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The Pregnancy Chat Thread!



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Sin City wrote: »
    Apologies if this was mentioned before (I havent read any other pages)

    But has anyone ever suffered from hyperemisis (Extreame morning sickness requiring hospitalisation for the lads reading)

    My partner went through it twice, poor thing was was just vommiting every couple of seconds to the state where she was only vommiting bile

    I quite literally got out of hospital for it yesterday. It's fricking awful... I was hooked up to a drip for nearly 6days: and I'm only 7weeks. Id drink a sip of water vomit and retch untill all that was left was bile. I really have zilch advice: except suck on ice cubes: seems to be helping me a bit. Did she need to be hospitalised more than once? I'm totally exhausted from it :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    omg Sin City, that sounds horrendous! Poor thing :eek:

    Congrats Ms2011 u must b over the moon! (not about the crash tho!) A little boy, aaaawwwww :D

    Well im 33wks today yippppeeeeee! Week 34 here I come! Started packing my bag this week yay! Its all getting very exciting :D:D:D

    Hope u r all well x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    I know MS we're very excited but nervous at the same time! I'm still thinking a boy & he's thinking a girl :) we have €5 on it lol! Really hoping before Xmas as would love to have them for Xmas but I'll most likely go over :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    Afternoon ladies, what a day........

    Had my second scan today, everything was fine, baby looks perfect. I have to go back in 6 weeks for a third scan though because babs wouldn't take his hands down from his face so the girl doing the scan couldn't get a good look at his lips to rule out cleft palate 100%. I don't mind though I get to see my little man again. Oh and in case you haven't noticed by all the 'he's' and 'his' we're having a little boy :D I'm so happy, I get to name my first born after my Dad plus I won the bet with OH, I hope he enjoys changing that first dirty nappy :D

    So after all of that good news the anti climax of the day was my OH went out to meet a friend and someone crashed into the back of him. He's fine but there's about €4,000 worth of damage done to the car. OH was pretty shaken but just glad I hadn't been with him. Luckily the other party excepted responsiblity but had to spend half the day going around and getting quotes for repairs for insurance sompanies, exhausted now, I'll definately sleep tonight :)

    Aw that's great news (well not about the crash but at least the other guy will pay!). It's so funny when they are stubborn in the scans, it's like they know!

    For the nuchal fold measurement, he would not get into the right position, to determine the sex, he just would not uncross his legs, and for the morphology scan, he wouldn't take his hand down from over his head...little divil!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Sin City wrote: »
    Apologies if this was mentioned before (I havent read any other pages)

    But has anyone ever suffered from hyperemisis (Extreame morning sickness requiring hospitalisation for the lads reading)

    My partner went through it twice, poor thing was was just vommiting every couple of seconds to the state where she was only vommiting bile

    That's awful Sin City I hope it eases soon for your OH! I don't have any advise Unfortunatly :-( is she any better?

    Cyning sorry to hear you're having such a rough time too! Hope you're doing better x

    Ivy & MS, they never mentioned any of these tests to us on any of our scans! I'm assuming they would have said something of they seen something?! I'm 35w 3d and still feel I know nothing lol!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Cap & Neyite, how are you ladies getting on?! Are your bumps starting to show yet? :-) x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Tigeress wrote: »

    Ivy & MS, they never mentioned any of these tests to us on any of our scans! I'm assuming they would have said something of they seen something?! I'm 35w 3d and still feel I know nothing lol!

    The nuchal fold scan is what they offer in Ireland to "at risk" women (for Down's). Because of abortion being legal here in France, they routinely provide it for women here.

    The sex scan...well that is the normal one

    The "morphology scan", I don't know what that one is called in Ireland but it's the big scan in the second trimester when they check the baby doesn't have a cleft lip, that he has his arms legs fingers and toew, heart etc etc. I think they do that for everyone in Ireland, but perhaps they don't actually spell it out...

    I never know what is "normal" or what is in common with Ireland cos my gynaecologist is a scan junkie (i get a scan every month, cos he likes trying his new equipment!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    The nuchal fold scan is what they offer in Ireland to "at risk" women (for Down's). Because of abortion being legal here in France, they routinely provide it for women here.

    The sex scan...well that is the normal one

    The "morphology scan", I don't know what that one is called in Ireland but it's the big scan in the second trimester when they check the baby doesn't have a cleft lip, that he has his arms legs fingers and toew, heart etc etc. I think they do that for everyone in Ireland, but perhaps they don't actually spell it out...

