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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Dublinlady, I'm so sorry that you didn't get your much wanted positive. I know the feeling.
    I was feeling really nauseous the other day & convinced myself it was morning sickness (even though I'm not due my period til next week & its only 2 weeks since ovulating :rolleyes:) roll on 3 days of winter vomitting bug instead :o

    Hopefully we will all get our elusive positive result soon. Chin up, next month might be your month :)

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    dublinlady wrote: »
    Thanks a mill for ur replies guys, so much for my not crying....havent stopped since i posted that!! Have to go into work shortly and am a bleedin mess so need to pull myself back together!!I made an appointment with the gp for monday, i really hope she is proactive like urs queen on sheebs!

    Poor you, I was in your shoes the other day, I know how it feels. but you will feel much better coming out of that GP office, simply because you are being proactive.
    So are the blood tests to check if ur ovulating? And then clomid is to stimulate it if ur not? excuse my ignorance please cos really dont know much about this, need to start googling but afraid of getting wrong info! Also what happens if u are ovulating? where do you go from there with regards to tests, and will the gp refer me for this or do it herself?
    Is it likely that the gp will start tests on this next cycle (monday will be day 1 or two)? is it fair for me to push her to?? Just want to know what to expect!

    Deffo push her to do all the tests that she can. They will start out with blood tests - days 3-7, and day +21. They test a range of hormones -progesterone, FSH, Prolactin, and probably a few more that I cant remember. I first went to my doc in July for bloodwork, which showed high prolactin, but other hormones were normal and I was ovulating grand so testing was repeated in the August cycle, and the results came back the same so was referred for fertility consult. We had to have smear, semen analysis, his bloods and mine done prior to the consultation, and I had a transvaginal scan. A week later I had a HSG. all except the prolactin were fine. I am nearly a month on one tiny tablet daily to lower this, which hopefully should allow me to get pregnant.

    I guess if you are ovulating, they might do a HSG to see if your tubes are blocked, and if so, work on that.
    Most of the stress is not knowing what is wrong, you will get a great sense of relief once you start ruling out causes and get some answers.

    Good luck on monday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Hey guys,
    Thanks you all so so so so much for all of the advice, tips and encouragement. I really really needed it! Im still feelin very down in the dumps (but thats realistically probably 50% down to PMS!!) Period due on Sunday. just want it to come now so that i can start again.
    Really glad ye encouraged me to make that g.p appointment, will let ye know how it goes on monday. I also have decided to try accupuncture this month (as much for the stress im feeling!!) and pre-seed this month.
    A good friend of mine who sadly miscarried two weeks after i did in august (however she lost at 15 weeks :( i was only 7) she told me she is pregnant today, i was happy for her.....but at the same time devastated... i had to go cry in the loo at work for a bit!! It just makes no sense to me that she was so much further on than me, her miscarraige was after mine and she is pregnant now and i still am not.... im being so selfish its unreal, i actually begrudged her a bit of happiness. this whole lark is turning me into a right cow! I also think my husband is running out of patience...ive been such a wreck over the last few days, he puts up a good front, but i seriously must be wrecking his head!!! I hope that the accupuncture will help me to calm down and relax a little...i realise ive let this completely take over my life...its just i really dont know how to stop it... I feel it wont stop until im actually pregnant. I want our baby so badly...and always imagined id have 4-5 kids! Right now id feel blessed with one!!!
    I really appreciate u guys listening to all my moans...esp as ur going thru the same thing, and most of u for longer. I really want this month to be a turning point for me, where i learn to cope with it better and find a way to live a normal life. So this is the last month ill moan....(famous last words!!!:rolleyes:)
    Thanks again

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Acupuncture is a great idea. I know someone who did a couple of sessions when TTC, and got pregnant, she firmly believes the de-stressing helped her. Its something I'm seriously considering too if I dont get prengant soon.

    Dont worry about feelings when others announce pregnancies. Its a normal reaction - not really a jealousy, but you do get a 'why her' feeling and then you feel like crap for bitchy thinking. I've decided to give myself a pass on these thoughts until I get pregnant, because it reminds me that I want to be her, and that spurs me on, if you know what I mean.

