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The Pregnancy Chat Thread!



  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Another thing my partner has is a pregnancy app on his phone. with each new week he gets a notification with information on the pregnancy - what size baby is, pics, information on whats developing that week with baby.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Neyite wrote: »
    Ivy, I picked up a book for my bloke in Easons - its not too technical, and quite humourous in parts - I read it in about 40mins. I will dig out the name when I get home. Its soley from a male point of view so much easier for him to relate to.

    I actually found the mans section WTEWYE a little bit patronising, as in "just do whatever she tells you, no matter how irrational she is, just suck it up, and suffer in silence" kind of instructions and "you wouldnt understand because you are a man" kind of vibe off it.

    I dont agree with letting even a pregnant hormonal woman away with bad behaviour or disrespect so thats why I went out to get one for himself that informs him like the partner and equal he is in this experience.

    That book sounds great cos he really cannot concentrate on long books (the baby will have arrived before he has finished a long book!). And he can't read the WTEWYE chapter cos it's on my kindle...

    Oh yeah I do agree about not being allowed get away with crap just cos you are pregnant. Although I suppose I'm really really lucky in that my pregnancy has been super-easy so far, so he really doesn't have any hormonal crap to deal with (and he's not going to complain about increased libido :p ). Actually the time I was the most emotional and horrible was before I knew I was expecting...after that (about 10 weeks) it all balanced again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Lola92

    The babycentre have a free app as far as I can remember. My bf used it when I was pregnant, again not a big reader :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Just back from my dating scan after the hospital thought I was 2 weeks earlier than what I thought,turns out I was right with my dates and my baby is a healthy little 11weeker!!
    Pic in July thread if anyone interested!

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭cocoemma

    Hi Guys, Had my consultant app this morning and everything is grand, had the mini scan and the little baby was litterally springing off my belly and jumping up ha ha.. with his/her arms throwing all over the place.. ahh I was so happy too see that... YAY... :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,729 ✭✭✭Acoshla

    Sorry to wander in here again, but on the subject of books for the dads, if they're in any way computer/technology savvy The Baby Owner's Manual is great, I got it for my fiancé's brother in law who is a web designer and he always mentions how useful it is, I just got it because I thought it would be funny! But he said he totally "got" the language, and some things were much clearer to him from that book than from his wife's books. I got it on amazon for about €9.

  • Registered Users Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Is it Wednesday yet?!?! Seriously won't come quick enough!

    How's all the ladies in waiting? Any movement Cottontail or Nicowa?

    Nothing yet, and don't reckon I'll go before Christmas. Which spoils things for himself. He's bought a load of real ale for Christmas cos his mum has family coming over from London and he really wants to be able to drink some of it. And I know that sounds really selfish of him but it's Christmas! But I'm not much better when I said that I don't want anything to happen on my birthday (16th) or Christmas Day.

    It's really cool to see all the new ladies in, from the 20 weekers to the 7-8 weekers who've just found out! Congrats for your great Christmas news!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Hi ladies, how are we all? Nicowa I hope your little un makes an appearance soon for ya :-)
    Cottontail good luck in the Docs tomorrow :-)
    I totally know what ya mean Nicowa with all the new members! It's great to see & I wish you all healthy & happy pregnancies! It feels like a life time ago since I came on here to tell my news..
    I'm really looking forward to tomorrow! I'm a little nervous about getting a sweep done tomorrow as I hear it's very uncomfortable.. But if it moves this little fella I'm all for it! Fingers crossed everything goes well and we'll have our baby by the end of the week :-)
    When we were in a week ago with the hospital he was measuring 4.4kg my OH thinks he'll be an even 5kg tomorrow :o I wrecken he'll be 4.8kg.. He's gonna be a monster!! I'm very excited & hope they don't send us home to keep waiting.. I'll let ya all know how it goes :-) x

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    tigeress you must be so excited!

    had my hosp appt today. all is good and baby is still ready to go. doc said be prepared cos im nearly 37 weeks and baby could decide to come anytime now!!! heres hoping!!:D

    midwife said my iron is grand but to start taking galfer cos im a red head and better to have iron levels higher goin into labour!! hope i dont get the bad side effects!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    tigeress you must be so excited!

    had my hosp appt today. all is good and baby is still ready to go. doc said be prepared cos im nearly 37 weeks and baby could decide to come anytime now!!! heres hoping!!:D

    midwife said my iron is grand but to start taking galfer cos im a red head and better to have iron levels higher goin into labour!! hope i dont get the bad side effects!!!!

