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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    TeresaM - best of luck to you. You sound really positive anyway so that's a big step!

    Well, the bloody bitch arrived this morning so I'm out! :(
    The good news is that my blood results for this month were great. It was my first month back on the drug that helped me to conceive my little miracle boy so it looks like it's doing what it should again.
    Now, me and hubby just have to do our bit! ;)
    Here we go again...............

    Any good news stories out there ladies, to inspire us??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    So i had my appointment again today at the Rotunda and left feeling slightly more positive!

    our next stage is to repeat clomid 100mg again for this cycle and the next. have bloods done on day 21 on both cycles and to also take Glucophage (metformin) three times a day for the next two months.

    He wants to see me back in 9 weeks - (still to reduce my BMI even more) and if still unsucessfull im to move on to the injections to try and get me ovulating! He reckons i will def respond to the injections but who knows.

    so i have 8 weeks to whip my butt into gear and loose 21lbs!

    Hey Nicky, great news :)

    I am trying to trim a few pounds before the *fingers crossed* baby weight starts :D - let me know if you want a weight loss buddy xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    TeresaM wrote: »
    Hi girls,
    Hope you don't mind me joining in with you gals...? We have just started our first (and hopefully only) ICSI on Saturday. I am on cd4 today and started taking Puregon 200iu yesterday eve. Will start Cetrotide 250mcgs on thursday along with the puregon. I've never used the Cetrotide before... has anyone any experience with it at all? What if any side effects have you maybe had with it? Have got a scan again on Sat morning some time so have the day off work... long way down to Galway.. (we're going to Galway Fertility Unit) but of course it will all be worth it in the end :)
    We have done 7 iui's so far, got pregnant on the 3rd but lost at 10 weeks :( that was really tough. We are however very lucky to have a son who is 6... he was conceived naturally after a year of trying... Miracle baby I think now!!
    Anyway, ladies, looking forward to sharing stories and experiences with you all... I just love the support that you can get from other women who know exactly what you are going through.. Sticky dust and baby dust to you all... xx

    Hi teresa m,Just wanted to say hello.I can't offer any advice on your treatment but wish you all the best in it.I too have a 3 year old daughter and we have been trying for #2 for 14 months.I had lap and dye done feb 6th,found some endo and cyst on ovary.It was all treated and I have had one cycle since op.Hoping it will work and we will fall pregnant quickly.It's easy to get very down about it though.I am starting to think to that our little girl may have been a miracle baby too.We were not actively trying but not on bc either.I think it took 12-14 months to get pregnant,but can't be sure as I was not cycle watching or anything like that.Have you been diagnosed with any problems with fertility or is it unexplained?I hope this is your month:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    digs, I'm to take metforim there times a day, started.this morning. Is it best to take it at meal times?? What side effects did you come across??

    Stickybean- always need a weight loss buddy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    digs, I'm to take metforim there times a day, started.this morning. Is it best to take it at meal times?? What side effects did you come across??

    Stickybean- always need a weight loss buddy!

    Yep defo take it with food, the first two weeks are the toughest, once you can get through them you're fine! If I took them without food I got sick, with food just nauseous. With and without food though I and sorry for the tmi got diarrhoea, everything ran through me so be prepared for this! It settles after the first few weeks though I promise :) the key is have it with food though...

    My first time going on it I remember from my second cycle on it feeling this strange pain mid cycle.....what do you know it was ovulation pain ;) hope it works its magic for you!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Digs that's great it worked for you... Really have my fingers crossed. I have two months and then it's injections which I'm really hoping to avoid!

    I've had two today so far and fingers crossed all ok so hopefully will carry in that way- how soon did you notice the side effects?? Hoping to avoid them but hope they still help with weight loss!

    I'm taking clomid as well, would that be normal to take the two??

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I think it was within the first few days I noticed so hopefully you will escape them! It really is horrible!

    When if first staring taking it I was 19 and had been diagnosed with pcos so my endo prescribed it for me to help with my weight, the ovulation was an added bonus I didn't appreciate at the time ;)

    Im not too sure about taking it with cloimid, hopefully someone else might have some (positive!!) experiences there.... We are only ttc since September and have had some wobbly months in between then and now so I'm hoping the glucophage coupled with a bit more concentration on my part works for us! Hopefully glucophage/cloimid is the bit of help you need too, your doc seems to have a good plan for you, I like when docs are very positive!

