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The Pregnancy Chat Thread!



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Jerrica wrote: »
    I don't know if it's still the case but there used to be local council grants available to have this installed as an incentive towards energy efficiency, my mum got 50% of her conversion costs covered by Wexford Coco.

    Yes I think they are getting some grant and if they let the guy advertise they get more discount!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    We're getting an Aga wood burning stove installed in the living room in September which Im really looking forward to on one hand as it will heat the whole house but Im also terrified it will be too hot and that we will spend the winter months sitting around in our pants!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,382 ✭✭✭firestarter51

    The halogen ones seem too risky for me, I have one for ourselves but wouldn't trust it unless I was directly in front of it
    The regulated ones sound better and safer, the rads in the house I'm in for some reason don't turn off so it's all the rooms upstairs or nothing
    House is quite warm already I just want it to be right for when baby comes home
    Thanks for the tip on the heater Sligo I will look into running cost ect today

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Merkin wrote: »
    We're getting an Aga wood burning stove installed in the living room in September which Im really looking forward to on one hand as it will heat the whole house but Im also terrified it will be too hot and that we will spend the winter months sitting around in our pants!

    Wood burning stoves are AMAZING my parents have one :) the heat is unreal. You will get used to how to control it. I used to have an aga fund :D I wanted one sooooo much. But the electric night saver ones are crazy crazy money :( and in the summer it would be turned off.

    Then I said to my OH when we buy our house I am going to get an old aga "just to look at" lol lol lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    35 weeks today. I am almost in shock at that.
    3 and a half weeks left to work! Yazers. Dying to be finished. I have developed a few extra pregnancy side effects/ symptoms over the last week or so with the start of carpel tunnel syndrome being one of them. At least at 35 weeks I know it can only last for a little while now.

    Very excited about getting to see my little baby. I've picked up or collected all the stuff that we need- two things left and I'll get those at lunchtime today (mattress for the Moses basket and a changing mat for downstairs). Bag to be packed this evening and then its really just a waiting game.
    We have the full day ante natal class this Saturday which should be interesting.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    Not sure if you have yet to pick up sheets for the Moses basket but if so, don't bother. A few of the girls here recommended using pillow cases instead and that's what I've done, dead easy to change every day and will save a few quid as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Merkin wrote: »
    Not sure if you have yet to pick up sheets for the Moses basket but if so, don't bother. A few of the girls here recommended using pillow cases instead and that's what I've done, dead easy to change every day and will save a few quid as well.

    Thats a good suggestion and one well worth keeping in mind, thank you.
    I got the basket from my sister and she gave me the sheets for it too so I have a few/ possibly enough without having to buy anything.
    Its just the mattress that I need to get.

    How are you doing Merkin? How is your lovely little boy? I bet he has gotten wonderfully plump and even more cute baby like. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    I'm great thanks Penny. Love being a Mummy and really enjoying my little boy! Granted he did an explosive plop while sitting on my knee at 3am while feeding which actually went through to MY pyjamas such was it's volume lol but he's the best little fellow! He gives great cuddles and his cheeks have become exceptionally pudgy and squishy! People said it to me before birth that nothing prepares you for the love you will feel and they were right. I can't quite articulate it but I just love him beyond words. Yes, it can be hard work but it's lovely, very rewarding and also great fun. Hubby and I are spending quite a lot of time laughing at his little noises/facial expressions/farts etc. :D

    You must he nearly on the home stretch now! I know the last few weeks can be tough but it's worth it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Merkin wrote: »
    I'm great thanks Penny. Love being a Mummy and really enjoying my little boy! Granted he did an explosive plop while sitting on my knee at 3am while feeding which actually went through to MY pyjamas such was it's volume lol but he's the best little fellow! He gives great cuddles and his cheeks have become exceptionally pudgy and squishy! People said it to me before birth that nothing prepares you for the love you will feel and they were right. I can't quite articulate it but I just love him beyond words. Yes, it can be hard work but it's lovely, very rewarding and also great fun. Hubby and I are spending quite a lot of time laughing at his little noises/facial expressions/farts etc. :D

    You must he nearly on the home stretch now! I know the last few weeks can be tough but it's worth it!

