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Chem trails



  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    the Thai's and the Chinese claim to have perfected Cloud Seeding, the Aussies have tried with varying results, this is the art of actively putting chemicals in the sky, to make rain or prevent hail or generally manipulate the climate. you is tryin to prove something else from this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    OK....even without the video to hand, I can tell you that they say the following:

    1) The content put into the sky was chaff, not chemicals. It was small fibres of metal-coated plastic.

    2) The "clouds" they reported were visible only on meteoroligical radar. If you looked up into the sky (or down on it with satellites) where there was the meteoroligical radar was reporting heavy cloud and heavy saw nothing but blue sky because there was no cloud.

    3) The claim made by the meteorologist (Karsten Brandt) was that the military were attempting to modify meteoroligcal weather charts, not that they were trying to manipulate the weather/climate, as the translation claims.

    4) Jockseire has claimed, and still claims that the translation is accurate, despite not even acknowledging or explaining how this gels with the content that I've already shown to be not compeltely incorrect. Nowhere in the German content - either the voice-over, or the text from the official report cited, is it claimed that chemtrails were sprayed at low altitude. Nowhere is anything even close to that claimed. What is claimed, as I've noted, is that the offical records show that only small quantities of chaff were deployed.
    Jockseire wrote:
    the point is they try to derail the message of german military spraying chenicals in the air by picking out other details from my posts

    One of the details I've picked out is that they did not spray chemicals. They deployed chaff. I'm not trying to derail any message, other than a misleading one. Chaff is "chemicals" only in the loosest interpretation of the term...that all matter is comprised of chemicals - an interpretation which would also include qualifying perfectly regular engine exhausts.
    and not the message presented in the report.
    The core of the message - which you still maintain is correclty interpreted - is exactly what I've already shown to be false. The report stated small quantities of chaff wer deployed. The "perfectly correct" translation said chemtrails were sprayed at low altitude.
    so lets see what bonkey understood from what the report
    I've pointed out more than enough thats wrong with the report. You've yet to address any of those points, resorting instead to bluster that I'm trying to somehow divert from the message.Of course, givben that you seem to understand "perfect" as "something containing errors that we can overlook", perhaps by "diverting from the message" you mean "showing where its completely wrong".

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Right, listened to it again 'Metaldumpin' that'd be what they call chemtrails,

    You presumably are hearing them say 'Metaldppern', which would be the German for metallic chaff.

    As I've already pointed out...look at the opening credits, and you'll see what they call chemtrails.
    I still maintain (as I've noticed the date is in December) that it would most likely be cloud seeding with silver iodide to prevent hail, based on the geographic locations given in the video.
    There was no cloud. There was a radar signature which said "there's a cloud there, and heavy rain", but no actual cloud and no rain. The meteorological radar was being confused by chaff.

    Thats why they keep using the term Dppern, and why they point out that the cloud was only seen on meteorological radar.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    For anyone who prefers the written word, here's a Spiegel article on the same subject....again, in German.,1518,445727,00.html

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    the Thai's and the Chinese claim to have perfected Cloud Seeding, the Aussies have tried with varying results, this is the art of actively putting chemicals in the sky, to make rain or prevent hail or generally manipulate the climate. you is tryin to prove something else from this.

    Just a small point, which I mention only because its one I've seen gotten wrong in many of the articles I've read while looking up on this, as well as in the above.

    Cloud-seeding and similar techniques are attempts to manipulate the weather, not the climate.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,584 ✭✭✭✭kippy

    1. I dont think theres anyone her who will say that chemicals arent being sprayed into the air. (Every single airplane that takes off emits exhaust gases which are of course chemicals) If these are now what are being called chemtrails because they are chemical trails then fair enough.

    2. The conspiracy at the center of this topic is that governments are intentionally "spraying" chemicals in the air over us to poison us. (Barium was one chemical mentioned earlier on and a number of reports were cited about differing levels of chemicals in groundwater etc.

    3. What has been reported in Germany doesnt really deal with point 2 at all in my opinion.

    4. No one has answered any of my questions which were asked a few pages ago.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,980 ✭✭✭meglome

    kippy wrote: »
    1. I dont think theres anyone her who will say that chemicals arent being sprayed into the air. (Every single airplane that takes off emits exhaust gases which are of course chemicals) If these are now what are being called chemtrails because they are chemical trails then fair enough.