    Thanks Red Fragle :-)

    Great to her your little one is ready to go! Here's hoping that baby comes soon for ya! I found personally that the Galfer made me really badly constipated :( if it happens to you then try Florodix, it's a liquid iron & tastes vile but it allows your bowel to flow so to speak :o I only had to take iron for a month thankfully & it's been perfect since so I haven't had to take the supplements in ages :)
    The other option is Pregnacare which has all your vitamins and iron ya need during pregnancy, might be worth looking into! I've been taking Pregnacare since before I got preg & all the midwives advise it.. It's good to take while Breastfeeding if thats what ya plan to do! I plan on trying & hope it works out :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Thanks for the welcome to the thread guys,

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Best of luck today Tigeress, I hope your sweep gets things moving for you :)

    Just back from my midwife's appointment, all is well and got to hear babs heartbeat again which is always lovely. Back in the hospital tomorrow for a third scan to check for cleft palate, hopefully babs will co-operate and take his hands down from his face this time :rolleyes:

    SIL had a little boy last night so babs will have a little cousin with just a few months between them which will be nice for them growing up:)
    Seeing a new baby has made me really look forward to meeting my little one, I feel ready for the birth now even though I' not due for another 14 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Hey Ladies, well what a day I had :( I was in the hospital this morning & they spent 10 mind attempting a sweep & it was agony :( in the end they couldn't do it as my cervix is too high.. So they're gonna induce me on 27th Dec! It's great to know I've only a max of 6 days left till I meet my little man but good god I'm in bits from earlier! I've never been in such pain, agony & uncomfortable :( roll on 6 days!!!!

    MS good luck with your scan tomorrow :) I hope your baby keeps those hands off their face x

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Hey Ladies, well what a day I had :( I was in the hospital this morning & they spent 10 mind attempting a sweep & it was agony :( in the end they couldn't do it as my cervix is too high.. So they're gonna induce me on 27th Dec! It's great to know I've only a max of 6 days left till I meet my little man but good god I'm in bits from earlier! I've never been in such pain, agony & uncomfortable :( roll on 6 days!!!!

    MS good luck with your scan tomorrow :) I hope your baby keeps those hands off their face x

    thats bad that the sweep didnt work especially after enduring the pain! at least you have a date now and will have a baby for new years please God!!:D i am planning on breastfeeding aswell and hoping it works for me. least the iron will be helpful! even tho i dont technically need it according to blood tests!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Neyite wrote: »
    Another thing my partner has is a pregnancy app on his phone. with each new week he gets a notification with information on the pregnancy - what size baby is, pics, information on whats developing that week with baby.

    They're great, I have weekly email notifications about what stage in the pregnancy I'm at each week, my sis is fasincated by them too :D

    Congrats Betsie_xr3i!! Welcome to the pregnancy thread :)

    Tigeress, sorry to hear the sweep didn't work today. I had one last time & don't think I would bother again this time. Probably because it didn't work for me but also was uncomfortable.
    Like red fraggle says, at least you have a date now for when you will meet baby :)

    Ms2011, brill to hear you got on so well with your appointment, hope all goes well with your scan too. I can't wait for my next scan. I'm itching to see this little person, its been months since my last scan!

