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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Sticky, I JUST got my period...No cramps, no nausea...I'm sitting here baffled lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 409 ✭✭FunkSoulSista

    Morning ladies, I've somehow been getting a very faint line on my HPTs the past few days, had not said anything as did not want to get my hopes up, even now I'm still keeping the excitement under wraps. The line was a lil bit stronger this morning. My period is due today so just going to see what pans out over the weekend. Because of what happened last month I've got my feet on the ground this time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Sorry you got it Lucyfur - but glad it was pain free - so heading to the shop on Monday to give it a try - how long have you been taking it before it started working?

    Crossing everything for you FunkySoulSista - keep us updated xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 149 ✭✭KillerKity

    Hi guys, sorry for butting in but I'm hoping for some help. I had a MC in December which absolutely broke my heart and a d & c just after christmas. I cried every day for about 2 months but then started to cope with things.

    I was happy again and even got engaged but now the loss has seemed to hit me again as hard as the first time. I got it into my head that my baby wasn't really gone, it was just taking a break and I'd have it back again. I got pregnant almost straight away the first time and foolishly thought it'd be easy the next time. So far all I've been getting are negative pregnancy tests. I know that baby is gone but I desperately want it back :( I don't know how to cope. I think I'm so sad recently as I'd be 6 months pregnant by now but all I feel is high emptiness. How do people cope?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hi lucyfur, I like you suffer desperately with cramps abd ovarian pains from ovulstion to new cycle day 2. Do you think it was the vit b that helped? Id love to know what you think did the trick.

    Fss, any change in the hpts today. Everything crossed for you hon.

    Killer kitty, I can't offer you any words of wisdom or quick fix I'm afraid. Talking is the best way to deal with things though. From a similar experience I can promise you that holding it only elongates a very painful process. Talk to us here, your partner, a close friend, family..anyone. I hope the days get better and you can look forward with hope to conceiving again. X

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    KillerKity wrote: »
    Hi guys, sorry for butting in but I'm hoping for some help. I had a MC in December which absolutely broke my heart and a d & c just after christmas. I cried every day for about 2 months but then started to cope with things.

    I was happy again and even got engaged but now the loss has seemed to hit me again as hard as the first time. I got it into my head that my baby wasn't really gone, it was just taking a break and I'd have it back again. I got pregnant almost straight away the first time and foolishly thought it'd be easy the next time. So far all I've been getting are negative pregnancy tests. I know that baby is gone but I desperately want it back :( I don't know how to cope. I think I'm so sad recently as I'd be 6 months pregnant by now but all I feel is high emptiness. How do people cope?

    Oh Killerkitty, I am so sorry to read your post you have really been through a very hard time. I had a M/C when I was 17 at 3 months, it was very hard to deal with and still years on I sometimes think of what could have been.

    I'm not sure if you are religious, I wasn't at the time but I went and spoke to my college chaplin and asked him to say a prayer / mass for the baby.

    After a few weeks I wasn't coping and went to a councilor - she was fantastic. She asked me what sex I thought the baby was and if I would like to give her a name (this really helped me and it gave my loss a name and I felt she was a little angel). I went to her a few times and I found talking to a complete stranger really helped.

    I like to think that this world wasn't for her and often say a little prayer to her.

    But do give yourself some time to heal and mourn. And enjoy your engagement, maybe you and your fiance can do something to mark your loss together, I have heard of people letting of fire laterns or helium balloons. You can try again when you are ready, but don't rush things xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    we'll I'm out :(

    I kind of had a feeling I missed it this month so it wasn't unexpected - but with a combination of PMS and the pain of the bloody things I actually cried this morning. My poor husband didn't know what to say.

    So going to go home have some tea and an Easter egg and feel sorry for myself.

    Ah well - fingers crossed for next month ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    I've just been lurking for a while everything was just getting too much. However good news today we have an appointment in Napro next Monday. They had a cancellation and slotted us in. I'm so happy to be doing something pro-active again :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Sorry to hear that stickybean....chocolate is definitely the answer!

    Barbie, delighted to hear things are moving along for you. Have heard such great things about Napro.

    I'm on 2nd cycle of clomid now..finished taking the tablet this month so will just have to monitor cm and guess ovulation...have run out of sticks for monitor :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    That's great news barbiegirl good luck!

    Funksoulsista how you getting on??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 409 ✭✭FunkSoulSista

    Stickybean sorry to hear you are out :(

    Barbiegirl great news on the appt!

    Well I've been doing tests every day and all positive, period was due Saturday and no sign of it. We are still not letting ourselves get excited as we have learnt how fragile things are from last month. Going to make an appointment with the Doctor for tomorrow so once we talk to her we'll know the official story. Wish we could be more excited but we're cautious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    Funksoulsista I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    I am also out for this month - got a negative on a test after 2ww- but that's OK. We have only just started. Now I am eagerly awaiting aunt flow to come and go so that we can try again...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    I hear you Cunning!!!

