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The Pregnancy Chat Thread!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    nicowa wrote: »
    Got a bit of a shock today. Looked at my pregnancy app (which I'd given a bit of a miss lately) and realised that I'm down to 4+3! :o I'm not sure I'm really ready to begin that final 4 week countdown! Luckily himself is back from a work conference in the US in the morning so I'll be a little happier then.

    The tip of the day in my app was for daddies - make sure you have your phone fully charged and with you every moment of the day from now on! eek!:o

    Oh how exciting!! I've 5 weeks to go on Sunday & I can't wait!

    DL sounds like SPD to me, you're best of to call into your GP or your local Physio Dept.. I was told you don't have to wait for an appoint for Physio while Preg you just need to call them & they'll see you very quick.. Although I waited a while for mine.. Hope it eases soon hun..

    Ladies I'm in agony on a constant basis these days :( had a good cry on my OH shoulder today.. I'm enjoying staying at home but seeing stuff that needs to be done or looking at our dogs and knowing they need a walk but I can't walk them as it's too painful is really getting to me :(

    Sorry for the rant & moan just needed to get it off my chest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    I'm really interested in these support belts, do they really work/give any relief?

    I've ordered this one online.......

    Its one of the cheaper one's, I didn't fancy the thoughts of one of the big one's that might look obvious through my clothes, plus I wasn't sure if they were just a gimic.

    Have those using them had much relief in lower back pain with them?

    Ivy - that sounds like a brilliant set up with the midwife, I love the idea of them holding the mum & baby group afterwards too, that's great support to have!

    Ms2011 omg you're super organised :eek: I'm tentatively starting to look at double buggies, but still too nervous to make the next step to buying one!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    wmpdd3 wrote: »
    Could do, I got a funny feeling walking down the stairs in Pennys the day my waters broke!!

    My waters only properly broke on the third, on the first my fore waters broke and that was it... but on the third it felt like she had kicked my "down there" and it popped... I was lying down... mad feeling...

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    I was in my partners car, I went to get out when we arrived home and felt very cold from the waist down when the door opened.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    wmpdd3 wrote: »
    I was in my partners car, I went to get out when we arrived home and felt very cold from the waist down when the door opened.

    When your waters broke was it gush or a trickle? The information on it seems to vary & I was just wondering..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    32 weeks! 8 weeks left. my mam keeps saying is ur bag packed? ya could go anyday now! :D ill prob try get the bag packed in the next week or so. collecting our baby stuff- buggy, monitor, changing table from the shop next weekend!!

    for last few days ive been getting pains under my bump. thinking its round ligament pain. baby is moving around not a bother. got an awful pain in my right side earlier and then it went. is it cos the baby is growing and im prob stretching more??? any ideas?? back to my doc tue anyway so ill run it by him then.

    bought myself tub of caramel chew chew ice cream for my treat for tonight. unfortuneatley i left it in my mothers car.:eek: might have to do the 10 minute journey to get it!!!:rolleyes::D

    hope everyone is well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Tigeress wrote: »
    When your waters broke was it gush or a trickle? The information on it seems to vary & I was just wondering..

    On number 1 it was a trickle, on number 3 it was a definite gush (lots of gushes actually...)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    January wrote: »
    Tigeress wrote: »

    On number 1 it was a trickle, on number 3 it was a definite gush (lots of gushes actually...)

    My fear with my waters breaking is that they break while I'm going the toilet & I don't realise :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭galah

    I'm really interested in these support belts, do they really work/give any relief?

    I've ordered this one online.......

    cap, I got this one through the hospital (just googled the name and am listing the first page I found, it may be gotten cheaper somewhere else)

    found it really good - and it's not a huge belt, and can be worn under your clothes. I ffound that it held my hips together pretty well when walking. :D the only annoying bit it taking it off and putting it back on when you need to go to the bathroom etc...

    was considering a bump support - but my bump is really high up, and not causing any problems that way, so the physio opted for the belt I mentioned above...If you can, go into your maternity physio dept and ask them about the belts - as I said before, I got mine free, plus very useful advice on how to wear it etc!

    Tigeress - I really feel for you - we had the same issue, were minding a little puppy for a while, and it was great to have her to go for walks - but in the end, we had to pass her on to hubby's brother cause I couldnt go for walks anymore due to the pain. so annoying :mad:

    39+3. come on baby, I'm sick of waiting. It's like when you're at the airport and your bag is the last off the plane - everyone around me (even with later due dates) had their baby already. grrrrrrr.:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    was considering a bump support - but my bump is really high up, and not causing any problems that way, so the physio opted for the belt I mentioned above...If you can, go into your maternity physio dept and ask them about the belts - as I said before, I got mine free, plus very useful advice on how to wear it etc!

