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The Pregnancy Chat Thread!



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,563 ✭✭✭Padraig Mor

    Silja - thanks. Just talked to someone who informed me that we would have to pay a private consultant €2000 out of our own pocket. Yikes! I had thought BUPA/VHI covered this, but on re-reading policy, it seems to be only delivery fees! This is really a learning experience - hopefully it'll go a lot smoother the second time around!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Babybags

    Hey found out im 6 weeks gone delighted now, have terrible nasuea but other than that happy out, hows everyone doing???? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    Welcome babybags and congrats on your pregnancy! Have you decided yet which hospital you'll be attending?

    Things are going well here, uneventful, which is good :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Babybags

    silja wrote: »
    Welcome babybags and congrats on your pregnancy! Have you decided yet which hospital you'll be attending?

    Things are going well here, uneventful, which is good :)

    Hey l will be attending wrh in waterford...... all things going well. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭RAFC

    congrats babybags thats great of luck with your pregnancy, be safe in the knowledge that the nausea doesn't last.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 536 ✭✭✭flyz

    Welcome babybags and congrats! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 bonzo-f

    hi all im new to this site. im 20 weeks pregnant and in very good health. its great to see so many people expectin twins. this is my first baby and i was jus wonderin how far people were gone before they felt the baby move???

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    Hi Bonzo-f!
    I started feeling movement just before 16 weeks, though for the first couple of weeks, I wsn't sure it ws movement, it felt like gas (and I had a lot of that too! :P ). I think I felt them early cause it's twins though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 bonzo-f

    thanx silja i duno if i feel anythin and like u said i dont tink id no it was the baby movin anyway. i have a check up in a few weeks so ill ask the doctor at that

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭RAFC

    My first baby NEVER moved - well to rephrase, he was turned the wrong way so while he was moving I never felt the movements, so don't panic if you don't feel much. Movement is usually monitered in the last 10 weeks, so if you are worried then just pop to hosp to be hooked up to a moniter (they were sick of seeing me on no.1)

    On the other 3 movement varied, little movements between weeks 25-30 and increasing in number and strength during weeks 30-40.

    Sometimes earlier in pregnancy, you feel 'butterflies' in your tummy which I was told was actually baby moving. :)

    Best of luck with your last 20 :):):)

    Hope you have plenty babysitters lined up.:cool:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33 NiamhEile

    bonzo-f wrote: »
    hi all im new to this site. im 20 weeks pregnant and in very good health. its great to see so many people expectin twins. this is my first baby and i was jus wonderin how far people were gone before they felt the baby move???
    Hi, I am 20 weeks with my twins, and was worried I hadn't felt any real major movements since ONE time in my sixteenth week, but then had our scan last week and saw our little boy and girl moving around like MAD!!! They weren't still enough for the woman to get proper measurements! She managed though, and all was fine, fingers crossed. So don't worry if you don't really feel the movements yet -- maybe in the next 2 weeks... let me know!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    I am an aunty at last.
    One of my younger sisters gave brith today to a 9lb daughter.
    She was 3 days before her due date and she is doing fine, baby is sleeping and her husband is beside him with happiness.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭RAFC

    Thaedydal wrote: »
    I am an aunty at last.
    One of my younger sisters gave brith today to a 9lb daughter.
    She was 3 days before her due date and she is doing fine, baby is sleeping and her husband is beside him with happiness.
    Congrats Aunty - just remember, money CAN buy love from nieces/nephews :):):)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn


    I doubt that will be needed as I am going to be the odd, wacky and unconventinal aunt.
    I have several years of spoiling to get revenge for.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭RAFC

    Thaedydal wrote: »

    I doubt that will be needed as I am going to be the odd, wacky and unconventinal aunt.
    I have several years of spoiling to get revenge for.
    Oh I like your way of thinking - the noisiest toys - most chocolatey bars and of course the WHITE clothes :):):) revenge is sweet

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    Just back from my third ante-natal appointment of the week :)

    On Tuesday, I had the 3 hour glucose test as I was borderline on the 1 hour. After getting the sugary drink, the twins jumped around like mad. After the second hour, I got a bit woozy and had to lay down on a trolley for half an hour, but fortunately didn't throw up so could finish the test.

    Wednesday was the twin research ultrasound. Everything looks good, Wilbur is 3 pounds 8 ounces and still head down, Robyn is 3 pounds 9 ounces and currently breech (she keeps changing her mind about the way she wants to lay- a woman's perogative! ;*) .