    Oh it also helps if you stick to the same times everyday. Your system gets used to it quicker!

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭TeresaM

    Hey meggysmom, oh its great that you have a wee girl :) what a lovely age too!! Its great that they have found something that they could fix! When I went for our first appt with Galway Fertility Consultant he done a scan as I was mid cycle and said that although I ovulate, I don't ovulate properly and the egg wouldn't be anywhere near enough to achieve a pregnancy. (it was 6mm that day) Also my hubby has low motility and count. So between us, its not good. We have been trying for our second since May '06!! Can't believe its been almost 6 years now.!!!
    So what are your next plans? Do you try naturally now? Fingers crossed so tightly for you honey xx :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Digs wrote: »
    I think it was within the first few days I noticed so hopefully you will escape them! It really is horrible!

    When if first staring taking it I was 19 and had been diagnosed with pcos so my endo prescribed it for me to help with my weight, the ovulation was an added bonus I didn't appreciate at the time ;)

    Im not too sure about taking it with cloimid, hopefully someone else might have some (positive!!) experiences there.... We are only ttc since September and have had some wobbly months in between then and now so I'm hoping the glucophage coupled with a bit more concentration on my part works for us! Hopefully glucophage/cloimid is the bit of help you need too, your doc seems to have a good plan for you, I like when docs are very positive!

    Oh it also helps if you stick to the same times everyday. Your system gets used to it quicker!

    Doctor only positive this appointment, had a few rough appointments with him!

    thanks for the info.

    fingers crossed for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    This week marks a year of trying! Needless to say a very unhappy bunny :( Eating well(enough), exercising, not smoking, not drinking, and nothing, can get frustrating sometimes. thinking of making an appointment to see a doctor about making sure everything is okay, though I think I'll just be laughed out the door and be told "sure your young yet bs!"

    Baby dust to all you ladies xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    wolfpawnat wrote: »
    This week marks a year of trying! Needless to say a very unhappy bunny :( Eating well(enough), exercising, not smoking, not drinking, and nothing, can get frustrating sometimes. thinking of making an appointment to see a doctor about making sure everything is okay, though I think I'll just be laughed out the door and be told "sure your young yet bs!"

    Baby dust to all you ladies xx

    We have been trying for two years this may.

    I've been seeing a guy at the rotunda for about a year now and yes he has said to me you have time etc etc etc.

    I'm 27 and yes fully know that I do have time but this is what we want to do and we should be given the opition to start a family when the time is right for us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    TeresaM wrote: »
    Hey meggysmom, oh its great that you have a wee girl :) what a lovely age too!! Its great that they have found something that they could fix! When I went for our first appt with Galway Fertility Consultant he done a scan as I was mid cycle and said that although I ovulate, I don't ovulate properly and the egg wouldn't be anywhere near enough to achieve a pregnancy. (it was 6mm that day) Also my hubby has low motility and count. So between us, its not good. We have been trying for our second since May '06!! Can't believe its been almost 6 years now.!!!
    So what are your next plans? Do you try naturally now? Fingers crossed so tightly for you honey xx :)

    Hi yes we try naturally now,at post op doc never mentioned a time frame or fertility treatment,just said to the nurse in the room during scan that i would be experiencing some nice morning sickness by summer!!!!So I guess he was positive about things.I had ovulated a couple of days before my post op appt and he could see I had ovulated from left side.I could see it clearly myself,a few small follicles and one big one which he said the egg was released from.I need to snap myself outa my slump though.I was so positive about things after the surgary but now I think I am may be overanalyzing everything.I think my mantra from now on needs to be RELAX...You have been patient in waiting 6 years,I love how all the treatments have evolved so much and the success rates are getting much better.Secondary infertility is frustrating at times!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    meggysmom wrote: »
    I need to snap myself outa my slump though.I was so positive about things after the surgary but now I think I am may be overanalyzing everything.I think my mantra from now on needs to be RELAX...You have been patient in waiting 6 years,I love how all the treatments have evolved so much and the success rates are getting much better.Secondary infertility is frustrating at times!

