morning and im fine?? , im constently starving so fingers crossed verrrry nervous though i should be 4wks on monday edd 25th june me thinks, booking doc nxt week to confirm things and also get iron levels checked...

    congrats to the new mammies :) & thanks again girls,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Did you hear the story about the woman who ran the marathon and gave birth just she any relation to you per chance? :D

    Pmsl I thought something similar when I read that story :D:D bet it was Cbyrd, right before she made a vat or 3 of spag bol :pac:

    Ah January that's crap timing for the girls to get sick, brill having your parents nearby to help out too.
    Your mum sounds like an absolute treasure tidying for you too. Send her down Kilkenny direction if she gets bored, I've a pile of housework I could share with her :D

    Nah haven't said anything to Rose just yet, mainly because I haven't told the nursery yet and I'd be worried she might say something or starting patting my belly when I drop her in :D
    I wont be able to afford to drop her in the 3 days a week when I'm on maternity leave and its too far a spin (30 mins each way) to justify it.
    I'm hoping to try get a place in a nearby community playgroup for her 2 mornings a week so she can still socialise with other kids & allow me time with no. 2.
    Its mad, its months and months away but the planning that's going in already!

    Play Bunny, that all sounds good (well for the pregnancy, not for you feeling sick!)
    On my previous pregnancy when I miscarried, I had barely any symptoms of pregnancy, this time I'm dying with morning sickness (still!) and tiredness, but I keep telling myself its a good sign.
    Time to leave cleaning up after doggy duties to your other half (It'll be good practice for when he has nappies to change ;) )

    I've been getting a few period like pains today and yesterday, but from memory I think they're stretching pains. There was a few panic moments when I started to get them, but I vaguely remember something similar from last time.
    Oh the tiredness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Pmsl I thought something similar when I read that story :D:D bet it was Cbyrd, right before she made a vat or 3 of spag bol :pac:

    Ah January that's crap timing for the girls to get sick, brill having your parents nearby to help out too.
    Your mum sounds like an absolute treasure tidying for you too. Send her down Kilkenny direction if she gets bored, I've a pile of housework I could share with her :D

    Nah haven't said anything to Rose just yet, mainly because I haven't told the nursery yet and I'd be worried she might say something or starting patting my belly when I drop her in :D
    I wont be able to afford to drop her in the 3 days a week when I'm on maternity leave and its too far a spin (30 mins each way) to justify it.
    I'm hoping to try get a place in a nearby community playgroup for her 2 mornings a week so she can still socialise with other kids & allow me time with no. 2.
    Its mad, its months and months away but the planning that's going in already!

    Play Bunny, that all sounds good (well for the pregnancy, not for you feeling sick!)
    On my previous pregnancy when I miscarried, I had barely any symptoms of pregnancy, this time I'm dying with morning sickness (still!) and tiredness, but I keep telling myself its a good sign.
    Time to leave cleaning up after doggy duties to your other half (It'll be good practice for when he has nappies to change ;) )

    I've been getting a few period like pains today and yesterday, but from memory I think they're stretching pains. There was a few panic moments when I started to get them, but I vaguely remember something similar from last time.
    Oh the tiredness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Addison started in playschool (local community one) the week before I gave birth, she goes four mornings a week and it's a five minute walk away so it's great. My mam cleaned the place inside out while I was in hospital too, she's like a little cleaning hurricane that one.

    Hopefully your morning sickness subsides soon!

    Play Bunny, congrats on your positive!

  • Registered Users Posts: 362 ✭✭Play Bunny

    Pmsl I thought something similar when I read that story :D:D bet it was Cbyrd, right before she made a vat or 3 of spag bol :pac:

    Ah January that's crap timing for the girls to get sick, brill having your parents nearby to help out too.
    Your mum sounds like an absolute treasure tidying for you too. Send her down Kilkenny direction if she gets bored, I've a pile of housework I could share with her :D

    Nah haven't said anything to Rose just yet, mainly because I haven't told the nursery yet and I'd be worried she might say something or starting patting my belly when I drop her in :D
    I wont be able to afford to drop her in the 3 days a week when I'm on maternity leave and its too far a spin (30 mins each way) to justify it.
    I'm hoping to try get a place in a nearby community playgroup for her 2 mornings a week so she can still socialise with other kids & allow me time with no. 2.
    Its mad, its months and months away but the planning that's going in already!