    Well at that rate car exhausts are spraying chemicals into the air. And every power station, every cigarette and too many other places/things to mention. The term chemtrails is being used to signify something else, the intentional poisoning of the population by planes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    I'll have a shot at your questions, Kippy....
    1 Who is spraying?(actually flying the planes, refueling the plans and responsible for their safe trip through the sky)?
    I don't know, but I'm willing to bet that there's a 1-1 correlation between registered flight-paths of commercial aircraft, and the trails that have been photographed.
    2 Who finances this, who orders the spraying and who do they answer to?
    Presumably the same shadowy, ill-defined cabal that's allegedly behind everything other conspiracy. Y'know...the ones who control everything, but are trying to gain control of everything.
    3 Why do this? As mentioned earlier (which I have to say, was completely overlooked) spraying from the sky is neither targeted, stealthy or inexpensive) Why they hell dont "they" poison the water reservoirs directly? Dublin only has one or two sources of water and this appears to be the way to go for any such poisoning of the population of the city.
    The only logical conclusion is that its a long-term plan to achieve some sort of critical levels of something in the entire atmosphere. Given the wind-speeds at the altitudes that 'trails (con- or chem-) occur, the occurrence of such 'trails over ocean as well as land, and various other factors, it simply cannot be actually targetted at anything. I'd refer back to the Spiegel article I linked to above, concerning chaff, where it is mentioned that chaff falls at 20-30 cm/sec. If dropped from a few thousand metres, its going to take hours to fall to earth. Now...if instead of chaff, we have fine particulate matter (e.g. something like smoke particules) or a gas, then it could easily stay in the atmosphere indefinitely (witness how far dust from teh sahara can be blown, and it starts at ground-level, or indeed where the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl was traced to, again, starting at ground-level).
    4 Why spend so much time and effort doing this when there are easier and more effective ways of doing it?
    If the aim is to reach critical levels of something in the entire atmosphere, there may not be easier and more effective ways of doing it.

    The problem (for me) with this scenario is that you'll find it hard to find someone who agrees with the theory of chemtrails who also believes that man's entire impact on the earth can have any signficant impact on the atmosphere (e.g. the whole Global Warming thing). So if our entire impact - industrual, agricultural, and all the rest is can a handful of planes who's output makes up a tiny, tiny proportion of that do anything at all to the global atmospheric makeup.
    5 What do you personally do to protect yourself from the effects of this spraying? Wear a mask?
    I do nothing, because I don't believe I'm being sprayed.
    6 Have you brought up your issues with your local politician? If so what has the response been? Similiarily have you written a letter to the department of the environment or the green party or the EU asking for clarification of what is going on in the skies above our heads? If so I would be interested in seeing any replies.
    I have no issues, so this doesn't apply to me.
    7 You mentioned before that there were a few countries that didnt actually get sprayed. To be honest I found that amazing.
    Yeah...someone mentioned Switzerland, which is amusing because I've seen these 'trails in the morning sky over Bern more than once. Also, as I've already mentioned above, the windspeeds at altitude, coupled with the slow descent rate of anything that would/could be being used would mean that it wouldn't matter. Switzerland - if it were not involved in this alleged conspiracy - could do nothing against the 'fallout' from neighbouring countries.

    What is perhaps a more pertinent question is why these allegedly-non-involved nations are keeping silent when they are unquestionably going to be as effected as anyone else.
    How many undocumented flights, gallons of fuel/chemical and man hours would be needed for an operation of this size and who is logisticily and financially responsible for running it?
    You're mostly repeating questions from above here, but here's my take on it...

    If there were such a conspiracy, I believe it would be far better achieved by ensuring that there were additives in all aviation fuel. To achieve this would require a far smaller degree of coverup, and could leverage so many of the logistics already in place. Unfortunately, it would negate all these "on again, off again", "only some of the time", "suspicious patterns" arguments that are key to the whole argument.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,584 ✭✭✭✭kippy

    Thanks Bonkey,
    Your logicilly thought out and well formed answers are well appreciated.
    What appears in the youtube video/article being argued about in the more recent threads doesnt really purport to be about chemtrails then,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 216 ✭✭rigormortis

    Heres my video. Going to make plenty more when the cloud cover permits.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,980 ✭✭✭meglome

    Heres my video. Going to make plenty more when the cloud cover permits.

