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The Pregnancy Chat Thread!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 turbochick

    Turbochick, I was same in the beginning even though we'd been trying for a baby and it wasn't exactly suprising when I did become pregnant I found my brain kicked to life EVERY MORNING at 5am and would go into overdrive thinking of all the changes it meant.
    After a few weeks the morning sickness kicked in and I was sleeping for Ireland :)

    Have you decided when you're going to tell your parents?
    That's brill that you boyfriend is being so supportive and its as excited about it as you are.

    You're as well going to the gp as soon as possible because the gp send the letter to the hospital to get you registered for your appointment. It can take ages to get that first hospital appointment so sooner you see the gp the better :)

    Caprilicious you genius!! yeah i must go to the doctor as soon as possible, oooh i love the sound of free doctors too hehe! i think ill tell my parents as late as possible, which sounds dodgy i know, im gna hold out as long as i can then ill crack or ill wait til theyre drinking some night haha!! one weird thing is, after being paranoid all last week that i was pregnant , thinking i was, feeling i was.. after finding out that i am.. i dont feel pregnant anymore!! my boobs dont feel as sore anymore and i was burping loads last week and had heartburn and sore tummy one minute i felt like i was gona vomit and go to the jax at the same time haha excuse the description there, and thats gone now, i feel more tingly feelings, sometimes a light stab in my tummy, nothing overbearing.. my boobs are still big swollen sore things but not as bad as they were, i also noticed that some new hair started to grow where i had a slight bald patch at the front of my parting from over bleaching it ages ago when i had blond hair.. is that possible that hormones have spurred on this light new baby hair around there?? i notice that i constantly have a warm flushed face also, as well as a constant hunger pang even after eating. wow i am sorry for the rant there.. :S xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭lucy2010

    Thanks for all your kind words during my freak out yesterday.... Just think I got a very bad shock

    I think I have a kidney infction so that could be why im feeling crappy. Ive been up all night - total insomnia ( strangely something I suffered in both preg & not since) lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    @ Turbochick - Best of luck with telling your folks, you'll probably start to relax even more and enjoy the pregnancy once you get that out of the way :)

    @ Lucy2010 - how are you feeling now? hope you get over the kidney infection asap

    Its funny, my mum asked me today had the baby dropped down yet and I honestly can't answer.
    I keep looking at my bump from different angles to see if its moved down but it still looks the same to me!
    The consultant told me the baby was engaged and in the 'perfect position for delivery', though she also told me baby had her legs in front of her face, sounds uncomfortable for baby!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭lucy2010

    @ Turbochick - Best of luck with telling your folks, you'll probably start to relax even more and enjoy the pregnancy once you get that out of the way :)

    @ Lucy2010 - how are you feeling now? hope you get over the kidney infection asap

    Its funny, my mum asked me today had the baby dropped down yet and I honestly can't answer.
    I keep looking at my bump from different angles to see if its moved down but it still looks the same to me!
    The consultant told me the baby was engaged and in the 'perfect position for delivery', though she also told me baby had her legs in front of her face, sounds uncomfortable for baby!

    Was up all last night; eventually dozed off about 5.30am. Conked out for 3 hours this evening & here I am wide awake again. It may well be my brain is doing overtime & the symptoms of the kidney infection are being mistaken as pregnancy ones. ( apart from boobies) Ive stopped freaking out anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Hey could be a combination of all of those thing. I found in the beginnng stages of my pregnancy I had trouble sleeping too, an then they wore off towards the endof my 1st trimester. Bit of a pain as you don't think of losing sleep till your elephant sized!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 turbochick

    Good Morning Ladies :)

    Ok i calculated that from the last time i had my period on Sat 12th December, ill be.. 5 weeks tomorrow right??

