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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Does anyone else find the 2ww insufferable? I think it's a control thing, at least in the first two weeks I know what we need to do but for the last two weeks it's just waiting and building hopes. Am so figgety here today...... I think I have googled everything possible relating to clomid, cysts, 2ww.....I should host a little quiz for you all!! :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Does anyone else find the 2ww insufferable? I think it's a control thing, at least in the first two weeks I know what we need to do but for the last two weeks it's just waiting and building hopes. Am so figgety here today...... I think I have googled everything possible relating to clomid, cysts, 2ww.....I should host a little quiz for you all!! :P frustrating,thank god I have a few things planned for the next couple weekends:)keep me busy...OH away the next couple nights too,think he was glad of the break,he's worn out:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    I'm CD9 today - normally I love these two weeks, but after the last 4 months (granted I know it really isn't that long) the thoughts of every second day are a bit tiring :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Neyite wrote: »

    Java, cannot believe you are 10 weeks to go!

    I cannot believe how fast it went after my initial shakey start, just posted a picture of my now huge belly over in the July thread, weird seeing my belly getting big-means it's real now!

    *goes off to eat more lindt bunnies*

    Best of luck on the 2ww ladies, I'll check back in soon and I just know you'll all be big fat preggos..xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 409 ✭✭FunkSoulSista

    Hi all, have not been on here in a while, we moved houses, at my new doctor today and its confirmed, I'm with child ;-) !! Its all quite surreal at the moment! Thanks so much to everyone on here for your support, I know how lucky I am.

    I'll be keeping an eye on this forum and really hope things work out well for all of you soon, you all deserve it.

    I'm off to the December thread! x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    congrats fss,best wishes for the next 8 months or so,all babies are precious,theres something really special about a christmas baby though:)Enjoy every minute:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Oh congrats FSS!!!! Kind of thought you might be run you were talking about your symptoms. Such great news pet. :)

    Girls I'm cd16 today. I think I should have ovulated a few days ago as I'm on clomid but today I have the worst backache and tummy cramps and bloated ness. Did anyone else get odd symptoms with clomid? TMI coming but realised I have alot of discharge on pants too. The cramps are so bad now that there is a terrible ache trying to pee. Sort of worried now. If I have them in the morn, I think I'll be ringing the hospital again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hi everyone, hope you all good weekends. Its so quiet here at the mo I can only assume you're all around cd14 ;)

    I had such a bad weekend with backache and cramps that I think it was ovulation but it really was very painful,...nothing like I've ever experienced before. Im not sure if I should put it down to clomid or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 furbabymom

    Hi there everyone! I have been reading this forum over the past few nights and decided I would join in and see how I get on. Am off the pill since November after 10 years and have been 'actively' trying for one very much a newbie! Spent the first three months waiting for my cycle to become regular again and just about getting the hang of all the signs of ovulation...can't believe there is so much to think about! Tried the ovulation sticks for a couple of months just to test them but never got the smiley face so for the moment and just going to enjoy the moment and tey not to think too much...will keep you posted as to how I get on and looking forward to catching up with you all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Hi everyone, hope you all good weekends. Its so quiet here at the mo I can only assume you're all around cd14 ;)

    I had such a bad weekend with backache and cramps that I think it was ovulation but it really was very painful,...nothing like I've ever experienced before. Im not sure if I should put it down to clomid or not.

    I was never on it but did hear that u can get much stronger ovulation symptoms on clomid , would make sense I suppose! Über strong ovulation :):):) hopefully that's what it is!!! Could be good oman! Fingers crossed!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    dublinlady wrote: »
    I was never on it but did hear that u can get much stronger ovulation symptoms on clomid , would make sense I suppose! Über strong ovulation :):):) hopefully that's what it is!!! Could be good oman! Fingers crossed!!

