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almost attacked my knackers at the luas stop



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    Saskia wrote: »
    To shoot them in the head.

    I will not miss them :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,368 ✭✭✭thelordofcheese

    Wossack wrote: »
    aye, only tourists are clueless enough to try and get some money out of a corkman ;)

    well, the only people more incomprehensible than addled junkies are cork people, i'd imagine it's an insurmountable language barrier.

    It's amazing how evolution works....

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭seanabc

    rossie1977 wrote: »
    dublin seems to be going back to the bad old days, i have noticed more and more of them over the last few months, they seem to be on every street corner now

    I can't say I've noticed more of them recently. I still think the bad, old days were a lot worse. Maybe it was because I was still wet behind the years, being only fresh up from the country, but I seem to remember that there were a lot more junkies and street dealing evident on the streets of Dublin 13 or 14 years ago than there is now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭seanabc

    Mr.S wrote: »
    im not saying you should do it, but if i guy has a needle to me, and quite clearly is a junkie and his mate is egging him on, i would give him the 50c tbh.

    why would you risk getting seriously injured for a bit of loose change?

    Ofcourse you can just tell them to piss off like the OP did and fight them if things got out of hand.

    This is where the broken window theory of crime comes in. If one person throws a stone at a house and breaks a window and if nobody repairs the window that makes other people more inclined to throw more stones and break more windows. Pretty soon there's no glass left.

    Personally I'm a bit of a physical coward but from time to time I see things that make me more inclined to take a stand.

    One example that happened only last week was on a bus. It was packed and I was standing just inside the door. A very obvious junkie came down from upstairs as we were coming to the next stop at the top of Parnell Square. There would have been lots of other people wanting to get off at that stop as well.

    The bus stopped at lights in the outside lane at the junction before the stop. The junkie went up to the driver: "Hey mister, let me out here."
    The driver didn't say anything.
    "Come on mister, let me out."
    The driver said something, but I couldn't hear it.
    "Look! [pointing] There's no traffic. Will you come on? I'm in a hurry."
    Driver: "I can't let you out in the middle of traffic."
    "I'll open the door myself."
    He tries to pull the door open but it only opens a little bit and closes again. He pulls his hood over his head and stood right up to the glass beside the driver.
    "For fffcks sake, will you open the fffcking door? I'm in a hurry."
    Driver: "No. You'll have to wait like everybody else. You should know that by now."

    This all happened within the length of time it takes for the traffic lights from Frederick St to Parnell Sq to change, however long that is. I was rooted to the spot, about two feet away from the scene of the action. I was the closest thing to a grown man in the audience and I have to admit I would probably have been found more than wanting if the junkie had gotten violent.

    Anyway the lights changed and the bus moved on and the junkie got off without a word.

    My personal inclination if I was the driver would have been to have just opened the door and let him out.

    It may have been just because the driver was afraid of getting into trouble for letting people off in the middle of traffic - I don't know - but my point here is that that junkie is less likely to try the same thing again because he didn't get away with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,849 ✭✭✭condra

    For those who think there are less junkies on the streets of Dublin now than a few years ago, I would say that they probably get approached by them less now that they are older.

    Teenage boys are a junkies wet dream, being such soft targets.

    I too would be enthused to read about batman or vigilante action in the paper, though I doubt I could bring myself to do it. Well, not kill anyone, break their fingers maybe. :)

    Regarding the cops, dont kid yourselves that they give a toss. They dont.

    Junkies rule the streets of Dublin with a regime of violence and intimidation. I salute anyone who stands up to them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭seanabc

    For those who think there are less junkies on the streets of Dublin now than a few years ago, I would say that they probably get approached by them less now that they are older.

    Touche. You might have a point there. Also it may be that as I get older I get approached by less street dealers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,145 ✭✭✭Lands Leaving

    marcsignal wrote: »
    I will not miss them :)

    That worked on so many levels. 2 in fact.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Oswald Osbourne

    connundrum wrote: »
    <bleeding heart> But we should be concentrating on rehabilitating these people, and not shooting them in the head. We are all God's children after all <bleeding heart>

    Oh for gods sake .... where did you learn your html?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,058 ✭✭✭✭Tusky

    When I was around 14 or 15 I was robbed by one. He walked up to me on Georges street and started chatting, asking where I was from and was really friendly but I knew something was up. I started walking faster and then he grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall. He must have been in his mid 20s so I was too scared to hit him.

    He went through my pockets and took out all the money in there (less than a euro) and then tried to take my new discman! I had only gotten it the day before so I pushed him off me and ran. He chased me but gave up really quickly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 61 ✭✭Neilthefunkee1

    old mate of mine was walking through town late one evening after a few scoops and such.. guys grabbed him from behind and the usual demands.. fone, wallet and your fine assortment of chocolate kimberley's!!!!

