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Swimmer to Triathlete by May?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 882 ✭✭✭cunnins4

    paulksnn wrote: »
    I found a link from the VHI for triathlon training, I thought I'd post and maybe think about following it.
    I haven't decided yet. I'm a bit concerned that the most you do in a practice cycle is 18km.
    The idea of doing 2, if not 3 of the exercises at the weekend I need to do though.

    Never would've expected to see a triathlon training programme on the VHI website! 18km as a maximum cycle for an olympic has to be wrong. That's far too short for training! I think for my first tri, the most I did was 35 or something, thinking it was longer (only bought a speedo a few days before the race) and the extra 5 on the day were not pleasant! have a load of training plans and other articles. I've been reading a lot of their swimming articles of late and they seem pretty good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    I totally agree with you cunnins. It was just a link that was sent on to me buy a guy in work who knows I'm training for a tri.
    But then I do know that there are some marathon training programmes where you don't do the full 26 miles until race day, the idea being that the energy of the day gets you past it.

    Personally I'd rather train to go further than the required distance.

    Anyway -
    22/2 - Run Outdoors. 4.5 miles in about 50 mins.
    My first run in about two weeks. I was really trying to take it easy so I'm just happy I got it done. My knee was definitely twinging on the way back, but I've iced it, and it doesn't feel too bad. Hopefully it's pain I can run through. I must do some of those IBT exercises though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    24/2 A proper cycle
    39km to Enistymon and Back in 1.38.
    I'm happy enough with that, seeing as I was out drinking last night.
    Relative's 40th,so had to go, but I reckon that's the end of the nights out drinking until after the first one.
    I really struggled with the first half of the cycle (55min) but it turns out its a uphill. Cut it down to 45mins on the way back.
    It's the first time I've strung enough time together to do the full 40k. I need to do it more often, maybe twice at the weekends. I also need to go further in training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    25/2 - Sprint swim
    Same as 20/2. I really knew about the cycle yesterday though.
    I must try for a run tonight as well, get used to doing 2 things in a day.

    Got for a 5 mile run(I think) in about 45 mins.
    Kneee was definitely twinging, but icing it helped. Starting to think this may not be IBTS

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    27/2 - Indoor Cycle at the gym.
    15km in 34 mins. (Saving mysself a bit to run tonight as well.
    Knee was twinging a bit again, but nothing painful.

    8pm - Headed out for the run. 5 mins only. - Disaster - Can't run on the knee.
    f**k, f**k, f**k, f**k, f**k, f**k, f**k, f**k

    28/2 - Okay - need to get myself to a physio and a sport shop to check the shoes.
    Physio basically can't find anything wrong which means that it probably is IBTS.
    Gave me some exercises to do. I was hoping for something more concrete to work on.:(

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    2/3 Outdoor Cycle. 44km in 1h49m, Average 24.2kph.
    Lahinch and back - Ennistymon to Lahinch with a headwind - Very tough.
    Happy with the cycle though.
    Haven't been back running yet. The physio on Thursday confirmed ITBS - gave me some exercises, said I should be running on Friday.
    I don't think so - a short run on sat. morning caused me to pull up again.
    Wasn't able to get on to the physio on friday to confirm that running with painful ITB wouldn't cause more damage.
    Really p***ed with the damage this week and with my lack of progress.

    Next week will be better, it has to be.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    4/3 Swim 1.5km 35mins.
    Still a bit tired. Need to get back to running badly.
    Haven't had a chance to change the shoes yet though

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    5/3 A week since my knee gave up.
    40min cycle indoors - followed by 30 min run (cycle to run transition practice)
    got 23.8 km on the cycle(not sure the machine is calibrated right).
    2.1km into the run before my knee gave up again.
    This is really starting to p**s me off.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    7/3 - Swim 1.25km 100x2 50x12 25x5 sprints
    8/3 - Cycle 69.8km in 2h40mins.
    Cycled to shannon - 1hour 10 there.
    Cycle back was a pain, straight into that wind yesterday.
    I might need to look into shoe covers - got chilblains on my feet when I got into the shower.
    Other than that, felt good.Tired for the rest of yesterday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    11/3 - Swim 1.75km endurance 32mins(approx).

    12/3 - Swim sprints 250 warmup - 2x100 sprint 6x50 sprint 5x50(25fast,25slow). Knackered after doing the swim yesterday as well, but I forgot my runners this morning.