    That sounds so lovely. I can't wait to get to that stage. :)
    I remember my sister telling me that one of the things she was so surprised at after having her babies was the realisation at how much you, yourself are loved by your own parents. I think she meant that because she felt so much for her baby that it was a shock to realise that our own parents felt that for us. She said it was quite humbling too.

    I do feel like I am on the home stretch at this stage. Quite tired all too often and the broken nights sleep almost every night (due to the constant need to pee and SPD pain waking me up when I need to turn over) doesn't help. I am all too ready to be finished with work.
    I took Monday and Tuesday off - I had ante natal stuff on each day to it was only one day leave but split across both days and I felt so great after that. I had a few things to do in the house and pick up but it was so lovely to be able to do it at my leisure, take a little rest when needed, a lovely nap during the day......

    I have the placental localisation scan tomorrow evening which will confirm whether or not a Section is a dead cert. It will be what it will be so I'm not stressing over that. I am very much looking forward to having yet another peek at the baby though. She has grown so much in the last little while that she must be getting very cramped inside me. The big kicks to my liver and ribs certainly indicate someone trying to get the most out of their limited space.
    If it is a guaranteed Section due to the location of the placenta then I'll be brought in at week 39 exactly for delivery. That brings me to Sept 24th and I'm finished up on the 18th so at least I'll have had a few days to myself at home to relax and chill out.
    I am a bit surprised at them deciding to wait until Week 39 though (granted this could all change tomrrow evening) as there is increasing speculation that I won't get as far as my due date due to the development stage of the baby already. All along the consultant has said that each scan indicates that the baby is 2 weeks and one day ahead of what they expect.
    When I have pointed out that my dates are almost as certain and correct as they can be they just said each pregnancy of 39/41 weeks is based on averages and some babies just develop that bit quicker and so come a bit earlier. So I guess we'll see how tomorrow evening goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    Baby Merkin was measuring two weeks ahead as well and came on his due date but that was because of a semi elective section :D Two failed inductions in week 39, preeclampsia, the baby's heart rate dropping randomly to sixty during my five times a day traces.....they think it was the little monkey playing with the cord), his head being at a very weird angle in my pelvis meant that a Section was by far the most sensible option. I haven't been through labour so I can't speak for my experience on a natural childbirth but I personally found the section very good and it was a very chilled affair because it was scheduled. I recovered quickly, my fanjita is as good as new, and I wasn't exhausted after the birth. The day after was tough because pain management left a bit to be desired because of an exceptionally busy maternity ward BUT it was certainly a very positive and happy experience overall and one I recovered from very quickly. So if you do end up having one, there is a lot to recommend it, especially a scheduled one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Merkin wrote: »
    Baby Merkin was measuring two weeks ahead as well and came on his due date but that was because of a semi elective section :D Two failed inductions in week 39, preeclampsia, the baby's heart rate dropping randomly to sixty during my five times a day traces.....they think it was the little monkey playing with the cord), his head being at a very weird angle in my pelvis meant that a Section was by far the most sensible option. I haven't been through labour so I can't speak for my experience on a natural childbirth but I personally found the section very good and it was a very chilled affair because it was scheduled. I recovered quickly, my fanjita is as good as new, and I wasn't exhausted after the birth. The day after was tough because pain management left a bit to be desired because of an exceptionally busy maternity ward BUT it was certainly a very positive and happy experience overall and one I recovered from very quickly. So if you do end up having one, there is a lot to recommend it, especially a scheduled one.

    :DThese are the things I am concentrating on.
    Having considered my options re: vaginal delivery I would like to try for a delivery without an epidural but will of course take things as they come.
    My main reason for not wanting to go with the epidural is not for any kind of bravery award of other such madness but because I broke my coccyx horribly about 2 / 3 years ago and it took forever for it to get any way ok again. I think it took about a year for the pain to go away properly. The chances of that injury being affected are pretty high with an epidural bascially because of the position you have to be placed in for delivery.

    If I can stay mobile and manage with just gas and air then I have more delivery positions open to me and there is a tiny chance of injuring the coccyx (or whats left of it:().

