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The Pregnancy Chat Thread!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭RAFC

    By the way has anyone here experienced veins in "the" area and have any relief, I'd love to find some way of helping her get pain relief from the pain this is causing her at the moment.

    Can't say I have experienced that, but maybe the chemist could recommend something, did experience fierce pressure pains at that stage alright and nothing can be done about that.

    A good book to focus on positives is 'The Secret' for every aspect of life, it might help her through the last month too.:cool:

    You sound like a very supportive 'dad to be':D:D:D keep up the good work

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,890 ✭✭✭embee

    By the way has anyone here experienced veins in "the" area and have any relief, I'd love to find some way of helping her get pain relief from the pain this is causing her at the moment.

    I don't get what you mean here. I am going to go out on a limb and ask if you're talking about haemmorhoids (piles)? They can be common in pregnancy or post-delivery and very painful. If she has piles at the moment, sitting in a shallow bath of the hottest water she can get into without scalding can help. There are also treatments available like Preparation H or Hemoclin - always check first if they are suitable for use during pregnancy pr breastfeeding.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    Tinofapples- your wife and I are due on the same day, 24th February! Though I am having twins and so probably will go early.

    If you mean she has varicose veins in her vagina, I hear carying a bottle of cold water and "douching" with that, especially when peeing, can help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,959 ✭✭✭tinofapples

    but maybe the chemist could recommend something

    Has done. Witch Hazel was recommended but hasn't had any helped.
    talking about haemmorhoids

    Yeah she has them but the Doc has also said she has varicose veins down there as well.

    silja , what do mean by "douching" ? To be honest I can't see us going full term but everyone keeps saying that it's more common for first timers to go beyond the due date.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    It is more common as most people can't pin point when thier last period was and even going by the frist day of the last period ovultion and conception can be 2/3 weeks after that date.

    I would not reccamend douching to anyone, I think it is an awful practice.

    tinofapples has she tried squeezing a sponge full of warm water over her gentitals when sitting to try use the toilet ? It can relax and gently stimulate to make things a little easier.

    It does sound like she is having a rough time of and should try stay of her feet as much as possible.
    What is douching?

    Douching is rinsing or cleaning out the vagina by squirting water or other water based solutions (such as vinegar, baking soda, or commercial douching solutions) into the vagina. The water or solutions are held in a container and are squirted through tubing and a nozzle. Commercial douching solutions are found over-the-counter at pharmacies and grocery stores.

    Why do women douche?

    Women douche to: rinse away blood after a menstrual period, to reduce odor and to clean the vagina after sexual activity. Sometimes women douche with the false expectation that doing so will help her to avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and/or to wash away semen to prevent pregnancy.

    In some cases, a doctor may instruct a woman to douche with a medicinal solution to fight chronic yeast infections or bacterial infections. Currently, almost 15% of adolescent girls and young women in the United States douche. Certain ethnic groups have much higher rates of douching than others. Studies have shown that African American women douche at approximately twice the rate of White women.

    Is douching safe?

    Douching is no longer recommended to clean the vagina. Because routine douching changes the delicate chemical balance in the vagina, it can make a woman more susceptible to bacterial infections and introduce new bacteria into the vagina and cervix. It also can spread existing vaginal infections to the uterus and fallopian tubes. Research shows that women who douche on a regular basis actually develop an increased amount of vaginal irritations and infections, including bacterial vaginosis (BV), and STDs. These women also have a 73% increased risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID is a chronic infectious disease affecting the cervix, uterus, ovaries, and the fallopian tubes that can cause severe pelvic pain and can lead to infertility. Sexually transmitted bacteria traveling into the uterus usually causes PID. Both BV and PID may lead to serious problems during pregnancy, such as infection, problems with labor, and early delivery.

    Health professionals agree that there is a need for further research to find out if douching directly causes BV and PID and why adolescent girls and young women douche.

    What effects will douching have on pregnancy?

    Douching after sex does not prevent pregnancy. Sperm have the ability to reach the uterus and travel through the fallopian tubes before a woman can begin douching. Some research has shown, however, that douching may affect fertility. In women trying to conceive, those who douched the most frequently (more than once per week) had the lowest pregnancy rate. Other research has shown a link between frequent douching and having low birth-weight babies. Studies also show that douching greatly increases the chance of ectopic pregnancy, which can be a life-threatening condition. Ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg attaches inside of the fallopian tube instead of in the uterus.

    What is the healthiest and safest way to clean the vagina?

    Because the chemical balance of the vagina is very sensitive, it is best to let the vagina clean itself. The vagina takes care of cleaning itself naturally through secretions of mucous. Warm water and gentle, unscented soap during the bath or shower is the best way to clean the outside areas of the vagina (vulva). Products like feminine hygiene soaps, powders and sprays are not necessary, and may be harmful. If a woman notices a vaginal odor, it is important that she consult her health care provider because it may be a vaginal infection.

