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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Custard Cream

    Congrats Mink. Brilliant news. Think I'll have a danish and a cuppa to celebrate:D:D

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Mink wrote: »
    Lads I think I may well be up the duff!

    I got a positive on one of the tesco own brand preg tests, a definite line, not as strong as the control line but definitely a line. Going to do one of the digital ones in the morning.

    Can't believe it, wasn't expecting it this month. It's very early days, will only be 5 weeks on sat. Just texted a photo of the test to my hubby for fun as a way to tell him. We won't see each other til tomorrow night which sucks.

    Had my last smoke this morning! Wish me luck that this bean sticks! Definitely had all the PMS symptoms, cramps, sore boobs, bad skin etc.

    *Does happy dance for Mink* :D:D:D:D

    I am so happy for you !!! I had all the pms symptoms too - full sure the day before that the witch was on the way.

    Good luck with the smokes. I found Paul McKenna hypnosis worked for me brilliantly 4 years ago when I had tried everything - gum, patches, inhaler, you name it. But the thought of getting my body baby-ready was probably a good incentive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    anyone know how long you should be trying to conceive before seeing your g.p. or checking if everything is ok? been trying 11 months now and no luck so far. its very upsetting and frustrating and we really are ''trying'' our best! I have a daughter who is almost 6 now, and are really praying to dd to our family..
    thanks for your help!!!

    The guidelines are 1 year if you're under 35 and 6 months if you're over. Then your doc can do day day 3 and day 21 tests, or if they don't do them they can refer you to a clinic who do. That's the start, the blood tests, your hubbies semen test and maybe the test to check that your tubes are clear.

    It's very much a case of ruling things out and proceeding then to the next stage of tests. Best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Congrats Mink. Brilliant news. Think I'll have a danish and a cuppa to celebrate:D:D

    Mmm I'd like some of those. Starving. Will need to watch the waist line what with giving up smokes cold turkey & then preg.

    Thanks guys for all the well wishes. I do think this thread is lucky, also the new bed, new baby thing definitely worked for me. Got my new mattress exactly 8 days ago, just in time for implantation... I think :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    CONGRATS MINK !!!!!!!!!!:D:D
    Thats brilliant news!
    Lets hope good news comes in 3's and theres a couple more positives over the next few weeks!:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 435 ✭✭MintyDoris

    Congrats Mink, super news!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Congratulations Mink!!! Absolutely brilliant news!! Wishing you a very happy & healthy pregnancy :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Fri.Day

    Congratulations Mink!!
    I`m back from my hols and it`s great to see more positive results on here!!
    I`m 6weeks1day pregnant. I look terrible, like I`m hungover...The morning sickness has just started this week and is coming and going in waves, I`ve a bit of twingy cramps and lots of tiredness. All in all I`m smiling through it :D
    My sister is not too pleased she may be losing one of her bridesmaids but as it`s early days and I`m not willing to discuss TENTS just yet :o
    Hope ye ladies on here are in good form, and don`t mind me posting every now and then - I promise not to go on
    This forum was/is a godsend after my miscarraige x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    Mink congrats thats great news :D I'm still of ttc not using anything but not trying either. Dental work starting in jan so once thats over we'll try again properly, think would be an idea to take a break from it, I've been stressed & worked up to much about it,

    loving all the positives :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen, was it you who was going kn honeymoon? Hope you had a lovely time away :)

    Applesock, your post just got me thinking. How hard is it for people to take a break from ttc? I know in many cases the mental and physical break is needed but us it difficult to tear yourself away from the habits of watching and counting and speculating?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Custard Cream

    yellow hen, I'm taking a break from TTC, however and it's a big however, I find that I am counting days. I'm thinking about if I get my period on this day I'll be ovulating on such and such a day etc. It's hard. One thing is that it's my birthday next weekend and I should be ovulating around then sometime so lots of hanky panky for me. You see I'm thinking about conceiving AGAIN!

