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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    I'm in the same position as you Dublin 25 of a 28 to 34 day cycle. My cycle has changed so much since we started TTC! Anyway I feel like I'm going to burst with impatience! Have a wedding on Saturday and would really like to know one way or another before I go so that I can either have a drink or not! Would LOVE to be abstaining!
    Have to ring Doctor for second round of blood results. Day 21 results tomorrow. She's repeating the results this month as my progesterone level was low last month and she said if its low again this month, she'll start me on Clomid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Well best of luck queen of sheebs!! Trying to prepare myself for a negative....purely so that im not as disappointed on the day! Making big effort to stop talking about it as i think i may well be driving my husband insane.....!! Its so difficult to stop it from taking over all your thoughts even after 6 months of trying...i wonder does it get better or worse the longer this goes on.?

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭paper cut

    Im not sure if im right in posting this here as not often on this site but wondering if anyone can suggest a reason for me re this: I , for the last few months have been using clearblue fertility monitor, ive a cycle on average of about 31 days. This month i decided to try those clear blue digital ovulation tests aswell, on the fertility monitor it gave me peak reading on day 15 and 16 which is yesterday and today where as the 7 pack digital clear blue ovulation tests have failed to give me a smiley face yet. They are both meant to detect the surge of the LH hormone so why would one detect it and the other not does anyone know??? im beginning to wonder how accurate the monitor is now....

    embee wrote: »
    At the request of one of our regular posters here, I'm creating this thread for any people out there who are actively trying for a baby, are thinking about it in the not too distant future, those who are having trouble trying to conceive or anyone who is considering assisted reproduction techniques (IVF, ICSI, IUI, sperm or egg donation etc).

    I wanted this seperate from the Pregnancy thread as they are two very seperate voyages on the parenting journey, and for those who are having trouble getting pregnant it can be very taxing reading through many, many posts about pregnancy, new babies etc.

    I also realise that there are people out there who won't want to log in with their own usernames - ttc is a very personal journey and for those experiencing problems the notion that they may be identifiable on the internet even through usernames may stop them from coming here and looking for advice/information/support. Please don't think you can't post here - we're here to listen and try to support you all.

    Just to finally say : this is not a medical board, so please do not come onto this thread to ask for diagnoses or questions only your GP or OB/GYN can answer. Anyone offering unsolicited medical "diagnoses" will be banned from this forum. We are all here to offer advice, information, support and share our experiences, but we can't tell you why you aren't conceiving or what you should do next.


  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    Just got off the phone from my doctor about my progesterone levels taken on day 21. She said I had a level 102 this month and it was only 15 last month!! She mention that I might be only ovulating from one ovary so if I'm not pregnant this month I have to go back next month for another day 21 test to see if last month was a once off or if I am in fact only ovulating from one ovary. Delighted with the level of 102, not that I know really what it sounds like a huge difference though. Can anyone shed any light on the matter??:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    well paper cut and queen of sheebs....i wish i could help give ye info but i know nothing about fertility monitor or blood levels, i have only been trying to conceive since last april which is too early to have gone investigating any prospective problems yet, and just too lazy to try monitor!! Well its day 28 of what was a 30 day cycle pre m/c in august. lat cycle was 34 days. i did a test this morning and it was glaringly negative....i really feel that there is no hope for this month now and just have to wait for period as i have no symptoms of pregnancy either. there is of course a very very small part of me hoping that i am still possibly pregnant just ovulated later cos mite not be back to 30 day cycle......when i got my positive test back in July is was on day theoretically if im still on a 32-24 day cycle theres still hope...... see this is what ttc does to clutching at straws here! am i going mad??? possibly! will keep you updated, will need your support if its another no and the start of another cycle!! Mind you i think since the m/c this is the calmest i have felt about the whole situation, i think i finally realise im in this situation for the long haul, it could be a couple of months, or a couple of ok with that now cos i know it will be worth it....!:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    Well I was regular as clock work for a few months, thought that I saw two pale lines at 3.5 weeks but did not have a positive test at 28 days - a week later and no period and I did a test (well several) - am pregnant. I am still panicking as the baby is not as far along as dates would suggest so it is an anxious wait until Friday when we will know if the baby is still alive.

    I am sorry for your loss - have experience of it myself too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Thanks Cathy,
    I am a little afraid to hope at this stage...hope comes at a price everyone here knows!! that horrible feeling at being back to scratch, well im gonna try and stay neutral until i get my period, will prob test again in a couple of days as its my wedding anniversary and would love more than anything to have that news for my husband...see this is what i do...i imagine all the possible happy situations that could happen if im pregnant and then have to suffer the loss of them when im not! It was the same with cancelling all the appointments after the m/c.... so yes...staying neutral and not looking in the moment!