    Im getting paranoid for no apparent reason; how should i be feeling? I had more kinda cramps and feeling flushes of sickness about a week ago... sometimes i feel butterfly like nervous pains in my lower tummy but thats it, i sometimes feel sick after eating but thats because i think im eating too much haha! so how should my tummy be feeling? i mean i thought that i would be riddled in cramps?? having said that, if i was cramping i would also be paranoid that i was having a MC, my boobs are huge and swollen, my face is constantly hot/sometimes flushed, i have spots on my chin, jawline and cheeks, little ones, i never get spots! i am hungry more than usual, and thirsty more than usual... i have a sore throat but my glands arent swollen, and i have more flem (i know i spelt that completely incorrectly!) in my throat kind of and i often wake up with one slightly blocked nostril, and ive had this for the last week and a half and i read that it was to do with your mucus ducts and blood vessels swelling or something like that??

    i am sorry for ranting i feel selfish posting something so ridiculous but i cant afford to go to the doctor for another week or so and i really was just wondering.. do i sound like i have normal symptoms or... should i be bending over with tummy cramps? im not even that swollen i dont have bloating.

    thanks - and sorry for panicking and ranting haha :S

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    Hey Turbo
    Cramps i got were pretty similar to period cramps ..But i guess it would be different.
    I felt very bloated all over aswell and kept thinking my period was coming but it didnt haha.Its best to ring the doctor and explain everything to them then leave him/her know why you cant come in and they wont actually charge you anything provided the doctors works under the Mother and Baby scheme.
    The doc will either book your apt with the hospital but if they dont say anything ask ..Mine didnt and i ended up having to wait until 13 weeks and i was sooo nervous.Thats why its best to get that ball rolling cause the earlier you book the earlier you will be seen ...
    Hope this helps hun :) xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 turbochick

    Hey Swizzles :)

    Thanks for that info, i am going to knock up to the doctors office today and see what i can do.. i am a bit bloated but not much, at night time i look very very bloated and at midnight or around 1am thats when i feel like little cramps in my tummy, i wonder why i only feel them at night?!? i was getting worried that i wasnt cramping much incase the teeny tiny spec had stopped growing or something!! xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Hey, don't stress about the cramping. It's very normal, although with all the info on miscarriage very scary!

    I had SOO much bad cramping in my first trimester. Literally to the point where I was yelping and dropping to the floor in superquinn!! I thought there must be somethingwrong with the baby. Nope! Baby was just growing. Unless the cramping is followed by bleeding you should be fine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 turbochick

    oh no, i mean like, i dont have any cramping.. ever so so slight cramps at the bottom of my tummy for like 10 seconds maybe twice a day if even that.. is that normal?? xx

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 prissylee


    I wouldn't be worrying about your symtoms. I'm almost eight weeks (goin by my own dates) and I've gone through similar stuff you are feeling. I had lots of cramping during the first few weeks and now I only get it now and again, mainly in the evenings. It's not much thou. The nuasea set in during week 6 and it was horrible. Like you, I'd feel nauseaous, not wanting to eat. Then I'd eat and feel rotten again 10 mins later. Thankfully this week it has subsided and is easier to manage, but it's still there. I get bloated alot and more recently I get hearburn. Plus the boobs are always sore and getting bigger now. So all your symptoms seems pretty normal to me. And as others have said it's pointless worrying about an mc if you have no spotting or bleeding.

    That's just my take. But do go to your doc if it will rest your mind. It's a worrying enough time as it is, so anything you can do to alleviate that, do it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Same here Turbochick, make the most of the lack of cramps while you can!
    I got my positive test at 5 weeks and the only pain I had at the time was sore boobs I thought 'nice one, this is easy' then week 7 I was DYING with morning sickness!
    I was absolutely shattered tired too, that went on about 2/3 weeks then settled down.

    I have 4 friends pregnant at the same time as me or 5 if you include me, 2 of us had morning sickness the other 3 didn't have a bit. It seems to vary so much for different women.
    Definitely have a chat with the doc if you have concerns, nothing worse than stressing yourself when you're pregnant.

    Lucy2010 you poor thing one thing I can't hack is lack of sleep, I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight.

    I was up til 2am this morning (stupid bloody nesting, got it into my head I had to iron all of baby's clothes before she arrived :o) and I'm so contrary today as a result!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 turbochick

    Thanks a mill ladies, youre stars. haha i am such a worrier!!

