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The Pregnancy Chat Thread!



  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Tigeress wrote: »
    I'm due 7th Jan :) like yourself though im a possible section in December, just waiting to find out! Different reasons though!
    Does the placenta usually change where it's lying? I hope it moves above baby for you! Are you gonna find out?
    I'm wrecked to be honest lol! My little man is only 8 months & he's so active & I'm all day running after him, a break is going to work haha! I had terrible sickness at the start but thankfully it's all gone now & it's really just being tired that gets me now! How are you feeling? Is your little girl excited to be a big sister?
    I hope I get to find out too :) I'll be posting to let ya know either way.. Thinking we might get a 3D scan.. Anyone had one?

    They said as i get bigger the hope is that as the womb stretched that it will encourage the placenta to go above the baby, i was thinking of discussing section in December with them anyway. I injured my pelvis a month ago, and im on crutches and in and out to physio every week to 10 days so im a bit nervous about natural labour with how sore i feel down there at the mo, we'll see how things go. Still early days so im just trying to push it to the back of my head till i get passed the 30 week point.

    I found out at the scan but only my Oh and his mum know i know the sex (as they were at the scan), told everybody else i didnt find out so they wouldnt be pestering me. OH doesnt want to know at all so its just me that knows they left the room when the midwife told me. :D

    Eight months oh my god, you are a very busy woman, at least my little one is at an easier stage than yours, you must be wrecked. Ive never had the 3d scans id love one but i just dont know if i can justify the 180e plus the cost of travelling to go and get it done hmmmm, say it be lovely though. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Oh no :( you poor thing! On crutches & pregnant, I don't envy you hun! Sure if you think a section is the best way to go then you should go for it :) there's still a while to go so hopefully you'll feel better and the placenta goes where its suppost too! Ooh can you tell what you're having on here :p I love to know hehe! Do you think this pregnancy is alot different than your last? I know every pregnancy is different but mine is completely different! That's the main reason I think a girl lol!
    Yeah the 3D is expensive! The Blackrock Clinic in Dublin gives you a discount if you have a medical card... I only really wanna go for one to find out the sex! So we'll see what happens tomorrow! What hospital are you with? You'll be looking at an Xmas baby if you get a section :) my little man is 27th Dec :) gonna be expensive Xmas's & having 2 birthdays so close to it too lol!
    How'd your last birth go? It's great having someone so close to when I'm due too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    No the OH is a member on boards and id never hear the end of it if i ruined the surprise. I dont even think about the sex to be honest so that way i keep saying it for the next 18 weeks ish :p.

    Yeah my pregnancy is completly different from the last time, i was sooooo sick on my little girl till about 18 weeks and even at that smells still made me gag and vomit after that. This time, i was sick from 4pm is till bedtime, and it was gone at 14 weeks and the only food adversion i have is to fish, the smell, though blaaach but i had loads of adversions on my little girl right till the very end of my pregnancy. I have a different bump too, its a different shape :D

    Oh my god, you are going to have two birthdays and christmas on top of you. You mad woman, you will be so poor. Although it will be such a lovely exciting time. I cant wait for christmas this year. You might have two babies having their first christmas. That would be super cute!!

    My last birth was soooo slow. I was 3cm dialted when i went to my antenatal apointment on the tuesday so they transfered me from the clinic to the labour ward. They were too busy and understaffed in the labour ward that day so they sent me to ante natal ward to wait. Nothing happened over night so they broke my waters on wed morning at 11am. Nothing really happened, might have gone to 4cm by 2pm. They commenced the syntocin then. Got pressure about 5.10pm to push, called the midwife as she was on a tea break and she said push away. She arrived at 6.02pm. I was very lucky i guess as i had no vacuum, no forceps.
    How was your birth?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Haha yeah I know! I dunno how I'm gonna manage 2 babies in a year :o but sure we'll figure it out! Scary thinking about Xmas though!
    My birth was a section and I had a rough time so I'm nervous about this time but sure so long as baby is ok I'll be fine :) my OH took a month off last year to help with was amazing so he's gonna do the same this time too! My story is on the birth thread if ya want a read!
    That sounds like long enough but once they got ya going it wasn't too bad time wise was it? Are you nervous about the possible section? I can't believe you're able to keep the sex secret from everyone!! I'd be ready to explode haha! I think when we found out on N I made it to the carpark before I called everyone lol! I'm worried about going into the hospital tomorrow though.. I was told to not put on any weight for the pregnancy in hope that I'll have a 'normal' sized baby (N was 9lb 11oz) but I weighed myself and I'm up 2lb!! My Doc is very straight and gives out :o oops! Shouldn't have eaten that chocolate bar..

