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Swapping Linked List Nodes in C... YEARGGH!

  • 04-12-2007 5:24am
    Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭

    I have been trying to simply swap two nodes in a linked list for fcking ages... tried so many ways and each time it hasn't worked... I really need help, this is driving me crazy!

    ok so here is one of the (failed) attempts:
    typedef struct lnode
    	void		*data;
    	lnode		*next;
    // I understand how completely wrong this is, but it's like
    // my 50th attempt, i've tried the more straightforward stuff
    void swapNodes(lnode **n1,lnode **n2)
    	lnode *temp;
    	temp = *n1;
    	*n1 = *n2;
    	n2 = &temp;

    so any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Registered Users Posts: 413 ✭✭ianhobo

    Just a quick glance, you seem to have all the right elements, but you've made things over complicated for yourself!

    In your structure declaration, your data value , did you mean it to be a pointer? Typically it wouldnt be a pointer, but something like "int data".
    Only the second member would be a pointer, as it points to the next list structure.

    So with that in mind, some of your dereferencing has become a bit muddled, you should only need one level indirection (*) for your swap function, not two (**) . there should be no pointers to pointers needed here
    your passing in **, you should only need *
            lnode *temp;
    	temp = *n1;

    Here, you've created a pointer of type lnode called temp, but you've set it equal to what n1 points at, rather than the address of where n1 structure is.
    try simply
           temp = n1;

    So as a starting point, make your "void *data" an "int data", and try rethink what your trying to do,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,481 ✭✭✭satchmo

    Nothing wrong with data in a linked list being a pointer, and it doesn't make any difference to what he's trying to do here.

    Almost there Jimmy.. like ianhobo said, just pass in single pointers as parameters and swap them around like they were regular datatypes (ie no dereferencing).

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    Thanks guys, i got it early this morning :)

    See I had tried the simple swapping regular pointers before that and for some reason I lost a pointer in the operation so I rewrote it to return the new first pointer and it worked. Here is what I did, it had an element of luck about it, what do you guys think, it works but would it be what you would expect?
    lnode* swap(lnode *n1, lnode *n2)
    	lnode *temp;
    	temp = n2->next;
    	n2->next = n1;
    	n1->next = temp;
    	return n2;

    for some reason if i dont return n2 it doesn't work in my list

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,916 ✭✭✭ronivek

    Looks fine.

    What are you doing with the returned pointer?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    ronivek wrote: »
    Looks fine.

    What are you doing with the returned pointer?

    well it was for adjacent nodes and it wouldnt work unless i returned a pointer so i called it like
    firstpointertoswap = swap(first,second)

    but now I need to know something else.

    If I have a Linked list where the the data fields are void pointers (so pointers to any type)
    when I free each node, will that free the stuff pointed to by the void data pointers?
    More importantly, when I allocate memory for a node (defined above) that doesn't allocate memory for the data does it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    YEAARGH, I wrote it in what I thought was C (compiling in visual C++).
    But now I have changed the name ending to .c it doesn't compile! million errors!

