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irish shooters digest



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭jwshooter

    LB6 wrote: »
    Grizzly - Hypothetically you've been given free reign to write some articles for the magazine - what would you write about?
    LB6 its a interesting question .i wrote for the digest on sporting clays for a few years i enjoyed it but the reports started to sound the same as we had the same guys winning and i only shot with the mostly the same squad .so i gave up .
    snippets of information that is relevant to whats happening in today's words ,no long winded rants or raves by the relevant bodies in the country or opinions .
    we have to have a mag of our own ,i think its up to us to make it better e mail eric we will listen as he wants to sell more mags .

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    homerhop wrote: »
    Does the editor visit this site at all? Might be no harm, he could see what the everyday shooting community are talking about.
    Yes, he does, but I get the impression from the contact I've had with him that he has a very negative view of and regards it as a threat to his business.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,953 ✭✭✭homerhop

    Sparks wrote: »
    Yes, he does, but I get the impression from the contact I've had with him that he has a very negative view of and regards it as a threat to his business.

    Of course it is, the average joe is having the discussions here that he should be covering in his magazine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭jwshooter

    with any thing you wright or say its open to criticism and rightly so .
    eric is a lovely lad that does not want to offend any one or body.
    the mag is in a comfort zone its selling well so he does not want rock the boat cant blame him for that .
    people like cal :confused: thats fine by me i think he talks total ----

    its a small country we live in and the hunting circle is small we all know each other .hunting storys are grand but there is only so many ya can listen to .
    the last time i was in my local was nov 1st the **** i had to listen to out of lads ,i shot this at 200 that 290 ,go away FFS .
    and i dont want to read about ,factual information whats going on around the world in hunting .
    game to eat should be pushed in the digest i asked eric about this he reckoned there would be no interest .

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,024 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    homerhop wrote: »
    Your point is well put Grizzly but one could use the same views to this site, 10 good posts would cover every topic,

    If we had the space for stickies ,or people were more computor literate or knew how to use the boards search system,or could be bothered.They would find actually most of the answers to their questions.Its common on all boards that I have seen worldwide on different topics.I dont know how many times we have coverd how to import from the USA,yet we still refer them back to CG's post on this.We have coverd a Hell of a lot of ground on law,how to,etc here,does that mean we have to re do all the topics every six months??
    Those of us who have been about a bit will be well aware of the majority of methods of doing things but it is never any harm to have a refresher course now and then.

    A refresher is one thing.Being given the same old info with no thing to improve or update it isnt much help.Look,if you are intrested in the basics of doing somthing you have to read in detail about it,not just a generalisation article.Mag articles are bits of info on a subject not a full blown discourse on a subject.[Unless it is a technical journal style article].
    So if I wanted say to raise pheasents,and discoverd a new method of making feeding them easier,an article on my new feeder hooper would be great.But not a treatsie on the development of feeder hoppers in revelance to feeding from poults to adult bird.Nor can you learn a complex subject like that except in the broadest terms from a mag article.

    Articles,I would write about.
    Gun test reports Irish style.IOW start with your own.Who is going to know the good points and bad points of a gun except the person using it? A honest review by along time user would be worth more to me than a glossy new,super fresh out of the box review,that you as a gun writer know you will have to praise,as you must keep getting new products from the makers to have somthing to write about in future articles.
    This could be done for scopes,knives etc.OR you go as a writer and review other peoples guns and get their opinions on their equipment.
    Book reviews is another good idea.
    Then we get into the problematic area of reviewing "others" .

    Are you a GUN magazine,[if so what kind?]a SHOOTING magazine [what kind?] or aFIELDSPORT magazine? If you are in the first two categories,you can survive in the US or the EU and specialise because MARKET&DEMAND will alow you to produce say air rifle monthly or Full Auto Fire power monthly. Here you wont have the specialised market to be puritanically just dealing with a singular issue month after month.