    Granted if I have a Section (scheduled or not) then my poor ol' coccyx will be grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Ladies I'm having such a hard time eating healthy since the morning sickness set in. I had gotten into really good eating habits since having my son in 2012 & managed to lose 4st & back to the weight I was when I met my hubby.
    Que morning sickness hitting 2.5 weeks ago & all my good eating went out the window, all this child wants is crap, not sweet things but savoury like white bread, handburgers etc.
    I had to drive to a drive through yesterday cos I just had to have McDonalds chips, doing my shopping today & I had to stop myself from drooling going by the frozen pizzas.
    The things is when I eat this crap I actually feel better, nausea stays at bay for awhile.
    It's starting to upset me now cos apart from it not being the best food for the baby I'm desperate not to put on as much weight as last time, I'm already up 4lbs in 4 weeks & I'm only 8w3d :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    Are you taking Pregnacare m'dear? I think if you're taking the full range of prenatal vitamins that you need, your body is less likely to crave things then. In saying that, please don't be too hard on yourself. If you're ill you are I'll and I'd it's a toss up between refined carbs and nothing then go with the former if it's just short term. At least if you're then taking good quality multivits you can be sure your little one is getting all the nutrients it needs at this stage. Hope the sickness passes for you soon xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Thanks, yeah I'm taking Pregnacare Plus.
    I'm just saying a pray that when this morning sickness eases I can go back to eating properly!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    You will, don't worry. I didn't have morning sickness but my sister-in-law did and just craved cereal and bread like you as it's all she could face. As soon as the sickness passed her need for these foods did too so don't worry. Hope it passes for you soon and don't be hard on yourself, your body is working it's magic xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Had my placental localisation scan yesterday and thankfully the placenta is now ideally located. It's high up and on the back so all is well.
    The baby has packed on lots of cute baby fat and it was so lovely to be able to see her little chubby cheeks. At 34+3 it was great to see what looks like a proper baby rather than an alien life form on this scan.
    The doctor did a full check over the chord, placenta and baby and everything is in perfect working order. Estimated weight yesterday was just over 5lbs and if we make it to full term the doctor anticipates a birthweight of 8lbs with the usual +\- which is a fine size of a child.
    Antenatal class tomorrow and then next week it's September and I will have 18 days left to work, that's LESS than 3 weeks! Yazers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    Thanks, yeah I'm taking Pregnacare Plus.
    I'm just saying a pray that when this morning sickness eases I can go back to eating properly!!

    I'm suffering with morning sickness too, but found pregnacare (and especially pregnacare plus) to make it worse. I moved on to Pregnaplan Morning Sickness, which has all the usual suspects but a bit of extra ginger and b6, and i found it a lot easier on my stomach. Might be worth it for you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Kash wrote: »
    I'm suffering with morning sickness too, but found pregnacare (and especially pregnacare plus) to make it worse. I moved on to Pregnaplan Morning Sickness, which has all the usual suspects but a bit of extra ginger and b6, and i found it a lot easier on my stomach. Might be worth it for you?

    Can I pick that up in the usual places like Boots??
    I actually think the tablets are making it worse, I was getting a horrible taste in my mouth in the evenings which was making the nausea worse so I started taking the tablets at night rather than with dinner & I feel slightly better & the bad taste is gone. I'll try anything at this rate I just want to feel normal again!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 787 ✭✭✭madeinamerica

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    Can I pick that up in the usual places like Boots??
    I actually think the tablets are making it worse, I was getting a horrible taste in my mouth in the evenings which was making the nausea worse so I started taking the tablets at night rather than with dinner & I feel slightly better & the bad taste is gone. I'll try anything at this rate I just want to feel normal again!!

    I found the tablets hard to stomach as well. The one I was taking came with fish oil capsules in the box, I usually can take fish oil but could not go near them.

    It sounds like your stomach wants some fatty kind of food with mcdonalds chips and pizza. Perhaps try some good fats like milk, cheese, avocado, nuts etc? Might have the same effect on the nausea but get better nutrients? I found just eating a bit of cheddar or just a plain cheese sandwich sometimes helped the stomach. I love cashews but I couldn't stomach nuts at all. We're all different though. I hope you find someting that works :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    Can I pick that up in the usual places like Boots??
    I actually think the tablets are making it worse, I was getting a horrible taste in my mouth in the evenings which was making the nausea worse so I started taking the tablets at night rather than with dinner & I feel slightly better & the bad taste is gone. I'll try anything at this rate I just want to feel normal again!!