    13/3 - Run Treadmill - 8k(ish) 20mins @ 10kph, 30 mins @ 11kph. Level 1 (-1% incline)
    This was tough - my natural pace is faster,so I kept running up agains the bar.
    Happily though, I was able to run. ITB felt tight just below the knee.
    It was definitely starting to tire towards the end.
    Another week of taking it easy and light running so.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    14/3 Swim 1.75k constant about 32 mins

    18/3 Run treadmill - 9.3k in 50min 25mins @ 11kph, 25mins @11.5kph - Level 2 0%incline
    Still slower than my natural pace, but I was definitely feeling it at the end of the 50 mins.
    The knee's a little bit tender, but I'm hoping a days rest will allow me to run on it again. Must do 12kph at 0% incline next time.

    19/3 Swim 2.25k constant in 40 mins.
    felt good doing it, if a bit tired. Have a sneaking suspicion my daughters given me her cold.
    Either that, or I did too much. Have the shivers at the moment. Lunch and lucozade sport to the rescue

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    God dam**8 *&^%& it
    Fever of 103 and a throat so sore that I couldn't eat have completely wipe me.
    Antibiotics should be finished today
    27/3 8kms run on treadmill level 2 @ 12kph. Had to slow twice to a walk. Knee was a little bit twingey, but haven't been doing the ITBS exercises for a week either.
    Time to get back on that horse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Hey man fair play to ya, am just about to start y triathlon stuff with a swim tomorrow night, to be honest I am cacking it. But have vowed to spend as long as it takes for me to cover the sprint distance at a very steady pace, reckon I will gas in a embarrassing time frame!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    Cheers gabgab.
    I've signed up for the Joey Hannon on May 2nd or 3rd, not sure which. I'm starting to brick it as well. At the same time though, I'm thinking I'll just give it a blast. I'm hoping for under 4 hours, we'll have to see though

    3/4 - 10/4 - Holidays - 3 runs of about 50 mins each. I've found that I can run faster in the latter part of the run. If I start too quickly - my knees (did I mention both knees are now bothering me) start acting up with ITB.
    12/4 - Run 1h 15min - Not sure of the distance, I'll try and measure it this evening. (18.4k)
    13/4 - Cycle - 56km in 2 hours. First decent cycle in a couple of weeks. I need to get to work pronto. 3 weeks to go.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    14/4 Swim - 1.5km in about 40 mins - The cycle on sunday really sapped me.
    15/4 Run - 8.1km in 45mins - Found a nice run around here where I work. I took it easy, being unsure of where I was going, and the knees are fine. I must do a run in the morning and a swim tom. lunchtime. Hopefully it'll work out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    16/4 Run -8kms in about 45 mins this morning. My legs really knew that I was running two days in a row. Thankfully my knees held out. I'm hoping to do this run every day now.

    16/4 Swim - 1.25km in about 30 mins
    250 warmup f/c
    3 x 100 f/c sprint
    5 x 50 fc sprint
    5 x 25 fast, 25 slow.
    250 warmdown
    I was tired from this mornings run, but that's to be expected. Hopefully it'll improve over the next week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    17/4 - Swim 1.25k in 25 mins. Happy enough with the time, but work meant that I only got the 25 mins in the pool as opposed to the 40mins I was hoping to do 2km in.
    Hopefully I'll get for a run later as well. 8 or 10 k would do.
    Run - 6.3 miles (what's that in km?) 10.1 according to google. It took 55 mins though.
    The legs do seem very tired after 3 days in a row running - but the knees are alright (every time I stride I'm almost afraid it's going to pop again).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    18/4 - Swim 2km in 40 mins - Happy justto be back to a normal time.
    20/4 - Run - 7.4 miles in 1h5m. About 10 mins faster than the run sat. week. Not sure if that's because I did nothing sat. and just the swim on fri. We'll soon see I guess.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    21/4 - Run 8k approx in 45 mins. Really tired after the run last night though. The knees are also starting to hurt a bit.

    2 weeks to go - Must do more!

    21/4 - Swim - 1.25k sprints
    200 warmdown.

    The body definitely felt very tired from the start of the 50s.
    It was the end of the session before I started "feeling" the water.
    Happy to have gotten it done though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    22/4 - Cycle - 40km approx in 1h25min. Could improve on that time.
    1h15min would be nice. Ah well.
    Probably won't do anything else today, but a run and a swim tomorrow hopefully.
    It'll depend on circumstances though

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    23/4 - Run 8k 40 mins. About 5 mins better than the last couple of times I've run it.
    There was definitely less walking though. 20 secs about halfway through.