    I think we are all a bit like that though. I go through phases where I see no light at the end of the tunnel. We've been trying about 14 months and after 8 months I had a lap and dye to remove some ovarian cysts and endo but neither should have caused any real fertility problems so it means that we have been unsuccessful for 15months. That is hard to accept and move on from.

    Anyhoooo., I had my first ultrasound ater my first clomid cycle this morning and my right ovary has several follicles. Problem is that at the ultrasounds pre-clomid I also had several follicles but they didnt all mature. Doc said one of this mornings looked stronger so she guessed it was the clomid one and estimated i might ovulate on day 12/13 (I had been day 18/19). I'm back on day20 for bloods to check progesterone levels too. I just need to do my bit now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yellow hen I am rooting for you...we are in our fertile time now and have been following docs advice of every other day from day 7-21 with an extra around ovulation for good measure,our cycles seem to be the same so sending us both good vibes for this month,keep me posted on how you are getting on with clomid....
    Some questions,did you go back to the beacon for clomid?Did you just call them direct for an appointment after your 4 month after surgary?How much per cycle does clomid with scans cost?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    meggysmom wrote: »
    yellow hen I am rooting for you...we are in our fertile time now and have been following docs advice of every other day from day 7-21 with an extra around ovulation for good measure,our cycles seem to be the same so sending us both good vibes for this month,keep me posted on how you are getting on with clomid....
    Some questions,did you go back to the beacon for clomid?Did you just call them direct for an appointment after your 4 month after surgary?How much per cycle does clomid with scans cost?

    I had to go back to the Beacon for post-surgery check-up anyway. As there was a small blood-cyst there they kept monitoring me. They then said the next step was clomid, when I was ready and to be honest, I felt ready at that time so we started the following month. The clomi medication itself was about €15 for the three months and the scan with the gynae was €100 which is the standard cost of seeing your consultant in the beacon. It might be more expensive than other places but its handy for me, there's no messing when it comes to appts or being seen so I think its worth it.

    Good luck this month too. I'm trying not to focus on it too much as it sort of consumes me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Just found out my best friend is 5weeks pregnant. I got such a shock. I smiled the whole way through the conversation and bawled crying the whole way home in the car. Im happy for her but why can't it be us too? So miserable tonight. In hindsight this week I think the clomid made me quite depressed..thank god you only take it for 5 days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 409 ✭✭FunkSoulSista

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Just found out my best friend is 5weeks pregnant. I got such a shock. I smiled the whole way through the conversation and bawled crying the whole way home in the car. Im happy for her but why can't it be us too? So miserable tonight. In hindsight this week I think the clomid made me quite depressed..thank god you only take it for 5 days.

    Ah Yellow hen, sorry you are so down, go to bed and sleep today off. I really hope good things happen for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Feeling absolutely YUK!!! now starting day 3 of glucophage! Was nauseated all day yesterday and tummy isn't good! Taking tablets with meals also!! How long until these symptoms settle??? I'm gonna Benin this tablet.for two months :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Just found out my best friend is 5weeks pregnant. I got such a shock. I smiled the whole way through the conversation and bawled crying the whole way home in the car. Im happy for her but why can't it be us too? So miserable tonight. In hindsight this week I think the clomid made me quite depressed..thank god you only take it for 5 days.

    ahh sorry you are feeling down,i got similar news last week from my sister in law,i had shared my woes with here and she never mentioned ttc herself(she has 3 year old son),I am delighted for her but felt a little taken aback,she said it was a suprise which I don't by into,anyway I think my anger took over me for a while but I am getting over it.I felt so guilty for having these thoughts.Chin up it will be our time soon,I like the new thread you posted also,will be interesting to follow,I will put my two cents in soon:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Feeling absolutely YUK!!! now starting day 3 of glucophage! Was nauseated all day yesterday and tummy isn't good! Taking tablets with meals also!! How long until these symptoms settle??? I'm gonna Benin this tablet.for two months :-(