    I think my bump is starting to 'pop' - you know when it stretches from looking like a chubby spare tyre to a proper baby bump.
    At least I think that's what's happening, things are definitely starting to stretch in my tum. I've had a feeling all day like I've eaten a massive meal and my tum is really full.
    I hope baby has a good stretch and my tum with it so I can get a bit more comfortable! Or there'll be no room for mince pies on Christmas day :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Cap when are you back in the hospital for your next scan? Great to war your bump has popped hehe! Hope the baby has the Strech before Xmas so you can have your mince pies :)

    I spent all day yest snoozing on & off and I feel the better for it today! I'm still exhausted so we've decided that we're staying at home until it's time to go to the hospital! I'm still waiting for this energy boost lol!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭galah

    just popping in here to wish everyone the best of luck with their babies/pregnancies over Christmas!

    Tigeress - you may yet go 'naturally' - I had a sweep done on a Friday, with an induction date the following friday - and my waters broke on the Tuesday! So you may yet see your little one earlier! ;-)

    it's been mental busy for us - baby Ethan is already 3 weeks old, a little hungry monster, but cute as pie (when he's not screaming his head off ;-))

    Promised to write up the birth details as well - my internet time however has been curtailed a lot lately ;-)

    Short version: waters broke at 7 am, started contractions, was dilating to 3 cms, got to labour ward, laboured for 7 hours, after that they told me I still hadnt dilated beyond 3 cms, then decided on an epidural cause I couldnt bear the pain anymore and we weren't progressing (all my 'no pain relief' intentions went out the window when they told me I had endured 7 hours of intense pain for no dilation...). Epidural was bliss...

    after 2 more hours, they decided on syntoxin to bring on stronger contractions - but baby wasnt moving, and was getting distressed. the doc then decided to go for an emergency c-section, since his head was in a 'funny' position and was blocking any sort of progress and his heart rate was dropping.

    the whole thing was pretty traumatic - as I said before, I wanted a natural birth, no pain relief, and everything as relaxed as possible - did not work out that way at all. staff was fantastic though, cannot fault them! 4 days recovery in a 6-bed ward, however, did my head in. how they expect people to actuall recover and bond with your child with all the noise, commotion and just 'other people' (and their inconsiderate visitors) is beyond me. that and the atrocious food...

    glad to be home now though, and loving it (even though sometimes the lack of sleep does get to me ;-))

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,776 ✭✭✭Noopti

    We called our little fella Ethan also. :D He will be 5 months this Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Oh Galah I hope so! I didn't actually get the sweep though :( it didn't work for me but I'm hoping he'll come sooner! If not it's only 5 more days :)

    God that labour sounds very traumatic! Glad you both are doing so well now though :) I'm very open to the epidural myself hehe! I love the name Ethan too it's very cute as I'm sure he is :) best wishes over Christmas to you, your OH an your new arrival :) have an amazing one! Xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    Went in today for what I'm told is my last clinic appointment. They've booked me for a fetal assessment next friday and if I'm not gone by then they'll book an induction. While I always said I'd love if the baby was born in January (we're all a bit GAA mad this side) it feels like they're leaving it really late. Add to the fact that in quite a bit of pain lately - all 'tween me legs... - and I was not a happy bunny when I came out. Himself rang to see how it went and I basically bawled down the phone to him.

    She was very serious when she said to count the movements also and that added to my fears. I know that as a responsible adult I have to know what's going on and what could happen and all, but it seems like the more I know about what could happen and go wrong the more upset and scared I become.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭Cottontail

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Hey Ladies, well what a day I had :( I was in the hospital this morning & they spent 10 mind attempting a sweep & it was agony :( in the end they couldn't do it as my cervix is too high.. So they're gonna induce me on 27th Dec! It's great to know I've only a max of 6 days left till I meet my little man but good god I'm in bits from earlier! I've never been in such pain, agony & uncomfortable :( roll on 6 days!!!!

    MS good luck with your scan tomorrow :) I hope your baby keeps those hands off their face x

    you poor thing, sounds unpleasant to say the least. I was in the clinic yesterday too, was told that that 'it could start any time' (tell me something I don't know) and if it hasn't happened by this time next week I have to go back to the clinic to arrange a date for an induction. So no news really. My ankles are very swollen now though which didn't happen in my last pregnancy at all. Any one else experience this?