    I hadnt heard that at all and doc didnt warn me about it...I thought I might be dying :o Anyways, it looks like i ov'd later than expected so by then my hubby was exhausted from being on the job so we missed the key dates :( Hoping that egg and his swimmers have a decent life span!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    welcome furbabymom,how is everyone doing?It has been quiet here for a while,we are all probably approaching the 2 ww so big deep breaths and try to relax:)...We bd lots this cycle and with pressed all around ovulation and the day of but who knows,looking back on my charts one thing has stood out,except for one time we have not bd on ovulation day instead the days leading up to and after so maybe that will be the trick anyway either way 3 more cycles until we go to declan keane at the beacon,fingers crossed we don't have to go down that route.....A question when in your ttc journey did you do semen analysis?We already have a little one so doc wasn't that worried that it was anything to do with OH,how did you go about it-i.e straight to private clinic or through gp?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    We did analysis after one year. We knew that my husband had been ok as well but did the tests anyway to be sure. Results were perfect. we also did them at the beacon and they were about €120-€150...cant remember now. Good luck this month :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yellow hen wrote: »
    We did analysis after one year. We knew that my husband had been ok as well but did the tests anyway to be sure. Results were perfect. we also did them at the beacon and they were about €120-€150...cant remember now. Good luck this month :)

    thanks yellowhen,did you just call them direct or do you have to have gp referral?I would much rather just go straight to clinic rather than do it publicly through gp!!
    Good luck to you too,if your hubbys spermies were all great and normal range,no need to think you may be out as long as it was somewhere around 4-5 days pre-ovulation,fingers crossed for you:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Our consultant in the beacon referred us but it was v informal so i'd guess you could just walk in. You could give them a call to check. Their name is ReproMed and they have a website if you google them. Results back in about 2-3 days. You can do the sample there or at home if you can bring it to them asap. We live about 30mins away so hubby did it at home and they open at 8am so we dropped it in before work. Very easy for something not particularly pleasant!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    yellow hen wrote: »
    Our consultant in the beacon referred us but it was v informal so i'd guess you could just walk in. You could give them a call to check. Their name is ReproMed and they have a website if you google them. Results back in about 2-3 days. You can do the sample there or at home if you can bring it to them asap. We live about 30mins away so hubby did it at home and they open at 8am so we dropped it in before work. Very easy for something not particularly pleasant!

    thanks a lot,yes I have had a very informal meet through e-mail with repromed but as it is second cycle ttc after op we have decided to give it some time naturally before we schedule a consultation, but we are thinking that next month we may just get the semen analysis done just so we know where we stand on everything, and IF we do need the consulation then we will have a lot more info to go on and can start some treatment straight away....hoping and praying of course that none of this will be needed.We live close to 90 mins away so thinking doing sample there would be much better....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 furbabymom

    Meggysmom, hopefully your hubby won't have to get checked and everything will work out this month! But yeah I think if it came to it, getting the 'sample' would be better there, wana make sure they're all viable...who knows what a 90 minute car ride would do to the little swimmers!

    Good luck to you as well yellow always seems that work travel happens at the same time as the good dates...I remember when my friend from work was trying to conceive and every month she was ovulating she had to work abroad...thought it must have been some sort of conspiracy!

    Oh yeah...happy first day of summer to you all! Not that you'd know it though...what's with the weather!

  • Registered Users Posts: 300 ✭✭meggysmom

    furbabymom wrote: »
    Meggysmom, hopefully your hubby won't have to get checked and everything will work out this month! But yeah I think if it came to it, getting the 'sample' would be better there, wana make sure they're all viable...who knows what a 90 minute car ride would do to the little swimmers!

    Good luck to you as well yellow always seems that work travel happens at the same time as the good dates...I remember when my friend from work was trying to conceive and every month she was ovulating she had to work abroad...thought it must have been some sort of conspiracy!

    Oh yeah...happy first day of summer to you all! Not that you'd know it though...what's with the weather!

    thank you,good luck to you too:)I know this weather is so depressing-I need sun so bad,have to wait til september-portugal here we come:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    furbabymom wrote: »
    Meggysmom, hopefully your hubby won't have to get checked and everything will work out this month! But yeah I think if it came to it, getting the 'sample' would be better there, wana make sure they're all viable...who knows what a 90 minute car ride would do to the little swimmers!

    Good luck to you as well yellow always seems that work travel happens at the same time as the good dates...I remember when my friend from work was trying to conceive and every month she was ovulating she had to work abroad...thought it must have been some sort of conspiracy!