    Sorry to hear you didn't escape the side effects, they really are so severe you poor thing :( as I said two weeks and it improves drastically......hang in there, it will be worth it :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    meggysmom wrote: »
    ahh sorry you are feeling down,i got similar news last week from my sister in law,i had shared my woes with here and she never mentioned ttc herself(she has 3 year old son),I am delighted for her but felt a little taken aback,she said it was a suprise which I don't by into,anyway I think my anger took over me for a while but I am getting over it.I felt so guilty for having these thoughts.Chin up it will be our time soon,I like the new thread you posted also,will be interesting to follow,I will put my two cents in soon:)

    I'm tired of lettting ttc take over all my head space...I really want to become a healthy person in both body and mind and I think that will help with ttc.

    I'm ok today, just had a minor meltdown last night. Poor husband didnt know what had happened me :eek:

    On a different note, my monitor asked for a pee stick today (cd9) and it came up as high, which it wouldnt usually have done until day 12/13 so doc might be right and I might ovulate earlier than usual.

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Custard Cream

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Just found out my best friend is 5weeks pregnant. I got such a shock. I smiled the whole way through the conversation and bawled crying the whole way home in the car. Im happy for her but why can't it be us too? So miserable tonight. In hindsight this week I think the clomid made me quite depressed..thank god you only take it for 5 days.

    Sorry you're feeling so down. The same thing happened to me before Christmas. I was on the girls Christmas night out and one of them announced she was 13 weeks gone. I got such a shock, did all the oohs and ah's but had to go to the loo a few times to try and compose myself. When she showed the scan I just wanted to leave. I kept thinking of the last scan I saw. I went home and had a good cry.

    It will get easier but be prepared to feel like you are surrounded by pregnant people. Two of the lads in work are expecting babies in the summer. It's lovely to see them being such proud fathers but seeing the scans is really hard.

    Anyway I'm on cd 17. Not sure if we did it at the right time or not. The fertility monitor said I was at a peak on cd 14 and 15. But one of the body indicators were there (cervical mucas) and my temperature hasn't changed.

    Feeling very down in the dumps about the whole thing. On the bright side the clocks are going forward this weekend so bright evenings next week:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yellow hen wrote: »
    I'm tired of lettting ttc take over all my head space...I really want to become a healthy person in both body and mind and I think that will help with ttc.

    I'm ok today, just had a minor meltdown last night. Poor husband didnt know what had happened me :eek:

    On a different note, my monitor asked for a pee stick today (cd9) and it came up as high, which it wouldnt usually have done until day 12/13 so doc might be right and I might ovulate earlier than usual.

    I know how you feel,I'm a firm believer in body and mind working together and in order to feel good physically you must be well mentally and emotionally.This can be hard to balence as we are only human....
    Early ovulation might just be the trick for you,longer luteal phase and that...looks like it's all going well:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 HanoriaC

    hi just started following this thread. like all of ye here i've been thru d usual fertility investigations and then treatment. 3 iui's 1 ivf, pregnant on ivf 7 week scan perfect 9 week scan no heart beat and had d & c 2 weeks ago. trying to get my head around it all now that my physical pain is gone but the emotionally and the crying is still rare and daily. just wondering has anyone else got advice. getting loads of advice but from people that have never had miscarriage or even been pregnant or even gone thru what we have been thru in last 11 months. painful is d one word that i am describing what my hubbie and i are going thru

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 HanoriaC

    TeresaM wrote: »
    Hi girls,
    Hope you don't mind me joining in with you gals...? We have just started our first (and hopefully only) ICSI on Saturday. I am on cd4 today and started taking Puregon 200iu yesterday eve. Will start Cetrotide 250mcgs on thursday along with the puregon. I've never used the Cetrotide before... has anyone any experience with it at all? What if any side effects have you maybe had with it? Have got a scan again on Sat morning some time so have the day off work... long way down to Galway.. (we're going to Galway Fertility Unit) but of course it will all be worth it in the end :)
    We have done 7 iui's so far, got pregnant on the 3rd but lost at 10 weeks :( that was really tough. We are however very lucky to have a son who is 6... he was conceived naturally after a year of trying... Miracle baby I think now!!
    Anyway, ladies, looking forward to sharing stories and experiences with you all... I just love the support that you can get from other women who know exactly what you are going through.. Sticky dust and baby dust to you all... xx

    going to GFU not on same drugs though. had 3 iui's none positive 1 ivf got pregnant and lost at 9 weeks. but ya gotta stay positive and i think if ye are strong willed we will all be pregnant before long. where do ya live? i'm in mayo and hate that road to galway at this stage. but we are lucky they are so nice down there and its quick in and out