    This morning I had my usual consultant appointment. Dr R*bs*n said not to be worried about the glucose test (normally takes 24 hours to come back, but hasn't yet due to staff sickness and them being busy before the holidays), to go ahead and eat normally over Christmas as it is very unlikely that I have gestational diabetes as my 1 hour result was only just over the limit and there is no sugar in my urine. I asked him did he have a policy on inducing twins at a specific gestational age or weight, and he said no, because he prefers not to induce with twins, especially if the mother would like a vaginal delivery, which he knows I do. He definitely wouldn't induce before 38 weeks if all goes well, and would even let me go to 39 in the hope of spontaneous labour starting if I didn't have too much pain/ uncomfortableness by then. I also informed him of my birth plan, which in it's entirety consists of 2 points: I would like an epidural asap; and if bad things happen, the babies welfare and life comes before mine. My only other point, that I want to breastfeed asap and have skin contact with the babies unless they need to go to NICU as an emergency, is already hospital policy. He said that was both fine, and in fact he thinks an epidural for twin labour is a good idea due to the chance of a c-section, but to be prepared that having a epidural means a slightly higher chance of c-section- I knew that already from the hospital's ante-natal classes, and am prepared to take that chance.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    I had the epidural with both of mine but for less then 6 hours each time and still managed to push and deliver ; then again my sister had the epidural and it didnt' take!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,890 ✭✭✭embee

    Congrats on becoming an aunty Thaed :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭RAFC

    I had an epidural c section on my first - hated the feeling of paralysis so refused to take it on number 2 - vag delivery, and number 3. Yes major pain, but over and done with once both were out.

    THEN number 4 was coming - went into labour on a Friday night by Sunday night I was so exhausted I asked for epidural (had no energy left to push) - the next few hours were pain free bliss, but it did wear off before baby was born so I had the 'pleasure' of feeling all when the time came.

    My advice - TAKE THE PAIN RELIEF, everything they offer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 792 ✭✭✭mmalaka

    Hi Ladies

    My wife did the Home test last week and it was positive, we r both happy for this; we have a daughter (2 years old) and this would be our 2nd one :)

    We remember that during the first one my wife was really feeling sick and her stomach hurting her, we though that this coz it was the first one

    now she starts to feel this again, whatever type of food she get she always feel sick of it

    Do u have any advice for this?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    Congrats on your wife's pegnancy mmalaka!
    What your wife is experiencing is called morning sickness, and it can happen with any pregnancy, not just the first. Some say it is a good sign as it means lots of pregnancy hormones in your wife's body.

    Eating small meals regularly helps, and if she feels ill in the morning, bring her a cup of tea and a bit of toast or dry biscuits before she gets up, that can help. Also taking a vitamin B6 tablet and eating ginger is said to help the nausea, and you can buy magnetic seabands (agains travel sickness as well as morning sickness) in pharmacies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 792 ✭✭✭mmalaka

    Thank u Silja

    Is it called morning sickness coz it should only happened in morning??

    my wife feels this all the time not only in the morning...

    we r going to the GP tomorrow for the first time after that test. perhaps he can give us something for this

    we live in kilcock any advice for a hospital?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    It is usually worst in the morning, but not always- for me, it was worst in late afternoon, probably because that is when I had the longest gap between food. I doubt the GP will give her anything unless she throws up so much that she is de-hydrated, as there are few medicines which are totally proven safe in pegnancy.

    I don't know the area you live, but I'd recommend finding out which hospital is closest to you, and considering that one, or if you wife works outside the home, maybe one near where she works would suit so she doesn't have too far to go for appointments.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 536 ✭✭✭flyz

    Hello to all the new mums/dads 2 b :)
    It's been a while since I've been online. I've done my twin antenatal classes which were through the local multiple birth club so it was great to meet other twin expectant parents.
    Both babies are doing relatively well. At my 28wk scan one of them was measuring 150gs (820gs and 970gs) lighter than the other and also has reduced fluid in the sac also. So I'm now on weekly doppler scans (to measure the blood flow and the fluid) and fortnightly growth scans to monitor the growth.
    My growth scan on Friday said that they're now weighing about 1100gs and 1300gs which has been a healthy gain. However the fluid has been very slowly reducing over the last 2 weeks.
    I'm still getting strong movements from both babies so I'm just being monitored more closely for the moment.

    I've another appointment / scan on monday to review things so hopefully we'll have a better idea of what's going on then.