    Play Bunny, that all sounds good (well for the pregnancy, not for you feeling sick!)
    On my previous pregnancy when I miscarried, I had barely any symptoms of pregnancy, this time I'm dying with morning sickness (still!) and tiredness, but I keep telling myself its a good sign.
    Time to leave cleaning up after doggy duties to your other half (It'll be good practice for when he has nappies to change ;) )

    I've been getting a few period like pains today and yesterday, but from memory I think they're stretching pains. There was a few panic moments when I started to get them, but I vaguely remember something similar from last time.
    Oh the tiredness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh fingers crossed, im looking for all symtoms i dont care about ms had it on my daughter so bring it on (i'll regret that later) had it on my daughter until i gave birth, had pelvic pain also could barely walk 2wards the end :(
    my husband usually cleans the poop up with the bigger dogs, i have to do it with the little dog or the other dogs eat it, (sorry tmi) thats why i do it, ill keep an eye and see if i do it again 2mrw, that can be my challange lol :), oh hubby well inc check with nappies hes v.good thankfully in that dept...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    January now you're making me v jealous :D that's lovely that your mum helps so much! Great idea having A in playgroup for a few hours, I'd say she loves the interaction :)

    I'm such a dope, I said earlier I hadn't told R about her new brother/sister in case she said something in nursery, but the nursery owner just added me as a friend on fb so obviously she knows I'm pregnant now!

    Play bunny that's brill that your other half is so helpful in the nappy dept., makes all the difference! Will the hospital give you an early scan this time?
    It'll be great reassurance to have a scan, give you peace of mind :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 362 ✭✭Play Bunny

    January now you're making me v jealous :D that's lovely that your mum helps so much! Great idea having A in playgroup for a few hours, I'd say she loves the interaction :)

    I'm such a dope, I said earlier I hadn't told R about her new brother/sister in case she said something in nursery, but the nursery owner just added me as a friend on fb so obviously she knows I'm pregnant now!

    Play bunny that's brill that your other half is so helpful in the nappy dept., makes all the difference! Will the hospital give you an early scan this time?
    It'll be great reassurance to have a scan, give you peace of mind :)

    emm not to sure on that one? do you get one after a m/c? im ringing the doc mon as my daughter has a nasty cough ive had her on sootha but tbh shes still chesty, i will get them to do a check on me as well whilst im there just for piece of mind i didnt go until i was 12 wks on her but this time round me thinks im better to get checked...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Yep they told me in the hospital after I had the miss that I was to come in at 8 weeks next time I got pregnant for an early scan.
    If you say it to your GP he should send a letter to the hospital referring you to the early pregnancy unit for an earlier scan.

    Your poor dd, I hope she gets well soon :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Yey 30 weeks :) only 10 more to go!

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    I got my letter from the hospital yesterday. First antenatal appointment is on 1st Dec. I will be 16+4.

    This, apparently is the HSE's idea of "monitoring me closely", due to my pre-existing high prolactin, and being off the meds since I got pregnant. Also, they still dont know I lost the twin yet, so as far as they are concerned its still a multiple pregnancy, and it was also noted by by GP on the letter that a siblings child has a severe disability that is barely survivable outside of the womb.

    Maybe I was spoilt by the care I recieved in the fertility clinic by the consultants and nurses there. After my second private scan on Wed (when we got our sad news that twin 2 had not survived) in the clinc, the nurse even rang me later in the evening to check how I was and if I needed to talk.

    I think I am being a brat :o. I'm no different from any other mum I guess, no matter how special I think my pregnancy is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Neyite wrote: »
    I got my letter from the hospital yesterday. First antenatal appointment is on 1st Dec. I will be 16+4.