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 HanoriaC

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Just found out my best friend is 5weeks pregnant. I got such a shock. I smiled the whole way through the conversation and bawled crying the whole way home in the car. Im happy for her but why can't it be us too? So miserable tonight. In hindsight this week I think the clomid made me quite depressed..thank god you only take it for 5 days.

    in middle of our IVF my brother in law announced himself and his girl friend were pregnant and it broke my heart. my sister is due 3 weeks time started treatment after me. everywhere and every day pregnant women and buggies everywhere. just to haunt and try our patience

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Just found out my best friend is 5weeks pregnant. I got such a shock. I smiled the whole way through the conversation and bawled crying the whole way home in the car. Im happy for her but why can't it be us too? So miserable tonight. In hindsight this week I think the clomid made me quite depressed..thank god you only take it for 5 days.

    I know the feeling Yellow hen, I have had 2 friends confide in me about their unplanned pregnancies and all I keep thinking is "If ye only knew what ye are doing to me!!!" They have no idea that I am having trouble getting pregnant, and I am green with envy talking to them about it :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    HanoriaC wrote: »
    hi just started following this thread. like all of ye here i've been thru d usual fertility investigations and then treatment. 3 iui's 1 ivf, pregnant on ivf 7 week scan perfect 9 week scan no heart beat and had d & c 2 weeks ago. trying to get my head around it all now that my physical pain is gone but the emotionally and the crying is still rare and daily. just wondering has anyone else got advice. getting loads of advice but from people that have never had miscarriage or even been pregnant or even gone thru what we have been thru in last 11 months. painful is d one word that i am describing what my hubbie and i are going thru
    Hi HanoriaC i'm very sorry for your loss. Having had 3 misses in 14 months ( 1 after 3 iui then 2 natural) I can tell you that nobody who hasn't been there can understand. Hold your hubbie tight, cry as much as you want to, be nice to yourself and your oh. It does get easier but you will always miss your baby. We're now waiting for an appointment for napro.

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭TeresaM

    Hi HanoriaC,
    oh honey, I am so so sorry to hear about your loss :( it really is a difficult time. I just think that you need to take time and grieve.. I learned that the hard way. I didn't, I felt I had to be strong, that that was what I was supposed to do. But I later found that I should have taken the time to be sad, or devastated or what ever I wanted to feel. What I did then was to plant a tree in the garden and name it after our little angel. People will always think that they know what you should do and feel, god knows why sometimes, especially when they haven't been through it. I get told all the time from family/friends that sure all I have to do is relax and it will happen... :mad::rolleyes: I just try and say 'yeah, exactly' and walk away. Unless of course I am hormonal at the time, and then i will retaliate LOLLLL
    Anyway honey, rely on your husband at this horrible time, talk to each other and comfort each other. And take it easy... we are always here if you need someone to talk to or just to rant... we have been there and will always be here. I'm sending you lots of hugs <3 xx

    Oh, forgot to say I live in Donegal so it is quite a journey to the clinic!! We always leave around 8am for a 12o'clock appt.... and then home for about 5 or so, stopping for something to eat on way home... there is a lot of travelling involved with the ivf. its unreal.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hi hanoriac, I am so sorry to hear things have been so rough. I can't imagine how painful it can be but do listen to some of the ladies on this thread and allow yourself the time to grieve and deal with things. And talk to your partner, you both need to understand how the other feels. I hope the pain eases with time.

    The weather has really revitalised me. I went exercising yesterday, drank gallons of water and ate pretty well. I'm cd12 now on clomid and had my 4th high on monitor today so u think I might get peak to morrow. I feel a bit more chilled this month though. How's everyone else?

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