    A fieldsport mag proably has a better chance of survival here.Although it then becomes a battle of what dept is taking over the mag that month.The shooting is all then plus twos and double barrels with the odd bit of deer stalking,fighting for space with the hunting &fishing and horsey articles.Who are having it out with the motoring and eating section which is being pushed by the stately pile review where you can do all these activites. This is one reason THE FIELD survived as long as it has. It used to be in the 1920s THE shooting mag in the UK,but as times changed it adapted,to what it is now,where shooting is mentioned very little in it . Thats called sound busisness sense.You supply what the majority of your customers want,not what you think they want or need.

    I always thought the UK GUNS REVIEW did very well,It's last editor was a retired Superintendant with firearms training and experiance so he was well able to critique and to voice a legal opinion .There was an exellent Keepers section,proper reviews on firearms,and that was everything from handguns to target rifles,via semi auto[pre Hungerford] and even air weaponary.They also did exellent articles on just about everything GUNS related.Be it an article on the improvised weaponary of the Home gaurd in WW2 to historical matches in Bisley.Product reviews were exellent and tested by the writers.Book reviews were diverse everything from target shooting to DIY books on Full auto.All in all it had somthing for everyone every month.It still fitted in auction reports on exclusive guns sold in auction houses and all the rifle and clay results,not to mind rakes of gun dealers and gun sales adverts.What killed it was the UK's gun legislation post Hungerford and Dunblane and that the editor just got fed up with the way Britan was going with it's gun laws and living there in general and ASFIK moved to the Continent.
    I think this is what ISD is trying to do,but with a VERY limited budget and under tighter restrictions.

    So to answer your question LB as much diversity as possible in the articles,and articles that I would like to do are gun tests and shooting in various different countries in the US,EU ,and Africa.However,as I explained this is all limited by our [1] laws [2] revelance to Irish gunowners.How many of us can afford post Celtic Tiger to go on safari to africa or wherever anymore? [3]Paying,could anyone afford to buy every month a new gun and test fire and report on it?Unless you were a dealer and didnt mind trying to flog off a new second hand gun every month,doing it as a normal gunowner,I think you would have your local FAO,Super and DOJ off up in the home for the bewildered:eek:.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,717 ✭✭✭LB6

    Grizzly, what you're saying in essence then is that you wouldn't write anything cause you've said that 1. the law, 2. relevance and 3. cost would hinder you. There are a variety of different firearms not that "W" word that you used, in the country, I'm sure that people wouldn't mind telling others about the good the bad and the downright ugliness of their gear, from the wellies all the way up to the caps and all the bits in the middle thats the law sorted - nobody crossing any lines there.... 2. Relevance - I'm sure that sportswomen/men, if they really want to know about things that are not relevant to the Irish system, would hardly expect to see it in an Irish mag and will go research it elsewhere... 3. Cost.... now ur being pedantic with the buying of a new firearm every month to test it... nobody says you have to do that - refer to no 1 (that's the bit in the middle). I'd suggest that the mag could notify ppl of different topics coming up in future editions for particular firearms (sporting/target/clays etc)/clothing/accessories and ppl could then write their piece if they had something to contribute... OK - I'm not one for the ISD (except when I know something relevant to me will be in it), I buy the Target Sports - if you want to know what to put in a magazine for subject matter - have a look at that. I've no intention of putting my FO, Super or DOJ in the home for the bewildered. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,024 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    quote=LB6;59306569]Grizzly, what you're saying in essence then is that you wouldn't write anything cause you've said that 1. the law, 2. relevance and 3. cost would hinder you.

    Not me ..ANYONE who wants to run a Irish shooting mag is looking at those problems

    There are a variety of different firearms not that "W" word that you used, in the country

    :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Yes we know all this,however I refuse to dispense with correct English for political correctness even in our shooting circles.Plural of those in Govt,Gardai and law is the W word. To use a fav Irish expression"thats just the way it is."
    I'm sure that people wouldn't mind telling others about the good the bad and the downright ugliness of their gear, from the wellies all the way up to the caps and all the bits in the middle thats the law sorted - nobody crossing any lines there

    Ok.. no problem voulenteers to the front please.......Form an orderly que there! I wont hold my breath,because we are not very good at being the first up to bell the cat around here.
    .... 2. Relevance - I'm sure that sportswomen/men, if they really want to know about things that are not relevant to the Irish system, would hardly expect to see it in an Irish mag and will go research it elsewhere... 3.

