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5 Month Goal

  • 11-01-2008 5:33pm
    Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 1,863 Mod ✭✭✭✭


    I've finally gone and done it, cleaned up my diet (that remains to be seen) and try get on track with losing a bit of weight and getting a bit of muscle/fitter.

    Stats :-
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6ft
    Weight: ~86.7kg
    Goal Weight:78-80kg
    Cals to tick over I believe to be about 2500 cals
    (Oh crap just recalculated, my actual tick over is about 2800!)
    Goal kcals per day = 2380

    Ok I've been eating too little but I'll work on that.

    I'm trying to get my diet into shape, I've done okay but I've a feeling I'm not eating enough. Starting with just 2 pieces of fruit for my brekky today didn't help because I was out of milk and didn't have my Meusli!

    Typical day (from now on that is):

    2 slices wholegrain toast with cottage cheese
    Bowl of Meusle with full fat milk
    Banana and apple on the way to work, will vary.

    Snack at 11 could be 2 X ricecakes with cottage cheese
    A Mandarin.

    Maybe leftover stirfry from the night before with wholegrain rice.
    Either that or a brown bread sambo with chicken lettuce tomatoe and onion.

    Maybe a rice cake or two or mixed nuts.
    I got some mixed nuts today but didn't realise they had salt until I started eating them. The word salt was hidden on the back! Hard to find mixed unsalted nuts from the fibre food company sold in regular shops.

    I got myself a steamer, it's so handy to do veg now and way healthier!!!
    I just had broccoli, mushrooms, carrotts, onions with wholegrain rice yesterday and it was lovely. I'm a chicken fanatic though so that tends to get added to everything. Might start steaming the chicken too.

    When I do fry chicken it tends to be with extra virgin olive oil.

    Snack in the evening could be fruit or a slice of toast or two.

    I'm not great at getting up early. I got myself membership in the Nationa Acquatic center in Blanchardstown, the gym seems great. I'm going for my induction on Monday to get me setup on the system etc. I'd feel embarassed trying any of the free weights because I really don't know what to do. I tend to do a bit on the treadmill and then some stints on the weight machines but I don't have any order as of yet but it will come.

    Weekly I will post my weight, and if I get a chance I will post my daily food/exercise.

    I try to drink around 3litres of water a day.

    Let the change begin!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 473 ✭✭Lothaar

    Yo - I remember reading on the Fitness forum (probably g'em) that Extra Virgin Olive Oil is actually WORSE for you than regular olive oil when frying! It's something to do with the fact that it's less processed and turns into trans-fats at a lower temperature (or something). Regular olive oil has a higher threshold.

    Even better is walnut, peanut or avocado oil.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 1,863 Mod ✭✭✭✭Slaanesh

    Thanks Lothaar, I'll look into that.

    Ok the weekend was a bit of a disaster. Was out on Friday night and had a mother of a hangover on Saturday. Sat and played Guitar Hero most of the day, complete shambles! Ended up having a chinese(Thai Red Curry).

    Sunday wasn't so good either, had intended to make a good dinner but went on a road trip. Ended up in the Snail Box and had BBQ chicken. I did however manage to have a side of vegetables but I think that was about the only healthy thing on the plate. The lads in the house got take away pizza last night and I couldn't help myself. I think I had about 3 slices in the end even though I wasn't really that hungry, doh.

    At least this morning I've brought 4 pears and 4 oranges into work. And 4 natural yoghurts. Today is my induction into the gym so hopefully I'll get a few goals set down in that department. I did however weigh about 85kg this morning but I wouldn't take much heed in that, I'll stick to the weekly weight check in and work from that.

    There is a nice healthy dinner planned for this evening, at least that's something. I might not rely solely on the gym for exercise because I'm so bad at getting up. Must start going for cycles as the evening get longer and hopefully indoor soccer will start back up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 615 ✭✭✭walt0r

    cocksuckah i hear you're good at teh kwaik

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 1,863 Mod ✭✭✭✭Slaanesh

    I'm crap.


    The week is good, the weekend counteracts the good week. Drink+hangover equals unproductive day. I haven't gone to the gym since I got my programme. I can't get up! I was very stressed in work last week.

    All these are excuses but I'm still gonna try and do it!
    Weight this morning was 86.2kg.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 1,863 Mod ✭✭✭✭Slaanesh

    Just back from Liverpool, it was an unhealthy weekend. Hopped on the scales this morning and I'm 86kg. Should probably have lost a bit more than this but it seriously was not a healthy weekend. On the other hand I have gone to the gym a good few times and I'm enjoying it alot even if it does mean getting up at 6 as opposed to 8.