    I was upset yesterday when AF arrived but now I am all set for this month, heading out the weekend to buy some news undies :D

    Well, we might as well enjoy all the hard work ahead of us :D:D:D

    good luck with the doctor FunkySoulSista x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    KillerKity wrote: »
    Hi guys, sorry for butting in but I'm hoping for some help. I had a MC in December which absolutely broke my heart and a d & c just after christmas. I cried every day for about 2 months but then started to cope with things.

    I was happy again and even got engaged but now the loss has seemed to hit me again as hard as the first time. I got it into my head that my baby wasn't really gone, it was just taking a break and I'd have it back again. I got pregnant almost straight away the first time and foolishly thought it'd be easy the next time. So far all I've been getting are negative pregnancy tests. I know that baby is gone but I desperately want it back :( I don't know how to cope. I think I'm so sad recently as I'd be 6 months pregnant by now but all I feel is high emptiness. How do people cope?

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I've not experienced it but I know a good few boardsies have and they may have some input. I don't know how I would deal with it, but maybe marking the fact that this baby existed like the fire lantern, planting a tree, maybe a little box of things that you may have collected from that time like the preg test or maybe a baby thing you bought.

    Above all else, talking about it would be important. There are several specific forums for pregnancy loss and if you want to speak to someone (ie; not your partner or family) who has gone through it and really understands you then there are helplines as well for it. Probably the best place to start is I think that's where I would start, I'd want to talk to someone who actually understands what I'm saying and feeling.

    Take care of yourself and definitely use this thread for TTC when you're ready, it's great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    KillerKity wrote: »
    Hi guys, sorry for butting in but I'm hoping for some help. I had a MC in December which absolutely broke my heart and a d & c just after christmas. I cried every day for about 2 months but then started to cope with things.

    I was happy again and even got engaged but now the loss has seemed to hit me again as hard as the first time. I got it into my head that my baby wasn't really gone, it was just taking a break and I'd have it back again. I got pregnant almost straight away the first time and foolishly thought it'd be easy the next time. So far all I've been getting are negative pregnancy tests. I know that baby is gone but I desperately want it back :( I don't know how to cope. I think I'm so sad recently as I'd be 6 months pregnant by now but all I feel is high emptiness. How do people cope?

    Hi Killerkity. Your baby will always be your baby. It is not easy and can't be brushed over. You will have good days and bad days, but on the bad days let the tears flow, talk to your hubbie and get through it.
    I've found on this TTC journey that having focus' other than babies really helps to keep us sane. We've had 3 losses and I have named each one, and I know they are with my dad waiting on us to meet them someday. On special days and in special churches I light candles for them.
    Acknowledge your pain and your grief and feel free to come back here as a lot of us have been weher you are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    KillerKity wrote: »
    Hi guys, sorry for butting in but I'm hoping for some help. I had a MC in December which absolutely broke my heart and a d & c just after christmas. I cried every day for about 2 months but then started to cope with things.

    I was happy again and even got engaged but now the loss has seemed to hit me again as hard as the first time. I got it into my head that my baby wasn't really gone, it was just taking a break and I'd have it back again. I got pregnant almost straight away the first time and foolishly thought it'd be easy the next time. So far all I've been getting are negative pregnancy tests. I know that baby is gone but I desperately want it back :( I don't know how to cope. I think I'm so sad recently as I'd be 6 months pregnant by now but all I feel is high emptiness. How do people cope?

    Over the years I have had many m/c's and you will have good days and bads days. I had a total bitch of a week last week. was really upset and I off loaded to some of the other girls on this fourm and that helped lots. Also had a mega cry with my husband. Now I am back to my happy positive self. No matter what from the second you find out about your baby it is your child, the dreams and hopes you have for that life and the loss of your baby takes away so much from you. I have named some of my babies and have done something each time to say goodbye in our own way.

    A lot of my due dates I dont remember, I think I have blocked then out to cope but some are very much in my mind and i do find those days hard. For some reason I have 3 dates that knock me but I know they will and make a paln for it.

    Its also good to plan things that are not to do with TTC and to get out and enjoy life. Myself and my husband really try to not let all this take over all of our life. After all we had and wanted each other before this and we have each other still. Thankfully we are a very close couple who cn talk about anything and we make each other stronger.

    I think the main advice I can give you is to talk, cry and allow yourself to feel sad but be mindful if you are going into a deep depression to go see your GP. you have the right to cry and feel sad for your baby and for what could have been,


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hi girls, how was everyone's weekend?

    Im cd12 today, on my second week of clomid so not really sure when I am ovulating as I'm not sure the monitor is accurate with clomid. Anyways I'm guessing its any day this week so just dtd every second day to be sure!

    I've noticed in the last two months that I have a definitely dull achiness around my ovaries and sometimes sex can be a little uncomfortable. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the dermoid cysts I had removed or if its anything to do with the clomid. Has anyone else had anything like this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Hi girls, how was everyone's weekend?

    Im cd12 today, on my second week of clomid so not really sure when I am ovulating as I'm not sure the monitor is accurate with clomid. Anyways I'm guessing its any day this week so just dtd every second day to be sure!

    I've noticed in the last two months that I have a definitely dull achiness around my ovaries and sometimes sex can be a little uncomfortable. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the dermoid cysts I had removed or if its anything to do with the clomid. Has anyone else had anything like this?