    I never know what is "normal" or what is in common with Ireland cos my gynaecologist is a scan junkie (i get a scan every month, cos he likes trying his new equipment!)

    We also have the neck fold scan for down's in Denmark at around 11 -12 weeks (probably also because abortion is an option here) and at 20 weeks we have the abnormality scan to check for all those things Ivy mentioned. Those are the only scans we get provided everything looks OK.

    Yesterday evening I was hit with a wave of (painless) braxton hicks all evening. I have been getting them for the past month or so, but there were so many yesterday, I was sure real labour was only around the corner. Then when I went to bed they just stopped and nothing today, grrr.

    I will call the hospital as directed tomorrow, if nothing has happened, and we will see what they say on Friday when they examine me. I would still like to avoid being induced on a drip, but I am hoping that they will at least insert a gel or give me a sweep or something before sending me home, so that we can hopefully have our baby this weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Aw that's great news (well not about the crash but at least the other guy will pay!). It's so funny when they are stubborn in the scans, it's like they know!

    For the nuchal fold measurement, he would not get into the right position, to determine the sex, he just would not uncross his legs, and for the morphology scan, he wouldn't take his hand down from over his head...little divil!

    Yeah he was really stubborn, the girl doing the scan was shaking my belly and putting a bit of pressure on the scanning handle but still couldn't get a good picture, it was actually starting to hurt so when she said she'd call it a day and bring me back in a few weeks I was relieved :)
    Tigeress wrote: »
    Ivy & MS, they never mentioned any of these tests to us on any of our scans! I'm assuming they would have said something of they seen something?! I'm 35w 3d and still feel I know nothing lol!

    Ah yeah you'd definately be told if anything was wrong, everything that is checked is standard for everyone. The girl who scanned me both times is lovely, she always sounds as excited at seeing the different parts of the baby as we are, you'd swear it was her first time doing scans plus she really takes her time. She also goes into great detail explaining exactly was she's looking for and what she is seeing, I hope I get her for the third scan, she's really reassuring :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭Cottontail

    OMG - I just realised I'm due this day next month...!!! :eek::eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    I think I've been getting Braxton Hicks too (@36+2). Happened first about a week ago on Sunday and freaked me out more than anything (mostly cos himself was 24 hrs away by plane...). But the last two nights now I've had cramping along the top of my belly and in a full circle round my back along my ribs. Really not sure if it's Braxton Hicks cos the pain is continuous with extra cramping every ten-twenty minutes. Also, it makes me nauseaus and last night I did get sick. And if that's Braxton Hicks I'm definitly going for an epi as I'm a total baby when it comes to the pain... :(

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Cap & Neyite, how are you ladies getting on?! Are your bumps starting to show yet? :-) x


    I am 15+4 today. I have an is-she-or-is'nt-she type of bump still. In the evenings it looks like a proper baby bump but during the day, only if I am already maybe bloated and its pushing baby out to the front (nobody puts baby in the corner lol!) Since I am kinda showing, I am pretty much "out" of the pregnancy closet.

    I told my supervisor at work today and she was really really happy for me. So now I can let it all hang out.

    Does anyone else find their belly really rubbable? I love rubbing mine and OH loves it too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Neyite wrote: »
    Does anyone else find their belly really rubbable? I love rubbing mine and OH loves it too.

    Oh yes, absolutely, even when no one could see the bump except me! It's rubbable and also it's very relaxing to rub it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    nicowa wrote: »
    I think I've been getting Braxton Hicks too (@36+2). Happened first about a week ago on Sunday and freaked me out more than anything (mostly cos himself was 24 hrs away by plane...). But the last two nights now I've had cramping along the top of my belly and in a full circle round my back along my ribs. Really not sure if it's Braxton Hicks cos the pain is continuous with extra cramping every ten-twenty minutes. Also, it makes me nauseaus and last night I did get sick. And if that's Braxton Hicks I'm definitly going for an epi as I'm a total baby when it comes to the pain... :(

    I'm in the same boat Nicowa :) I started getting Braxtons a few days ago! I'm the same with the constant pain and then the cramping on & off, it sounds very similar to what you've said! I'm thinking the epi too lol I cannot deal with pain at all :o when I got my period I'd have 2 hot water bottles & pain killers for the 1st day I'm hopeless lol!