    Anyway mate said ok.. backed off a few steps then proceeded to scream, jump up and down and start slapping himself across the face... He said the two "blokes" nearly sh*t themselves and just pegged it off!!


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭MizzLolly

    I get the luas at Houston regularly. I know it was an awful experience but don't feel like it was anything you did. I see this ALL the time. It's alz the same junkies sitting there (in fact if u described him I bet we're thinkin of the same sap) They openly discuss where they're going to get their drugs. If the police gave a **** they'd lock the b******s up! We already pay tax to fund that sorta s*** without giving them what we earned! You were very lucky though and fair play, that was very admirable. I give my money to one or two of them (coz there's a few who are pretty nice) but the rest are p***ks! I only had 10c change once and gave it to him, he looked me up and down and said .. "eh... you can keep it"!! Right I felt guilty but that's all I had!!! If he was desperate enough he'd f***ing take it! I'm only 18 but when I first moved up I used to feel really sympathetic to them. I'm sad to say because of a few scumbags I don't even feel bad walking passed them anymore. I don't want to help them, why the hell should I?! And yeah I used to agree to rehabilitating them... actually living here has totally changed my mind though. Those junkies at Houston are b*****ds! Pure and simple!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭Oswald Osbourne

    fine assortment of chocolate kimberley's!!!!

    The dastards!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭seanabc

    fine assortment of chocolate kimberley's!!!!
    The dastards!

    I'd say that was probably a joke about the chocoloate kimberley's. :)

    If the police gave a **** they'd lock the b******s up!

    There really isn't much the guards can do about it. They arrest people and judges and juries convict them. Or not. I'd be one of the first people to go out on a protest march if someone was locked up for life for begging for money, with or without menaces.

    The guards mightn't care any more than anyone else but at least they take a professional interest in the matter. Most of us just look the other way and are thankful it isn't happening to us.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭MizzLolly

    Isn't threatening to kill people and taking drugs illegal???

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭seanabc

    MizzLolly wrote: »
    Isn't threatening to kill people and taking drugs illegal???

    Yes. And also quite difficult to prove in court. I'm grateful for this in case I ever find myself accused of such things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,558 ✭✭✭kaiser sauze

    Tex Diablo wrote: »
    Thank you for your sweeping generalisations and for thinking you know me so well,not at all arrogant.May i just say i have been attacked twice by junkies,the last time put me in hospital.I have had a blood filled syringe thrown at me and last year my sister had her nose badly broken trying to stop her handbag being stolen whilst shopping with her two year old.So forgive me for not sharing your bleeding-heart sentiments.
    Tell me,should i give every crack addict or smack-head money,just to "keep everyone happy" or only the ones who ask nicely and say thank you?
    I too now live in Perth,thankfully it's not nearly as infested with these gob****es as back in the UK.Perhaps this has given you the rose coloured view you have of them.
    I was walking home minding my own business.HE was threatening ME.HE could have had a knife or syringe.HE was the one putting himself in harms way.
    This is a forum for opinions and in my opinion the only good junkie is an injured one.
    Take care on the mean streets of W.A.
    Tex Diablo wrote: »
    Exactly what "type of people" do you like around here your Holiness.I shall try to change if it helps me fit in. It's very PC of you to take the side of some smacked-up lunatic who would have had no qualms about attacking me. Would you like him living next door to you. Or,God forbid turning up at your golf club?
    Tex Diablo wrote: »
    About two years ago me and my mate were walking home from the pub.We passed a bench with some bloke sitting on it who did the usual,"Got any change mate?" He was obviously out of his mind on something so i told him to "***k off".He really started then,screaming abuse and threatening us.Suddenly he lurched off the bench and came towards us.My mate had a bottle of Stella which he smashed in to the side of this blokes head,he hit the floor like a sack of ****.We started to give him a good shoeing but people were coming out of a nearby pub,so not wanting to spend the night in a Liverpool nick, we legged it.I just hope it has made him think before he abuses strangers again.

    You are my hero. :rolleyes:

    What a vile, disgusting worm you are. Are you sure that you you were not one of the people who the original poster referred to?