    A bit of me is also a scared of getting pregnant. I think the miscarriage is still so fresh in my mind that I'll be very nervous. I know that I'd be dreading the scan. Anyway have to think positively, it is Friday after all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 Hope83

    The witch is due today!!! Fingers crossed she doesnt make another apperance. Am cramping though but after hearing Mink's and's good news recently Im trying to stay positive :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Fingers crossed for you Hope83!

    Applesocks & Custard, re taking a break from it... believe it or not that's what we were sort of trying to do last month! I stopped filling things in my handwritten diary, I deleted my TTC app off my iPhone & we just stopped talking about it. Now, it was all in the back of my mind so I was vaguely aware of dates. But I started thinking about Christmas parties & my sisters coming over to visit & us all going out on the tear, and how much booze I was going to consume. Well, I won't be feckin drinking now, which is fine of course!

    I also put away the ov & preg tests into a cupboard that I don't open often & stopped watching stuff like 16 & Pregnant. Maybe it helps to break from it for a while, especially if you've been through something traumatic, but I don't know for sure if it helps, it just helped clear my own mind a little.

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭March11

    Mink, plus one on what you were saying there. I had the lap and dye in Sept, got the all clear, so when I didn't get pregnant on first cycle after the lap, I said feck this we are taking a break, enjoying Christmas and starting afresh in Jan.

    Lo and behold... got pregnant, it was the first month I didn't pee on ovulation sticks, we went out for the first time in ages and got silly drunk (think I actually conceived that night!), went hiking, jumping off ditches and even went chopping wood, as in swinging an axe at lumps of wood! I did everything you shouldn't do and it all happened anyway. Positive vibes to you all girls. I keep checking in on this forum to see if there are any BFPs! ;)

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    I think that there might be something to disengaging from the TTC information overload, but on the other hand it almost smacks of the “just relax and it’ll happen” crap that we have all probably had said to us and hated. :D - edit: I dont mean when we say it, its crap, but when busybodies tell us in real life ;-)

    In my case, I was on the third (last) month of Clomid before moving onto IUI. The first cycle was cancelled, the second went ahead but just didnt work, and by the third I was resigned to the fact that we would have to move on to IUI. I had already did loads of research on it

    So, we only did the deed twice around ovulation – once before, and once after. Then on the two week wait I proceeded to have 2 mad weekends in a row with over the norm of alcohol consumed and lots of junk food, putting all thoughts of success or failure out of my head. I think in my heart I was giving it another shot, but my head had already moved on.

    The day before I tested I was getting all the PMS signs – I even posted here to say that I would probably get my period overnight as I felt it was on the way. I honestly thought for a day or two that it was just a cruel mix up, or that it would end up being a chemical pregnancy. I distinctly remember feeling crampy and sore boobs disappeared at 5 weeks and going from feeling “off” to completely normal. I was fully expecting to miscarry, because the few pregnancy symptoms I did have had vanished. In reality, two babies were getting stuck in there, and going by old wives tales I should have had twice the symptoms yet had exactly none.

    We just never realised the undercurrent of stress we had over us until it vanished when we got our positive. It just felt like a weight lifted off our shoulders, yet we had been pretty good at not over thinking it (or so we thought) like, I took folic acid, but didn’t bother with other supplements, he started maca, but it was too late that cycle to have any effect, I never charted, (found it too fiddly for me) , I never tested early – most times I never tested at all unless I was a day later than I thought I should be. Its a stress that creeps up on you gradually I think and it builds and builds with every unsuccessful month you have. More so if you are getting investigations or treatment.

    Next time around, I will definitely build some de-stressing measures into my TTC routine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 Hope83

    Thanks Neyite for that insight. De-stressing is the key hopefully! Thought I would be posting some good news today but my AF arrive today 3 days late. I was so sure I was pregnant I was getting ready this morning to buy a test when it arrived :( To say "disappointed" would be an understatement - more like gutted! Had even googled my "due date". Wont be doing that again until I get a positive. I think my partner is sad too but as he said to me this morning "if you are pregnant I love you and if you're not I still love you, its not going to change how I feel" :) so at least I know for sure I have his support. As I say every month "maybe next month"!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Andean

    iguana wrote: »
    Cheered myself up today by buying a ClearBlue Fertility Monitor. I figure I've probably upped my chances of being pregnant after all as sod's law dictates that if you spend €72 on a conception aid during the two week wait it will be a waste of money as you are already pregnant!;) And if sod's law doesn't work out for me at least I have a new toy for next month.

