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It's Islamofascist rear end kissing season in Canterbury ....

  • 09-02-2008 4:26pm
    Registered Users Posts: 8,831 ✭✭✭

    From the BBC
    Williams 'shocked' at Sharia row

    The Archbishop of Canterbury is said to be overwhelmed by the "hostility of the response" after his call for parts of Sharia law to be recognised in the UK.
    Friends of Dr Rowan Williams say he is in a state of shock and cannot believe the criticism from his own Church.
    All the main political parties, secular groups and some senior Muslims have expressed dismay at his comments.
    However, the Bishop of Hulme, the Rt Rev Stephen Lowe, criticised the "disgraceful" treatment of Dr Williams.
    The BBC understands from sources who work on Christian-Muslim interfaith issues that Dr Williams has faced a barrage of criticism from within the Church and has been genuinely taken aback by how his words were received.
    Resignation call

    Islamic Sharia law is a legal and social code designed to help Muslims live their daily lives, but it has proved controversial in the West for the extreme nature of some of its punishments.
    Culture Secretary Andy Burnham said moves such as those suggested by the archbishop would create "social chaos".
    The Reverend Rod Thomas, chairman of evangelical Church group Reform, said the archbishop's comments were unhelpful.
    "The Church at the moment, and the country, needs a clear lead. The country is itself in a debate about its own sense of identity," he said.

    "The moral values that we pursue are ones that we need to know are clearly grounded, and it would be most helpful for the leader of the Church to be able to explain to people how the values we cherish stem from our Christian tradition."
    UKIP MEP Gerard Batten said it would be the "thin end of the wedge" and called on the archbishop to resign.

    He said: "I think he's shown he is totally unfit for the role he undertakes. He's not fit to be Archbishop of Canterbury, he doesn't seem to know what his own business is, and he's not fit to sit in the House of Lords. I think he should go."

    'Hysterical misrepresentations'
    However, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said it was grateful for the archbishop's "thoughtful intervention".
    The organisation added that it was saddened by the "hysterical misrepresentations" of his speech, which would only "drive a wedge between British people".

    Muhammed Abdul Bari, Secretary-General of the MCB, said: "The archbishop is not advocating implementation of the Islamic penal system in Britain.
    "His recommendation is confined to the civil system of Sharia law, and only in accordance with English law and agreeable to established notions of human rights."
    Bishop Lowe said the archbishop had been "ridiculed" and "lampooned" by some people.
    "We have probably one of the greatest and the brightest Archbishops of Canterbury we have had for many a long day," he said.
    Catherine Heseltine, from the Muslim Public Affairs Committee, said some people might be getting the wrong end of the stick.
    "I'm concerned this debate is getting out of control because people hear the word Sharia and instantly scary images of beheadings," she said.
    "But this is not what British Muslims want and it's not what British Muslims are asking for in any way."
    'British values'
    She added: "Sharia in our everyday lives means things like certification of halal meat, in the same way as Jewish religious bodies will certify kosher meat. No-one's forced to eat it but it's a choice if consumers want to buy it."

    Dr Williams told BBC Radio 4 on Thursday that he believed the adoption of some Sharia law in the UK seemed "unavoidable".
    In an interview with BBC correspondent Christopher Landau, Dr Williams said Muslims should not have to choose between "the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty".
    Gordon Brown's spokesman said the prime minister "believes that British laws should be based on British values", but that the archbishop was perfectly entitled to express his views.
    Home Office Minister Tony McNulty said to fundamentally change the rule of law and adopt Sharia law would be "fundamentally wrong."
    Shaista Gohir, a government advisor on Muslim women, said the majority of British Muslims did not want Sharia courts.

    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said he did not agree with the archbishop him on the issue.
    Under English law, people may devise their own way to settle a dispute in front of an agreed third party as long as both sides agree to the process.
    Muslim Sharia courts and Orthodox Jewish courts which already exist in the UK come into this category.

    All I can say is WHAT THE F@#%?