    Hello there,great quite weekend,i'm day 13 and today is prob ovulation day with signs and thermometer-ha yes I never threw it away,decided to just use it for 1st half of cycle confirm ovulation and then stop,the week af is due is just causing me to not sleep great and wake to early so theres the plan.
    This acheyness was one of the reasons I went to beacon in the 1st place.On my 1st consultation I explanined this to him and the uncomfortable feeling during sex at certain times.He said if we go in there and there is nothing major going on there,it is possible you just have a sensitive pelvic area(great)!!!Anyway this is 3rd cycle since lap and this month has been much better,no period pain and ovulation pain very mild.I have also used pre-seed religiously this month and bding has been very confortable,wonder if it is a lubrication problem.Will definitly be purchasing more.
    How have you scans been on clomid?Did your blood cysts dissappear?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hi meggysmom, I had a scan on my first clomid month which showed several follicles. One looked stronger than the others so the consultant guessed that was the clomid follicle which would mature further. The blood cysts did dissappear so maybe I will just continue to have cysts appear/disappear causing some discomfort. The pain isnt a big deal but I think when you are ttc you are aware of every ache, pain and movement in your pelvic region :o

    I too have been using preseed. So we're synced up again this month. hopefully this will be a lucky month for both of us :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yes I think your right with being very tuned in to our bodies while ttc.It wasn't a major thing for me either but definitly something which had my mind working overtime.Fingers crossed this month:)keep us posted:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Well we had our first Napro appointment today, and it was a lot to take in.
    He suspects I have endometriosis and I've to book in a laparsocopy to check for that, I've had bloods taken for food allergies, I've been put on Naltrexone for my dopermine levels, lots of vitamin C, Vit D, Fish Oils and free radicals.
    We've to meet our teacher in 2 weeks to start blood tests and are due back with him the end of July :D
    I feel positive that we are doing something and that he feels we have an 80% plus chance of a successful outcome, whereas the time we went to SIMShe said 60% chance of mis-carrying.
    Overall a very positive experience, so fingers crossed girls :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 74 ✭✭Popel

    What do you think about some good news?

    I last posted here six months ago with my small thin positive, which unfortunately quickly became a miscarriage. I followed this thread before then, and continued afterwards too.

    Well this morning I got my Big Fat Positive :)

    I had caught a virus last week, was dying in bed for a few days, along with my husband, but while my husband´s cleared away after four days or so, I still had lingering headaches and queasy feeling. Started getting suspicious over the weekend, cos something just felt different about my stomach/boobs. I also recalled that the week before I had wanted (and had) a certain type of sandwich for lunch every single day, for ten days in a row. Very unusual. Well, so this morning it was confirmed. Just gotta get on to the doctor today. So happy, and am staying confident about this pregnancy.

    Hope more good news piles into this thread too,


  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Custard Cream

    hi Popel, congragulations. When are you due? Brilliant news

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    popal congrats,love hearing great news like yours,good luck to you:)keep us posted!

  • Registered Users Posts: 74 ✭✭Popel

    thanks for all the congatulations, feel so great and positive this time. I've my appointment made, it'll be in two weeks time, so fingers crossed til then.

    I think I'm due just after christmas, though I went three days early on my first, so maybe it'll be on christmas day, though I think I'd be hoping it'd come late instead of that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Congrats Popel! Great news..and its great to hear that you feel so positive this time. Happy pregnancy to you :)

    Im cd14 today but ran out of clearblue sticks yesterday so just used some internet cheapies yest and today and there wasnt even a hint of a line on the stick. Im pretty sure I must be ovulating some day now if I havent already but it would have been nice to see some confirmation! Anyhoo, will just have to wait and see.

    Any newses with anyone else?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Ah congratulations Popel, and thanks for coming back on and sharing - I always love to hear some good news x

    I've started PMTing already - so annoyed only CD8 :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    hey everyone just saying hello!
    Congrats on everyone's good news, makes my day to see positives on this thread!

    just a thought, i know you all know your bodies but for those of you who are pms-ing, i could of put money on my period being on the way when i got my bfp - so dont count yourselves out until the fat red lady sings !

    10 weeks to go till my baby girl is here!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    omg java, only 10 weeks left! Thats when I know I've been on this thread far too long :(

    Come on uterus, it's time to promote ourselves to the pregnancy thread!:o

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  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    javagal wrote: »
    hey everyone just saying hello!
    Congrats on everyone's good news, makes my day to see positives on this thread!

    just a thought, i know you all know your bodies but for those of you who are pms-ing, i could of put money on my period being on the way when i got my bfp - so dont count yourselves out until the fat red lady sings !

    10 weeks to go till my baby girl is here!

    I was the same. If you look back on this thread I was certain that AF was on the way that month. All the pms symptoms, I even went to bed with a sanitary towel on I was so convinced that my period would arrive overnight (á la UPS :p) I was in a mood where I just wanted it there and gone again so I could move onto IUI from OI.

    Congrats to all the mammies on this thread. I spent a while here so know its not easy month after month. Hugs to all. :)

    Java, cannot believe you are 10 weeks to go!

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