    We had our little man out to visit Santa today, had a great time although I think Santa was more an inconvenient distraction to his playing time (it was in an indoor play centre with slides, ball pits etc). Was good fun anyway and he's in bed now asleep for the last half hour, totally exhausted, so everyone's a winner :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    Cottontail, I'd call the doc and let them know in the morning that your ankles are swoolen. The doc always asks me when I'm in if they are swollen, think it has something to do with your blood pressure.

    @Nicowa, I really hate this time too, when they start getting you to keep a movement chart during the day. My sister had to do it on her two, 10 days over on both. If you're not happy at anytime, get in touch with the hospital and see what they can do for you. When are you due again? (yeah, I keep forgetting everyone's date!)

    @Tigress, when I was in last at the hospital, after they noticed the head was down etc, they said they wouldn't do an internal in case they kicked things off. So you never know what all that uncomfortable rooting around may have done. If all else fails, go for a sex marathon. (yeah right, like me you can bearly turn over!!!!) Also, how can you not go off your head stuck in till you go to hospital, get out and get moving, slightly!! You'll be laid up in bed for long enough!!

    I feel 100% better this week compared to last week, after a week off work. I can honestly say I was unable to work and I'm so glad I went on mat leave at 33 weeks. 6 weeks to go for me, but we were only discussing how horrible it would be for baby boy to have his birthday between now and New Years. My little nephew was born on 1.1.11, all we kept saying is, his birthday will be just another thing happening on New Years Eve. All my family and my partner's B-days are in the summer and we love it. My brother in law has his birthday tomorrow and he hates it as everyone just blends his birthday in to Christmas.

    Anyway, as long as baby arrives OK, who cares whan!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Ladies I will be checking posts eagarly over the next week to see the updates on those new babies, such an exciting time :)

    Cap my bump has exploded over the last week, 26 weeks now and found my first stretch mark yesterday:( so I know it's not just my imagination!

    Had my fourth scan today (1 private and 3 hospital), got a clear look at babs pudgy little face at last and everything checked out fine though the girl doing the ultrasound had to dig around for a good picture and seen as babs head is over at my hip and the skin is quite stretched there it was a little uncomfortable but so worth it to know all is well.
    My goodness is he a cutie if I do say so myself as an unbias mammy :D He's weighing 2lb at the moment and still has 14 weeks of growing :eek: OH mother then told me 8 out of her 9 children had been between 10-11lbs, she then tried to back peddle when she saw the blood drain from my face :D

    Start my antenatal classes in 3 weeks, all of a sudden everything is starting to feel really real :o:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Oh galah that sounds like a tough birth but at least you have your little fella with you now!

    Ms2011: Oh it's so exciting when you start getting the classes and all!

    I'm 32 weeks and 5 days today (for some reason I thought I was only 31 weeks, doh!). I went for my fourth antenatal class on Wednesday, we talked about the signs of labour, what's normal and what is not normal (so the signs that I should go to the clinic immediately). I learned a lot and I feel more calm after every class!

    Then yesterday, I had the big 3rd trimester morphology scan. Went really well, the baby is head down and in the perfect position for birth (now stay there, you little scut! :P). All his bits are present and correct (and if there was any doubt he is a boy, well lets just say there isn't now!). He weighs nearly 2kgs now (4lbs 5 ounces I think) so that's normal, and he is looking really chubby. Last time he looked more like daddy but yesterday he looked like me! He has a good head of hair too!

    Oh and the doctor said my bump is not too small. I have been getting a bit annoyed with everyone and their mother saying how small my bump is with sort of questioning looks on them! So I decided to ask the gyny so now I have a professional opinion. "Oh but my doc says it's grand". Phew!