    I booked an appointment with the Doc for next Friday morning... so im lookin forwarf to that. Its mad, after posting that reply earlier today, i was exhausted by 7 tonight and my tummy is upset and i have a few pains in it, nothing serious, well famous last words that i didnt feel pregnant haha told the bf i was tired and was probably gonna settle down early which is weird for me on a friday night we usually stay up and watch movies til 2am but i am just not feeling that buzz tonight.

    thanks for your replies, and ill probably be worried about somethin new or askin questions again soon.

    :) Xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭lucy2010

    Same here Turbochick, make the most of the lack of cramps while you can!
    I got my positive test at 5 weeks and the only pain I had at the time was sore boobs I thought 'nice one, this is easy' then week 7 I was DYING with morning sickness!
    I was absolutely shattered tired too, that went on about 2/3 weeks then settled down.

    I have 4 friends pregnant at the same time as me or 5 if you include me, 2 of us had morning sickness the other 3 didn't have a bit. It seems to vary so much for different women.
    Definitely have a chat with the doc if you have concerns, nothing worse than stressing yourself when you're pregnant.

    Lucy2010 you poor thing one thing I can't hack is lack of sleep, I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight.

    I was up til 2am this morning (stupid bloody nesting, got it into my head I had to iron all of baby's clothes before she arrived :o) and I'm so contrary today as a result!

    Oh I did the nesting thingy on the 1st one @ 32 wks - I got into the bath & scrubbed the walls with a toothbrush lol & then my waters broke.... was funny though.

    I suffered insomnia on both of them & not since. Today my jeans are tight yet ive lost 9 lbs since early dec so thats not right. Ive been nausaus ( must learn to spell that word) since yesterday & same all today. I have heartburn ( prob from nausausness) my left boobie is hopping, I have a headache from lack of sleep & cramping & backpain; I peeing all time & it hurts. TBH I feel sh!$%. Sorry but I do.
    Im able to do a first response tomo. I went down the chemist ( like a comando in case anyone saw me) & got one of the early response ones so ill do with the first urine of the day.
    Im no longer panicing just seeing it as a possible miracle. I think I would be more paniced if im not pregnant as why do I feel so so ill.... Id also be more paniced at the though of DP's response - God love him.... But we will face that when & if it comes to it. How long left have you to go ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭lucy2010

    turbochick wrote: »
    Thanks a mill ladies, youre stars. haha i am such a worrier!!

    I booked an appointment with the Doc for next Friday morning... so im lookin forwarf to that. Its mad, after posting that reply earlier today, i was exhausted by 7 tonight and my tummy is upset and i have a few pains in it, nothing serious, well famous last words that i didnt feel pregnant haha told the bf i was tired and was probably gonna settle down early which is weird for me on a friday night we usually stay up and watch movies til 2am but i am just not feeling that buzz tonight.

    thanks for your replies, and ill probably be worried about somethin new or askin questions again soon.

    :) Xx

    hey Turbo - been following your progress. Congratulations & dont be worried about anything or asking questions. I have to say is a brilliant site..... You think your asking stupid questions or worried about nothing?? - you aint seen nothing till you go on it... Joking.. Itsa very good site & so many questions already answered by someone else. You can also go onto you due month forum & buddy up with another mum to be whos due at the same time. At least you would feel some handholding... Whats your due date anyway ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 turbochick

    Heya Lucy2010 :)

    Well.. the last time i had my period was Saturday 12th Dec 09.. so thats 5 weeks ago tomorrow.. so i guess maybe Sat Sep 18th? i am not sure how this works!!

    I am so nervous to go to the Dr next Friday... what will she do with me? My friend scared me and told me that some women experience false pregnancies when their body THINKS its pregnant, but the Doc will determine this.. i would be mortified if i wasnt actually.. even though i got a hell load of weirdo symptoms, and no period, and 4 positive pregnancy tests!!