    On the good side the lead twin is head down so if I do manage to make it to 'full term' then I'll be able to have a normal delivery. However if they do decide that the smaller baby is at risk before then it'll be straight for C-Section.

    I've also finished up work as rest is about all I can do to keep these babies in for longer :)
    I was going to continue part time through Jan but once I'd made the decision to finish up, my motivation & energy levels reduced dramatically.
    Thankfully it's summer where I am so I'm looking forward to a nice few weeks relaxing. As long as it doesn't get too hot!

    Hope everyone has a great relaxing Christmas.
    mmalaka, I hope your wife is still able to enjoy the gluttony that is part of Christmas despite her morning sickness.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tralee girl is first born in 2008
    Tuesday, 1 January 2008 19:21

    The first baby delivered through a natural birth in 2008 was born in Kerry General Hospital in Tralee.

    Mother Amanda O'Connell from Tralee gave birth to a girl at one second past midnight. The baby weighed 6lbs 13oz.

    Another baby was born at the same time through Cesarean Section at the Cork University Maternity Hospital. Tomas Kowalcztk weighed 6lbs 15oz. His mother Agnieszka and father Kamil live in Blarney in Co Cork.

    The first boy born through a natural birth was delivered in the Midlands Regional Hospital in Mullingar at 12.20am this morning. His parents are Barbara and Keith Dunne from Mullingar.

    The first baby born in Dublin was born at the National Maternity Hospital in Holles Street at 12.55am. The boy, who has yet to be given a name, weighed under 8lbs. His mother is Catherine Magee from Co Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    So c-sections are "un natural"??? But let's not discuss this here, after that long and explosive other thread...

    Had my twin research u/s and regular appointment with the consultant today (32 weeks 4 days). The doctor I looked very good for being 32 weeks with twins, and had remarkably few negative pregnancy symptoms. Wilbur is still head down, quite deep in the pelvis but not yet engaged, and weighs 4 pounds 6 ounces, whereas Robyn is oblique breech (with her bum in Wilbur's face!) and weighs 4 pounds 8 ounces and a bit. The twins are doing very well, and Wilbur is laying in such a way that it is extremely unlikely he will move, so a vaginal birth is almost guaranteed (unless there is an unrelated emergency of course). I asked when they'd not stop contractions/labour anymore if it started, and the consultant said they wouldn't stop it at this stage, especially with twins, as once they are over 4 pounds they have a very good chance outside the body, and if labour starts, the body usually has a reason for wanting the baby out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    How are all you pegnant ladies?

    I had a consultant's appointment yesterday. He was very surprised when I told him I walked to the hospital and planned to walk back home, about 40 mins each way icon_smile.gif He said it's a good sign, ladies who stay physically active tend to have an easier labour and recovery, but at the same time, I should consider getting lifts from now on. Twin study ultrasound today, and babies weighing 5.2 (Wilbur, still head down but not engaged) and 5.7 pounds (Robyn, breech) today, so well on the way. Still hoping to make it to 8th February (no idea why, it is just "my" date for them). Due to their very good weight, it is very possible that they'll come a little early though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,959 ✭✭✭tinofapples

    Myself and my wife are expecting our first baby 4 weeks next Sunday. We're thrilled to bits although life is difficult for her at the moment. i do keep telling her to look at the glass as being half full rather than the reverse. i have a friend who hasn't found it smooth running at all.

    It's an exciting time in someones life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭RAFC

    Myself and my wife are expecting our first baby 4 weeks next Sunday. We're thrilled to bits although life is difficult for her at the moment. i do keep telling her to look at the glass as being half full rather than the reverse. i have a friend who hasn't found it smooth running at all.

    It's an exciting time in someones life.
    Easy for you to say, you never carried a baby :). Try asking her if there is anything you can do to make it easier for her (that will pay off big time in brownie points after).

    It's not easy for the last month, your big and awkward (feel like a whale) and very uncomfortable. SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT and you'll make it so much easier :D:D:D

    Best of luck to you both, it really is an exciting time - don't forget to let us all know......

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,959 ✭✭✭tinofapples

    Try asking her if there is anything you can do to make it easier for her

    I certainly do but I'm trying to keep the positives to the fore.
    It's not easy for the last month

    I can see that very clearly, she's finding it hard just getting around the house at the minute.
    Best of luck to you both, it really is an exciting time - don't forget to let us all know

    Thanks;) , certainly will.

    By the way has anyone here experienced veins in "the" area and have any relief, I'd love to find some way of helping her get pain relief from the pain this is causing her at the moment.
