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  • 06-02-2008 4:30am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭

    it's not angst, it's punctuated
    a decimel place away from dead
    warm, left blank and neatly plated
    a decibel bath for a weary head

    the kind of anger that's strangulated
    almost molten, boiling and strong
    a shining vanguard, miscalculated
    designed to protect, designed in the wrong

    she persists, never sated
    to relent would be too curt
    it consists of clever statements
    but she is so often hurt

    and it's a fault
    it's guile, impatience
    not worriesome
    but it's a fault

    and it's contrived
    it's wild, convenient
    it's not lies
    but it's contrived

    and she's just right
    she's sad, pyschotic
    it's hard to tell
    but she's just right

    and nothing less
    but calm happiness
    would fix this mess
    but nothing less


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭jesus smith

    I likes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,969 ✭✭✭buck65

    Love the last 4 stanzas, reads like a different poem. Found the previous ones impenetrable.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 greatscott

    i like this: the theme - the guilt and pain and frustration of seeing pretentiousness in someone you care about - is one that i don't think i've seen anywhere else, and you express it in few words. If i had a criticism, i think you could choose better words in some verses, and some people would find the rhyming a little disjointed.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 410 ✭✭summer_ina_bowl

    i like that the rhyming is a little 'disjointed', it gives the poem a 'rough and ready' feel.