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Ooooh thats very tough Tigeress. I weighed myself there tonight. I find i am soooooo hungry on this pregnancy and with being on the crutches im just not able to move around as much as i could. I was getting a bit concerned even though my Gp didnt mention anything. Ive put on about 6 or 7 pounds in the last 6 weeks so im a bit nervous too.

    Yeah i will go and have a read, save you having to rewrite it all again. Yeah, its kind of cool being the only person that knows. Ah i dont want to ruin the surprise for the Oh so i just tell everybody that asks no i dont know the sex. Easier.

    Im actually more worried about being made have the baby naturally and feeling like i cant cope with the pain that i get when i open my legs at them mo. You would think id be more nervous about the section considering i have been in theatre watching sections (Im a student nurse) so i know just what they do but im so sore down there now, im more worried about natural birth.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Tigeress im now terrified after reading your birthing story! Hopefully you will have a better experience this time. See if you can get some difene or something too...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Princessa wrote: »
    Tigeress im now terrified after reading your birthing story! Hopefully you will have a better experience this time. See if you can get some difene or something too...

    I'm sorry for frightening ya :( I don't think it's near as bad once pain relief works! One of the other ladies has told me it wasn't too bad at all with the epidural so hopefully I'll get that and be grand.. Still nerve wrecking though eek :o

    I'm sure if you discussed it they'd allow an elective section! I can't imagine they'd let you go natural if you can't even open your legs!! I've you been using the support belt? How are you coping with it all & minding your litle toddler?
    That is cool that ya know & no one else does :) has your partner been tempted to ask ya? When are you back in the hospital? I'm in every 4 weeks which is great cause I see baby loads but at the same time its a pain cause I've to get someone to mind himself & then ya spend half the bloody day there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    God its so scary that morphine just doesnt work on you, well at least you know it know i guess and they can use alternatives.

    My friend had a section 6 weeks ago and they gave her the morphine in the spinal and poor thing was so sick for the rest of the day. She just wanted paracetemol and difene from day two onwards.

    Well ladies i dunno if baby has turned or what but i have literally woke up and i am double the size of what i was going to bed... my bump that is. Baby must have changed position - thats the only thing i can think of :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Haha Princessa! I love & hate when that happens! I love it cause it shows more as a baby bump but hate that it explodes over night! How are you feeling?

    Well I had a scan today & yet couldn't see baby's sex :( Doc said it's the hardest baby she's scanned in ages as baby was so Wiggly she couldn't get a look or a good pic lol! Was great to watch though! Back in 4 weeks so hopefully we'll find out then! Baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead so it's looking like another big one :o

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Iguana how are you settling in, in Wales? Hope it's all going good x

    Wales is nice but I was viciously homesick last week. I was just really miserable everyday and despite trying to see the good in the situation I just wanted to go home. I felt especially bad for the poor dogs as they have a lot less freedom here than we do at home. Here they have to sleep in their crate, can't go in the garden unattended and need to be driven to the park for walks. Whereas at home they had the run of the kitchen at night, a big back garden to play in either with us or without us and we lived on the Dodder so as soon as I opened the front gate they were off on a walk. We live on the coast here, which is lovely but it's not suitable for walking them along due to the tides and large number of tourists. However I think they have copped on that this is where my husband disappeared to for the last month and I think they happily accept the trade off of less freedom for having their whole 'pack' back together.

    I felt a lot better once the weekend rolled around. My husband works long hours during the week but had the weekend off (although he had to work Monday which is a bank holiday here) and it was great to get to spend some time with him, especially as it was our 6th wedding anniversary on Sunday. We've decided to try to make a big effort to have an outing or do something special at least once a week. We don't have long left as just a couple so we're going to make the most of it. Next Saturday we're going to visit Cardiff, which is supposed to be lovely, and in the next week or two we're going to Bath, which I massively regretted not taking the time to visit when we lived in London. We'll also slot a weekend back in London at some point and try to see some friends.