    Oh yeah...happy first day of summer to you all! Not that you'd know it though...what's with the weather!

    good luck to you too furbabymom. Hopefully you wont need to start all the opks etc. I have given up on them and am hoping my new chilled approach will bring results :cool:
    Day21 and counting.....:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Hi all, I haven't been on in a while. FSS & Popel - congrats!

    We had a disastrous cycle last month - both me and hubby were sick for the whole week around ovulation so there was no "doing the deed", and my bloods were a complete mess too! Anyway, back on track for this cycle! ;)

    I'm day 16 today and I had terrible ov pain last night (really bad, difficult to walk!) - so we didn't get up to anything. But we had got up to plenty the previous night so I'm hoping that might have had an impact. And we'll be getting up to plenty again tonight! And then the 2WW sets in - the worst bit! Here goes nothing...............

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3 furbabymom

    Ok so did an early pregnancy test...not due AF till Sunday but it's saying pregnant 1-2 weeks! Now I kind of wish I hadn't done it cause of how many don't survive past when your period is due! And I'm feeling really crampy today too, just like when AF is coming :( I def won't be doing the early one again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Try to stay positive and remember that the feelings of implantation are very like a period coming on. I'll be crossing everything for you :D Oh and congratulations :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring


    Delighted to hear your news. Congrats and stay positive, all will be ok xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hi girls I need some advIce from those who have taken clomid. I ovulate on my own but am taking clomid to increase our chances. My cycle was averaging about 30 days before clomid and with clomid last month it was 27 days. This month is my 2nd clomid month and based on mucous I think I ovulated on cd12/13 but based on the excruciating pain later that week I think I more realistically ovulated on cd17/18. Well low and behold my period arrived yest on cd26. I thought clomid was meant to lengthen you lutheal phase. I'm not sure whether to start taking the final months clomid prescription today. I am so dissappointed, had high hopes for clomid :( What would you do? X

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 flopflips

    Hey yellow hen, I'm just finished four months of clomid 50mg for same reason as urself, the first month was my shortest cycle ever at 26days, but then it went 30, 30, 28. So it may be just ur body getting used to the hormones, so I would start this months lot, I'll have everything crossed for u!!. Sorry not much of a help, but good luck with it. Are u just doing 3minths? I did four, was d longest four months ever!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    flopflips wrote: »
    Hey yellow hen, I'm just finished four months of clomid 50mg for same reason as urself, the first month was my shortest cycle ever at 26days, but then it went 30, 30, 28. So it may be just ur body getting used to the hormones, so I would start this months lot, I'll have everything crossed for u!!. Sorry not much of a help, but good luck with it. Are u just doing 3minths? I did four, was d longest four months ever!

    oh thanks for that. I thought it was meant to lengthen your LP. Anyway, I took it in the end so here's to another 5 nights of the sweats! Hopefully this month will be better. Yes, I'm only on it for three months initully and then back to consultant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 flopflips

    Lol! I won't miss the sweats or the mood swings! I'm back to d consultant on June 1st, even after 3years part of me still hopes this is d month and I won't have to go... Anyways good luck with this cycle!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    I just gor my Napro ordered food intolerence test back and I can't have yeast, gluten, wheat, corn or cows milk. That is going to leave eating fun. I love my food and this is going to be hell. But sure we'll sort something out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    barbiegirl wrote: »
    I just gor my Napro ordered food intolerence test back and I can't have yeast, gluten, wheat, corn or cows milk. That is going to leave eating fun. I love my food and this is going to be hell. But sure we'll sort something out.

    It's actually not too bad barbie, and your energy levels will soar...lunch is the hardest meal to make with a bit of variety. I make lots of soups and freeze them...salads with pulses are filling, eggs are great...rice cakes with hummus are nice for a snack. Oat cakes are good too. It's not as bad as it looks on paper;) x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    Its going to be a year this week since we lost our last baby. Feeling very tearful today and my husband aay for most of the week with work. took today off and went back to bed this morning. Going to take myself out for a coffee and a read of the paper now.

    Think I am going to take tonight off the diet and get a chipper. Watch a Dvd in bed and try to get to sleep early.


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