    So you will then have mag full every month of how to shoot pheasents,raise pheasents,diseases of pheasents,living habits of pheasents,mating habits of pheasents,with for added bonus the same about deer,reportsd on clay shoots and dinner dances,when I was a lad stories, with a word from our sponsors.Busisness fact...This is the MAIN Irish market in shooting,shotgunners and deer hunters
    Cost.... now ur being pedantic with the buying of a new firearm every month to test it... nobody says you have to do that - refer to no 1 (that's the bit in the middle). I'd suggest that the mag could notify ppl of different topics coming up in future editions for particular firearms (sporting/target/clays etc)/clothing/accessories and ppl could then write their piece if they had something to contribute...

    Not really,it depends how many people want to read about.This has been tried before BTW here and as usual no one wanted to be the first to submit an article.I would actually like to see an honest IRISH appraisal of a new firearm,and it could be done.But the trouble is [1] who can actually dedicate their time to test this stuff out,write about it,with very little renumeration at the end.[2]Can write about the subject they have chosen?
    Trouble is with upcoming articles is in the actual mechanics of running a mag.Those upcoming articles may have been written three months previous and are being printed next month as the mag has always got a few stories in reserve.Articles have to be proof read,checked for libel,accruacy,etc .So it really isnt possible to write an article within a month and expect to be published by the following month.Plus how many people have the dedication to sit down and write consistently every month on their subject???Belive me it is hard!Remember writing two page essays in school?BAH!Nothing compared to having to read and make it intresting,entertaining and factual and hope that you will get a few quid out of it as well.

    I buy the Target Sports - if you want to know what to put in a magazine for subject matter - have a look at that
    . I've no intention of putting my FO, Super or DOJ in the home for the bewildered. :D

    Didnt they go belly up this month??:eek: And yes all articles REVELANT to the title.TARGET sports,not shooting in general.An article on deer hunting would be as helpful there as aRap group at a Klu Klux Clan rally.

    You would if you were to actually try and write a report legally here every month on different firearms,the law just doesnt allow for it.Unless you are a gundealer with lots of spare time,and dont mind taking a hit on your sales.

    However the difference is with ISD is exactly what it says on the tin/cover.Irish,Shooters[no specific group mentioned] Digest.Digests are exactly that, a compendium of different articles,stories,etc put together for ones appraisal and perusal.So if the target shooters want to see articles on target shooting,get writing,or if you think there is a market for it,produce your own Irish dedicated target shooting magazine.I'd buy it no problem..However remember people who are making a living out of producing a magazine are in BUSISNESS first.If they are good busisness people they will keep a line that is selling well and dump the line that isnt selling.They are not going to hold stuff that no one wants ,because the odd person comes in once in awhile looking for it.But if the DEMAND is there they will stock it.So as I keep saying stop looking at wanting articles and expecting articles revelant to your section.Write one pass it up,if it is good for publishing it will be published.But if the sales drop,because everyone is saying "Aw ****e another article about punching holes in paper at 10meters with a toy gun." It is being overdone,which at the moment is what really said is alot of peoples gripes here.Too much hunting and not enough target stuff.As an editor it is a balancing act to get this right.However if there isnt anything from the opposing side bar moans & groans that there are no articles.Of course you fill the pages with whatever is to hand.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Yes we know all this,however I refuse to dispense with correct English for political correctness even in our shooting circles.Plural of those in Govt,Gardai and law is the W word. To use a fav Irish expression"thats just the way it is."
    No, it's the way it was. And not even amongst shooters, but amongst the Gardai and others who at the time weren't exactly in favour of private firearms ownership. These days, however, we have - through dint of repeatedly explaining the fact that calling our firearms weapons is a character judgement one step shy of slander and libel - managed to get the Gardai and others to stop using the W word, even to apologise in public for inadvertant slips. It's called progress Grizzly, it's not a lot in immediate terms, but since language frames thought, it's still worthwhile. So would you mind not stepping on it pleasekthanksbye!
    Ok.. no problem voulenteers to the front please.......Form an orderly que there! I wont hold my breath,because we are not very good at being the first up to bell the cat around here.
    Sadly true :(
    This is the MAIN Irish market in shooting,shotgunners and deer hunters
    Well, no, not really. The main Irish market for shooters is the Farmers Journal. Then shotgun shooters, mostly wildfowlers, then rabbit whackers and fox lampers and then deer shooters and target shooters and right down at the very bottom of the pile are the groups that have for some reason gotten the most press - pistol shooters, usually practical pistol shooters. That's not me saying that it's wrong they get press, by the way, I'm just trying to point out that I think the market hasn't been checked, ever. We have what we have in the ISD because that's what we've always had in the ISD. Doesn't mean a change wouldn't be successful (hell, you might as well say "but we always had only .22lr rifles, why would you want a .308? It'll never take off"...)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Story Man