    I wonder could you have ovulated later than normal for some reason which would have thrown your dates off ?
    I really hope and wish that everything is ok for you, x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 429 ✭✭Jinxi

    On day 21 of 29-31 day cycle. The two week wait seems to last forever. Trying to distract myself and not get completely insane from imagining symptoms(nipple-watch my OH calls it:D). Have to stop googling stuff!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    dublinlady wrote: »
    I wonder could you have ovulated later than normal for some reason which would have thrown your dates off ?
    I really hope and wish that everything is ok for you, x
    I used a 7 pack of those ovulation predictors that month from day 9 onwards and never got the smiley face, am hoping that I ovulated later to explain the dates - I am pregnant according to the first scan but not as far along. I have miscarried so many times (I have other health issues) and it never gets easier - am trying to be positive but am very scared but I feel that stress is bad for my baby so am trying to limit it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    The tww is enough to drive anyone mad! I'm on day 28 of a 28 to 33 day cycle. Ovulated on day 15 this month so don't know if I should be expecting my period tomorrow or not. Did a pregnancy test this evening and I think i saw a very very very faint second line. I'm probably imaging it. Should there be a much darker line if I was pregnant and due my period in the next 2 days? It was one of the internet test strips. Not sure if i should be testing in the morning? Going to use a first response test in the morning. Have a wedding tomorrow and don't want to go near a drink if there is a possibility that I might be pregnant! It's amazing how ttc takes over your life. One months passes with a number of milesstones...period...testing for ovulation....planning a few wild nights!....looking for signs etc! Thinking of you all.............this thread is keeping me sane...the whole process is so lonely. My husband is brilliant but I feel I'm chewing the ear off him I'm talking about it sooooo much! I don't want to tell anyone that we are ttc in case they are waiting week in week out for some news!!! Sorry for rant!
    Best wishes and positive thoughts to all.:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    Cathy I'm thinking of you and have fingers crossed. Best of luck to you, your OH and hopefully your future healthy baby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    Jinxi wrote: »
    On day 21 of 29-31 day cycle. The two week wait seems to last forever. Trying to distract myself and not get completely insane from imagining symptoms(nipple-watch my OH calls it:D). Have to stop googling stuff!
    The wait is cruel and can be expensive! When I had my son I spent 100's on tests though he is priceless to us. All of us are stronger than we look to survive this stress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    The tww is enough to drive anyone mad! I'm on day 28 of a 28 to 33 day cycle. Ovulated on day 15 this month so don't know if I should be expecting my period tomorrow or not. Did a pregnancy test this evening and I think i saw a very very very faint second line. I'm probably imaging it. Should there be a much darker line if I was pregnant and due my period in the next 2 days? It was one of the internet test strips. Not sure if i should be testing in the morning? Going to use a first response test in the morning. Have a wedding tomorrow and don't want to go near a drink if there is a possibility that I might be pregnant! It's amazing how ttc takes over your life. One months passes with a number of milesstones...period...testing for ovulation....planning a few wild nights!....looking for signs etc! Thinking of you all.............this thread is keeping me sane...the whole process is so lonely. My husband is brilliant but I feel I'm chewing the ear off him I'm talking about it sooooo much! I don't want to tell anyone that we are ttc in case they are waiting week in week out for some news!!! Sorry for rant!
    Best wishes and positive thoughts to all.:)
    You are not ranting - we are all under stress here. If you saw a second line you are pregnant - well done! The digital ones are easier and it means that you are not looking for lines.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Cathy that seriously sounds like late ovulation, bare in mind i am no medical expert or anything near but with the basic cycle knowledge if you didnt get a positive ovulation test from day 9 to 16 you could then have ovulated from the earliest day 18-19 (presuming the tests are right of course) , cos they pick it up as im sure you well know within a day or two of it happening. Im sorry to hear you have struggled with ttc, i think ur right though, positivity is everything, dont presume anything is wrong until your sure of it. otherwise you would worry about every twinge the whole way, it would drive you mad. try not to worry or even think about prospective issues until you are sure you have one. The whole thing is so intricate and delicate, i never realised that before! When you arent trying you have no appreciation for what people could be going through privately without you knowing!