    My boyfriend wants to know when can you find out the sex of the baba? week 20 i thought it was??

    oh god my hormones must be going mad today i am so sexually aroused excuse that hideous info but thats not like me and i am presuming its hormones? my face is so flushed also :) xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 turbochick

    p.s thanks for that rollercoaster info, im going to look at it now :) x

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭lucy2010

    turbochick wrote: »
    Heya Lucy2010 :)

    Well.. the last time i had my period was Saturday 12th Dec 09.. so thats 5 weeks ago tomorrow.. so i guess maybe Sat Sep 18th? i am not sure how this works!!

    I am so nervous to go to the Dr next Friday... what will she do with me? My friend scared me and told me that some women experience false pregnancies when their body THINKS its pregnant, but the Doc will determine this.. i would be mortified if i wasnt actually.. even though i got a hell load of weirdo symptoms, and no period, and 4 positive pregnancy tests!!

    My boyfriend wants to know when can you find out the sex of the baba? week 20 i thought it was??

    oh god my hormones must be going mad today i am so sexually aroused excuse that hideous info but thats not like me and i am presuming its hormones? my face is so flushed also :) xx

    She will do a repeat test just to confirm. Prob just do a feel around on your tum & send a letter of to the hospital tobookyou in. Do you know what hospital you will be attending?

    1st scan totally depends on the hospital-Its quicker in the country hospital, later in the Dublin ones - generally I think 16 ish weeks. I noticed the flushed face & the spots too today.... Need to get this test over & done with & moe on - Just feeling too ill now at thos stage to really care anymore - awful I know.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 turbochick

    are you waiting to see if youre pregnant Lucy2010? forgive my slowness tonight i have a big warm face and im so tired but i cant get enough of these forums and this info and everyones stories.

    do you think she will do a urine test or a blood test? i havent got a clue what hospital to go to.. i wish my mum could just help me out haha i am a clueless kid i realize now! x

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭lucy2010

    turbochick wrote: »
    are you waiting to see if youre pregnant Lucy2010? forgive my slowness tonight i have a big warm face and im so tired but i cant get enough of these forums and this info and everyones stories.

    do you think she will do a urine test or a blood test? i havent got a clue what hospital to go to.. i wish my mum could just help me out haha i am a clueless kid i realize now! x

    Yep - been just so ill & nearly dies when I copped I could be - will know either way soon enough. Just a urine test I think.. Bloods are genrally done in the hosp - some docs will do bloods but will dependon what time of care ie combined - hospital & doctors.

    Is there no one else in your family you could turn to apart from your mum? Oh dont worry we all the same with families. My dad didnt speak to me for 4 years when I got preg 1st time. I conceived him 3 wks before i got married & he so old & holy doesnt believ in sex b4marriage so didnt speak to me & didnt see or speak to his grandkids till they were 2& a half & 1 & a half.. Weirdo! My mother will just worry for 9 mths or 6 in the case of the last 1... But suppose have to get that far 1st lol

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 turbochick

    Oh my god, really? wow. fair play to you, and its a shame your Dad was like that at the start but some parents are set in their ways at times!!

    I really want to tell my parents soon, because i just feel so alone and scared.. im fine when im with my friends, the few who know are so amazing and said theyre gonna be there for me and really want to be a part of it, and my boyfriend is outstanding, but its goin to be tricky now getin thru my beauty exams in may or so, ill have to get a new uniform if i have a bump by then haha disaster!!

    i am so thankful that i have people like all of you lovely ladies to chat to and to ask ridiculous things to, if i didnt have this then i would be driven mad. and i love coming on here and seeing peoples stories and progress :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    @ Lucy2010, did you do a test today or are you going to give it a few days? I hope you get the result you want. Are you feeling any better today or still ropey?

    @ Turbochick, what are your parents like normally? they might be really happy for you, especially when they see how much support you have from your other half as well.