    "The main Irish market for shooters is the Farmers Journal"

    I think not!

    Maybe where you live but not where the rest of us live!


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Nobody ever does think so SM, but everyone seems to forget that the single largest gun-owning group in this country are the farmers with the old single-barrelled shotgun on the farm. 225,000 firearms last we had a breakdown; 160,000 of them were shotguns. Take away the 20,000 members of the NARGC and the 6,000 or so in the ICPSA, be really generous to non-NARGC wildfowlers and give them some 30,000 or so, and that still leaves 100,000 to account for.

    Farmers. They're the elephant in the room, so to speak...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Story Man

    I am from a farming background and recognise the single barrel in the corner.

    Problem is that it sits there and has done for years. I wouldn't count on farmers buying or supporting anything in this country...unless of course there was a subsidy on it!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,096 ✭✭✭bunny shooter

    Sparks wrote: »
    Nobody ever does think so SM, but everyone seems to forget that the single largest gun-owning group in this country are the farmers with the old single-barrelled shotgun on the farm. 225,000 firearms last we had a breakdown; 160,000 of them were shotguns. Take away the 20,000 members of the NARGC and the 6,000 or so in the ICPSA, be really generous to non-NARGC wildfowlers and give them some 30,000 or so, and that still leaves 100,000 to account for.

    Farmers. They're the elephant in the room, so to speak...

    Where is your evidence to claim farmers have a single barrel shotgun in the corner ? A lot of them have side by sides, over and unders and even semi autos. So every shotgun is licensced to one individual nobody has 2 or more. Many farmers are members of the NARGC and ICPSA and I presume are wildfowlers too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    BS, I think there are too many shotguns and too few NARGC/ICPSA members for the math on that to work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,024 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    These days, however, we have - through dint of repeatedly explaining the fact that calling our firearms weapons is a character judgement one step shy of slander and libel - managed to get the Gardai and others to stop using the W word, even to apologise in public for inadvertant slips
    Really???Great !!!!Can we then get the press to stop referring to us as Gun nuts, gun culture and other deogatory terms,seein now that it seems that the threat of group libel makes Gardai apologise for for their un PC speak.

    Fine I shall call them air firearms then??? Is that PC enough for the sensitive ones here???:rolleyes:

    pistol shooters, usually practical pistol shooters. That's not me saying that it's wrong they get press

    Dunno what you have been reading Sparks,but I have only seen ONE article on this in Ireland in the ISD [and that was carped on about here on Boards no end.]
    Nothing in the national press or wherever,so where was all this publicity??Could you give us a reference to that???As I,and no doubt many others of the UN PC practical boys and girl would like to see it.

    The only reason pistol shooters got the press ,was because it was [1] mostly negative and [2] handguns are mostly restricted or banned in the British Isles,so Ireland was bucking the trend and the press whores just like the scent of blood as that gives them more reason to smear ink on paper to sell their copies.
    by the way, I'm just trying to point out that I think the market hasn't been checked, ever.