    Not to yet again point out that these are exactly what you see from every jet plane depending on the conditions. I'm still failing to see what showing us exactly what we expect to see is proving.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    yeah, but the one thingthatgives this theory any form of credence (nice tune BTW) is tha I remember as akid when you could look up in the sky and the contrailswould be 2 straight lines trailin off the wings for about 15 miles behind the plane, theydidnt become as diffuse as quickly as they do nowadays. what has changed? is it something they have added to the fuel?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    yeah, but the one thingthatgives this theory any form of credence (nice tune BTW) is tha I remember as akid when you could look up in the sky and the contrailswould be 2 straight lines trailin off the wings for about 15 miles behind the plane, theydidnt become as diffuse as quickly as they do nowadays. what has changed?
    A number of things have changed.

    CO2 concentrations, weather conditions, the altitude that planes fly at, the number of planes in the air...all changed.
    is it something they have added to the fuel?
    As far as I'm aware, if aviation fuel has changed much over the years, its because they've removed stuff from it....a bit like car fuel has changed.

    I would, in return, ask whether you noticed these persistent contrails after you heard someone talking about them / read about them / were otherwise informed about them, or if you saw them and then asked yourself "what has changed" and went and checked it up?

    I know that as a kid, the only time I noticed plane contrails at all were on clear, cloudless days. I remember noticing that some planes left no contrails. Some left the "straight as an arrow" type, and some left contrails that "puffed out" into something fluffier. I definitely didn't stay looking at the same patch of sky over half an hour to see what happened in each and every more than I do today.

    Today, I see the same...and occasionally (but only now that I've been reading this type of stuff) I've noticed occasions where there's a load of persistent 'trails in the sky. I still don't watch the sky for hours on end to see what happens to each and every 'trail that I see.

    I would additionally say that when I do notice the type of effect that is being termed as chemtrails, I generally find that the weather conditions are quite similar, and the clouds that I see (that definitely aren't from planes) are generally of the same type....which would be consistent with the notion that its specific conditions that give rise to this situation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    Well, case closed, chemtrails are real. The next endeavour is to determine what purpose they are intended for and whether they are harmful to us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Kernel wrote: »
    Well, case closed, chemtrails are real.
    The next endeavour is to determine what purpose they are intended for and whether they are harmful to us.
    Why? You've abandoned any respectable standard of proof to declare case-closed, so why not jsut decide whats in them and make up what you think its doing to you, and declare case closed there as well?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 STEVO B

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,804 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    STEVO B wrote: »
    This has what, exactly, do do with chemtrails?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,965 ✭✭✭✭Zulu

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    ah yeah I think you've confused the name of a pop band featuring that bird Fergie and the name given to CIA covert operations there lad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    STEVO B wrote: »

    Jesus wept how many accounts can one man have.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34 thebigshot

    Taken over north dublin 11/02/08. First picture taken 9.58am, second 10.15am, third 10.33 am. So we have 30+ minute contrails that gradually spread out?



    Interesting post.

    Lots of chemtrails over Dublin today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,965 ✭✭✭✭Zulu

    Oh. My. God. We're all going to die on 12/9/2012 at 14:36.

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 91,681 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    why do they need chemtrails when they can just put it in the water like fluoride
    or in the meat like hormones
    or in the plants like gmo
    or in fuel like they used to do with lead, Then again they just use the paint on toys
    or in the spray cans ( what do you think they replaced the CFC's with ?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,965 ✭✭✭✭Zulu

    beacuse all the chems work together to produce one really really really bad one. Plus, if you find out about one - like these chemtrails they'll get you with the others.

    Who'd have thunk it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 scumbag sqpants

    why do they need chemtrails when they can just put it in the water like fluoride
    or in the meat like hormones
    or in the plants like gmo
    or in fuel like they used to do with lead, Then again they just use the paint on toys
    or in the spray cans ( what do you think they replaced the CFC's with ?)

    what better way to poison us than to poison the atmosphere!?? They want to create new disease and spread epidemics to help depopulate the world by 1 billion. This is the gospel truth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭toiletduck

    what better way to poison us than to poison the atmosphere!??

    By all of the methods listed. Then the posion could be delivered in concentrated amounts rather than via being dispersed miles up. How would that dispersion affect ground level could anyone tell me? I imagine it would be so diluted as to be insignificant.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    ah Casey, tha aul handles are gettin more and more farfetched.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 Fleming15

    I see the boys are blasting away in the north dublin skies today.

    Contrails lasting for 40 minutes before merging into wht looks like clouds.


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,225 ✭✭✭Ciaran500

    Yes you are. Reported.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 JIMSTARK

    The boys were out yesterday over Galway.