    I'm back to good food this week and i'm looking forward to it. Steam vegetables for me this evening, lots and lots. I have no fruit here in work so I'm going to tip down to lidl and do a fruit/veg shop. Gotta get myself some more interesting healthy recipes, I'm not overly inventive in the kitchen.

    Need to be more prepared than I am currently. Most days I wake up and then decide what to eat/do. I need a plan, I need a list, I need I want I need I want. Tomorrow ... I swear.

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  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 1,863 Mod ✭✭✭✭Slaanesh

    1 month since I've posted. Can't be a good sign right? Actually it's not that bad. The weight hasn't come down much at all but hopefully that will change.

    I'm not very good at getting up and going to the gym so I've started getting up and doing a few exercies and then some before I go to bed, might have to make this slightly before I goto bed because it seems to give me nightmares!

    Workouts over the last few days and weight on each day (just for the laugh):


    Pressups Crunches Squats Dips
    1X20 2X20

    Weight evening: 85.2kg


    Pressups Crunches Squats Dips
    Morn: 1X21 1X20 1X20
    Evening:1X20 2X16

    Cardio: 40 min walk


    Pressups Crunches Squats Dips
    Morn: 1X20 1X25 1X20
    Evening: 1X20 1X20

    Cardio: 40 min walk

    Weight morning: 84.6kg
    Weight evening: 85.6kg


    Rest from resistance.

    Cardio: 40 min walk


    Morning weight: 84.2kg

    Can't remember what happened with this day, was probably just a lazy git.


    Pressups Crunches Squats Dips
    1X20 1X20 1X20 1X20

    Weight evening: 86.6kg (Amazing what a weekend of drink will do to you)
    Bottom line: ALCOHOL is the main reason I am not seeing the results I want. SOLUTION: Cut it out or drastically cut the intake.


    Pressups Crunches Squats Dips
    Morning: 1X20 2X20 1X20 1X20
    Evening 1X20 1X30 1X20 1X20

    Weight morn: 85.5kg
    Weight evening: 85.5kg


    Pressups Crunches Squats Dips
    Morning: 1X20 1X30 1X20 1X20

    Weight morning: 85.5kg

    I'm quite enjoying this new regime of getting up and exercising.
    It doesn't feel as time consuming of having to get up extra early and goto the gym. On Saturdays I should hopefully start hitting the gym and maybe once or twice during the week.

    I must find some more non-equipment exercises. The squats are cool, my legs feel like jelly after I've done only 20!

    If anyone has any comments suggestions, please, I'm all ears. (Or eyes as the case may be).

    Oh my diet is coming along very well. Still a few little bits to kick out but other than that it's not too bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,311 ✭✭✭xebec

    Just one small point, and if I'm wrong about it I'm sure someone will say!

    As you've seen your bodyweight can fluctuate quite a bit from day to day, and even from morning to evening. Imo, you shouldn't weigh yourself so often, a good rule of thumb is once a week on the same day and preferably in the morning. This should give you a clearer idea of any gains (or losses) you've made over a more reasonable length of time.

    Just my 2c, feel free to ignore if you don't think it's for you :)

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 1,863 Mod ✭✭✭✭Slaanesh

    Thanks for that Xebec. I'm only doing the daily measurements for the laugh, I might graph it at some stage. I'm not expecting overnight results. It will be clear over time if I'm getting results or not.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 1,863 Mod ✭✭✭✭Slaanesh

    So I just finished a workout.

    Started with 15 mins of various stretches.

    Pushups: 2X20 - There was no way I was gonna do anymore after this, my arms were aching.
    Crunches: 2X20 - Could do more but can't, I'll explain in a second.
    Dips: 2X20 - I was alternating the sets so the second set of dips was tough after the seecond set of pushups!
    Squats: 2X20 - This was the killer, the first set was fine. In the second set my legs started to feel like jelly but I pushed all the way to the 20 and felt good after. However thirty seconds later I got really light headed and had to lie down, thought I was gonna faint. My head still feels cloudy as I write this. Squats are clearly too demanding for me to be doing more than one set of 20 at the moment. I am only starting so I suppose I'll gradually build it up.

    Must get some more exercises that don't involve any equipment for home.
    Any suggestions?