    Seen many articles on shooting in the IFJ?Nope!Because most farmers who own a shotgun see it as a tool,not a sporting instrument.Somthing to take a flake at the aul fox or crows [and by the look of some of the guns as a spare fence post,or tyre iron.].If you can sell an Irish Farmer somthing on the first go and get them to part with money there and then.God! everyone would want you as a salesman!They are the hardest lot to sell anything to in Ireland.And those that are intrested in shooting either read the ISD or are REALLY intrested are here in this agust little group.
    What kind of article would appeal to farmers on shooting?.
    [Get more money from the EU by using your new 12 gauge Grant?, AK 47 is it a good all round pesticide?:D]

    We have what we have in the ISD because that's what we've always had in the ISD. Doesn't mean a change wouldn't be successful (hell, you might as well say "but we always had only .22lr rifles, why would you want a .308? It'll never take off"...)

    Then if you want to change it you will have to write some articles and submit them,cos no one else will do it.I keep labouring this point. Running a magazine is a busisness first and last.If the MARKET is there for target shooting articles,write them submit them,and if they are good and people keep saying we want more of them,You know it is a seller then.However dont expect anyone to start writing on target shooting ,because a bunch of people demand it and carp on that the only Irish shooting mag doesnt represent their shooting sport.And if everyone says "Jeeze that target shooting stuff is crap.I'm not intrested,give us more on hunting" or whatever,be prepared to accept that as well.The market decides,not what we would like to think it should be.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    Really???Great !!!!Can we then get the press to stop referring to us as Gun nuts, gun culture and other deogatory terms,seein now that it seems that the threat of group libel makes Gardai apologise for for their un PC speak.
    Yes, actually. But one step at a time.
    Fine I shall call them air firearms then??? Is that PC enough for the sensitive ones here???:rolleyes:
    Firstly, if it's a deep manly sensation you're looking for with your firearms, I'd suggest a night drinking in the George instead :D
    Secondly, airgun is all one word. Like shotgun, and with a similar reasoning (the term originally described a smoothbore firearm that used air as a propellant - even if modern air rifles and air pistols are, well, rifled).
    Dunno what you have been reading Sparks,but I have only seen ONE article on this in Ireland in the ISD [and that was carped on about here on Boards no end.]
    Nothing in the national press or wherever,so where was all this publicity??Could you give us a reference to that???As I,and no doubt many others of the UN PC practical boys and girl would like to see it.
    Come off it Grizzly, there's been a damn sight more than one article in the Digest on this.
    What kind of article would appeal to farmers on shooting?.
    [Get more money from the EU by using your new 12 gauge Grant?, AK 47 is it a good all round pesticide?:D]
    Or how about what the new EU regs on lead shot means for farm shotguns? What's the cheapest ammunition you can get that will do the job? Repairing your grandfather's shotgun using baling wire and duct tape?
    Don't tell me they couldn't be written Grizzly, I've seen too much ****e written here and in other places to believe you ;)
    Then if you want to change it you will have to write some articles and submit them
    As I said above, I did, and we stopped because of what was being printed longside them.
    Running a magazine is a busisness first and last.
    And to continue in that vein, there's no duty on groups like the NTSA to write and give away articles to that business, to the detriment of the sport and the members of the NTSA because of how those articles get published. The MARKET is how you sell the magazines, but if you think the NGBs give a tuppenny about whether or not the ISD goes under this year when the crunch hits, you'd be wrong - their concern is their sport and their members, not someone else's business.
    If the MARKET is there for target shooting articles,write them submit them,and if they are good and people keep saying we want more of them,You know it is a seller then.
    Or I could just spend my time maintaining websites on target shooting that reach far more people far more effectively, like, oh, this place. Or my own little training log. Or the NGB or club websites.
    However dont expect anyone to start writing on target shooting ,because a bunch of people demand it and carp on that the only Irish shooting mag doesnt represent their shooting sport.And if everyone says "Jeeze that target shooting stuff is crap.I'm not intrested,give us more on hunting" or whatever,be prepared to accept that as well.The market decides,not what we would like to think it should be.
    And this member of the Market says he won't buy the Digest in its current form. And he's not the only member of the Market saying so, and in these economic times, that's not a great sign for the Digest. That's my point.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Story Man


    I think Eric can survive without your subscription.