    Ms2011 I had the most horrendous hyperemesis until the day my baby came :( the only bit of relief I got was from coca cola, aparently the syrup in it is has anti nausea effects. I only found our after I had the baby you can buy bottles of the syrup in America! Sometimes popcorn and chewing gum (green extra)helped too.
    You can also buy morning sickness wrist bands in the chemist.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Millem wrote: »
    Ms2011 I had the most horrendous hyperemesis until the day my baby came :( the only bit of relief I got was from coca cola, aparently the syrup in it is has anti nausea effects. I only found our after I had the baby you can buy bottles of the syrup in America! Sometimes popcorn and chewing gum (green extra)helped too.
    You can also buy morning sickness wrist bands in the chemist.

    Funny you should mention Coke, I found it has actually helped alot, chewing gum too.

    Felt better yesterday, thought things were easing off so I got loads done but back to square one today. I've to go to a family party in awhile, I'll have to paint on a smile & pretend I don't want to curl up & die.
    Oh the joys ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    Another coke fan here, my morning sickness comes in the form of constant vomitless nausea and coke is the only thing that helped :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Another coke fan here, my morning sickness comes in the form of constant vomitless nausea and coke is the only thing that helped :)

    Yeah there's no vomiting it just feels like the hangover from hell lasting for weeks on end!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Feeling sorry for mysel as just had my first pregnancy-related nausea/dry wretching and now in bed with desperate heartburn and can't sleep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    Feeling sorry for mysel as just had my first pregnancy-related nausea/dry wretching and now in bed with desperate heartburn and can't sleep!

    Get the gaviscon!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Millem wrote: »
    Get the gaviscon!!!

    +1 (thousand) for Gaviscon. I've been killed with heartburn these last couple of weeks and I'd be lost without it. No other indigestion/ heartburn remedies help nearly as effectively or quickly. I now have some by my Ned, in the kitchen, in my handbag, car and desk drawer at work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Thanks ladies, will have to pick some up alright!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Hi everyone,

    I'm 6 weeks today, found out just about 2 weeks ago. We haven't told a soul, the first person to hear me actually say the words will be the doctor when I confirm it this week. We've so far avoided telling both sets of parents, our siblings, my best friend, his work colleagues...I have no idea how! I feel like I just want to tell one or two people, but I don't know who, the people I want to tell for support don't live nearby which is a pity. But at the same time we really want to wait as long as possible, just to be sure everything is ok and also for the fun of getting really far along without mentioning it, as his siblings have all announced it to everyone really early, like, 6-7 weeks. I will be telling one friend as she is coming to visit at 14 weeks (all going well) and we only see each other once every year or two!

    Did any others here tell nobody, not even a parent, sibling or friend, until 12+ weeks? I just need some inspirational words to stop me from blabbing this and to keep it quiet a lot longer? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Hi everyone,

    I'm 6 weeks today, found out just about 2 weeks ago. We haven't told a soul, the first person to hear me actually say the words will be the doctor when I confirm it this week. We've so far avoided telling both sets of parents, our siblings, my best friend, his work colleagues...I have no idea how! I feel like I just want to tell one or two people, but I don't know who, the people I want to tell for support don't live nearby which is a pity. But at the same time we really want to wait as long as possible, just to be sure everything is ok and also for the fun of getting really far along without mentioning it, as his siblings have all announced it to everyone really early, like, 6-7 weeks. I will be telling one friend as she is coming to visit at 14 weeks (all going well) and we only see each other once every year or two!

    Did any others here tell nobody, not even a parent, sibling or friend, until 12+ weeks? I just need some inspirational words to stop me from blabbing this and to keep it quiet a lot longer? :)

    Fair play to you - we told our parents last night and were only just 5 weeks! You obviously have a much better ability to be sensible than us :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Just a quick question ladies - we've decided to go private as there is a hereditary clottin disorder that runs in my family and also due to my weight the pregnancy would be classed high risk. When I spoke to the consultants secretary she said I don't need to go to GP at all. Anybody else going privately, did ye go to the GP? I had an appointment booked for tomorrow but don't know whether to save the cash or not now