    Can anyone have a glance at this and tell me if I have used anything that isn't C specific?!
    // constants used for setting the order of list
    #define ORDER_NONE 1
    #define ORDER_ASCENDING 2
    // defines one list node
    // internally used by linked list
    typedef struct lnode
    	void			*data;
    	struct lnode	*next;
    //defines what each list will have
    // user will see this
    typedef struct llist
    	lnode	*head;
    	int		order;
    	int		(*compareFunc)(void *data1, void *data2);
     function prototypes
    void add			(llist &list, void *data);
    void removeFirst	(llist &list);
    void setOrder		(llist &list,int order);
    void insertBefore	(llist &list, lnode *target,lnode *prev, void *data);
    void freeListMemory	(llist &list);
    void freeNodes		(lnode *head);
    void* getFirst		(llist &list);
    lnode* newNode		(void *data);
    llist newList		();
    bool isEmpty		(llist &list);
    int	compareInts		(void *x, void *y); // for comparing two ints, not used
    void print			(llist &list);	// for debugging, prints ints
    lnode* swap			(lnode *n1, lnode *n2); //no longer used
    returns a pointer to the first data element in the list
    void* getFirst(llist &list)
    		return NULL;
    		return list.head->data;
    Removes and deletes the first node in the list
    void removeFirst(llist &list)
    	lnode *second;
    	second = list.head->next;
    	list.head = second;
    Returns a new initialized list
    llist newList()
    	llist list;
    	list.head = NULL;
    	return list;
    Sets the method for adding items to the list
    ORDER_NONE - the data will be appended to the end of the list
    ORDER_ASCENDING - the data will be put in lower to higher order
    void setOrder(llist &list,int order)
    	list.order = order;
    Determines if the list is empty
    bool isEmpty(llist &list)
    	if(list.head == NULL)
    		return true;
    		return false;
    Adds a new node with the data to the list
    void add(llist &list, void *data)
    	lnode *curr;
    	lnode *prev;
    	case ORDER_NONE:
    		//list is empty
    			list.head = newNode(data);
    		//list is not empty so traverse the list and add the node
    			curr = list.head;
    				curr = curr->next;
    			curr->next = newNode(data);
    			list.head = newNode(data);
    			curr = list.head;
    			prev = NULL;
    			//therein lies da rub
    			while((list.compareFunc(data,curr->data)) > 0 )
    				prev = curr;
    					curr = curr->next;
    					curr = NULL;
    Traverses a list releasing each nodes' memory
    void freeListMemory(llist &list)
    	list.head = NULL;
    Releases the memory of all nodes starting with the head
    void freeNodes(lnode *head)
    attempts to insert the data before the target node in the list
    void insertBefore(llist &list, lnode *target,lnode *prev, void *data)
    	lnode *newnode;
    	//nodes given dont exist
    		target = newNode(data);
    		prev->next = target;
    	newnode = newNode(data);
    		list.head = newnode;
    	//target is the head 
    	else if(!prev)
    		list.head = newnode;
    		newnode->next = target;
    		prev->next = newnode;
    		newnode->next = target;
    swaps two nodes (not used anymore)
    lnode* swap(lnode *n1, lnode *n2)
    	lnode *temp;
    	temp = n2->next;
    	n2->next = n1;
    	n1->next = temp;
    	return n2;
    Creates space for a new node and gives it data
    lnode* newNode(void *data)
    	lnode* node = (lnode*)malloc(sizeof(lnode));
    	node->data = data;
    	node->next = NULL;
    	return node;
    for debugging - prints list of ints
    void print(llist &list)
    	lnode *curr;
    	curr = list.head;
    		int *pInt = (int*)(curr->data);
    		curr = curr->next;
    int compareInts(void *x, void *y)
    	int a = *(int*)x;
    	int b = *(int*)y;
    	if(a > b)
    		return 1;
    	else if(a < b)
    		return -1;
    		return 0;


  • Registered Users Posts: 413 ✭✭ianhobo

    What are some of the errors that your getting?
    And type of file was it before?

    Is this for a college project or work? Did you write it all yourself?? hmmm
    Because some parts of it would have some generally advanced C concepts, well beyond the complexity of understanding linked lists anyway.
    Just curious :)

    Regarding your memory question, if you declared, you delete it

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    ianhobo wrote: »
    What are some of the errors that your getting?
    And type of file was it before?

    Is this for a college project or work? Did you write it all yourself?? hmmm
    Because some parts of it would have some generally advanced C concepts, well beyond the complexity of understanding linked lists anyway.
    Just curious :)

    Regarding your memory question, if you declared, you delete it

    I'll take it as a compliment that you question whether I wrote it! Yea I did! This is for learning btw.

    Ok so the errors, I have only started getting them since I made it a .c instead of a .cpp. I get about 62 of these "error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '&'" argggh and have no idea why its happening!

  • Registered Users Posts: 413 ✭✭ianhobo

    ha ha I only question mainly because of your funky function pointer in one of your structs,

    ok, I don't have MSVS here, its eclipse for me, so ill copy and paste and see what happens.
    I presume its just the normal includes your using. stdio.h, anything else?

    But there is something questioning in my head whether the referencing might differ in c and cpp?

    What happen if you pass the list node as * rather than &?
    Even change it for just one of the functions, and see if the error goes away....

    I'l get back to you in a while

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    ianhobo wrote: »
    ha ha I only question mainly because of your funky function pointer in one of your structs,

    ok, I don't have MSVS here, its eclipse for me, so ill copy and paste and see what happens.
    I presume its just the normal includes your using. stdio.h, anything else?

    But there is something questioning in my head whether the referencing might differ in c and cpp?

    What happen if you pass the list node as * rather than &?
    Even change it for just one of the functions, and see if the error goes away....

    I'l get back to you in a while

    thanks! The only includes i have are stdlib and stdio

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  • Registered Users Posts: 413 ✭✭ianhobo

    it appears that pass by reference of the form
    void fnct(int &var);

    is c++ only, C doesn't appear to support this passing type (half way down)

    What you will have to do, and what works in the copy and paste of your code that I did, was to remove your '&' from your function prototpes and replace with '*'.
    The consequence of this is that throughout your code you will have to change all your functions from x.y->z to x->y->z

    It is a bit confusing though, the compiler that I use in work *does* suppport it, but its a custom compiler for a specific paltform, but what I've read this morning seems to suggest that in general, you can't do it in C.
    Hope that helps!