    Let's not kid ourselves that we are that important. Not in the real scale of things.

    Are you representative of Irish shooters? I don't happen to think you are.. you have too much time on your hands for one!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Story Man wrote: »
    I think Eric can survive without your subscription.
    Oh, I have no doubt of that; it's that would concern me were I him.
    Let's not kid ourselves that we are that important. Not in the real scale of things.
    Important enough for complaints to be made about people posting about events though ;) Important enough for quite a lot of things in fact.
    Are you representative of Irish shooters?
    Am I a farmer with a single barrelled shotgun? :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Story Man

    You missed a couple of things Sparks.

    When I spoke about kidding ourselves that we were important I referred to we and in you and I and not boards. Anyway, the shooting world survived before and will do so after

    Eric has predated and will continue after the novelty here has worn off

    Not many farmers in Greystones as I recall.


    PS you missed another one. "You have too much time on your hands.";)

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Story Man wrote: »
    You missed a couple of things Sparks.
    No, I really didn't :)
    When I spoke about kidding ourselves that we were important I referred to we and in you and I and not boards
    And who is boards but you and me and everyone else in here, all individuals?
    Anyway, the shooting world survived before and will do so after
    For a given level of "survival", yes - but only someone who wasn't here beforehand would say that boards hasn't made shooting in Ireland enormously better. Look at all that was achieved, either by boards or by using boards. Look at the interest this place has generated, at the notice taken by the community - hell, look at the community itself : has any project ever had more success in dragging disparate parts of the shooting community into non-shouty contact with each other?
    Frankly, I'm desperately proud of what this place has helped to accomplish. We've seen the grassroots actually do things here, whereas before here, all you ever saw was what a few individuals said everyone else was saying. You never had a chance to ask questions - and if you tried, your card was marked. I know, because I saw it happen. It doesn't anymore.
    I saw shooting before here, and while I'm not daft enough to think it won't survive if this place is ever shut down, I'm not daft enough to think it'd be better off either.
    Eric has predated and will continue after the novelty here has worn off
    Maybe. I remember far more names than just his, all of whom predated boards and thought they'd outlive it. Most have since found themselves sidelined, often after dodgy things they did turned up here for all to see.
    Not many farmers in Greystones as I recall.
    Nope, just a lot of target shooters, there and in it's hinterland.
    PS you missed another one. "You have too much time on your hands.";)
    Trust me SM, you'd have to have done a lot of work in the last week to have kept up with what I was doing between posts in here ;) Touchtyping at 120wpm, knowing how to use a computer properly, and not taking smoke breaks tends to let you get a lot more done in here than you'd credit! Hell, I've managed to fix one of the bugs in DURC's new ladder statistics program since we started this little chat :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,024 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Firstly, if it's a deep manly sensation you're looking for with your firearms, I'd suggest a night drinking in the George instead :D

    Enlighten me.......:confused::confused::confused:

    Secondly, airgun is all one word. Like shotgun, and with a similar reasoning (the term originally described a smoothbore firearm that used air as a propellant - even if modern air rifles and air pistols are, well, rifled).
    Yes and plural of both airguns and air pistols in the singular adjective would be??Not to mind the juxtaposition of terms.

    Come off it Grizzly, there's been a damn sight more than one article in the Digest on this.

    Sorry Sparks,I personally have only seen ONE!I admit I dont get ISD every month,as Easons has a crap record of stocking it down here.And what other newspapers,etc has carried an article on it in Ireland???.
    Or how about what the new EU regs on lead shot means for farm shotguns? What's the cheapest ammunition you can get that will do the job? Repairing your grandfather's shotgun using baling wire and duct tape?
    Don't tell me they couldn't be written Grizzly, I've seen too much ****e written here and in other places to believe you ;)

    And you mean to tell me Sparks they wouldnt know all this already and how to get a grant from Brussells for lead shot removal,fixing grandpas shotgun,and subsidised cartridges???GTFOH:D:D:D.
    Sparks,the average Irish farmer hears the grass grow.That lot could buy and sell us before we knew it,we could learn fro m them. Again it is aquestion of somone doing so,but I personally think it will fly like a lead balloon in the IFJ.
    As I said above, I did, and we stopped because of what was being printed longside them

    I can proably guess going by the tone of this thread that a certain individual who is either liked or loathed by the Irish shooting community writings were beside it?And maybe werent too complimentry?I am only guessing here as I have never seen this issue,or TBH know about it.
    So I cant give you an impartial opinion.