    The right knee felt very dodgy after a shower though - no strength at all. It's still a bit weak. I'm not sure why because the run felt alright.
    I ran in the underarmour I use for cycling - It should be okay for the run on the day, after the cycle.

    23/4 - Swim - 1.75k sprints
    250 warmup
    250 fc (medium)
    200 warmdown.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    24/4 Cycle - 32km in 1h7mins.
    Felt a bit slow - but haven't rested yet this week. I have a 30th on sat. night so might rest sunday.

    25/4 - Run 8.5 km in 40 min. I need to up the length of the runs. 1 week to go.
    Swim, 2k in 25 mins - Felt good getting out of the water.

    Kind of resigned now that I won't get any improvement in the next week. Will Keep up the work until thursday anyway though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    26/4 - Cycle - 39km in 1h25min. Nice day for it. A rough road though, I find I'm normally a bit slower on this course. Heading out for a 30th tonight, so opted not to add the extra and most difficult 5k at the halfway point. I hope I won't regret it.

    28/4 - Swim 1.5km sprints - 250 warmup, 5x100, 10x50, 10x50(25slow) 500 warmdown.
    Run - 7.4 miles - 1h5mins approx.
    The run was a bloody disaster - my left knee ITB is now acting up. Had to physically stop running about 10 mins from home for a minute. Slowing down didn't do it.
    If the left works out the same as the right, I'll need six weeks to recover.
    I think I'll knock the running on the head for now, save my knee for next sunday and deal with it after that.****e.

    29/4 - Cycle - 38km in 1.12mins - Felt fine doing it, though the quads and thighs were quite achy afterwards.

    30/4- Swim - 2.5km in sub 50 mins.
    Felt very good doing it. Just goes to show what you can do when you only train once a day.
    If only sunday works out that well. I doubt it though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    1/4 - did my last 40k cycle before sunday. 1h 15 mins. Had another cyclist whip past me though, so I'm under no illusions that I'll be fast on sunday.
    2/4 - Resting today and tomorrow. I must try and get carbs into me as well.
    Registration is sat. evening. Starting to get nervous about the newness of it all at this stage though. I've also started my lists for sunday morning and packing up some stuff. Premature I know... .but. ;-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 882 ✭✭✭cunnins4

    Good luck on Sunday Paul, I've been following your log since the start. Unfortunately my tri training's been seriously fecked due to injury, so i've just been doing weights. 40k in 1hr15 is quite decent man, and you can swim like a fish, so you'll do very well on the day. Get your carbs into ye, and relax. Most importantly, enjoy the race!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    hi paul ,good luck on sunday , im enjoying your log. just a quick question i see you have some knee trouble and i have been asking any of the other running logs what kind of surfaces do they run on and how much on each road,grass,trail,track ? i mainly run on road but im trying to vary it as i do worry about the long term effects it will have on my knees etc

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭paulksnn

    Hi guys,
    Thanks for the encouragement.
    I just want to say to ye, to keep trying yourselves. I'm glad I just finished and really do think that I've been bitten by the bug.
    Cunnins4- I've seen the posts man. Theres nothing to do but wait it out. There would be nothing worse than having to pull up half way and not being able to finish.
    Sungod - Most of my training has been on country roads, where the the road is rarely level but dips both sides. I used to run this road in the dark(I know it quite well), but occasionally you'd scuff the shoe and I was convinced this was the cause of the trouble with the right knee. But since the left knee started, I really don't know.
    I've always though the idea of running on grass a bad one. Just a personal thing - unless it's on a very well defined and maintained pitch, your foot still has to find footing among the tufts of grass. I've also run on concrete pathways, where you don't need to watch your footing, and there's a scenic walkway local that has gravel, bumpy asphalt and bumpy earth.
    I think I prefer the surety of a concrete path next to a ring road though.
    I had knee trouble in my youth 15 years ago, so all that needs to be taken into account :o

    The day was gorgeous. I wasn't starting till 10.30, but the sprint tri was on at 9.30 and 10.00. Arrived about 8.45 and hadn't a clue. Took myself wandering over to the transition to be told that transition would be closed at the start of the first race. While technically true, and scaring the **** out of me that I had left it too late, you could still go back in while the other races were in the pool.