    Good luck on Monday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Well went to the was ok, dont feel alot better but putting that down to the fact that i STILL have PMS as period still not arrived (no def now pregnant - did test this morn to be sure, and have brown cm so its just a waiting game!). Cycle has varied between 31 and 28 days and today is day 30 so hopefully it will come today. Anyway, she is doing my bloods on thursday, and then again on day 21. But she basically told me that i was lucky to have had one pregnancy in the year and that alot of people wouldnt have that for 2 yrs...:mad: She told me that noone would take me seriously for another yr or so of trying, but that she'd do the bloods to humour me basically! My age was also a thing...she told me that cos im 28 i have loads of time and that it would be different if i was 39. Sorry but i dont see how the fact that im 28 should mean i should be left to suffer on without investigation, i shouldnt be penalised for deciding to start a family when i was 27 instead of waiting until i was 39! It was a stupid flippant comment...but really annoyed me!:( Not that its any of her business but i want several kids and so do need and want to start now, or a year ago!
    Anyway, i suppose im getting the tests done so that should reassure me... i just have to keep trying now for another few months and pray to god it happens for us. Bought the pre-seed and def going ahead with the accupuncture as im so stressed out now. I am gonna focus on those things as positive action and get plenty of exercise and just in general try to cheer myself up! Need to get my head off this subject for a bit and try to get positive!!
    Again thanks for all the support and advice and i promise from now on.... (for this month anyway!!!) ill be a whole new positive person!!
    Baby dust to all!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    DublinLady sometimes doctors say the most stupid things. This is your body and your life so you determine the treatments and tests you want and push for them. As a nurse in the Coombe told me last month you need to keep pushing your way through.
    Some doctors do have the attitude of yours but not all. A friend of mine, who has had more or less constant bleeding for 11 years, her doctor only now that she wants to start a family has done any tests, she kept saying there was no need, and it turns out her testosterone levels were out, so a simple tablet and a condition that has been troubling her for more than a decade is sorted!!! Do your research and then be prepared to ask the relevant questions, insist on treatments and change doctors if required.
    Big hugs and baby dust right back at you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    DublinLady, what a load of utter tripe from your GP!! The fact that you are only 28 is no reason not to refer you to a specialist. My god, it's not as if the 'system' is paying for it, you pay for it privately out of your own pocket, so if you want to be seen at age 21, 25 or 28 it's none of her business. grrrr, I'm soooo annoyed for you. Did you know that age 35 and above is now considered 'Advanced Maternal Age', why would you want to wait until you're of AMA to get checked out?! Her logic is twisted. I mean, the 'checking' out can take years for some people. It's not as if once you get referred that you automatically get pregnant and all is well, it's only the first step of exploring your fertility issues, and it can be a long road. I have a friend (in her 50's now) who started ttc at 30 and realised at 33 that there were problems (endo etc.). By the time they did all the tests, and Clomid rounds, and IUIs, she went on to try IVF but her chances had greatly reduced because of her age. IVF, in the end, wasn't successful for her and she had to give up on her ttc quest, very sad. (It was some years ago obviously so I'm sure things are more advanced now, but still sad)..

    (((hugs))) glad your getting your bloods done anyway. Either way, whether your hormones come back normal or not, demand a referral. Annoy the hell out of her til you get it. Become such a pain, that it's in HER interest to refer you just to get rid of you, lol. "He who shouts the loudest...." as my mam always says.
    My doc was so supportive, wish you had one like her.

    best of luck and keep us posted.

    As for me.... I am 4 days past ovulation and the wait is killing me. I am not doing early testing this cycle, just gonna wait for my period to arrive, due in 10 days or so. I really do believe Clomid is not working for me and don't expect this cycle to be any different from the last 4 Clomid cycles, i.e. negative. Have become hardened to the fact that I'm probably going to have to go down the road of IUI's or even IVF.. My intercourse timing was perfect, but it always is, and still nada....

    I HATE the Two Week Wait! :mad::p

    Baby dust to all!