    This, apparently is the HSE's idea of "monitoring me closely", due to my pre-existing high prolactin, and being off the meds since I got pregnant. Also, they still dont know I lost the twin yet, so as far as they are concerned its still a multiple pregnancy, and it was also noted by by GP on the letter that a siblings child has a severe disability that is barely survivable outside of the womb.

    Maybe I was spoilt by the care I recieved in the fertility clinic by the consultants and nurses there. After my second private scan on Wed (when we got our sad news that twin 2 had not survived) in the clinc, the nurse even rang me later in the evening to check how I was and if I needed to talk.

    I think I am being a brat :o. I'm no different from any other mum I guess, no matter how special I think my pregnancy is.

    Neyite don't be so silly, you're not being a brat at all! :) that seems like an awful long wait to see the Antenatal Clinic! Maybe give the clinic a call directly and let them know what's happened (I'm so very sorry hun, I hope you're doing as ok as can be) they should push your scan to a sooner date?! It's worth a try anyways :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭galah

    Neyite, sorry to hear your sad news! Hope you're doing ok!

    Definitely ring them - your pregnancy IS special, and you should receive more special care! They are probably not aware of what's happened, so you have nothing to lose in ringing them, getting a scan and proper medical care sooner than that!

    Also, don't be disheartened by the HSE - I found that once you are actually 'in' the system, things do run smoother - they messed me around A LOT with appointments and stuff, but once I had the booking appoinment etc done, it was actually ok, and the midwives are fantastic (can't speak for consultants as I haven't seen one, and probably won't for the remainder of this pregnancy). Best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Ladies this baby has not stopped all day! I love feeling kicks and punches but they've gone from kicks to digging their little feet into my side really hard and then pulling them across the inside of my stomac & it's quite painful! It's very strange to see a lump stick out of my stomac and then move across it lol.. As painful as those are I still love every feeling :) I just love this baba so much and 10 weeks will not get here quick enough to meet the little mite :) I can't wait for snuggles and sleepless nights (I'm sure that'll change!) and hearing their little crys (I'm a little weird I think new baby crys are the cutest sounds!) I'm just so excited :)
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! And if anyone is like me and and X-Factor fan I'm lovin the show tonight hehe

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    16 weeks yesterday and I'm really starting to feel pregnant now. Bump seems to be growning by the day, things like tying my shoe laces or picking stuff up off the ground is becoming more difficult :eek:
    I'm like you Tigeress, I can't wait to see my baba, I look at my last scan pic where the face is really clear and I can't wait to plant lots of kisses on it, 16 weeks down 24 to go :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    16 weeks yesterday and I'm really starting to feel pregnant now. Bump seems to be growning by the day, things like tying my shoe laces or picking stuff up off the ground is becoming more difficult :eek:
    I'm like you Tigeress, I can't wait to see my baba, I look at my last scan pic where the face is really clear and I can't wait to plant lots of kisses on it, 16 weeks down 24 to go :D

    Hehe it's pretty awesome isn't it :D wait till ya get to 30 weeks and can't put on your socks in the morning lol ;p ooh can't wait for loads of kisses hehe! I'm going for my scan on Wed next week and very excited!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Hehe it's pretty awesome isn't it :D wait till ya get to 30 weeks and can't put on your socks in the morning lol ;p ooh can't wait for loads of kisses hehe! I'm going for my scan on Wed next week and very excited!

    Can't wait to hear what you're having, I'm living vicariously through others until I can find out what I'm having myself, I've another 6 weeks to wait for that though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Neyite I would definitely speak to your gp and ask him to refer you to the early pregnancy unit of your hospital.
    I would be shocked if they didn't see you earlier than your current appointment.
    After my loss the last time, they seen me at 8 weeks this time. Same with my friend who sadly had a miss a few weeks ago, they told her to come back at 8 weeks the next time.

    Possibly the hospital aren't aware of your history of ttc?
    My own experience recently in hospital being called 3 times this year for appt's that I wasn't supposed to be there for convinces me more that sometimes the communications between departments in the hospitals isn't great.
    Could you maybe get a referral letter from the fertility clinic either?