    Anyone else any thoughts, explanations?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    ianhobo wrote: »
    it appears that pass by reference of the form
    void fnct(int &var);

    is c++ only, C doesn't appear to support this passing type (half way down)

    What you will have to do, and what works in the copy and paste of your code that I did, was to remove your '&' from your function prototpes and replace with '*'.
    The consequence of this is that throughout your code you will have to change all your functions from x.y->z to x->y->z

    It is a bit confusing though, the compiler that I use in work *does* suppport it, but its a custom compiler for a specific paltform, but what I've read this morning seems to suggest that in general, you can't do it in C.
    Hope that helps!

    Anyone else any thoughts, explanations?

    EDIT: errors gone
    thanks a lot for the help! really appreciate it! So regarding freeing nodes... if I free a node that only frees the pointers? It wont free whats pointed to by the void pointers? And unless I malloc the actual data then it wont wont be on the heap? Like if i malloc the size of an lnode, that wont provide space or accomodate the space for the stuff that will be pointed to by the void pointers?

  • Registered Users Posts: 413 ✭✭ianhobo

    if you have a structure/node which has a pointer to a data type as a member, you would have to declare memory for that pointer member to point at.

    If you then create your nodes through malloc, you will have to free both the memory for the structure/node, and for the memory that its pointer member is pointing at.


    Create a freeNode function responsible for freeing the memory that is used for the node.
    In here, have an if statement checking if this particular nodes pointer data member is null. If it is null, dont worry about it, if its not null free the memory, then free the memory for the node

    Hope that helps


  • Registered Users Posts: 413 ✭✭ianhobo

    if I free a node that only frees the pointers? It wont free whats pointed to by the void pointers? And unless I malloc the actual data then it wont wont be on the heap? Like if i malloc the size of an lnode, that wont provide space or accomodate the space for the stuff that will be pointed to by the void pointers?

    Didn't you say you wrote this? ;) ha ha

    Your code/linked lists doesn't seem to be concerned with the memory of the structure members void pointers.
    It accepts a pointer when createing a new node, and copies this pointer, so presumably this has been allocated elsewhere, so you still have to free this memory after the lists and nodes are free'd

    think about the way that your function to create a new node works, and basically reverse this process,
    But careful that the data which the structures are pointing to isn't still being used my some other function, as the list didn't allocate them, they could easily be in use by other functions.

    If deleting the list and nodes is part of an exit function for example, then you could use what I said in my previous post about about freeing the member memory along with the node, but again, you have to be sure that the memory won't be free'd anywhere else either, freeing the same memory more than once can cause strange things to happen!

    Having had a closer look at the code, don't just include the method of deleting the memory that the member pointer is pointing when freeing the nodes without fully understanding the implications.

    ok, hope that hasnt caused any confusion!
    Do you get me?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    ianhobo wrote: »
    Didn't you say you wrote this? ;) ha ha

    Your code/linked lists doesn't seem to be concerned with the memory of the structure members void pointers.
    It accepts a pointer when createing a new node, and copies this pointer, so presumably this has been allocated elsewhere, so you still have to free this memory after the lists and nodes are free'd

    think about the way that your function to create a new node works, and basically reverse this process,
    But careful that the data which the structures are pointing to isn't still being used my some other function, as the list didn't allocate them, they could easily be in use by other functions.

    If deleting the list and nodes is part of an exit function for example, then you could use what I said in my previous post about about freeing the member memory along with the node, but again, you have to be sure that the memory won't be free'd anywhere else either, freeing the same memory more than once can cause strange things to happen!

    Having had a closer look at the code, don't just include the method of deleting the memory that the member pointer is pointing when freeing the nodes without fully understanding the implications.

    ok, hope that hasnt caused any confusion!
    Do you get me?

    I did write it but i was assuming that freeing a node just freed everything associated with it, whereas now i have more knowledge (which makes it harder funnily enough :D) I found out about the heap corruption as I tried yer first suggestion though! That implies that all data added has been malloc'd. I think I'm beginning to understand properly though thanks for the time anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 413 ✭✭ianhobo

    ok, good. It can be very confusing at times! I still get stumped quite often, and its back to the aul pen and paper to draw out my memory!
    I found out about the heap corruption as I tried yer first suggestion though! That implies that all data added has been malloc'd.

    Probably the same memory has been free'd twice, (the list free function, and then later on in the code somewhere else), resulting in heap corruption.
    As your list functions don't malloc any memory for the data members, all memory would have either been previously malloced, or are pointers to locally declared data
    thanks for the time anyway

    Your welcome, glad I could help, anytime