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    That doctor is a muppet. Practically everything she said to you is medically incorrect. She should really shut up and just do her job if she does not know her facts and stats. Really, you should pity her, because it's glaringly obvious that her current knowledge in that area is lacking. What she said to you about your pregnancy is hugely insensitive, it would make me switch doctors to be honest.

    Your ttc investigations are totally age appropriate. We are all aware that our future families are taking their time, so the more time we have, the better. I am 36 in a few months, and really hoping I manage a couple of children by 40. There are so many risks after this.

    Dont let her get to you. She is an idiot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Dublinlady, you poor thing I'm so angry on your behalf :mad:

    I hate paying for a service like a GP only to be dismissed like that.
    Would you consider a different GP maybe? Hopefully you will get pregnant soon, but if it does take a little longer & some more testing then it sounds like you need a more proactive doctor on your side.

    I think Detectivfoxtrot is right also, (s)he who shouts loudest generally gets their desired result :)

    DF, hopefully your 2 weeks will fly by, mines up tomorrow (if my cycle is back to normal). I don't think I'll get the positive as didn't try enough this month, but will do next month, have my clear blue tests at the ready :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Hey ladies!
    Thanks so much for those responses, it really helps to have my thoughts confirmed that i indeed do seem to have an insensitive thoughtless muppet as a doctor :D:eek::eek::D
    Detective i hope the 2 week wait flies by (as if it could :rolleyes:) But i def think ur onto the right idea there with not testing, and fair play to ya if u can manage it, i never seem to have the willpower!! My PMS plays havoc with my emotions at that time!!
    capri hope u got ur positive??
    I really want to see some positives around here soon to remind me that it can happen for us!!
    Blood tests thurs, gym visits now regular as a distraction( a painful one:D), accupuncture next week, pre-seed bought, and a weekend away happens to fall when ovulating so romantic scene set! I can do no more that that! Focus of the month....relax relax relax!:cool:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Kos20

    hi ladies i hope its ok to join in.. im new here and just wanted to say me and my fiance have just started to try after being together 4 years, im a little worried though as we have been having un protected sex for over 2 years with no pregnancy.. im worried one of us has a problem :( i mean surely we would of got preg some time during them two years ?

    im currently 18 days past ovulation and too scared to test.. ive got very irregular cycles to never know when my period is gonna show..
    i hope its ok to join in, :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Kos20 wrote: »
    hi ladies i hope its ok to join in.. im new here and just wanted to say me and my fiance have just started to try after being together 4 years, im a little worried though as we have been having un protected sex for over 2 years with no pregnancy.. im worried one of us has a problem :( i mean surely we would of got preg some time during them two years ?

    im currently 18 dpo and too scared to test.. ive got very irregular cycles to never know when af is gonna show..
    i hope its ok to join in, :)

    Welcome Kos20, of course you can join in ;)

    I'm sure everything is ok. It isn't as easy as people think to get preggo, of course we all here the stories about accidents, and it happening on the first try, but really it does require a bit of planning for most people, and it can take some months even with planning and regular cycles, don't worry yet.

    Can I suggest you begin charting your cycles so you can keep track of length and fertility signs (such as the consistency of your cervical mucous), in a few cycles you will have a much better understanding of your body. You can chart online for free at
    Also, in the meantime increase your intercourse frequency to about 3 times per week, don't just focus on when you think you are ovulating.

    Good luck and keep us posted :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Kos20

    thanks so much, yes i def know know about the charting ive done it a few times to tell what my cycles are doing but it never seems to work for me..

    i just really want to get preg so much and i have a constant feeling like its never gonna happen.. but i know being negative and stressing about it wont help either..

    how long have u been ttc for if you dont mind me asking :)

    this is our first so im so excited to just be preg already as i feel we have been trying for longer as i know we've been having sex for 2 years with no result if that makes sense.. i just hope our timing was off

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    I am ttc 20 months, #1 for me too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Welcome kos :)
    I've only been trying since last march/april, with one chemical pregnancy in may and a miscarraige at 7 weeks in august, on 6th cycle since and not a glimmer of joy.

    Its can be a tough journey, and i have found it very challenging, however i think that a positive and optimistic attitude is definitely important!
    Once you start trying properly and start doing all the things that can help e.g. pillow under hips after intercousre, frequency around ovulation etc etc, it might just happen for you!

    I wish you all the very best with it, and remember theres always alot of good advice and support to be had on here when you need it most, these are people who really understand what your going thru, :)

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Kos20 wrote: »
    thanks so much, yes i def know know about the charting ive done it a few times to tell what my cycles are doing but it never seems to work for me..

    i just really want to get preg so much and i have a constant feeling like its never gonna happen.. but i know being negative and stressing about it wont help either..

    how long have u been ttc for if you dont mind me asking :)

    this is our first so im so excited to just be preg already as i feel we have been trying for longer as i know we've been having sex for 2 years with no result if that makes sense.. i just hope our timing was off

    Welcome Kos :)

    I have been ttc since July 09, and im nearly 36. No previous pregnancies. after a year, in July 10 I went to the GP, got fertility referral and found a reason why I'm not getting prengant - high prolactin - so have been on bromocriptine pills since mid Dec, which hopefully will do the trick soon.

    As Detective Foxtrot says, getting to know your cycle is important- learn all you can - and if you do go to a specialist at some point, the record is really handy. In my case she named 3 different dates that she needed to know what Cycle Day I was on. Thank god for my little diary.

    I couldnt get used to charting, but I got really cheap ovulation prediction dip-sticks on the internet, so I can use as many as I want without my eyes watering at the cost of chemist ones here. 80 OPK+20 Pregnancy tests cost about £45GBP, so might be very handy in your case if you are irregular and need to test more. is where I got them, and plain packaging/label means I get them delivered to work. Great yokes altogether.

    Incidentally, I got a positive OPK this evening....;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Babiehope31

    I have been reading all the posts on ttc and am delighted to finally find one that is current and up to date and where I can talk about my own struggles. I am new to this I don't talk about this to any of my family or friends really as I don't want them to know that myself and my boyfriend are trying, I hope one day to just announce it and they will be none the wiser. Anyway we have been trying for over a year now we have been together two years and still haven't had any luck. Every month goes by and its disheartening when "time of the month rears its ugly head" and its back to square one again. My boyfriend is great he is very reassuring that it will happen when its ready but its getting harder to think positive getting used to the disappointment now. Anyway glad I found this thread as it already feels like a relief to get it off my chest just to write down how I am feeling. Really want to be blessed with a child of our own its all I seem to think about these days.

    Best of luck to all of you also in this dilemma


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Kos20

    Neyite wrote: »
    Welcome Kos :)

    I have been ttc since July 09, and im nearly 36. No previous pregnancies. after a year, in July 10 I went to the GP, got fertility referral and found a reason why I'm not getting prengant - high prolactin - so have been on bromocriptine pills since mid Dec, which hopefully will do the trick soon.

    As Detective Foxtrot says, getting to know your cycle is important- learn all you can - and if you do go to a specialist at some point, the record is really handy. In my case she named 3 different dates that she needed to know what Cycle Day I was on. Thank god for my little diary.

    I couldnt get used to charting, but I got really cheap ovulation prediction dip-sticks on the internet, so I can use as many as I want without my eyes watering at the cost of chemist ones here. 80 OPK+20 Pregnancy tests cost about £45GBP, so might be very handy in your case if you are irregular and need to test more. is where I got them, and plain packaging/label means I get them delivered to work. Great yokes altogether.

    Incidentally, I got a positive OPK this evening....;)

    wow thanks so much for your support :) i so much appreciate it.. we secretly have wanted a baby for so long but my and oh's circumtances werent right, as we were both in college etc but now im finished my oh is doing his last year next sept so we have decided to bite the bullet and actually try..

    i hope this does the trick for you :) oooh positive opk im sure you will be putting the new meds to use hehe

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Kos20

    dublinlady wrote: »
    Welcome kos :)
    I've only been trying since last march/april, with one chemical pregnancy in may and a miscarraige at 7 weeks in august, on 6th cycle since and not a glimmer of joy.

    Its can be a tough journey, and i have found it very challenging, however i think that a positive and optimistic attitude is definitely important!
    Once you start trying properly and start doing all the things that can help e.g. pillow under hips after intercousre, frequency around ovulation etc etc, it might just happen for you!

    I wish you all the very best with it, and remember theres always alot of good advice and support to be had on here when you need it most, these are people who really understand what your going thru, :)

    im sorry for your losses :( i hope you get a sticky bean soon

    i hope the reason its not happened is only because of our bad timing or just a few things together... im hoping with changing a few little things it will make a big difference if that makes sense...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Babiehope31

    Heya, I only joined the forum yesterday, I am 31 hope its okay to join in. I was wondering could you tell me where to start on finding out if I am infertile or my bf. I just don't know where to start, myself and my bf have said we will try again for the next two cycles and if nothing happens then we will go and get it checked out. I don't really want to go to my own doctor as I don't find him a great doctor, I always get the feeling he isnt listening to me, and just writes out prescriptions for me to get me out of his office" so as you can tell the desire to have a child is not something I want to be taken lightly as I can be very sensitive, can you just go straight to a fertility clinic without going to your gp? '

    I never thought it would be this hard to fall pregnant,its funny because you spend most of your 20's trying to avoid getting pregnant and when you want one and have finally found the love of your life it doesn't seem to happen.

    I will try and remain positive and upbeat but believe me its not easy :(


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Kos20

    Heya, I only joined the forum yesterday, I am 31 hope its okay to join in. I was wondering could you tell me where to start on finding out if I am infertile or my bf. I just don't know where to start, myself and my bf have said we will try again for the next two cycles and if nothing happens then we will go and get it checked out. I don't really want to go to my own doctor as I don't find him a great doctor, I always get the feeling he isnt listening to me, and just writes out prescriptions for me to get me out of his office" so as you can tell the desire to have a child is not something I want to be taken lightly as I can be very sensitive, can you just go straight to a fertility clinic without going to your gp? '

    I never thought it would be this hard to fall pregnant,its funny because you spend most of your 20's trying to avoid getting pregnant and when you want one and have finally found the love of your life it doesn't seem to happen.

    I will try and remain positive and upbeat but believe me its not easy :(


    i know how you feel.. im in the same boat i want to go for testing etc but dont know how to go about it..
    i hope you get a positive soon :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Babiehope31

    Thanks Kos:)

    Hopefully it happens soon. Its really starting to take up my every waking hour can't stop thinking about it. Every time I hear of someone announcing their pregnancy wheter it be a friend, family a celebrity haha, I can't help feeling a tad jealous, not that I begrudge them because its a precious moment to find out you pregnant but ever since I started on this ttc journey its all I seem to see around me lol. I'm gonna start exercising more and eating healthy and try take my mind of it for a little while. I check my ovulation every month, I've done home fertility test strips, and mine came up okay, but still nothing has happened. Do you find that each month seems to get longer and longer when your waiting the two weeks after the ovulation? Fingers cross it happens for you too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Heya, I only joined the forum yesterday, I am 31 hope its okay to join in. I was wondering could you tell me where to start on finding out if I am infertile or my bf. I just don't know where to start, myself and my bf have said we will try again for the next two cycles and if nothing happens then we will go and get it checked out. I don't really want to go to my own doctor as I don't find him a great doctor, I always get the feeling he isnt listening to me, and just writes out prescriptions for me to get me out of his office" so as you can tell the desire to have a child is not something I want to be taken lightly as I can be very sensitive, can you just go straight to a fertility clinic without going to your gp? '

    I never thought it would be this hard to fall pregnant,its funny because you spend most of your 20's trying to avoid getting pregnant and when you want one and have finally found the love of your life it doesn't seem to happen.

    I will try and remain positive and upbeat but believe me its not easy :(


    Hi to all the nuebies :-) Babyhope31 I started with getting my bloods done in the wellwomans clinic. They can then refer you if necessary. This could be an option.

    I have finally got confirmation that I have a fibroid and am going for an op on Wednesday 2nd. that will hopefully remove it and as they say a fibroid (where I have it) can reduce fertility by 70% and the removal can increase it by 70%, that this will be the last step on our long journey to getting our longed for baby :-)

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    I agree with Barbie Girl, start with blood tests - either a well woman clinic or ask your GP to draw them. They get taken twice in the cycle - 1st, time it for days 3-7 of your cycle. The next one is after day 21, but before your next period. They measure the various hormones pre & post ovulation, which is a far better indicator than the urine tests.

    Its recommended that if you are a year trying with no luck you should start investigations. If any problems show up with your bloods, dont be too alarmed, they will do another round of bloods to compare, and refer you if you need more investigations. But one step at a time. :)

    @BarbieGirl, Good luck with your op, I hope it all goes well for you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Babiehope31

    Thanks Barbiegirl I will check that out first thanks. Delighted for you that they found the probable cause, fingers crossed for you.

    @Neyite thanks also for the information it will be a real help for when I eventually get an appointment to get checked. I'm in a better mood today so am seeing things a bit clearer. I am due my period in 3 days can already feel the symptoms that they are on there way so guess no luck this month either. I will not give up on this journey I won't feel complete until we have a baby I love children and can't wait to be a mother some day. Fingers and toes crossed for everyone on the ttc journey.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Welcome Babiehope31 :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Neyite wrote: »

    I couldnt get used to charting, but I got really cheap ovulation prediction dip-sticks on the internet, so I can use as many as I want without my eyes watering at the cost of chemist ones here. 80 OPK+20 Pregnancy tests cost about £45GBP, so might be very handy in your case if you are irregular and need to test more. is where I got them, and plain packaging/label means I get them delivered to work. Great yokes altogether.

    Incidentally, I got a positive OPK this evening....;)

    Hey Neyite, congrats on the + test, welcome to the dreaded two week wait!!;)

    Just to let you know, I thought Access Diagnostics did great deals and used them for a good while til I discovered far better deals on eBay, take this for example

    100 ovulation/pregnancy tests for €14.75!!!! And you choose the combination that you want, e.g. 70 ov and 30 pg tests.
    Once I saw these deals I never went back to AD, and now I can pee on sticks to my hearts content cos they're sooooo cheap :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Hello to our new fellow TTC'ers, hope you get your BFP's soon!

    I'm starting to wonder about whether to go down the going to my gp route soon.
    Its now 5 full cycles since my miscarriage and another month, another lousy BFP

    The last two times I fell pregnant quite quickly, I'm starting to get anxious/impatient now that maybe there's something wrong.
    I know in the bigger scale of things, 5 months is not a long time to be TTC, but coupled with the miscarriage, I'm just wondering if it might be worth looking into?

    I was 3 days late & getting nauseous in the mornings the past few days, so Aunt Flo is very unwelcome this month!

    Sorry rant over, hope all of ye are ok. We'll get our BFP's one day!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Babiehope31

    Thanks Detective Foxtrot and Caprilicious I would recommend going to get it checked out especially if you have had m/c just to make sure all is well and to put your mind at ease a bit.

    Here's hoping hey we all get our precious and much wanted babies. I rang the Well Woman today and she told me to ring back when I get my period which is on Sunday 23rd to make the appointment as you have to go in on the first or second day of your period. She said they would see me straight away really . So I have taken the first step I suppose by making the call, have to say, I was real nervous when I rang don't know what came over me,I thinks its because its the first step and actually saying it out loud to someone over the phone makes it feel more real or something. So will wait until Sunday.

    I do think some days during the two week wait that I have pregnancy symptoms i.e cramping, feeling tired, dry reaching/ sore boobs, cranky irritable etc, I do be getting my hopes up and the it turns out its just my period. They say pregnancy symptoms are similar to premenstrual.

    baby hopes to all :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Hey Cap, no need to apologise about having a rant ;)

    Maybe you need a HSG, your tubes could be blocked from the miscarriages, or maybe you just need another D&C to fully clear you're uterus? Might be worth checking into with your doc

    Hope this is NOT a negative for you. Did you test yet or have you your period now?

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