    QUOTE]. And to continue in that vein, there's no duty on groups like the NTSA to write and give away articles to that business, to the detriment of the sport and the members of the NTSA because of how those articles get published.[/QUOTE]

    Err,NO ONE expects articles for free either.I was always paid a month after submission,and doubtless are all other contributors.So unless you or somone sent in an article as a freebie with the express understanding that it was a freebie,and you were not paid for it and it was published,you have a good case of sueing for theft of copyright.So what exactly is the gripe??
    The MARKET is how you sell the magazines, but if you think the NGBs give a tuppenny about whether or not the ISD goes under this year when the crunch hits, you'd be wrong - their concern is their sport and their members, not someone else's business

    BZZZZTT Sorry wrong answer Sparks.You adapt toand supply to the market,not the market to you.Put it like this do you think Eric cares two wits either what the NGBs,you ,me or whomever thinks should be in his magazine???The ISD has survived now on 20 odd years thru one recession already and outlived all it's competition in the republic.So it MUST be doing somthing right!

    Or I could just spend my time maintaining websites on target shooting that reach far more people far more effectively, like, oh, this place. Or my own little training log. Or the NGB or club websites.

    And more power to you to do so,and a fine job you are doing too:).
    But are YOU the ONLY target shooter in Ireland who does all this?No one else can sit down and write an article and submit it,good bad or indifferent and take a critizim,deserved,childish or otherwise???
    And this member of the Market says he won't buy the Digest in its current form. And he's not the only member of the Market saying so,
    Fine,No one is forcing you to do so.Nor is anyone being forced to do so either. But if your segment of the shooting sports is saying because somone was nasty to them or they didnt get the recognition they immediately deserve in the digest,and then are saying because of them being nasty we wont write any articles on our sport.BUT they MUST publish articles on target shooting or it will go down the tubes...Isnt that being very childish??? Now I'm sure many other people have different gripes about it's content,but that is the whole point of a DIGEST!It is a varience of articles,not a whole monolouge of articles on one topic or aspect thereof.But the majority get this format because[1] thats what they want or couldnt be arsed writing somthing different to vary it up.Or discover that if they do write somthing different from the norm ,it is critiqued out it because it does not in some peoples eyes relate to pure sports shooting.IE everyone giving out about collecting bayonets and antique pistols.I,for one find that intresting,and wish that somone would and does write somthing different once in awhile in there.But I dont complain about the content because I know personally,how difficult it is to write articles and get them accepted.
    If people think there is a market for an alt Irish shooting mag ,be it online or on the net,go out and set one up to their idea of the ideal Irish shooting mag.If people buy lots of it you were right,if you are bust within three months you were wrong.Very Simple!
    and in these economic times, that's not a great sign for the Digest.
    Thats NOT for you or me to worry about! It's not our busisness to run or comment on how it is run.Mr Parkes will run it as he sees fit and if it's current format turns a profit[which it must be doing],he will and should continue to do so.The economy wont have much to do with the contents changing either,unless the readership wants it to become dedicated to either the hunting side or the target side of shooting.At the moment the hunting boys have the say.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Grizzly 45 wrote: »
    Yes and plural of both airguns and air pistols in the singular adjective would be?
    Well, airguns. The plural forms are air rifles, air pistols, and in general, airguns.
    If you want a collective noun for all airguns and cartridge firearms everywhere, then firearms is suitable in modern usage.
    Sorry Sparks,I personally have only seen ONE!
    There's been more than one, and that's not even counting the mentions of it in passing in other columns.
    And you mean to tell me Sparks they wouldnt know all this already
    You're going to tell me that the stuff in the Digest at the moment is somehow all new? C'mon Grizzly, you know as well as I do that when you look at the Market, quality of product isn't really all that big an issue compared to Marketing...
    I can proably guess going by the tone of this thread that a certain individual who is either liked or loathed by the Irish shooting community writings were beside it? And maybe werent too complimentry?I am only guessing here as I have never seen this issue,or TBH know about it.Isnt that a bit childish then.Cos somone critizes or pokes fun at you instead of standing your ground,you take your ball and go home?
    Nope, sorry Grizzly but you've the wrong end of the stick there. The problem was literally that posting up details of our shooters longside the stuff that was going in there at the time wasn't in their best interests, and so the NTSA decided to stop submitting stuff for the Digest.
    you DEMAND to be included in the game?
    No, I don't. Grizzly, I don't think you get it - I don't read the Digest and I don't miss it either. I get more information, faster, and in more detail from here. And the Digest can't ever compete with that because of press lead times and the cost of printing long articles. Here, those things don't come into it - that's why you're seeing so much talk about how blogging is threatening traditional newspapers. Personally, I don't care what happens to the Digest one way or the other. I think it'd be nicer if they stopped giving a voice to people who're doing us no good, but I'm not going to cry myself to sleep over it :D
    do you think Eric cares two wits either what the NGBs,you ,me or whomever thinks should be in his magazine?
    No, nor do I think he cares too much about it himself. You said it Grizzly - it's a business.
    are YOU the ONLY target shooter in Ireland who does all this?No one else can sit down and write an article and submit it,good bad or indifferent and take a critizim,deserved,childish or otherwise???Gosh!You are a fierce sensitive lot.:pac:
    Oh desperately so - the fact that I didn't write all 71,642 posts in all 5,261 threads in here just keeps me up nights :D
    if your segment of the shooting sports is saying because somone was nasty to them
    They're not.
    or they didnt get the recognition they immediately deserve in the digest
    They're not saying that either!
    Isnt that being very childish?
    It would be, if that's what they were saying :D
    It's not our busisness to run or comment on how it is run.Mr Parkes will run it as he sees fit and if it's current format turns a profit[which it must be doing],he will and should continue to do so.
    You know, I think that's one of the reasons we do so well in here? This place doesn't belong to just one person, it's our collective place. We make it what it is, we talk here about what interests us, and selling adverts isn't the goal so the quality is far higher and less - I won't say biased, but it is less oriented towards any particular interested party.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,230 ✭✭✭chem