    I hope you're doing ok, you've had a tough week x

    Tigeress where the feck has the time gone! only 10 weeks left :eek: that's amazing!
    I love your description of wanting to kiss baba already! I never minded the late nights too much, once you wake up and see that gorgeous little face with squidge button nose looking back at you it made it all worthwhile!

  • Registered Users Posts: 362 ✭✭Play Bunny

    Yep they told me in the hospital after I had the miss that I was to come in at 8 weeks next time I got pregnant for an early scan.
    If you say it to your GP he should send a letter to the hospital referring you to the early pregnancy unit for an earlier scan.

    Your poor dd, I hope she gets well soon :(

    oh brill that would be great if i got an early scan to reassure me, this time round im feeling a bit better in eating like theres no tomorrow i presume thats normal? cant remember on dd...

    ringing the doc mon morn and see when i can get an apt want to get dd checked for her cough as well...

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    16 weeks to go and I'm already counting down the days till I give up work. I was like a zombie for the last 3 hours tonight.

    If something fell onto the floor, I waited till there were a few things down there before I went down to get it.

    It took me three attempts to get my foot through my knickers this morning, so from now on I have to get dressed while sitting on the bed.

    @Neyite, that really is madness, def get you doc to write a letter to the hospital, or call or get the clinic to contact the hospital directly. If you dont feel up to this, get a friend to call for you.

    A friend is 4 weeks got after many rounds of IVF and it mad the way you are just left alone after so long of bi-weekly appointments and constant monitoring. Its like, right, your pregnant, see ya.

    Moved my 1 year old into her own room tonight. I have soooo much room in my room now, even with just a crib, I wont know what to do with the space.

    Took her 3 hrs to get to sleep, but she got there, imagine when I have 2 cots in that room with 2 toddlers in them...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Tigeress where the feck has the time gone! only 10 weeks left :eek: that's amazing!
    I love your description of wanting to kiss baba already! I never minded the late nights too much, once you wake up and see that gorgeous little face with squidge button nose looking back at you it made it all worthwhile!

    ONLY lol it feels like forever away :p it is mad that 30 weeks have gone just like that though :) I think even if this baba sleeps all night I'll just be up staring at them in awe hehe we've waited soooo very long for this baba so 10 more weeks isn't that much really.. You know, I was talking to my amazing OH earlier saying I've never been superstitious but this is our third time lucky and we feel so lucky with this little little mite :) I can't help rubbing my belly a million times a day hehe

    MS I really really wanna know what we're having but this baba doesn't seem to want to let us know! We decided that we'll ask on Wed (again) and if the Doc can't tell then we're not gonna ask again (we say that now lol)
    Do you wanna find out yourself? I don't think anyone wants the suprise anymore :) it's too tempting to find out :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Neyite - as ya know I'm in the sane situation as you, and seriously you have to phone the hospital!! I am semiprivate in holles st and the extra care I've gotten since we lost our little twin is unreal! I've been in the hospital at 11 weeks, 16 weeks, and 21 weeks and been scanned every time, I've another appt on 27th, for no apparent reason! I'm meant to be combined care but my g.p has said with me seeing the hosp so often there's little point in me seeing her too! They changed my consultant to a multiples specialist which us just reassuring. Def phone them as truly I've found them fantastic. Mind you I've never been offered anyone to talk to like you have so on the emotional side of things I could probably do with mire support but physically they couldn't be minding me better :)
    Awful emotional these past few days.. While our scan was FAB FAB FAB and we are so so so excited about having our little girl, it did set me back a bit seeing that the other little twin hasn't vanished ( as they had said it would), she found the sac and our poor little baba was still there. It's hardly rest in peace. I can't stop thinking now about how I'm carrying him/her with me until I give birth to my little girl and to be honest it's just too much for my head at the mo, hormones are challenging enough without this!! I had been able to push it all to back if mind before scan and had moved on with this single pregnancy but after the scan in just struggling a bit :(
    No doubt I'll find away to move on again, and truly having this little girl is still the biggest blessing I could ever have been giving, no matter what we had and have to go through to get her!! I bought a pink snowsuit last week.... As ye all just said I'm so so so patient to hold her kiss her and generally just freak her out by staring at her in amazement 24-7!!