    Try acting like this in Perth, see how long the Aussie police will let you away with acting like a scumbag.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭muboop1

    something very similar happened to me that happened to the op...

    wasnt my best day tbh...

    i was going to be needled(prob not true but scared me) and the other guy had a hammer...

    i gave the guy change(all i had) and "it wasnt enough" apparently, i actually didnt have anymore, as i use the ticket thingys, the weekly ones... so i dont carry change very often... and pay for everything by lazer...

    anyway after he decided it wasnt enough(about 2.50) one guy went for me... dodged the hammer(slow bloody junkie) and ful force kicked him in the stomach! he went down other... then other one went for me to... i snapped something in his leg...(stamped down into the side of his leg)...

    now i know breaking his leg or whatever... well it was harsh.. but was just a response form years of kickboxing and karate i have done... i dont remember it all as it was a while ago but i know enough...

    and if these people come at me... i will give them no mercy...

    i just walked onto my luas and never even looked back...

    and tbh... hope they are dead... harsh i know... but if they were willing to try hit me with a hammer... because i "only" gave them 2.50... what could they do or would they do to soem poor kid, or person less able to defend themselves...

    ok... so mabey dead is touch harsh... but i sure as hell hope they learned their lesson...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,523 ✭✭✭TJJP

    MizzLolly wrote: »
    I get the luas at Houston regularly. I know it was an awful experience but don't feel like it was anything you did. I see this ALL the time. It's alz the same junkies sitting there (in fact if u described him I bet we're thinkin of the same sap) They openly discuss where they're going to get their drugs. If the police gave a **** they'd lock the b******s up! We already pay tax to fund that sorta s*** without giving them what we earned! You were very lucky though and fair play, that was very admirable. I give my money to one or two of them (coz there's a few who are pretty nice) but the rest are p***ks! I only had 10c change once and gave it to him, he looked me up and down and said .. "eh... you can keep it"!! Right I felt guilty but that's all I had!!! If he was desperate enough he'd f***ing take it! I'm only 18 but when I first moved up I used to feel really sympathetic to them. I'm sad to say because of a few scumbags I don't even feel bad walking passed them anymore. I don't want to help them, why the hell should I?! And yeah I used to agree to rehabilitating them... actually living here has totally changed my mind though. Those junkies at Houston are b*****ds! Pure and simple!

    Many of them are literate too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭Trojan911

    Mr.S wrote: »
    im not saying you should do it, but if i guy has a needle to me, and quite clearly is a junkie and his mate is egging him on, i would give him the 50c tbh.

    There was no needle to the OP, only a threat uttered by another junkie. If the OP felt threatened by these words and had handed over his money then a robbery has been committed and the Gardai should have been called (They should have been called in the first instance anyway).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,523 ✭✭✭TJJP

    Binomate wrote: »
    OP, you are a cruel and cold hearted person. I find it disgusting that you couldn't spare some poor homeless men a few pennies while you made your way back to your nice cosy bed from your place of work. Work that these men I'm sure were trying to get but have the barrier of being homeless to try and get around first.

    Then you rub in the fact that they're in the situation they're in by saying that they're "all right". You should be ashamed.

    Right on. I remember the time a guy pulled a knife on me on the 27 bus near Tayto in Coolock. I couldn't decide whether to bring him home for hot bath and one of my best fluffy towels or get outta dodge. Next time I seem him I'll send him round your house for a hug.

    I’d consider myself pretty liberal too, but there are other options for people preferable to their abusing the public (who are only going about their business) or pulling knives or needles on people.

    As an aside, the cops were great on that occasion, but surprise, surprise, Dublin bus cameras weren’t working.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭MizzLolly

    TJJP wrote: »
    Many of them are literate too.

    Hilarious aren't you?!

    If you don't agree with me why not say it straight out? The sarcasm was uncalled for... and not even related to the topic!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭seanabc

    the Gardai should have been called (They should have been called in the first instance anyway).

    If the gardai were notified every time a crime was committed, they wouldn't have time to do anything else except file reports on the amount of crime that is being committed.

    I reported a stolen bicycle to the guards one time. They gave me a tour of all the recovered stolen bicycles they had on display in Kevin St. I still regret not picking out one and saying it was mine.

    The truth is that most people are honest and that is the only thing that stops society falling apart.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭muboop1

    Trojan911 wrote: »
    There was no needle to the OP, only a threat uttered by another junkie. If the OP felt threatened by these words and had handed over his money then a robbery has been committed and the Gardai should have been called (They should have been called in the first instance anyway).

    this is bull****... its people like u who give into threats that let them get away with it that convince them they can do it!

    if people all started standing up they would be much less likely to do it!

    i certainly wudnt in their position, these people if they threaten me... well ill sure as hell hit back! i cant say id love doing it, but iv been involved in to many instance to know if theres a chance its me or them... im walking out of there unharmed if i have to hit them to do it...

    they are the ones bringing violence into the equation, im just the one who wins...

    hopefully i never lose...

    i have in past...

    i hate fiting, but i wont back down so they feels its ok to prey on more people?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭Trojan911

    seanabc wrote: »
    If the gardai were notified every time a crime was committed, they wouldn't have time to do anything else except file reports on the amount of crime that is being committed.