    I asked for one of those, but they said they could give them out (WRH), so I got the usual one, same as last time.

    I've been wearing it since, can't really see much difference, but with the paracetamol I manged 7 hours in work today, but 8 hrs Sunday and Monday to go.

    When my waters broke, I felt nothing but I was passenger in a car driven through town while the roadworks were on.

    When I got out I was wet from the waistband to my knees. I changed my clothes and called the hospital, who said come in. I'd say I went through about 4 maternity pads in the next hour, so even if you did loose all your waters in the loo, you'd still be leaking for a while after.

    Nobody initially, in the hospital believed me that my waters had broken, even though they were very nice.

    Then the doctor examined me (which was v. uncomfortable) and confirmed all waters were gone.

    Dublin Lady and Tigress, I feel you pain! but it is mad how you do forget all this once the baby is born. Though I do remember telling people last time after labour I had worse days with sciatica then the labour itself and I still think that, atleast with contractions you get a minutes relief in between.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Thanks guys for all that advise!! It's invaluable as trying to find this stuff out on my own leaves me more confused and worried! I feel better knowing its quite normal, as I think I was panicking something was going wrong! Obviously I'll talk to my consultant the next time I'm in, in the meanwhile ( as I'm 3 weeks from an appt) I think I'll book a physio appt myself, I know a place that specialises in pregnancy. The pain itself goes thru phases of being quite bad when I walk to barely being there at all, so at least for the moment it's not constant for me!
    Got the gentlebirth c.ds which a boardsie recommended and I have to say I'm find it just fabulous! You don't need to start listening til 34-35 weeks but I'm 27 and listening now anyway at bedtime and I never make it to the end of a section still awake!!! So it's totally cured my insomnia!! Later in pregnancy I'll listen to it during day so can pay more attention but for moment it's just lovely and relaxing!!

    Delighted to be 27 weeks today - hope the next 13 go quickly as i just cannot wait to meet the little girl who's kicking away at me! To be fair to get she isn't too rough yet... That and my anterior placenta is protecting me! But getting just a lovely amount of kicks the last week so keep me confident and reassured !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,128 ✭✭✭cynder

    My waters only broke with my 2nd and was the first sign of premature labour as I was 35 weeks, I was having a dream and I Dreamt I wet myself and woke up to find I had but I hadn't I had control over the water I felt the urge to pee and I did and then I did again and again I was peeing on and off for about an hour, nothing like that happened to me before, after the hour the contractions started and the got to 2 mins apart and stayed that way. My boy was born 8 hours after my waters broke, they tested at the hospital and the test indicated without even entering me that my waters had gone.

    I was always told that you have no control over your waters but I did

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Actually in the last ten days I've put on 4 pounds....?! Now before this I was barely putting on a pound a week , not even really - but had a growth spurt this week to be fair - but still!!!!! 4 lbs seems excessive!!! My Bp ok and everything so it's nothing serious, just weight gain! Just wondering if anyone else experienced a week/ten days like this???!!!! I'm freaking out - if I keep up at this rate I'll be a whale by Christmas!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Oh Galah you're so close now :D so exciting! Thanks for the reply too :) it's certainly harder than I thought but I think I'll do it again, in a few years :p

    Thanks for the replies about the waters breaking ladies! The Midwives tell ya it's only a trickle but I guess it can be either eek! I can no longer get in our bath so at least I'll know when it happens!
    34 days left.. It's gone so quick so far but slow too lol! Back in the hospital in 30th :) looking forward to it!

    DL I had a week where I put on over a kilo i think it's pretty normal! I've also had weeks where I've eating insane amounts and gotten weighed and lost 2 kilos lol.. My bump is huge but in total so far I've only gained 1/2 stone.. Cause I'm a bit over weight they told me not to put on too much & I have good weeks & bad weeks but I think I'm doing pretty well considering they keep telling me my baby is big lol..
    Getting loads of rib kicks the last few days and lots of bits sticking outta my stomach now :) I love it!! Although I still can't figure out what's what hehe

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    galah wrote: »

    39+3. come on baby, I'm sick of waiting. It's like when you're at the airport and your bag is the last off the plane - everyone around me (even with later due dates) had their baby already. grrrrrrr.:rolleyes:

    LOL that's a great way to describe it!! I am 40+6 today :( If I am still baby-less on thurs, then the hospital will step in - that scenario is looking more and more likely... Either way, we should have our little bundle by the weekend, fingers crossed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Quick question ladies, more advise really.. I'm not asking for medical advise just to see if anyone else has anything similar.. I think I might be getting Braxton Hicks but not sure as for one I've never had them before and from what I've read they're not meant to be painful.. It's a tightening in my stomach on and off since last night, kinda like cramps but really sore! Was worried it might be contractions but they're not very regular. I could get a few in a row that last for aggeaess then nothing for ages then all of a sudden again.. I think I might be maybe over doing it too, I was cleaning this morning but nothing major.. I guess if it keeps up I'll call the Doc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Lola92

    Most likely braxton hicks or pre-labour pains. Unless the are so painful you are unable to talk/move through them they aren't contractions - or so I was told! ;) Good luck Tigress!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Lola92 wrote: »
    Most likely braxton hicks or pre-labour pains. Unless the are so painful you are unable to talk/move through them they aren't contractions - or so I was told! ;) Good luck Tigress!

    Thanks Lola! I've still 4w6d to go.. Hopefully it's the start of things happening :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭Cottontail

    Hi Tigress, I'm due around the same time as you and I've been getting similar pains off and on for the past 2 weeks or so, although not with the frequency you describe. Believe me though, when the real pains come you will know the difference! I think I read somewhere too that if you are getting a lot of Braxton Hicks it could be a sign that you need to slow down a bit, so put down that duster now and put your feet up! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭galah

    Cunning Stunt, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that your baby makes an appearance this week without hospital intervention!

    This waiting is SO annoying...:mad:
    made worse by constant phone calls from home 'have you had the baby yet' - well, if I did, do you not think I woulda told ye? Hardly gonna keep that one a secret....grrrrrrrr.:confused:

    the whole thing brings me full circle to the start of my pregnancy - not sure what each twinge and cramp could be, and constantly checking your undergarments for's a cruel life...:P

    Tigeress - sounds like Braxton Hicks, never had them that frequently, but occasionally I could feel my stomach tighten and cramp, and then relax again...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Cottontail wrote: »
    Hi Tigress, I'm due around the same time as you and I've been getting similar pains off and on for the past 2 weeks or so, although not with the frequency you describe. Believe me though, when the real pains come you will know the difference! I think I read somewhere too that if you are getting a lot of Braxton Hicks it could be a sign that you need to slow down a bit, so put down that duster now and put your feet up! :D

    It's nice to hear someone that's due the same time has similar things happening :) thanks for the reply Cottontail! Theyve seemed to have eased off this afternoon thankfully!

    It's getting close for us now Cotton!! Are ya getting excited? I'm counting the days lol!

    Oh Galah I hope your baba arrives soon & you haven't Mich longer to wait!

    Cunning I have a feeling you'll go on Thurs night, don't know why I just do :) here's hoping your little one moves soon too!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Got my diabetes test results back from the lab today...I googled to find the normal ranges because it's two weeks til I go back to the gynaecologist and I'm impatient!

    I think they are normal but it's complicated by the fact the there are two different versions of the test and most of the stuff on the web is related to the one I didn't get! :)

    At least I can still eat sugar, he he!

    Galah, Cunning Stunt, Tigeress, hope your little ones arrive soon and with no hassle!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    Tigeress, I got branston hicks from weeks 20 on last time. I used to get them after lunch and every evening after 5pm (meeting time in work!) Also just as I was pulling into the house after driving home 'd get them and after a bath.

    They were uncomfortable but the used to make me jump rather than bending over like contractions do. As said before if you can talk through them they are not contractions. And they were never regularly spaced unlike contractions which were every 7 mins on the dot from the start.

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭Cottontail

    Tigeress wrote: »
    It's nice to hear someone that's due the same time has similar things happening :) thanks for the reply Cottontail! Theyve seemed to have eased off this afternoon thankfully!

    It's getting close for us now Cotton!! Are ya getting excited? I'm counting the days lol!

    Oh Galah I hope your baba arrives soon & you haven't Mich longer to wait!

    Cunning I have a feeling you'll go on Thurs night, don't know why I just do :) here's hoping your little one moves soon too!

    Yeah, it's getting close alright, I've only about 2 and a half weeks left at work now and I'm counting down the days! I've got my bags all packed up and i'm ready to go any time! I'm excited but nervous too, I'm still worried about having to look after 2 small children together, I remember how hard it was the first time around with only the one to look after. Hopefully it will all work itself out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,128 ✭✭✭cynder

    Got my diabetes test results back from the lab today...I googled to find the normal ranges because it's two weeks til I go back to the gynaecologist and I'm impatient!