    Neyite so glad to hear you're doing so well :) wow it seems to be flying so far! Yey for your bump hehe. Did ya love telling everyone? I'm a total belly rubber lover lol, my OH is the same! Especially when baby is moving & kicking!

    Hurry up & get here already baby!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Belly rubbing is becoming such a habit!! I used to wonder why pregnant women did it so much! I can totally see why now! Sometimes i just notice my hand there as it seems rude not to respond to the kicks!! I kind of rub to say - yes baba its ok - i know your in there!!!:D:D
    I still get total bump 27&1/2 weeks and see my self as small for so far along - i think i always thought id be huge by this stage and im really just not! I have a very definite and unmistakable bump but i dont think the size of it justifies the waddling im having to do to get around and how hard it is to get off the couch!! :D:D
    I do lovemy tum..... i cant wait to meet her! Cant wait for the cuddles :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Cap & Neyite, how are you ladies getting on?! Are your bumps starting to show yet? :-) x
    Doing great thanks Tigeress :) 18+6 today, can't believe I'll be at the half way mark next Thursday :eek::eek:

    The time is definitely going much much faster with this pregnancy than it did when I was pregnant with my daughter!

    I still don't have a bump, just look chubby! :D
    Have you got a nice big bump now?

    Ms2011, sorry to hear about your other half's crash, I hope they get the car sorted out for him asap.
    Great that your scan went so well too! & a little boy, so lovely!

    I keep my belly rubbing to bed time as its the main time baby moves around. The movements aren't v noticeable just yet, bare flutters and my husband can't feel them yet, so its a little shared moment for just baba and me :)

    I tried the pregnancy support belt for the first time in work today. what a waste of money :( it made me feel sick the way it was squishing my tum & kept making my shirt ride up giving me a chill in the kidneys!
    Its a pity, I was really hoping it'd give me some relief to the back pain I've been having.

    Can't get over how many of ye are at the 30+ week mark :eek:

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    I have occasional waddles too - himself goes "lookit you, your waddling like a penguin, you're Happy Feet!!!

    I killed myself laughing, but I kinda like the nickname. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Neyite wrote: »
    I have occasional waddles too - himself goes "lookit you, your waddling like a penguin, you're Happy Feet!!!

    I killed myself laughing, but I kinda like the nickname. :D

    Oh i swear to god the girls at work have taken to calling me john wayne!! sometimes the pelvic pain is so sore i just cant walk without looking ridiculous!
    My other new walk is the.....god i cant believe it because i went before i left the house but im dying for a wee now walk.... thats my husbands favourite as any time he makes me laugh or im going to cough or sneeze i have to stop suddenly and cross my legs with a fearful look on my face!
    Ahhhhh the elegance of pregnancy!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭galah

    I tried the pregnancy support belt for the first time in work today. what a waste of money :( it made me feel sick the way it was squishing my tum & kept making my shirt ride up giving me a chill in the kidneys!
    Its a pity, I was really hoping it'd give me some relief to the back pain I've been having.

    did you get fitted for the belt by a physio, cap? It sounds to me as if you're wearing it way too high (depending on your pain, obviously) - for 'my' SPD, I wear the belt a lot lower, more around the bum than the back, to hold my pelvis together. If that's not what you're using it for, please ignore this message :D

    just back from what i hope was my last dinner as a pregnant woman (come ON, baby!) - absolutely knackered now, but it was sooo nice to be out for once ;)

    keep yer fingers crossed that baby got at least some German genes and arrives on time ;-P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    That could definitely be the problem Galah! I didn't go to a physio for it, just bought one on Ebay and hoped for the best.
    I was probably being a bit unrealistic hoping for it to magically work, though thanks for the advice, will try wearing it lower tomorrow.
    That actually makes sense :)

    Enjoy your meal! Hope baby doesn't make too early arrival and come before dessert, best part of the meal :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    Doing great thanks Tigeress :) 18+6 today, can't believe I'll be at the half way mark next Thursday :eek::eek:

    The time is definitely going much much faster with this pregnancy than it did when I was pregnant with my daughter!

    I still don't have a bump, just look chubby! :D
    Have you got a nice big bump now?

    Ms2011, sorry to hear about your other half's crash, I hope they get the car sorted out for him asap.
    Great that your scan went so well too! & a little boy, so lovely!