    I'm also trying to kick off my next draft of the book I've written, it's just hard to get in the headspace after the move but I'd really, really like to complete it before I give birth. I'd love to be able to send out sample chapters ahead of the baby arriving, that way I'll be too distracted to care so much about all the rejections I get.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    iguana wrote: »
    I'm also trying to kick off my next draft of the book I've written, it's just hard to get in the headspace after the move but I'd really, really like to complete it before I give birth. I'd love to be able to send out sample chapters ahead of the baby arriving, that way I'll be too distracted to care so much about all the rejections I get.

    Best of luck with it Iguana... Dont think like that, you might be getting loads of praise plus have the baby too.

    Ooooh Tigeress, it might be a little girl, i mean surely with that amount of wriggling and jumping about the willy could be seen ;).

    My sis asked could they see the sex at her 20 week scan she midwife couldnt as baby literally didnt stop moving apparently... I thought she was having a boy until she said that to me then i was convinced it was a girl. She had a little girl last sat. :D

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Up most of last night with vicious cramping and diarrhoea. I assumed it must be food poisoning but apparently this is a normal enough symptom in the third trimester and may be the baby starting to drop. It could continue for the next couple of weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    iguana wrote: »
    Up most of last night with vicious cramping and diarrhoea. I assumed it must be food poisoning but apparently this is a normal enough symptom in the third trimester and may be the baby starting to drop. It could continue for the next couple of weeks.

    Oh no :( I had that towards the end but only for 2 days and it passed.. I hope you feel better soon Iguana! How long have you left now?

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Oh no :( I had that towards the end but only for 2 days and it passed.. I hope you feel better soon Iguana! How long have you left now?

    I'm only just 7 months now, but something is definitely going on. My bump is very different than it was a couple of days ago. It's a couple of inches lower and noticeably smaller. Baby doesn't feel any lower though and if anything my pelvic pain has reduced. :confused:

    I'm getting a tiny bit paranoid that I'm leaking amniotic fluid as my underwear seems wetter than usual. So I'm going to monitor that for a while and call my midwife if it continues. Baby is moving about pretty normally, so I'm sure he's fine though. He had some hiccups earlier and he threw lots of punches and kicks earlier when we sang him his favourite/least favourite song.:pac:

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Iguana, amniotic fluid smells sweet, so the best, if gross way, is to sniff. If in doubt, go to the hospital and get a scan done.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Definitely no sweet smell and it's been much more normal all day. I think I'm a bit paranoid because I felt so, so awful on Thursday night but now so many of my pregnancy symptoms have lessened a lot and my bump is so much neater/smaller. (I went for a walk this evening and I felt unbelievably light on my feet - comparatively.) It feels very odd. I'm keeping a close eye on things with the wetness but it seems completely normal and there is no real change in the kicks and punches from the baby. I think I just need to make myself relax a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    iguana your baby may have moved into a new position which is more comfortable for you. If he/she had its bum tucked into your rib age and then moved it'd make sense that you feel lighter.

    As for the leaking this could be part of the last few weeks. Your pelvic floor gets very very weak. Are you doing your pelvic floor exercises? All the time?

    Having said that I'd still say go to your hospital/midwife and get checked out even if it's just for the peace of mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hope you are feeling ok Iguana, amniotic fluids does have quite a distinctive smell. If you were nervous though the midwives wouldnt mind if you gave them a call. Thats great that baby has moved position to make you more comfortable. I dont know what im going to do by the time i get to 7 months, i am peeing all the time now anyways, what will i do when baby is much bigger... Nearly 23 weeks already :D:D:D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hey girls, just a quick question. I had my 12 wk scan last week which my husband obviously came to. Next week I meet with my consultant for the first time. Is that something that an OH would normally come along to? Thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    I don't think my oh came to it, he came to some but more to keep me company while waiting :) they are generally fairly quick appointments when you eventually get to the top of the queue :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Hey girls, just a quick question. I had my 12 wk scan last week which my husband obviously came to. Next week I meet with my consultant for the first time. Is that something that an OH would normally come along to? Thanks

    Mine came and I saw a good few men there, but after the first one when we realised your almost out of the room before you realise your in it it's over so quick he just didn't bother!! I dragged him to one or two if he was off but they are certainly not worth missing work for! My consultant took my Bp really quickly - 2 second scan I barely saw and said good bye! Less than 3 mins... !! Although at 37 weeks he did tell be my little messer had flipped upside down into a nice breech position and so I had to have a section.. My OH was at that one and I was glad cos I burst into tears like the dramatic hormonal mess I was... And am again now!