    Got my gear and bike all set up. I didn't bring a towel, but didn't use one anyway. There really was an awful lot of hanging around. BTW, UL pool is brilliant, really really brilliant. Cool(not hot or cold) water, which is perfect, clear, not overly chlorinated, lane ropes which don't move. For spectators it's a nightmare though - the place feels like a sauna.

    Figured out the transition system - anti-clockwise and check on my stuff at least 4 or 5 more times. I have heard that tri-athletes were quite encouraging of each other, but before the race I'd say I only talked to 1 guy. Probably my own fault, there were a lot of professionals (my definition being anyone who wears a tri suit) who were catching up with each other.

    I had settled on cycling and running in black under-armour and using shorts from the swim for the afternoon. I also only have toe clips on the pedals, so a pair of socks and my running shoes. I did notice the pros had racing belts for their numbers. If I go again, I'll have to get me one of these.

    Our turn came in the pool and I swam 50m just to see the temp. and clarity, and the grips at the wall for turning (I'm not a tumble turn man).
    I was in the slow lane (est. 40 mins when I signed up in feb.) I said it to a couple of marshals but it was just easier to leave me where I was. I trained doing the swim in 30, so I was hoping for 33-34 mins so I wouldn't be wrecked. Even still, a girl got in who said she'd do it in 30. We let her off first, although 30 seconds before the start, she made a comment, "yeah, I suppose 30 would be about right". I cringed.

    After the off I took off at a normal pace. They'd warned us not to overtake the first 100m. Hafway up the first length I was reduced to breast stroke behind her. I overtook anyway. I don't have the official results, so I don't know if I was given a penalty for that. Turns out I was in completely the wrong lane. I'd say I lapped everyone once for sure, twice probably, and some of them more than that. The marshal shouted something like "29....." I didn't hear the rest.

    Legged it out of the pool and jogged to the bike. No one I saw in earlier heats seems to race through transition. You end up jogging at about the same pace as the person in front of you.
    I made it to the bike, and put on the top first. :mad: Stretchy under-armour and wet bodies - really doesn't work. Broke off about half of the clips for the numbers just pulling it on. Once on though - put on socks and shoes. I saw later that most didn't have socks for their running shoes..... I like socks though. Having seen the first sprint bike start, I saw the hill on exit and went back and changed the gears on the bike. It was a smart move - my exit was fantastic - kept running - through the leg over the bike and cycled without the feet in the toe clips. Passed a couple of people like that.

    The cycle was a fairly standard spin - the wind was against us on the way out to Patrickswell, and with us on the way back. Hats off to the marshals and the gardai. They were at every roundabout and exit to tell us where to go. The sun was blistering down and I started to regret the black colour of the top. I ate 1 power bar on the way out. I'd say for the first time I did finish my drink (half luco sport still and half water).

    The 2nd transitions was easy, dump the bike and go.

    The run :eek: . I think I now know what a heart attack is like. I had slowed down coming off the bike. Obviously not enough. The first 3k was hell. I ended up having to walk twice. Finished the first lap and wasn't sure my knee would make the second. The left knee was twinging good oh.

    I'd say I lost 20 or 30 places on that second 5k (it was 2 laps of a 5 k run). Again marshals everywhere. You could see the pros taking it in their stride and passing me out like I was standing still).

    I finished in about 2 hrs. 50 mins (I think). 30 mins swim, 1hr 21 mins cycle and about an hours run. I'll have to wait until the official times are posted.

    I am walking with a limp at the moment. I'll rest the knee for a week and then see if I need physio. Apart from that I'm feeling fine, just a little tired.
    I've definitely been bitten by the bug though
    Before the race, I was thinking that if I finished in under 3 hours I'd be happy. On reflection, I'm dissappointed with the run leg. I know my training(and run, come to think of it) was hampered by injury, but I'm going see if I can do another tri this year maybe. Things are busy- all I have to do is keep up the training. ;)

    The results are in:
    Pos Swim SwPos T1 Cycle CyPos T2 Run RuPos Overall Pen Total
    106 00:29:52 (85) 02:18 01:21:43 (99) 00:52 00:54:13 (129) 02:48:55 2:48:55

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,510 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Well done! Interesting account.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    well done paul, id imagine its a very steep learning curve at the start but great expierance to have finished it and in a good time , and the main thing is you obviously had a great day and really enjoyed it .well done again roll on the next one

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,365 ✭✭✭hunnymonster

    well done on the race and the race report.

    I also think you can do a better run. I guess we'll have to supply kicks up the bum next time not encouragement to get the best out of you!