    This is the part that got me going the most:
    Muslims should not have to choose between "the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty"
    Why the hell not? Noone's forcing them to be here - someone who doesn't like secular Western laws and traditions can always f*** off back to whatever Dark Ages hole they or their ancestors came from, where Sharia will most certainly be enshrined in the national constitution, with all the backward, savage barbarianism that this entails.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭pretty*monster

    My understanding of the Archbishop's comments is that Muslims should be entitled to use Sharia courts as a sort of arbitration committee for civil matters. Such rights have long been granted to the Beth Din, the Jewish rabbinical courts, not to mention that many forms of non-religious arbitration committees are common in the west and do not undermine the rule of law since English law already states that a third party can be agreed by two sides to arbitrate in a dispute.

    Relevant article about the Beth Din:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 Passent.Habek

    SeanW wrote: »

    This is the part that got me going the most:
    [/SIZE]Why the hell not? Noone's forcing them to be here - someone who doesn't like secular Western laws and traditions can always f*** off back to whatever Dark Ages hole they or their ancestors came from, where Sharia will most certainly be enshrined in the national constitution, with all the backward, savage barbarianism that this entails.

    Grow up would you? Do you live in the UK? Do you know many muslim people? Do you know the first thing about Sharia law apart from the sensationalist crap you see on sky news and read in the Tabloids?

    Sharia is a very complex legal system that applied in a variety of different ways depending on the country you are in. Some of it was way ahead of its time and some is a product of its time. Pick up a book and read before you start shouting at people to **** off back to the Dark Ages.

    The situation we have here is more than ridiculous .. You have an Anglican Bishop saying something controversial and the media uses it as an excuse to demonize mulims. What the hell did the Muslims do in all this to warrant people telling them to **** off back to the dark ages? The majority of muslims are perfectly happy living in the Uk under Uk law and the vast majority of them in the Uk and the Muslim world dont want to see any stonings, beheadings etc take place fullstop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,831 ✭✭✭SeanW

    Looks like I got the wrong end of the stick :(

    If all that is being proposed is private, voluntary, dispute arbitration boards, then that should be debated on its own merit.
    What the hell did the Muslims do in all this to warrant people telling them to **** off back to the dark ages?
    All I'm saying is that if a muslim feels that his/her values are fundamentally incompatible with the laws, customs and values of the Western nation in which he or she resides, s/he might consider moving to a Middle Eastern/North African/Central Asian country which has more strict legal codes and repressive culture.
    The majority of muslims are perfectly happy living in the Uk under Uk law and the vast majority of them in the Uk and the Muslim world dont want to see any stonings, beheadings etc take place fullstop.
    I must admit to a certain ignorance of these kinds of things, so if true this certainly comes as welcome news.

    However, I do read in the news about some of the stuff that goes on in more Islamic countries, like Internet censorship - and worse (there was a thread here recently about how a journalism student in Afghanistan was about to be executed for the crime of reading about women's rights on the Internet), homosexuality being punishable by death. etc. etc.

    I consider the goings on in some of these places to be nothing less than barbaric - I make no apologies for this - and it makes me very wary of things like Sharia law. In this case though, I might have jumped to the wrong conclusions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,920 ✭✭✭fly_agaric

    You have an Anglican Bishop saying something controversial and the media uses it as an excuse to demonize mulims.

    It seems to be the archbishop they are demonising here.

    It's sort of like if a UK minister or bigwig had said publically in the 70s or 80s, well, you know, maybe those IRA fellows actually have a point in the between the bombs somewhere...very foolish of the archbishop IMO.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 Passent.Habek

    fly_agaric wrote: »
    It seems to be the archbishop they are demonising here.

    It's sort of like if a UK minister or bigwig had said publically in the 70s or 80s, well, you know, maybe those IRA fellows actually have a point in the between the bombs somewhere...very foolish of the archbishop IMO.