    jinxi, day 21 thats tough! but keep busy and it will fly by!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    Did a first response test this morning and ......two lines!! I'm pregnant! Can't believe it. Feel like I'm due my period though.....some cramps but don't have all the symptoms.....didn't have a break out! Afraid to let myself believe it. Will do another test in the morning and the day after!! Hope to go to doctor on Wednesday. That'll be day 33. Fingers crossed....I can hardly believe it! Thanks for all the support on this journey.
    Best wishes to you all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    Did a first response test this morning and ......two lines!! I'm pregnant! Can't believe it. Feel like I'm due my period though.....some cramps but don't have all the symptoms.....didn't have a break out! Afraid to let myself believe it. Will do another test in the morning and the day after!! Hope to go to doctor on Wednesday. That'll be day 33. Fingers crossed....I can hardly believe it! Thanks for all the support on this journey.
    Best wishes to you all.
    Am delighted for you - great :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,196 ✭✭✭crazy cat lady

    Congratulations :D

    Everyone seems to have been very fertile lately!!;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Thats fantastic news queen of sheebs! congrats!!!! :D

    Well im here on day 29 of 30(ish) negative test yest, thought i had no hope but then today have really sore boobs, could just be imminent period but i suppose only time will tell :rolleyes: TTC is not a game for impatient people like me.... wish i wasnt trying, wishing i could stop trying and just let it happen... but then thats just not me unfortunately!! a bit head strong and over enthusiastic! :p

    Anyway, its lovely to be able to chat about it on here as my husband totally has lost interest (well...i do talk about nothing else....:p) so its good to give him a break!! Also lovely to hear peoples good news after a long time of them trying, and that WILL be me one day, when the time is right :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Congratulations Queen of Sheebs, fantastic news :D
    dublinlady wrote: »
    TTC is not a game for impatient people like me.... wish i wasnt trying, wishing i could stop trying and just let it happen... but then thats just not me unfortunately!! a bit head strong and over enthusiastic! :p

    I know the feeling! The ovulation tests I ordered only arrived this week and I've missed my ovulation for this month, a month feels like such a long time to wait to start again :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    Am miscayying now - going to the hospital.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    CathyMoran wrote: »
    Am miscayying now - going to the hospital.

    Oh i am so so sorry. you poor thing, devastating feeling. I wish there was something I could say that would make it easier....... I will be thinkin of you and yours today and really hope your ok. im so so sorry for your loss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    Scan today was inconclusive - have to wait until Friday - it seems cruel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Cathy, I hope Friday brings better news. thinking of you (((hugs)))

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Cathy, I am so very sorry, I really hope Friday might give you more positive news. I hope you & Shane are ok x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    day one new we go again...:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    dublinlady wrote: »
    day one new we go again...:(
    Oh, I am sorry - really hope that your baby dreams come true for you this month.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭paper cut

    Did a first response test this morning and ......two lines!! I'm pregnant! Can't believe it. Feel like I'm due my period though.....some cramps but don't have all the symptoms.....didn't have a break out! Afraid to let myself believe it. Will do another test in the morning and the day after!! Hope to go to doctor on Wednesday. That'll be day 33. Fingers crossed....I can hardly believe it! Thanks for all the support on this journey.
    Best wishes to you all.
    Congratulations thats fantastic news..... do you mind me asking as im on the 2 week wait now did you feel any different during the 2 weeks, any cramping swollen stomach like normal period symptons ???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 81 ✭✭Silcocky

    I've been a long term lurker (mainly) on the TTC forum and just wanted to add both my congratulations and sympathies to those who need them in the last couple of weeks.
    Wishing everyone luck in their current and future conditions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭Queen of Sheebs

    Thanks Paper Cut,
    The changes that I noticed were that by boobs were really sore and sensitive from the 3rd week on. I used to get tender boobs before my period a few years ago but haven't in the past two or three years. The other thing that I noticed is that I didn't get a big spot on my face this month....I always get one before my period, I usually have good skin. That's it! Nothing conclusive.
    From day 28 on I've had itchy nipples and cramps like I'm going to get my period! Going to doctor tomorrow to confirm even though I've done 4 test....all positive! I'll be day 34 then. Worried about miscarriage now. There always seems to be something to worry about!
    The two week wait is horrible.....hope it's the last one you'll have! Best of luck.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 133 ✭✭cinderella2010

    Cathy - I hope you are ok - have you had any news

    Queen of Sheba - I am the very same as you I only found out last Friday I am pregnant and still cannot believe it - I would love to shout it from the roof tops but like you I am afraid of miscarriage as its so common - I hope I will make it and once I am over ten weeks and should be ok according to Doc

    I only have sore boobs and very tired so far - doc said I am 5 weeks

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