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Hey girls, just a quick question. I had my 12 wk scan last week which my husband obviously came to. Next week I meet with my consultant for the first time. Is that something that an OH would normally come along to? Thanks

    Mine came to every single appointment. I was in the GD clinic so there were quite a few. I kept telling him he didnt have to come but he liked to be there for me. Luckily his work is quite flexible so he was able to, and it was nice to have the company. Sometimes if you didnt catch something that was said, the other person got it, or thinks of questions you forgot to ask.

    I'd say deffo bring him for your scans, and maybe meet with the consultant for the first time, but if its just urine/blood/bp checkups its hardly worth him taking time off work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    my oh always came to scans and hospital appointments, but not to the gp no point really, but he insisted on coming to the hospital which i was happy about really :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    I think it just depends on whatever suits ye better, My next hospital appointment i will be 29 weeks and if the OH is off he can come, if not i woudnt be asking him to take time off work. However my 34 week appointment im being scanned to see if im for a section or not so i would like the OH to be there for that, to talk to the consultant etc.

    He came to the first one at 10 weeks and the anomoly scan at 21 weeks but other than the 34 week one i wouldnt say there be much point in him coming to the others, it will just be pee, blood pressure, fundal height measurements etc.

    If he really wants to be there, then he should try go, if he cant work permitting etc i wouldnt say its the end of the world. Just a little more boring for you waiting on your own - bring snacks and some distraction ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Hey girls, just a quick question. I had my 12 wk scan last week which my husband obviously came to. Next week I meet with my consultant for the first time. Is that something that an OH would normally come along to? Thanks

    OH came to all my appointments but I think it was more the novelty of our first baby. I think if we had another one he'd just go to the scans!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Thanks girls. Think he'll come to meet the consultant but will not come up the gp visits. His work aren't all that flexible :( such a bummer for dads to be, they get feck all time to be part of it all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    I know its very hard for the dads really isn't it, i was lucky that the hospital was around the corner from where oh works so he used to just run over for appointment and straight back then, and he took his 2weeks holidays when r was born, then x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    My oh has been to all bar one of my appointments (i refused to let him go to one gp appointment because i was having fierce trouble controling one particular hormonal surge shall we say. I stopped him from coming to that one to save him embarassment more so than anything else lol. He's been to my other 4 gp appointments, my hospital appointment two weeks ago and is going to my next hospital appointment next week. Its his choice to come to them all, and he wants to so i don't mind at all. The company in the hospital is great though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hey girls, Im 14 weeks on my first baby tomorrow and honestly, now that the bloating etc. has died down, I have not put on a pound of weight and my clothes still fit the exact same! Every morning I hope that something will have gotten a bit tighter just so the pregnancy will feel real. I had my 12 week scan and everything was ok but my sister miscarried at 17 weeks and I think I cant get that out of my head. If we had the money, I would be straight on to book a private scan. When did your bodies start to change on your first pregnancy? Honestly, this baby is going to turn me into a neurotic mess....I come on here to have my panic attacks because my husband already thinks I'm nuts :o

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Hey girls, Im 14 weeks on my first baby tomorrow and honestly, now that the bloating etc. has died down, I have not put on a pound of weight and my clothes still fit the exact same! Every morning I hope that something will have gotten a bit tighter just so the pregnancy will feel real. I had my 12 week scan and everything was ok but my sister miscarried at 17 weeks and I think I cant get that out of my head. If we had the money, I would be straight on to book a private scan. When did your bodies start to change on your first pregnancy? Honestly, this baby is going to turn me into a neurotic mess....I come on here to have my panic attacks because my husband already thinks I'm nuts :o

    I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry. I put on very little weight during my pregnancy. I was worried about it but the doc says it's fine once the baby is growing normally. It was ages and ages before I could actually see a bump or any weight gain (definitely nothing by 14 weeks). Every woman's body is different, you could be someone that is naturally huge in pregnancy or naturally small. Well done on getting this far!