    No. All the same tired examples of muslim extremism are splashed across every tv channel and newspaper reinforcing this idea that all Muslims want to live in countries where people are flogged, beheaded, stoned and have their hands chopped off .. and it ends with people such as Sean here telling them to **** off back to these countries where this goes on. Fact is there are many muslims born and bred British .. fact is that routine stonings, beheadings etc are not the reality of most normal Muslims lives. The media picks and chooses negative examples from a community of nearly 2 Billion people and tries to make us belive that this is the norm. Muslims are just regular people like everyone else .. there good ones and bad ones but the majority are decent people. Every time this topic comes up the media uses it to try and divide communities by portraying a negative stereotype. If people would just take the time to get to know a few muslims they would soon be wondering what all the fuss was about.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,045 ✭✭✭Húrin

    Although I would be of the view that the same laws should apply to all people in a country, I think that Rowan Williams should be listened to more. If only because he comes across as being the least ideologically-driven person in this debate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭damnyanks

    So I've noticed numerous asian communities in the uk stick to their own area and practice their religious laws without involving the uk police.

    You get
    people who dont really follow the religion

    people who follow the religion for their parents only but when out and about quickly forget about the beliefs they should follow (Drinking alcohol, eating pork and so on).

    who are still very religious and enforce laws which we find terrible and so forth.

    (Just like Ireland and catholicsim)

    The problem which arises is that things such as honour killings may take place in these communities and the person commiting the crime feels they are justified because of their religion. Frankly the UK is just screwed up when it comes to these types of ghetto's. No intergration amongst different communities and so on. I had 20 students come visit me in work 4 of them didnt speak english and they were doing their GCSE's (Junior cert). These communities just feel aliented by british law because they never bothered their backside to get involved in the uk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭Sesshoumaru

    There should only be one law for all people. Once Sharia law is introduced for civil matters a precedent will be set. Muslims will start demanding Sharia law in others areas. Then you'll have other religious groups demanding to be governed by their own retarded "holy book". The current secular system has served us well so far. I see no reason to entertain these stupid ideas.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 Passent.Habek

    damnyanks wrote: »
    So I've noticed numerous asian communities in the uk stick to their own area and practice their religious laws without involving the uk police.

    You get
    people who dont really follow the religion

    people who follow the religion for their parents only but when out and about quickly forget about the beliefs they should follow (Drinking alcohol, eating pork and so on).

    who are still very religious and enforce laws which we find terrible and so forth.

    (Just like Ireland and catholicsim)

    The problem which arises is that things such as honour killings may take place in these communities and the person commiting the crime feels they are justified because of their religion. Frankly the UK is just screwed up when it comes to these types of ghetto's. No intergration amongst different communities and so on. I had 20 students come visit me in work 4 of them didnt speak english and they were doing their GCSE's (Junior cert). These communities just feel aliented by british law because they never bothered their backside to get involved in the uk.

    Exactly where does the Quran justify Honor Killings? Dont get confused between culture and religion

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 Passent.Habek

    There should only be one law for all people. Once Sharia law is introduced for civil matters a precedent will be set. Muslims will start demanding Sharia law in others areas. Then you'll have other religious groups demanding to be governed by their own retarded "holy book". The current secular system has served us well so far. I see no reason to entertain these stupid ideas.

    As long as people dont contravene British law and agree to the arbritation then what is the problem? Who is it hurting? Do people tell you how to live your life outside of the law?

    No one is trying to introduce anything extreme here and no one is trying to bypass the British legal system.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,588 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    As long as people dont contravene British law and agree to the arbritation then what is the problem? Who is it hurting? Do people tell you how to live your life outside of the law?

    No one is trying to introduce anything extreme here and no one is trying to bypass the British legal system.

    It undermines society by having one system of law for non-muslims and another system of law [optional though it may be] for muslims. It undermines the social cohesion which rests upon everyone being equal in the eyes of the secular state. Its bad enough as it is with existing throwbacks to medieval times [official religions etc etc] without introducing more.

    So long as there is no state recognition, or the decisions reached have no more force of law than the result of a game of golf to settle a difference, then theres no more or less of a problem than any agreement people come to without calling for lawyers. But if the state starts recognising other legal codes within its territory, then they will pay the price in a divided, mutually suspicious, segregated society.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 Passent.Habek

    Sand wrote: »
    It undermines society by having one system of law for non-muslims and another system of law [optional though it may be] for muslims. It undermines the social cohesion which rests upon everyone being equal in the eyes of the secular state. Its bad enough as it is with existing throwbacks to medieval times [official religions etc etc] without introducing more.