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭Cottontail

    well, today is D-Day for me! I had a couple of twinges last night and was convinced I was starting but alas, nothing happening. Then Today, I've been what can only be described as an emotional basketcase all morning, my hormones just seem to be all over the place, I'd cry at anything at all, really unusual for me!! also, i've been feeling 'funny' underneath my bump ( I don't know how else to describe it). I've alerted my mother anyway in case things kick off tonight, to be expecting a call to come over and look after my other little man. Of course, having said all that, I'll probably still be waiting for things to start this day week!

    Also, I've just rang the doctor about the ankles being swollen, the nurse said that it can be normal to retain fluid towards the end of the pregnancy but to call into her if I was worried for a BP check. Don't think I'll bother though, I can call the hospital if I'm concerned about anything anyway.

    Hope everyone else is well and gearing up for the festive season ahead : )

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Cottontail I hope things start soon for ya :) I'm a little emotional myself these days! I cried this morning cause I dropped my toast on the kitchen floor :o I've been getting some odd twinned myself over the last 2/3 days.. I keep thinking 'this is it' then they go away! I went a bit mad today.. I felt like a scone so I decided to bake some, ended up baking 3 batches & 2 batches of cookies :o my OH didn't say a thing just looked at me a little funny lol! I also made 3 Sheppards Pies & froze 2 of them.. I have to say though I'm wrecked now!

    I went to the shops with my OH earlier just to get out & it was not worth it! The pain of getting in & out of the car was insane! But on the up side only 4 more days till I'm being induced :D looking forward to family visiting tomorrow & going to my Dads for Xmas Dinner on Sunday! Yey for Christmas :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    Every day since I've started maternity leave, I've come up with mad ideas for 'getting out of the house'. I dragged a poor frozen teething baby through the park today to avoid the crowds in town. The problem is all my friends work in retail too and cant budge this week so its just me, the baby and my partner..... and the bump.

    Its a pity because I'm trying to get out and give the baby a bit of attention before the other one arrives and we are house bound when my partner goes back to college. But she cant walk really yet, so she just tried to crawl around the wet playground. Oh well.

    So everyone has twinges? That's got to be a good sign.

    @Tigeress, the day I bake more that a plate of scones is the day my partner would call the guys in white coats!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Ooh Tigeress sounds like nesting has well and truly kicked in!
    Wow 4 days to go, I'd love to be so close to the finish line!!
    My scan isn't until Jan 16th, but had a gp appt yesterday and all is looking well :)

    Cottontail, fingers crossed that little baba of yours will start heading for the exit asap and be with you for Christmas day :)

    Galah you poor thing, that sounds like a traumatic birth, I hope you're well on the mend now x

    Ivy, that's lovely that you had such a clear scan! isn't it amazing seeing their little face :) makes it so much more real!

    Ms2011 that's something else all your mums babies 9+ lbs :eek: hopefully the stretch marks will keep at bay and you wont get too many more. Mind you, I had a fair few and they faded to very feint lines within a few months, hopefully yours will disappear in no time!

    wmpdd3 good to hear your making the most of your time off work and getting some rest. What I wouldn't give to have Christmas week off work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Well ladies tomorrow is my official due date.. I don't think anything is gonna happen before I get induced on Tues! I'm just logging on quick to wish all the Mammies in waiting a very happy Christmas :-) good luck to Nicowa & Cottontail :D I hope your baba's dot come tomorrow & ya miss your Christmas Dinner! Xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,128 ✭✭✭cynder

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Well ladies tomorrow is my official due date.. I don't think anything is gonna happen before I get induced on Tues! I'm just logging on quick to wish all the Mammies in waiting a very happy Christmas :-) good luck to Nicowa & Cottontail :D I hope your baba's dot come tomorrow & ya miss your Christmas Dinner! Xx

    You never know, 5 years ago this week i was laughing with my sister inlaw who was staying with us that she was going home the next day, i said bet you wont if the baby comes... there was no sign of anything happening until 1am when the contractions started, went to the hospital at 5am, baby born at 9.15 1 week early and weighed in at 4.025 kgs....
    you never know when its going to happen... good luck..