    I also bought more powdered maca as my husband felt it was more effective for him than the capsules and I ordered a kilo of Black Maca from America as that's supposed to be even better for sperm. Going to hit the ground running come cycle day 6.:D

    Hi. Yes powdered Maca is much more effective than capsules. How much Maca does your husband take daily? There isn't a limit on what you can take. I take about a desert spoon (or more sometimes) per day. There's a stronger form of Maca called Gelatinised Maca (precooked,). It mixes better and is more digestible. That's how the native Peruvians eat it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 435 ✭✭MintyDoris

    Hi All,

    Quick question - I have noticed since starting TTC and not using condoms that my cervical secretions are not as obvious to me as they were when I was using condoms.

    It seems to be dry the day after doing the deed. Can anyone shed any light on this for me?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I was always dry right after period up until near ov & then it would dry up again at some point in the 2ww. Are you sure you're not just in an infertile time?

    I've heard others suggesting taking an evening primrose oil supplement & also trying a lubricant called Conceive Plus / Seed Plus??? Can't remember but something like that. It has to be specifically sperm-friendly

  • Registered Users Posts: 435 ✭✭MintyDoris

    Thanks Mink, I had been charting the cervical mucus for about 8 months before TTC and had got to know the pattern very well as it was quite predictable. I have now noticed that since actively TTC there are days all through my cycle when there is nothing and that is out of the ordinary

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭longinforababy

    Hi everyone,
    have not been on in ages.

    Between laptop having to be wiped and study for exams starting on monday I have been absent.
    Since I was on last not much in way of news, friends wife is expecting, they are due around exams in may.
    Delighted for them as far as I know they were not "trying".
    He rang me first once hit the 3 month mark before others cause he knew about our journey etc...
    Other than that ... cumh have sent back to approved referral to cork fertility clinic and just waiting on confirmation of a consult date pre iui in the new year. cant come quick enough!!!

    How is everyone doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭Brazzer

    Hi Guys

    I have been following your stories for quite sometime and am delighted to now being one of the TTC gang. We're only a few months in with a minor setback this month, OH had to take steroids and although the Doc said it was ok and 'do everything as normal' I didn't think it would be the right time to be trying. He's finished tomorrow but my fertile time has passed for this month. Onwards and upwards for next month!! Just a note to those ladies who are encountering 'dry times', I'm the complete opposite, since coming off the pill it's been so hard to tell when I'm ovulating because it's always wet, sorry if that's TMI but please take comfort that you know when things are ready to rock down there and don't worry about being a bit dry.

    Also, i've noticed that since coming off the pill, i'm getting a slight mid cycle bleed, a trace but I know my cycle has to gain some normality and this will take time. Anyone else experience this after a few years on the pill?

    Crappy part about being off the pill is the teenage pimples are coming back to haunt me :-(

    Hope everyone is doing ok and enjoying what's left of their weekend :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Custard Cream

    HI all. I know I said that following the miscarriage we were waiting to try again until the New Year.

    However, 1 birthday + 1 surprise weekend away= 2ww.

    I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but I can't help it. Realistically though I don't think I would be pregnant, although I think I would have been ovulating over the weekend.

    Anyway I had a great weekend. My other half whisked me away to a spa weekend , just the two of us. It was a complete surprise and we had such a great time. Lots of relaxing, cocktails:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Good luck to you Longin & Custard. That weekend away sounds great Custard, just what you needed
    Brazzer wrote: »
    Also, i've noticed that since coming off the pill, i'm getting a slight mid cycle bleed, a trace but I know my cycle has to gain some normality and this will take time. Anyone else experience this after a few years on the pill?