    So long as there is no state recognition, or the decisions reached have no more force of law than the result of a game of golf to settle a difference, then theres no more or less of a problem than any agreement people come to without calling for lawyers. But if the state starts recognising other legal codes within its territory, then they will pay the price in a divided, mutually suspicious, segregated society.

    Absolute BS. It's already in practice with the Jewish community in the UK and there are no such problems. How come there was no outcry about this concerning the Jewish community? Scaremongering and racism is what this is about. The arbritation has to be agreed by both parties and they have the right to appeal to the secular legal system if they arent happy with anything. All this would do is relieve some of the pressure on the British legal system. No judgement of these arbritation courts can contravene other British law .. so people can relax .. everybody's heads and hands will be staying put.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭eoin5

    If its already legal then what exactly is he calling for? Is he encouraging them or what?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,588 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    So long as there is no state recognition, or the decisions reached have no more force of law than the result of a game of golf to settle a difference, then theres no more or less of a problem than any agreement people come to without calling for lawyers. But if the state starts recognising other legal codes within its territory, then they will pay the price in a divided, mutually suspicious, segregated society.
    Absolute BS. It's already in practice with the Jewish community in the UK and there are no such problems. How come there was no outcry about this concerning the Jewish community? Scaremongering and racism is what this is about. The arbritation has to be agreed by both parties and they have the right to appeal to the secular legal system if they arent happy with anything. All this would do is relieve some of the pressure on the British legal system. No judgement of these arbritation courts can contravene other British law .. so people can relax .. everybody's heads and hands will be staying put.

    See above. Bolded part. Ive no issue with people settling their differences in anyway they see fit so long as its given no recognition or force of law.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    SeanW wrote: »
    This is the part that got me going the most:
    [/SIZE]Why the hell not? Noone's forcing them to be here - someone who doesn't like secular Western laws and traditions can always f*** off back to whatever Dark Ages hole they or their ancestors came from, where Sharia will most certainly be enshrined in the national constitution, with all the backward, savage barbarianism that this entails.

    That's sh*t talk, and during the actual Dark Ages in Europe it was Muslims who were making the most advances. Think before type.

    As someone said, Sharia is complex, aspects of it are indeed barbaric, other aspects are actually more progressive than parts of western law. Still though, England is not a Muslim country, end of story.

    I know plenty of Muslims (mostly from the Balkans) and believe it or not they are normal people, they aren't loonies running around with Kalashs. That having been said, like all religions Islam often stifles and suffocates the individual. I oppose Islamic domination as much as I do the stagnation that church control brought upon Ireland.

    Religion is stupid, arguing about it is even more stupid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭Sesshoumaru

    Absolute BS. It's already in practice with the Jewish community in the UK and there are no such problems. How come there was no outcry about this concerning the Jewish community? Scaremongering and racism is what this is about. The arbritation has to be agreed by both parties and they have the right to appeal to the secular legal system if they arent happy with anything. All this would do is relieve some of the pressure on the British legal system. No judgement of these arbritation courts can contravene other British law .. so people can relax .. everybody's heads and hands will be staying put.

    Racism? are you for real? Last time I checked Islam was a religion/legal system/political system and has nothing to do with race.

    If systems already exist for Jews then these privileges should be rescinded. The Jews obviously got that one in under the radar as their community is much smaller and less vocal than the Muslim one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,920 ✭✭✭fly_agaric

    All the same tired examples of muslim extremism are splashed across every tv channel and newspaper reinforcing this idea that all Muslims want to live in countries where people are flogged, beheaded, stoned and have their hands chopped off and it ends with people such as Sean here telling them to **** off back to these countries where this goes on. Fact is there are many muslims born and bred British .. fact is that routine stonings, beheadings etc are not the reality of most normal Muslims lives. The media picks and chooses negative examples from a community of nearly 2 Billion people and tries to make us belive that this is the norm. Muslims are just regular people like everyone else .. there good ones and bad ones but the majority are decent people. Every time this topic comes up the media uses it to try and divide communities by portraying a negative stereotype. If people would just take the time to get to know a few muslims they would soon be wondering what all the fuss was about.