    Im also not normal because I collect
    flint locks and bayonets:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hezz700

    And this i why i don't log on here so much anymore.........

    Lads, life is too short, stick to the point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,953 ✭✭✭homerhop

    Hezz700 wrote: »
    And this i why i don't log on here so much anymore.........

    ya should be out trying to nab that fox thats hanging out across the road from you

  • Registered Users Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hezz700


  • Registered Users Posts: 652 ✭✭✭Hezz700

    homerhop wrote: »
    ya should be out trying to nab that fox thats hanging out across the road from you

    Ok, you've got the jump on me and now i'm curious....???

    Anyway i've plenty of time these days so i'll get him soon enough.

  • Subscribers Posts: 4,076 ✭✭✭IRLConor

    OK, I've cleared out some stuff best kept to PMs.

    Be nice to each other and stick to the topic or this thread will be locked.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭Trojan911

    how many people here read it? i buy it every month but i always find the english mags better, theres way more relevent material in the english ones, i have a subscription to sporting rifle and i find it an excellent read. i suppose its just because the irish mag is mostly full of clay pigeon shooting,sillouette shooting and photos of events and conventions rather than hunting stuff?

    I have bought it in the past a few times but I don't make a habit of buying it. It just dosen't grab my attention for the above reasons.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,612 ✭✭✭jwshooter

    well its nice to be able to give out about it .we are a lot better with a hunting/shooting mag of our own than with out one .

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭Trojan911

    jwshooter wrote: »
    well its nice to be able to give out about it .we are a lot better with a hunting/shooting mag of our own than with out one .

    That's very true & I still buy it on the odd occasion, but I can source a lot more info from the internet. Like here for instance.