    It is important to consult your health care provider if you experience any of the following symptoms: vaginal pain, itching, burning, or a foul odor; pain when urinating; a vaginal discharge that is different from normal, such as thick and white like cottage cheese or yellowish-green. You may have a yeast infection, urinary tract infection, or bacterial infection that can be treated with medication. Do not clean the vagina or douche prior to a doctor’s exam since it will wash away the vaginal discharge, which identifies the type of infection.

    * The Q & A's above source: National Women's Health Information Center, Office of Women's Health, and US Department of Health & Human Services.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,890 ✭✭✭embee

    silja wrote: »
    If you mean she has varicose veins in her vagina, I hear carying a bottle of cold water and "douching" with that, especially when peeing, can help.


    Douching is basically squirting water or fluid into the vagina. It is not a good idea - it upsets the balance of natural chemical balance of the vagina, and sometimes it can spread a localised infection further. Women who douche on a regular basis are more prone to problems like bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infections and pelvic inflammatory disease. Douching, whether pregnant or not, is not recommended. I would advise your wife to consult her GP regarding the varicose veins she has - do not take on to begin douching. - Article on douching.

    Just on you thinking your wife may go into labour early - the only certainty when it comes to labour is that there'll be a baby at the end of it. Everything else after that is a variable. My first labour happened at 12 days overdue, and it wasn't a "natural" labour - I was induced. My aunt had her first baby 11 days early - that ended in a c-section.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,959 ✭✭✭tinofapples

    Thanks folks will pass on what has been said.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    Sorry, I used the wrong word- didn't mean squirting anything in the vagina (definitely not when you're pregnant!), just pouring the water over the area to cool and refresh it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,890 ✭✭✭embee

    silja wrote: »
    Sorry, I used the wrong word- didn't mean squirting anything in the vagina (definitely not when you're pregnant!), just pouring the water over the area to cool and refresh it.

    Thats grand silja, I had a feeling you didn't mean actual douching - I just think its important to advise people that douching isn't recommended as a general rule, pregnant or not - you know yourself, you see a word, you google.... can of worms opened!

    I know exactly what you mean about pouring the cool water over the area. After women give birth, a lot of them have stitches. A good idea to keep the stitches as clean as possible (and to prevent stinging when urinating) is to have a sports bottle of cold water and bring it into the loo with you. You can then squeeze the bottle and angle the jet of water to alleviate stinging and to soothe sore stitches. It is the single best tip I was given!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭RAFC

    After I was stitched I was advised to put a couple of drops of lavander on the pads I was using - very soothing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    Quick update on me (and I'd love to hear some updates from the other pregnant ladies on here!): The twins are now 6 pounds 1 ounce and 5 pounds 14 ounces, and both head down! Yay! I am hoping they'll stay in for another week or so, but then I think I'll be ready to hold them in my arms- I know my husband is very, vry ready to hold them in his arms :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 536 ✭✭✭flyz

    silja, do you have an induction date set?

    At my last growth scan at 34weeks, babies were 3lbs14oz and 4lb9oz.
    The smaller baby has had sporadic doppler measurements (blood flow resistance though the umbilical cord) so I've been in and out of the hospital for closer monitoring.

    Looks like it could be a close call as to which one of us delivers first :D
    Mine is definitely going to be a c-section now. Even though the lead baby is head first, the higher risk baby is the second one and they want to minimize the stress that it gets put under.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    My consultant prefers twins to go naturally rather than induce or do c-section (unless medically neccessary of course), so no :) He says once I am past 38 weeks we may need to look at doing something to get things moving, but he hopes labour will start naturally before that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 ag1975


    Just looking for general feedback and advice really. I've been off the pill for 4 months and finally think that i have the timing right. (like other posters whenever its the right time of the month i start getting nervous and thinking that maybe the time isn't right for me but anyway I was using a digital ovulation kit and got a smilry face yesterday so decided to go for it!! then I checked an ovulation calender an lo and behold it said yesterday (thursday)was my most fertile day! we also had an "early night" the night before (wednesday) so of course I know that its no guarantee but i'm hoping....

    so if anyone else wants to share.....:)
    Also I'm on health manager starter, (i'm in ireland) its €45 a month and I def don't want to be paying anymore than that. Is this a good plan for me to be on for maternity benefits, About how much in total does it cost to go private in a public hospital? That is how much would we be paying after the health insurance company pay their bit? thanks everybody.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    I am not sure about Health Manager Starter but you should be able to ring your insurnace company and they can send you out info about what exactly is and isn;t covered regarding maternity. How much private care costs very much depends on where you live- in the Dublin hospitals, 3500-4000 euro is the norm for a private consultant (down the country it an be 2000 or even less), and you get very little if anything from the insurance, but you can claim back the tax on it at the end of the year (so 20 or 40%, depending on whcih tax bracket you are in).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 ExpectantMum

    Hey! Im due April 15th.. so excited!!! Im nearly 30weeks. Ive gained a stone since before I was pregnant.. is this a helthy weight? or should it be more or less?

    Also, im attending the regional maternity hospital in limerick, anyone got any advice/experience to share from this place?? My mum was there but the last time was eight years ago so id love some recent updates of the place?