    Look, many of the worlds' muslims do live in such countries whether they wish to or not (a much larger proportion than live in the UK). The autocrats and/or religious freaks running such countries claim they base their laws directly on "Islam" and "the Koran" which is probably an aid to shoring up their power. So...

    And like it or not violent Islamic extremists also do actually exist :eek:, and they do call for introduction of what they also call "Sharia Law" for all [even if their version is alot less cuddly and more widely applicable than what the archbishop might have in mind].

    I think these facts are what causes alot of the fuss irresppective of the wholesome nature of the average joe muslim/christian/atheist (something I doubt too, I bet lots of people in the UK would love to throw rocks at a few murders, rapists and paedophiles if a "guilt-free" opportunity to do so arose, or would gather at tyburn tree to watch them be hung...).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 Passent.Habek

    fly_agaric wrote: »
    Look, many of the worlds' muslims do live in such countries whether they wish to or not (a much larger proportion than live in the UK). The autocrats and/or religious freaks running such countries claim they base their laws directly on "Islam" and "the Koran" which is probably an aid to shoring up their power. So...

    And like it or not violent Islamic extremists also do actually exist :eek:, and they do call for introduction of what they also call "Sharia Law" for all [even if their version is alot less cuddly and more widely applicable than what the archbishop might have in mind].

    I think these facts are what causes alot of the fuss irresppective of the wholesome nature of the average joe muslim/christian/atheist (something I doubt too, I bet lots of people in the UK would love to throw rocks at a few murders, rapists and paedophiles if a "guilt-free" opportunity to do so arose, or would gather at tyburn tree to watch them be hung...).

    Look violent extremists exist everywhere in every religion, christianity included .. just go speak to some people in the bible belt. The fact is .. that Sharia Law and Islam in general is so misrepresented in the media that it is verging on racism or religious discrimination. The Burkha is a cultural phenomenon that existed before Mohamed. The Quran says nothing about women having to wear a Burka only that men and women should dress modestly. Yet the morning after these comments were made you see a woman in a Burkha splashed accross the front page of the Sun with similar misrepresentations in the other newpapers and Sky news etc. Stonings whatever you might think are not the norm in any Islamic society and they are usually performed by ignorant poverty stricken communities. Some extreme forms of Sharia do exist in countries such as Saudia Arabia but Saudi dors not represent the 1.8 billion people in the Islamic world.

    There are 5 main schools of interpretation in Islam upon which Sharia is based and each country draws from one of these schools. Saudi draw there influence from the most extreme school of thought. There are also what can be considered very liberal schools of thought which mainly developed in the early days of Islam but they are still in use today.

    If more people would just pick up a book on Sharia if they were that interested in commenting on it then they would understand how ridiculous all this media coverage is. Unfortunately the average joe only knows what the media tells him so i actually would not blame most people for the misguided opinions they have. But I wish people before they jump on a hate filled bandwagon please take time to study the facts

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 Passent.Habek

    Racism? are you for real? Last time I checked Islam was a religion/legal system/political system and has nothing to do with race.

    If systems already exist for Jews then these privileges should be rescinded. The Jews obviously got that one in under the radar as their community is much smaller and less vocal than the Muslim one.

    Racism or religious discrimination but you know what i mean so lets not waste time on semantics.

    Do you live in the Uk or are you a British citizen? Who cares about your uniformed opinion on what should or shouldnt be rescinded in another country? The system works fine here and there is no reason to change it. The world cant be exactly as you want it to be you know and everybody has the right to live the way they want to as long as they respect the laws of the country they live in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭Sesshoumaru

    Racism or religious discrimination but you know what i mean so lets not waste time on semantics.