    I had my Ante Natal class today it was really interesting. I'm raring to go now! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭elsy

    Hi girls, i've been following this thread the past week i'm 6 weeks pregnant on my 2nd i have a 2 year old lil girl so excited to be starting this wonderful journey again. is it ok if i join in. turbochick everything will be fine i was 23 when i got pregnant on my lil girl i would not change the past 2 years for anything they have been the happiest 2 years of my life. your mam and dad might be a bit shocked at the start but they will get over it and see what a gift your lil bean is and in a years time you'll be watching them doting over your lil baby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    hey do you find the classes? i start mine on thursday and am a little apprehensive!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Hi Elsy, and congrats!!!

    Hacked - I thought the classes were great. Our first 2 x classes were with the physio and she showed us loads of relaxation techniques & exercises to do to combat the different aches and pains you have during pregnancy (wish I'd known some of the a few months ago!!)

    The class today was all about knowing when to go to the hospital (either 3 hours after your waters break or when contractions are coming 10 mins apart and lasting 30-40 seconds).
    She covered a lot on the various pain relief options and explained them all in details which was what I really wanted to know about.

    The last class is next weekend and it'll cover what to do when you bring baby home, breastfeeding, looking after yourself after labour etc

    The midwife was excellent and the whole thing was really light hearted, she got everyone to interact so it was a nice way to get to know other people that are due around the same time.

    Its gas though, a bit of what she covered was if you have any prolonged aches/pains at this stage to call the midwife on duty in hospital and talk to them so they can tell you if there's anything to worry about.
    I haven't had any real pain so far in the pregnancy and the one day she tells us about this stuff I ended up having to call the hospital tonight as I had really bad period like pains for 4/5 hours.

    They checked baby, did a scan etc all is fine but to be on the safe side they gave me a steroid injection and I've to go back for another one tomorrow just in case baby does decided to arrive early.

    That bloody steroid injection stings! got it right in the rump and will have to get it in the other cheek tomorrow night :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭ebmma

    turbochick wrote: »
    i think ill tell my parents as late as possible

    I'm 34 weeks and my parents still don't know :D

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    ebmma wrote: »
    I'm 34 weeks and my parents still don't know :D

    After today I nearly wish I'd done the same. The Ma came over for a visit, I was in the middle of making some flapjacks for labour, she decided to take over, made a hash of them. Tried making some tea and was nudged out of the way. Made the gross error of reaching up to get something out of a press, to stop me doing the dangerous act of stretching, she elbowed me. Right in the tummy, the baby was mad as hell for 20 minutes (don't blame him but ow!). I swear, I know it's well intentioned but she's lucky she didn't get a box.

    One of my husband's work mates asked him if my Mam was coming to stay after the birth. Hells no!

    You going to wait till after to tell them ebmma?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    Am update on me: last week was the week that we lost our baby at 9.5 weeks last year (we lost another 4 but they were younger later in the year) so was very upset...we love our son but you never forget the ones that you have lost. Am sick and tired of being in bed most of the day but until someone sorts the anemia I am stuck...was out with dad and mum yesterday but Shane took the back roads home and I ended up fainting 3 times at least and puking my guts up.

    On Thursday for good measure Shane had another suspected blood clot and I had my first bad Braxton Hicks, I thought that I was in labour...

    On a lighter note we are finally having our 3d scan today...sorry I sort of needed to rant but also update as we have been quiet.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 32,285 Mod ✭✭✭✭The_Conductor

    ebmma wrote: »
    I'm 34 weeks and my parents still don't know :D

    I haven't had as good a laugh in a while!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 turbochick

    ebmma wrote: »
    I'm 34 weeks and my parents still don't know :D

    Haha! jaysus i would be doin well now to hide that from my parents for that long, i live with mine, and my beauty therapy uniform is tight and will not fit me by my exams i know it for sure.. hahaha!! 34 weeks? jaypers thats a record, an impressive one :)

    hey elsy thanks for your reply also, thats great that your parents were so supportive. i had a nightmare last night that i went into labour at 2 months (physically impossible i know) and i dreamt that that nurse took the baby out (who was the size of a normal new born!) and threw her in the bin and pinned me down and put an implant in my arm.. weirdo dream.. now im scared that that means ill have a MC at 2 months or somethin. freaky dream, woke up in a sweat :(!!