    Crappy part about being off the pill is the teenage pimples are coming back to haunt me :-(

    Hope everyone is doing ok and enjoying what's left of their weekend :-)

    I've not had the mid cycle bleeds after coming off pill but really anything is possible when you come off those things as your hormones are completely resetting themselves.

    I feel your pain re the spots. I came off pill around July and my skin is a nightmare since. Lots of spots on my chin, around my nose etc - hormonal spots in other words. I'm 6 wks preg and they've actually gotten worse (pregnancy glow my a$$e). I never see any other grown women with bad skin, I just feel like a teenager all over again, small price to pay though!

    Best of luck and allow lots of time for your body to settle out after the pill

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Best of luck custard cream.. who knows what can happen when the body and mind is totally relaxed. Fingers crossed for you and if not this time, 2012 will be your year :)

    Longing, I didnt have the mid cycle bleeds but it did take about 8months for my period to become anywhere near normal when I came off the pill (had been on it for about 11years with only one short break). If the bleeding gets heavy, I would speak to the doctor though, it wont do any harm.

    I am a week and a half after surgery now and beginning to feel better. There will be no watching, counting or otherwise for this month so i am going to relax and enjoy christmas. 2012 will be our year too ;)

    Mink, how are you feeling? Any of the other pregnant ladies still hanging around here? Hope you're all doing well. This forum became so quiet lately that it's a reflection on how many became pregnant lately!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭Brazzer

    Here's hoping 2012 will be the year for all of us :-)

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Any of the other pregnant ladies still hanging around here? Hope you're all doing well. This forum became so quiet lately that it's a reflection on how many became pregnant lately!! :)

    I still check in here most days, but I am mindful that some of you might be having not-so-good days so thats why I'm not posting here constantly. I'm doing good. Have an antenatal appointment on Wed, I will be 17+4. My bump is quite noticible now, and work have been informed.

    Healthwise, I am feeling great. Very little symptoms but now I have a doppler and can listen to the heartbeat I dont worry about the lack of symptoms anymore. I seemed to escape the nausea/vomiting entirely. A little bit tired, but no more than if you had a late night+busy day at work type of tiredness.

    I am so delighted for the recent "graduates" of this forum, and hope that there are plenty more for Christmas. Baby dust to you all :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Hi ladies

    just wanted to check in. I do keep an eye on you all here.

    This time last year I was in a heap, suffering a miscarriage at 8.5wks with my 1st pregnancy after trying for 2 years. I thought it was the end of the world, we were totally devastated. I was on this forum pouring my heart out and I found great support here.

    Skip to 12 months later, Im almost 36 wks pregnant and just cant wait to meet my little miracle :D:D:D

    I just wanted to let you all know there is hope, I wouldnt have believed it this time last year but here we are :)

    Baby dust to all of you xxx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭longinforababy

    Spoke to Orla in CFC this morning.

    Because of HSE cutbacks, even though we were approved.
    It wont go ahead until at least August and even at that we cannot guarantee it.

    To say I am raging/upset/disappointed is an understatement

    I feel like crying. Still have to tell DH when he gets home from Dublin.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Longin that just completely sucks. If you feel like crying you should, and vent on here. I'm hoping that you'll just get pregnant before Christmas and they can shove their appointment.

    Remember a lot of us vowed to be pregnant by Christmas, well it still stands ;) I think there'll be more BFP's on here within the next 3 weeks.
    yellow hen wrote: »
    Mink, how are you feeling? Any of the other pregnant ladies still hanging around here? Hope you're all doing well. This forum became so quiet lately that it's a reflection on how many became pregnant lately!! :)

    Doing fine, will be 7 weeks on Saturday. No symptoms at all except still some period type cramps (uterus stretching) and my boobs are really sore & grew a cup size! That's it though, for which I'm thankful! I think I may be like Neyite and just completely miss the nausea & tiredness train.

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