    Sorry I can't read your mind, so I don't know what you mean. It just slipped your mind Islam wasn't a race? or is it just convenient for to shout "RASCIST" as loud as you can to silence any opposition?
    Do you live in the Uk or are you a British citizen? Who cares about your uniformed opinion on what should or shouldnt be rescinded in another country? The system works fine here and there is no reason to change it. The world cant be exactly as you want it to be you know and everybody has the right to live the way they want to as long as they respect the laws of the country they live in.

    Why should I care about the opinion of people who believe in supernatural beings? They can't be very informed! You don't need to be a genius to figure out that religious laws damage a secular democracy. We shouldn't be encouraging people to believe in kids fairytale stories, like santa claus and god.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    SeanW wrote: »
    Noone's forcing them to be here

    Define them? If the person was born in the UK, lived their all their lives as did all their generations yet are Muslim shouldn't they be allowed equal rights to voice what they want?

    Muslim is not a country.

    This discussion is going on in Islam forum as well. To quote PDN.
    The Church of England has ecclesiastical courts and Judaism has rabbinical councils. To deny Muslims equal opportunities and powers is a clear case of discrimination.

    just convenient for to shout "RASCIST" as loud as you can to silence any opposition?

    Actually racism can be defined on race or religion (depending on what dictionary you read). Even so it is better to attack the argument then word.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Sharia law is introduced for civil matters a precedent will be set.

    You do know there are legal Sharia lawyers in UK? As for precedent, it is already in the UK for other religions. Or does it only matter when it is Muslims?

    There is already one rule of law. How it works is Sharia law can't supercede the law of the lands, however a sharia judge may be better suited to rule in one way or another in relation to the religion that a normal judge would not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭Sesshoumaru

    Hobbes wrote: »
    You do know there are legal Sharia lawyers in UK? As for precedent, it is already in the UK for other religions. Or does it only matter when it is Muslims?

    There is already one rule of law. How it works is Sharia law can't supercede the law of the lands, however a sharia judge may be better suited to rule in one way or another in relation to the religion that a normal judge would not.

    Go back and read what I've posted. I'm fairly consistently against all religions having any official capacity in a secular democracy. So no it's not only when its Muslims. Don't be so sensitive ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭Sesshoumaru

    Hobbes wrote: »
    Define them? If the person was born in the UK, lived their all their lives as did all their generations yet are Muslim shouldn't they be allowed equal rights to voice what they want?

    Muslim is not a country.

    Some countries have stricter citizenship laws. Even if you are born there you are not necessarily a citizen. But I would agree that as long as they are a citizen in the eyes of the law, then they should be afforded the same rights and privileges as everyone else. There is no point telling a second generation immigrant to "go back home". His/her home is the country they were born in. At least thats the way they should feel about their country.
    Erdogan wrote:
    The political rally by Germany's biggest ethnic minority upset German politicians, who objected to a major public event on German soil being advertised on posters in Turkish only.

    Erdogan indirectly addressed those concerns, saying it was right for Turkish immigrants to learn German and other languages so they could integrate, but wrong to abandon their Turkish heritage and assimilate.

    "Assimilation is a crime against humanity," he told the crowd. Many Turks had travelled from France, Belgium and the Netherlands to hear his hour-long address in the shiny venue, the Koelnarena.

    "I can well understand that you are against assimilation," he said. "It is important to learn German, but your Turkish language should not be neglected.",erdogan-cheered-by-16000-turks-in-cologne.html

    However stuff like this doesn't help. I know it's a different country! I'm only using this as an example of how sometimes people don't want to integrate into a new country. This is why it's so important to confidently assert our own Western culture in our own countries. Which includes keeping our countries completely secular. People have mentioned Jewish courts etc If I'm against Muslims getting their Sharia courts, then I'm also Jews getting their religious courts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy

    Go back and read what I've posted. I'm fairly consistently against all religions having any official capacity in a secular democracy. So no it's not only when its Muslims. Don't be so sensitive ;)

    I'm happy that you are an atheist but the vast majority of people dont share your persuasion and they have the right to be accomodated within the law. I really dont see how this affects you? You neither live in the Uk or are familiar with the this case itself. You have not listened to the lecture and you are unaware that these types of courts already exist without a problem. Just like in the thread about Israel you seem to be prepared to shout about what you dont know about. How about going away and talking to some Muslims and doing a bit of reading before jumping on media bandwagons :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,923 ✭✭✭Playboy,erdogan-cheered-by-16000-turks-in-cologne.html

    However stuff like this doesn't help. I know it's a different country! I'm only using this as an example of how sometimes people don't want to integrate into a new country. This is why it's so important to confidently assert our own Western culture in our own countries. Which includes keeping our countries completely secular. People have mentioned Jewish courts etc If I'm against Muslims getting their Sharia courts, then I'm also Jews getting their religious courts.