    I keep my belly rubbing to bed time as its the main time baby moves around. The movements aren't v noticeable just yet, bare flutters and my husband can't feel them yet, so its a little shared moment for just baba and me :)

    I tried the pregnancy support belt for the first time in work today. what a waste of money :( it made me feel sick the way it was squishing my tum & kept making my shirt ride up giving me a chill in the kidneys!
    Its a pity, I was really hoping it'd give me some relief to the back pain I've been having.

    Can't get over how many of ye are at the 30+ week mark :eek:

    Yeah, well as I missed the first 16 weeks, this is def going faster, I feel massive but apparently I'm not, but I feel bigger because ,I was a size bigger than usual when I got pregnant.

    When the hospital gave me my belt they gave me some net bandage to go over it, this really keeps it in place, but you cant sit down in it at all!! Cant say it really makes much of a difference, but between the tablets and all the strapping its a bit better, but leaving work in 3 weeks time will cure me totally. :D

    30 weeks today too :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    I'd bet you're only counting down the next 3 weeks wmpdd3!
    Hopefully you'll get plenty of rest in the weeks off before labour.

    I found that with the belt, it was difficult to bend over/lean down to pick up things, so not much use for me in work unfortunately.

    Neyite at least you got a cute nickname, I'm 'Mrs Massive' to my darling husband :rolleyes::D I'm not even remotely massive! It was what he called me last time so its stuck this time too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    Yeah, bending down is essential but I look even worse trying to bend down while strapped into the belt.

    I'd love this:

    but its too expensive, I really will be taking things very easy after the 11th of, cant wait. I'll even do home shopping every week so I wont have to see a supermarket.

    Little did I know when I was going to bed last night, I'd be getting no sleep. I woke at 2:30 with a massive pain, it started in my back and circled my tummy. I jumped outta bed, so as not to wake partner!!

    I looked at my phone to see if I could time it, in case it was a contraction, but I was in so much shock that when the next (smaller) pain came I'd forgotten what time I got the first pain.

    I went down stairs and sat on the couch with a pen to write when the next pain came. I got 9 pains in total but all with totally different times in between them. They were all less powerful that the first one, but they winded me.

    I sat there in shock till 4:00 am, then I decided I'd go back to bed.

    I had the best sleep ever and didnt stir till 8:00 until baby no. 1 woke up.

    I had been having branston hicks for the past while, but not every day like with baby 1.

    So... tomorrow I'll pack my hospital bag!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    wmpdd3 wrote: »
    Yeah, bending down is essential but I look even worse trying to bend down while strapped into the belt.

    I'd love this:

    but its too expensive, I really will be taking things very easy after the 11th of, cant wait. I'll even do home shopping every week so I wont have to see a supermarket.

    Little did I know when I was going to bed last night, I'd be getting no sleep. I woke at 2:30 with a massive pain, it started in my back and circled my tummy. I jumped outta bed, so as not to wake partner!!

    I looked at my phone to see if I could time it, in case it was a contraction, but I was in so much shock that when the next (smaller) pain came I'd forgotten what time I got the first pain.

    I went down stairs and sat on the couch with a pen to write when the next pain came. I got 9 pains in total but all with totally different times in between them. They were all less powerful that the first one, but they winded me.

    I sat there in shock till 4:00 am, then I decided I'd go back to bed.

    I had the best sleep ever and didnt stir till 8:00 until baby no. 1 woke up.

    I had been having branston hicks for the past while, but not every day like with baby 1.

    So... tomorrow I'll pack my hospital bag!

    Oh my god that sounds so scary!!!! Hope your ok!! I would have totally panicked and woken himself - would have been hysterical! Well done you on staying calm and being sensible!!! Def pack that bag now tho! How many weeks are ya again? Wonder if I'll get anything like that - I've heard braxton hicks less common in 1st pregnancies, I'm 28 weeks only this weekend so id imagine I'm a but off that anyway!! Hope your ok tho and they don't bother you too much! I'd say you need your sleep for baby no.1 anyway!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Doh just saw your earlier post - your 30 weeks :)
    Although eeek..... Does that mean its possible for me soon?! But thanks to your description I hereby solemnly promise to be calm and rational.... Hehe!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    I got that at around 29/30 weeks too, though in the evening time rather than middle of the night. I rang the hospital to be on the safe side and they got me to come in.
    Felt like such a time waster in the end, they monitored me for a few hours but baba was happy enough to stay where she was for a further 12 weeks :D

    Hopefully its a sign things will start to happen for you in the next few weeks though :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    So glad everyone is doing so well at the mo :)

    Cap great to hear from ya! Can't believe you're nearly at the halfway Mark already!! Id say you're wearing the belt wrong by the sounds of it :( mine goes at the base of my back around the front under my bump and it's quite comfy for the most part! If I have to bend far it does be a little sore though! They say they give great relief but I don't get any really...