    I think they are normal but it's complicated by the fact the there are two different versions of the test and most of the stuff on the web is related to the one I didn't get! :)

    At least I can still eat sugar, he he!

    Galah, Cunning Stunt, Tigeress, hope your little ones arrive soon and with no hassle!

    If there is an issue they will contact you ASAP, if there isn't they won't, a friend of mine had het gtt and was called in 2 days later and told she had it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Afternoon ladies, what a day........

    Had my second scan today, everything was fine, baby looks perfect. I have to go back in 6 weeks for a third scan though because babs wouldn't take his hands down from his face so the girl doing the scan couldn't get a good look at his lips to rule out cleft palate 100%. I don't mind though I get to see my little man again. Oh and in case you haven't noticed by all the 'he's' and 'his' we're having a little boy :D I'm so happy, I get to name my first born after my Dad plus I won the bet with OH, I hope he enjoys changing that first dirty nappy :D

    So after all of that good news the anti climax of the day was my OH went out to meet a friend and someone crashed into the back of him. He's fine but there's about €4,000 worth of damage done to the car. OH was pretty shaken but just glad I hadn't been with him. Luckily the other party excepted responsiblity but had to spend half the day going around and getting quotes for repairs for insurance sompanies, exhausted now, I'll definately sleep tonight :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    Afternoon ladies, what a day........

    Had my second scan today, everything was fine, baby looks perfect. I have to go back in 6 weeks for a third scan though because babs wouldn't take his hands down from his face so the girl doing the scan couldn't get a good look at his lips to rule out cleft palate 100%. I don't mind though I get to see my little man again. Oh and in case you haven't noticed by all the 'he's' and 'his' we're having a little boy :D I'm so happy, I get to name my first born after my Dad plus I won the bet with OH, I hope he enjoys changing that first dirty nappy :D

    So after all of that good news the anti climax of the day was my OH went out to meet a friend and someone crashed into the back of him. He's fine but there's about €4,000 worth of damage done to the car. OH was pretty shaken but just glad I hadn't been with him. Luckily the other party excepted responsiblity but had to spend half the day going around and getting quotes for repairs for insurance sompanies, exhausted now, I'll definately sleep tonight :)

    OMG MS!!! a little boy :D that's amazing! Congratulations hun! I'm sondelighyed everything went so well for you! That's great that you'll get another scan in 6 weeks, you won't believe the difference when you go back either :) I'm a little jealous you got to find out the gender though :p
    Hope your OH is ok, sounds like one he'll of a day alright! Hope the car gets sorted soon for ya x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    Afternoon ladies, what a day........

    Had my second scan today, everything was fine, baby looks perfect. I have to go back in 6 weeks for a third scan though because babs wouldn't take his hands down from his face so the girl doing the scan couldn't get a good look at his lips to rule out cleft palate 100%. I don't mind though I get to see my little man again. Oh and in case you haven't noticed by all the 'he's' and 'his' we're having a little boy :D I'm so happy, I get to name my first born after my Dad plus I won the bet with OH, I hope he enjoys changing that first dirty nappy :D

    So after all of that good news the anti climax of the day was my OH went out to meet a friend and someone crashed into the back of him. He's fine but there's about €4,000 worth of damage done to the car. OH was pretty shaken but just glad I hadn't been with him. Luckily the other party excepted responsiblity but had to spend half the day going around and getting quotes for repairs for insurance sompanies, exhausted now, I'll definately sleep tonight :)

    OMG MS!!! a little boy :D that's amazing! Congratulations hun! I'm sondelighyed everything went so well for you! That's great that you'll get another scan in 6 weeks, you won't believe the difference when you go back either :) I'm a little jealous you got to find out the gender though :p
    Hope your OH is ok, sounds like one he'll of a day alright! Hope the car gets sorted soon for ya x

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Tigeress wrote: »
    OMG MS!!! a little boy :D that's amazing! Congratulations hun! I'm sondelighyed everything went so well for you! That's great that you'll get another scan in 6 weeks, you won't believe the difference when you go back either :) I'm a little jealous you got to find out the gender though :p
    Hope your OH is ok, sounds like one he'll of a day alright! Hope the car gets sorted soon for ya x

    Ah thanx hun, I really am on cloud nine, not even a crash could put a dampner on it ha!!!

    Not long now until you get to hold your little one and find out once and for all the secret it's been hiding all this time - boy or girl???? :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭Sin City

    Apologies if this was mentioned before (I havent read any other pages)

    But has anyone ever suffered from hyperemisis (Extreame morning sickness requiring hospitalisation for the lads reading)

    My partner went through it twice, poor thing was was just vommiting every couple of seconds to the state where she was only vommiting bile