    How much do you know about Germany and their immigration policy in regards to the Turks? I cant see what is wrong with that article .. Britain and many other countries sailed around the world for generations imposing their culture on other countries including ours but now that Immigrant populations want to maintain a certain amount of their culture is now a bad thing. So should Irish Americans be banned from speaking Irish, Irish Dancing, playing Gaelic Sports, drinking in and opening Irish pubs etc etc. Should they also be banned from voting for people who have the interests of their community at heart? Are you a facist by any chance?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,034 ✭✭✭Rock Climber

    Hobbes wrote:
    The Church of England has ecclesiastical courts and Judaism has rabbinical councils. To deny Muslims equal opportunities and powers is a clear case of discrimination.
    With respect,I've two points to make:
    (1)Both examples are where both parties are consenting.
    (2)Neither have jurisdiction in criminal proceedings.
    Ergo those aspects of sharia are as available to muslims in the UK,the same as if I set up a church and make a church law that everyone wears a pink dress between two and three in the afternoon.

    It's a totally different story where,a sharia "court" decides on a religious law being broken and decides to cut off someones hand.
    The civil court can and rightly can kick the Sharia judges ass from here to kingdom come for breaking the civil laws in that case.
    Civil laws apply to everybody and over rule private agreements where one party decides to test them etc.

    Incidently I think the archbishop was probably way misinterpreted here or chose his wordings badly.
    He probably was refering to consentual sharia judgements which as I said are as valid as the punishments I'll be doling out for anyone in my church that forgets to wear the pink dress between 2 and 3 pm.
    Those blasphemers will be punished :p ( via a simple excommunication of course,we wouldn't want to break the law of the land)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭Sesshoumaru

    Playboy wrote: »
    I'm happy that you are an atheist but the vast majority of people dont share your persuasion and they have the right to be accomodated within the law. I really dont see how this affects you? You neither live in the Uk or are familiar with the this case itself. You have not listened to the lecture and you are unaware that these types of courts already exist without a problem. Just like in the thread about Israel you seem to be prepared to shout about what you dont know about. How about going away and talking to some Muslims and doing a bit of reading before jumping on media bandwagons :rolleyes:

    Ireland was one of the first countries within the EU to introduce a smoking ban. Now several years later other EU countries are starting to follow our lead. What happens in one country within the EU can happen in another. Especially when the religious amongst us see it functioning in another country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭Sesshoumaru

    Playboy wrote: »
    How much do you know about Germany and their immigration policy in regards to the Turks? I cant see what is wrong with that article .. Britain and many other countries sailed around the world for generations imposing their culture on other countries including ours but now that Immigrant populations want to maintain a certain amount of their culture is now a bad thing. So should Irish Americans be banned from speaking Irish, Irish Dancing, playing Gaelic Sports, drinking in and opening Irish pubs etc etc. Should they also be banned from voting for people who have the interests of their community at heart? Are you a facist by any chance?

    So we imposed our culture on others? But you use different language when it others imposing their culture on us? I certainly see it as imposing one culture on another when they talk about resisting assimilation into the West. I would also call it "bad" when the other culture is inferior.

    You're Irish American example is stupid. American culture allows for a person to be an American first and foremost and Irish/Mexican/whatever second.

    Your fascist comment is just plain wrong. I have no time for Nazis/Fascists/White power groups etc.

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  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,804 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    Playboy wrote: »
    Are you a facist by any chance?
    Let's not get personal.

    Note to all participants: keep it civil, ta.