    As for the nicknames my OH calls me Waddles lol & I'm really waddling now so I don't mind :p my bump feels so big and heavy at the mo & it gets in the way alot lol! I forget how much it sticks out sometimes & I catch it on the door or walk a little too close to the kitchen counter :o

    I've had a produtive day today for once :) got the curtains ironed & hung in babys room & me & OH went through all our wardrobes & drawers & got rid of 7 black bags of clothes we haven't worn in forever! Feel worn out after it all but a good worn out of that makes sense hehe

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Originally Posted by nicowa viewpost.gif
    I think I've been getting Braxton Hicks too (@36+2). Happened first about a week ago on Sunday and freaked me out more than anything (mostly cos himself was 24 hrs away by plane...). But the last two nights now I've had cramping along the top of my belly and in a full circle round my back along my ribs. Really not sure if it's Braxton Hicks cos the pain is continuous with extra cramping every ten-twenty minutes. Also, it makes me nauseaus and last night I did get sick. And if that's Braxton Hicks I'm definitly going for an epi as I'm a total baby when it comes to the pain... frown.gif

    Nicowa What you've described is exactly how i have felt for the passed 2 days! The pain is fairly intense and I do feel sick but i havent actually puked. The pain would go right round my back. I thought braxston hicks were meant to b painless? :confused: I honestly thought that this afternoon i was going to have to go to the hospital, but now there is nothing! pheeeeww.

    Im so glad someone else is experiencing the same
    im 33 + 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    I got back to bed for a while before work, but I feel brilliant. Like I have loads of energy right now, I could even clean the bathroom!! Must be adrenalin.

    I think I went into shock more than being calm. For a while I thought I was still sleeping/dreaming. All I kept thinking was, bloody hell, I have to get the baby up and packed off to my friend house. So now I have 2 bags to pack, one for the hospital and one for baby no.1.

    When I got up at 8am with baby, I had a message on my phone saying my friend had her little boy during the night, I nearly wet myself laughing, I was having a solidarity labour!

    Nicowa, sounds like I got the same kinda pains, last time with hicks I dont remember getting anything as strong, maybe its because I was only in labour 14 months ago?

    I was saying it to a girl in work and she said maybe it was the baby turning, not sure, can't feel where he is at the moment at all. But the pain def went in circles. Baby was head down at 32 weeks, so maybe that is what it was.

    Back in the hospital on the 13th of Dec so I'll ask then. I'm so not bothered this time. I think I'll know when its real labour.

    I havent seen any Batman films but they all call me penguin in work and quote bits of the film. I havent a clue what they are talking about.

    DL, you put it in writing that you'll stay calm? !!!

    Cap, I'm sure you have the belt on right, could you try youtube for further instructions?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    wmpdd3 wrote: »
    I got back to bed for a while before work, but I feel brilliant. Like I have loads of energy right now, I could even clean the bathroom!! Must be adrenalin.

    I think I went into shock more than being calm. For a while I thought I was still sleeping/dreaming. All I kept thinking was, bloody hell, I have to get the baby up and packed off to my friend house. So now I have 2 bags to pack, one for the hospital and one for baby no.1.

    When I got up at 8am with baby, I had a message on my phone saying my friend had her little boy during the night, I nearly wet myself laughing, I was having a solidarity labour!

    Nicowa, sounds like I got the same kinda pains, last time with hicks I dont remember getting anything as strong, maybe its because I was only in labour 14 months ago?

    I was saying it to a girl in work and she said maybe it was the baby turning, not sure, can't feel where he is at the moment at all. But the pain def went in circles. Baby was head down at 32 weeks, so maybe that is what it was.

    Back in the hospital on the 13th of Dec so I'll ask then. I'm so not bothered this time. I think I'll know when its real labour.

    I havent seen any Batman films but they all call me penguin in work and quote bits of the film. I havent a clue what they are talking about.

    DL, you put it in writing that you'll stay calm? !!!

    Cap, I'm sure you have the belt on right, could you try youtube for further instructions?

    Haha yes - on here! In real life I can be as irrational as I like!! Hehe! Glad to hear they've calmed a bit anyway! Solidarity labour!! Made me giggle - hope I'm not that good a friend ;)