    Which would give a more accurate stat for them to say crime figures are rising and give them more reason to recruit more officers to get the job done. If people do not report crimes or tell the Gardai where it is happening then the Gardai cannot fight it.

    muboop1: I'm not sure I follow you? Read my earlier post. (Ironically it is about standing up to these people).

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,297 ✭✭✭ionapaul

    Trojan911 wrote: »
    There was no needle to the OP, only a threat uttered by another junkie. If the OP felt threatened by these words and had handed over his money then a robbery has been committed and the Gardai should have been called (They should have been called in the first instance anyway).
    Got a question for those who might know the law: if someone comes up to me in the dark, threatens me with a needle (that I can't see / in their pocket) and I feel genuinely in fear for my safety, what is the limit of my actions? Can I punch them? Push them? Or just run away? What is the law? I imagine even if it were illegal to punch in that situation, you wouldn't get more than a slap on the wrist if it came to court, which seems very doubtful.

    Speaking of Luas situations, I was going from Jervis Street to Heuston today and as everyone was piling in at Jervis, one of the Luas security dudes stepped in, noticed three Romanians (no proof of this, just how it played out) in the centre of the crowded carriage, asked them for their tickets and gave them maybe 2 seconds to respond with smiles before dragging them off the Luas proclaiming 'This isn't Romania! This isn't Romania!' They were smiling the whole time so looked guilty as charged! Funny thing to me is that the security guy was Polish / Latvian and obviously they have a problem with the Romanians, whether from back in the old country or maybe learned from the natives here!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,558 ✭✭✭kaiser sauze

    Trojan911 wrote: »
    Which would give a more accurate stat for them to say crime figures are rising and give them more reason to recruit more officers to get the job done. If people do not report crimes or tell the Gardai where it is happening then the Gardai cannot fight it.

    That policy will not change as it suits governments to have low crime stats and then applaud themselves for misleading the public.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,992 ✭✭✭✭gurramok

    Just wondering, does anyone think if the drug problem(junkie type robbing to get their next fix/hassling public etc) was magically solved one day that street crime would be eliminated overnight?
    Makes you think that before the widespead drug addiction problem came(pre70's/80s) here, it was alot safer to walk the streets with a lack of fear.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,849 ✭✭✭condra

    To those who roller paint everything with a big tin of lefty, I say nothing is black and white. If youre into human rights, dont people have the right to walk the streets in safety?

    Despising junkies and wishing they would all be shot dead doesn't make someone a fascist or a scumbag. Dublin is under virtual seige by a violent, aggressive, ruthless drug addicts who use fear as a weopan of control, not unlike mob rule or the taliban. Yes Im serious. In many ways, people are being OPPRESSED by heroin addicts.

    They get away with daily intimidation, mugging, and harassment, while the rest of us have to watch our backs just to take a trip to the city centre for coffee with a friend. It's a perverse situation, worsened by misguided blanket tolerance and naive trust and respect for our government.

    People have had it up to here with low life junkie scumbags.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,849 ✭✭✭condra

    gurramok wrote: »
    Just wondering, does anyone think if the drug problem(junkie type robbing to get their next fix/hassling public etc) was magically solved one day that street crime would be eliminated overnight?

    Makes you think that before the widespead drug addiction problem came(pre70's/80s) here, it was alot safer to walk the streets with a lack of fear.

    Nobody is saying that street crime would be eliminated, or that the only street crime is caused by heroin addicts.

    There is no denying that the streets of Dublin would be safer without the hundreds of voilent, desperate, ruthless junkies there right now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭marcsignal

    ionapaul wrote: »
    Speaking of Luas situations, I was going from Jervis Street to Heuston today and as everyone was piling in at Jervis, one of the Luas security dudes stepped in, noticed three Romanians (no proof of this, just how it played out) in the centre of the crowded carriage, asked them for their tickets and gave them maybe 2 seconds to respond with smiles before dragging them off the Luas proclaiming 'This isn't Romania! This isn't Romania!' They were smiling the whole time so looked guilty as charged! Funny thing to me is that the security guy was Polish / Latvian and obviously they have a problem with the Romanians, whether from back in the old country or maybe learned from the natives here!

    No, he learned that in the old country for sure, having said that, I'd hazard a guess he was aiming his comments at the Roma specifically, as opposd to Romanians in general. I hang out with plenty of ordinary Romanians in here in Germany, and a good 99% of them despise the Roma too.