    Thanks! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,940 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Hey! Im due April 15th.. so excited!!! Im nearly 30weeks. Ive gained a stone since before I was pregnant.. is this a helthy weight? or should it be more or less?

    It all depends on the individual so only your doctor can tell you.
    My mrs (due 2nd Mar) didn't put on any weight at all for a long time, although on the ultrasound they could see that the baby was spot on in terms of growth. They were not concerned as she was eating normally, she just lost a few pounds that she'd been trying to get rid of for ages :) later on her appetite did increase. Everyone is different and mums with more than one child often say that every pregnancy is different. Mention it to your doc next time and he/she can reassure you.

    The Dublin Airport cap is damaging the economy of Ireland as a whole, and must be scrapped forthwith.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 mikey08


  • Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭trevorku

    Hi I'm not pregnant myself, but the girlfriend is and I'm really ecstatic. She is 6 weeks pregnant and we did 2 home PTs and were positive so yesterday we went to the Family Planning clinic in the Square Tallaght as we didnt know where else would be opened. They confirmed once again something for 18Euro which we already knew however didnt give a whole lot of advice on what to do next.

    I was wondering now that we know my gf is pregnant, where do we go now. Do we go to a normal doctor or something? My girlfriend is convinced she needs to go to a gynaecologist or something. However where do we go for the scans and so on and the midwife thing, we dont have any info on what to do.

    Do you know of anywhere on where to get information in town or something?


  • Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭trevorku

    Mikey, I think your girlfriend is not thinking straight because first of all at this stage it sounds like it is too late into the pregnancy to abort. Also she is prob just nervous, every girl wants to look like a princess on her wedding day. I'm sure she didnt mean she wants to abort but it wouldnt be possible anyway. Is there a chance that you could postpone the wedding until September. Perhaps she need to do some research on a maternity wedding dress, am sure theyre out there. All the best anyway.

    P.S. It is not you who is being selfish mikey ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭TheQueen

    Congratulations. Your girlfriend needs to get a letter from her gp confirming pregnancy and then contact one of the three maternity hospitals, the coombe, holles street or rotunda. The hospital will then organise booking visit, scans etc. Gp will explain in detail. Would advise you to do this as soon as possible as the maternity hops are so busy! Should get first hosp appointment around 12-14 weeks.
    Congratulations again

  • Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭trevorku

    Hi Queen,
    Thanks very much, will do that. However we need to think of an excuse to get time off work for my gf, as she has just started a new job and is afraid that if she tells her boss she is expecting then she may lose her job. I know a girl before when she was pregnant and no company would hire her as they didnt want to pay maternity leave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,890 ✭✭✭embee


    Congratulations to you both.

    The first thing you need to do is to visit your GP to get the pregnancy confirmed. Your GP will then sign you onto the Mother and Infant Care scheme, which allows for free GP and hospital visits in Ireland once you use the public system.

    The following link has tons of useful information also when it comes to services available to all expectant parents in the Republic of Ireland :

    edit :folks, if you managed to read mikey08's post, please don't reply to it (it has since been deleted). He has been sitebanned and I don't think that the subject matter he brought up is appropriate on a thread frequented mostly by expectant parents.

    Thanks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭trevorku

    Wow thanks a mil for that info, hope we are entitled to get on the scheme, I was dreading the thought of all them 60Eur doctors bills. Thankkkkkkkkks

  • Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭trevorku

    We have booked a doctors appointment on Thursday to go to Medicus in Phibsboro as its the only good Polish doctors place that we know of. Being that my gf is Polish she wants to be able to say everything she can to the doc.

    So we have a checklist thanks to the people in this nice forum :)

    1. Get a note from the doctor confirming the pregnancy.

    2. Ask the doctor if we qualify for the Maternity and Infant Care Scheme which entitles free doc and hospital appointments.

    3. Bloodtest and consultation to organise scans and so on...

    I hope I'm not overlooking anything, am anxious. Hopefully we can see a scan soon, even at 6 weeks, a small figure would be amazing to see on the screen. Oh look at me getting all fatherly.

    I'll let you all know how it goes after thursday and thanks to everyone for the help.

    - Trevor

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    At 6 weeks tis nto going to more then a blob tbh.

    But congratualtions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭trevorku

    It will still be my baby, I wouldn't really use the term blob,lol. Even a spec on the screen would be worthwhile.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    I meant it will only look like a blob :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭trevorku

    yeah I knew that *hugs*

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    To be honest, if you are going for the free medical care, ie public in the hospital and maybe the combined care scheme where you get free GP visits, you will not have a scan until at last 12 weeks- in most hospitals, you get only one or two scans through the pregnancy if you go for the free care, at either 12 and/or 18-22 weeks. If you are anxious to see your baby, you could pay for a private scan at a place like Mount Carmel or the Charlemont Clinic, it'll cost about 120 euro. But even then I'd recommend waiting till at least 7 weeks, that way you are very likely to see a heartbeat, which is very re-assuring. Here is my ultrasound pic from 7 weeks 2 days:
