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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Hey everyone, well here I am, myself and my husband are trying for a baby, we have a lg she will be 1 in August she was a wonderful surprise last year, we were in the middle of planning our wedding when we found out, I suffer from pcos, we have been trying since March.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Just want to wish you the bext of luck Betsie_xr3i.

    Me and the other girls are here if you have any questions xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Thanks very much Stickybean, at the moment we are not getting to worried we are just enjoying trying :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean


    I need to rant, so sorry in advance, we are two years trying tmr, my heart is broken. I feel like we are never going to get there.

    On Friday my cousin rang to tell me she fell pregnant, can't believe it, she must have missed a pill or something (her words), Sunday my neighbour knocked in to tell me her great news, she is eight weeks pregnant and had to tell me cause she knows how much I love kids and today a good friend rang me in tears, she got a positive, from a guy she has casually been seeing, she is distraught, she actually asked me too Google abortions for her.

    I am going out of my mind here. 3 pregnancies in a week. Sorry for sounding so negative, I just needed someone to talk to...

    I am sure it will work out well for them all and by tmr I will be happy for them, right now thought, I want to scream!!!! :(:(:(:(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    Stickybean we've all been there at one stage or another,most of us many times,and more than likely will be again!its a big royal pain in the ass!!
    I actually travelled with a friend who was havin an abortion due to her circumstances,one of the hardest things I've ever done because we were finding out around that time that we were going to have to possibly go the assisted route.
    Even my friend who was also havin problems conceiving has fallen pregnant,its really a test of your strength of character,you'll get through the tough days,chin up.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭carlyam2

    stickybean its not just you. i actually had similar thoughts there bout everyone bar me being pregnant and i think you need to rant to try get it out of your system so you can smile and nod when people tell you their exciting news.
    myself and oh had a conversation at the weekend where we actually had to talk bout what if the assisted route doesnt work i know everyone says relax and dont stress but it is a small fortune and there is a small part of both of us that wish we could be one of those couples that just look at each other and we have a bun in the oven.
    the last time i was really down about it and annoyed i just threw a few glasses on the floor i know it was stupid but at the time it helped until i had to clean up. as much as i rant at my poor oh i feel bad always loading him with my tendencies to over think and analize things not to mention always look at worst case senarios.
    hope your day/week improves sticky bean

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Hugs stickybean x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    I know its so hard, everyone is pregnant every where I turn x its hard to keep smiling allmthe time,

    I got my period today and I cried for an hour :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 RonRon1

    Hi everyone, I've just joined today. Stickybean I've been trying for 4 years and in that time I've had lots of family and friends getting pregnant without trying. It is very difficult but as usual I plastered a smile on my face. You defo need to rant at times, you wouldn't be human if you didn't. I totally understand the frustration.
    I've just finished my first cycle of IVF and am waiting the long dreaded time before I can take a pregnancy test. I'm doing my best to stay positive and keep busy but it is tough. I had 2 embryos that if survived would be frozen and then could be used in the future but unfortunately they didn't last so my back-up plan is gone, that has been so heartbreaking for me. So I really do have all my eggs in one basket at this stage :) Hopefully I'll be the next one with the great announcement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭carlyam2

    Best of luck ronron have all crossed for you. :)
    if you dont mind me asking how did you find the ivf process i know its a stupid question but were going down that road in may next year and i kinda want to be prepared there is no hassle if ya dont want to answer i just thought id ask.
    if im honest i dread it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    stickybean wrote: »
    On Friday my cousin rang to tell me she fell pregnant, can't believe it, she must have missed a pill or something (her words), Sunday my neighbour knocked in to tell me her great news, she is eight weeks pregnant and had to tell me cause she knows how much I love kids and today a good friend rang me in tears, she got a positive, from a guy she has casually been seeing, she is distraught, she actually asked me too Google abortions for her.

    Jaysis Stickeybean, that is uneal all in the space of one week! You poor thing. That's an awful dose :-( It must be so hard for you to be there/be happy for all those people while going through baby struggles yourself. It doesn't surprise me though that all these people choose you to confide in, even just from seeing your posts on this forum it's obvious you're a very warm and caring person and a great friend no doubt. The downside of this is that you're having to smile for these people while I'm sure inside you'd love to scream. Fair play to you! I have to say I haven't been anywhere near as diplomatic as you are at dealing with people close to me that got pregnant in the last few months so I take my hat off to you bigtime

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    I got my period today and I cried for an hour :(

    Betsie, you went from saying a few posts up that you are not taking it too seriously and enjoying trying to saying this?

    I think you should go easy on yourself girl. You had a successful pregnancy in the last year and ye have only been trying for the second one since March...... there's no reason for you to think you have any kind of fertility issue! These things can take time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    A little rant about ttc when you really just want to strangle the man in your life:mad::( Arrrgghhh

    Isn't it funny, marriages/ relationships go through ups and downs as part and parcel of life. Sometimes you can't wait to get home from work to see your husband and other times you want to go anywhere (in my case usually shopping or for a facial or massage or some such) other than home to see them.

    My husband to be fair has had a lot on his plate over the last few months with looking for a different job, getting interviews but not the job and thats not easy. Now he has been offered a great job, one he really wants and you'd think it would be party city!......but no, he is finding it stressful and tiring to hand his notice in!
    Bloody hell talk about never being happy. He comes from a family where they tend to always see the bad in something rather than the good while I come from one where we see the situation for what it is and celebrate the good because enough properly bad stuff happened in the past.
    So I guess I feel a little cheated on this because I was really primed and poised to celebrate his huge achievement with him.
    When I tried to talk this out with him, to understand what was going on, it ended up with us bickering and not getting on so well for the week and into the long weekend.
    Now this happens and goes again so I'm not concerned about that BUT what is a pain in the ass is that all of last week my CM was good, seemed to be suitable for baby making and all we could do was bicker (he was tired and stressed and needed a lie down - think maybe he became the stereotypical cartoon woman for the week and I was annoyed at his being in a funk rather than happy about his job).
    Sometimes isn't it really annoying that when you most need to want to be together and feel all loved up and sexy and intimiate all you want to do is murder the other person!!

    Rant over. New month, period due this weekend, will see if it comes.
    Think it will despite the fact that we had sex at the appropriate times according to the Pink Pad ap.
    See y'all around. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Girls just want to say thanks so much for all the kind words I have been off this for a few days, just need to have some time, I spoke to my OH and my mam (or should I say cried), but as usual they are right, when we fall down we need to pick ourselves right back up and start again.

    So yesterday I said - this is a new week, I am strong, then my period came, don't you just love irony :p

    So with the positive hat on I said right this means we can start again, got online and ordered some ovulation strips then went to the chemist to get my chlomid, while I am standing waiting on my perscription my phones rings, an old school friend I haven't seen in years, just wanted to tell you my news... she's pregnant. Seriously 4 in 10 days, while I am queuing to get chlomid, I just started laughing, not sure if it was nerves or a moment of madness BUT I didn't get upset. Now I am sure the chemist think I am a little crazy.

    Anyway, I am hoping some of this baby dust will rub of on me soon.

    And thanks girles, you guys are the best xxxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    A little rant about ttc when you really just want to strangle the man in your life:mad::( Arrrgghhh

    Isn't it funny, marriages/ relationships go through ups and downs as part and parcel of life. Sometimes you can't wait to get home from work to see your husband and other times you want to go anywhere (in my case usually shopping or for a facial or massage or some such) other than home to see them.

    My husband to be fair has had a lot on his plate over the last few months with looking for a different job, getting interviews but not the job and thats not easy. Now he has been offered a great job, one he really wants and you'd think it would be party city!......but no, he is finding it stressful and tiring to hand his notice in!
    Bloody hell talk about never being happy. He comes from a family where they tend to always see the bad in something rather than the good while I come from one where we see the situation for what it is and celebrate the good because enough properly bad stuff happened in the past.
    So I guess I feel a little cheated on this because I was really primed and poised to celebrate his huge achievement with him.
    When I tried to talk this out with him, to understand what was going on, it ended up with us bickering and not getting on so well for the week and into the long weekend.
    Now this happens and goes again so I'm not concerned about that BUT what is a pain in the ass is that all of last week my CM was good, seemed to be suitable for baby making and all we could do was bicker (he was tired and stressed and needed a lie down - think maybe he became the stereotypical cartoon woman for the week and I was annoyed at his being in a funk rather than happy about his job).
    Sometimes isn't it really annoying that when you most need to want to be together and feel all loved up and sexy and intimiate all you want to do is murder the other person!!

    Rant over. New month, period due this weekend, will see if it comes.
    Think it will despite the fact that we had sex at the appropriate times according to the Pink Pad ap.
    See y'all around. :)

    Sorry Penny Dreadful, I laughed reading this (not cause of your situation), but it reminded me of when we started TTC properly, we had a fight the day before ovulation, it was over something stupid, but I was very angry, long story short my pink pad app went of with "the flowers are bloomin" and I was determined not to miss out so I made up just so we wouldn't miss out and afterwards we had a tiff over putting the bins out :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    RonRon1 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I've just joined today. Stickybean I've been trying for 4 years and in that time I've had lots of family and friends getting pregnant without trying. It is very difficult but as usual I plastered a smile on my face. You defo need to rant at times, you wouldn't be human if you didn't. I totally understand the frustration.
    I've just finished my first cycle of IVF and am waiting the long dreaded time before I can take a pregnancy test. I'm doing my best to stay positive and keep busy but it is tough. I had 2 embryos that if survived would be frozen and then could be used in the future but unfortunately they didn't last so my back-up plan is gone, that has been so heartbreaking for me. So I really do have all my eggs in one basket at this stage :) Hopefully I'll be the next one with the great announcement.

    Hi Ron Ron,

    Just wanted to extend a very warm welcome to TTC and wish you the very best of luck with the test, fingers are crossed for you pet xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    stickybean wrote: »
    Sorry Penny Dreadful, I laughed reading this (not cause of your situation), but it reminded me of when we started TTC properly, we had a fight the day before ovulation, it was over something stupid, but I was very angry, long story short my pink pad app went of with "the flowers are bloomin" and I was determined not to miss out so I made up just so we wouldn't miss out and afterwards we had a tiff over putting the bins out :pac:

    Don't worry I've laughed at the irony of it a lot myself.
    Its silly the things we get so annoyed with each other about........sometimes at the worst times. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 RonRon1

    carlyam2 wrote: »
    Best of luck ronron have all crossed for you. :)
    if you dont mind me asking how did you find the ivf process i know its a stupid question but were going down that road in may next year and i kinda want to be prepared there is no hassle if ya dont want to answer i just thought id ask.
    if im honest i dread it.

    Hi Carlyam,
    I was dreading it but it wasn't as bad as I thought. There are two weeks of taking a nasal spray, twelve days taking injections and in and out for a lot of scans. The different medications didn't effect me negatively at all but it can make some people sick. I've been lucky though as I haven't been in work during the process. It is true that you need to really look after yourself and do as little as possible. The hardest thing for me was cutting my exercise to a minimum. Once I started walking instead of my usual routine then things started to progress well. I know everyone says stay positive, you do really need a positive outlook. Just waiting game now to see if its worked. Best of luck if you do head in that direction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭carlyam2

    ronron thanks for getting back to me. i have all crossed you get a very happy result hun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    I've been attending my acupuncturist...
    It was really nice to talk it out with someone, let them know how long I'd been on the Pill, how long off it, signs and symptoms of ovulation, type of period, etc.
    He assured me that it was early days (only 6 months off the Pill after 15 years on), things seemed to have returned to normal, period a little lighter than he'd like but next time I'm back he'll use a few needles to boost fertility..

    I have had the same experience with acupuncture. I went for a few months to try and get me ovulating. I didn't ovulate for the first few months after coming off the pill which was really frightening :( The acupuncture was great in that I felt like I had someone keeping an eye on my ongoing fertility and trying to improve the situation. Although considering he was a young guy my own age, I did find his detailed questions about the colour and consistency of my periods very awkward to answer at first !!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Lucuma wrote: »
    I have had the same experience with acupuncture. I went for a few months to try and get me ovulating. I didn't ovulate for the first few months after coming off the pill which was really frightening :( The acupuncture was great in that I felt like I had someone keeping an eye on my ongoing fertility and trying to improve the situation. Although considering he was a young guy my own age, I did find his detailed questions about the colour and consistency of my periods very awkward to answer at first !!

    Yep its weird all right. :o I've attended this accupuncturist many times over the years and have great confidence in him. I had horrible knee and hip problems and he worked wonders on me, same for my neck pain too.

    I had to go back to him for a recurring shoulder problem and thought I'd sound him out about my ttc and he was great. However when he asked how long my cycle was, period, PMT symptoms, amount of blood, etc I was :eek::eek::eek:
    Silly really.
    My period is a week late this month.
    Scared to test and hope though. If I still haven't gotten it in another week I'll allow a glimmer of hope and do a test.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    bobskii wrote: »
    I used to think anything past day 18 was a waste of time,turns out I hit peak day 20 and 21,you really need ta learn about your own body in time!

    Bobski, how did you find this out if you don't mind me asking, was it from opks?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Hi all,

    Just an update with me. After a very worried few months directly after I came off the pill, my ovaries seem to have settled into something of a normal routine (phew !!!)

    I only got my first positive opk at the end of April after 6 months off the pill. According to opks:

    April: ovulated on day 11 of a 16 day cycle
    May: didn't ovulate during a 20 day cycle
    June: ovulated on day 20 of a 26 day cycle
    July: ovulated on day 12/13 of an 18 day cycle
    July: ovulated on day 12 of a 22 day cycle
    August: ouvlated on day 13.....

    So I've now ovulated (according to opks that is) 4 cycles in a row - yippee!! As ye can see, my cycle lengths still vary but according to the ap on my phone my average cycle length is 22 days.

    This month was the first time ever that my hubby wasn't working away from home during my fertile days so as such, it's the first time I can really say that we tried. Went for every 2nd day around ovulation so now I'm on the wait....for most it's called the 2 week wait but for me with my short cycles, it's only an 9 day wait hehe!

    Fingers crossed !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    Lucuma wrote: »
    Bobski, how did you find this out if you don't mind me asking, was it from opks?

    Hi Lucuma,i used to use the opk's off the internet but i never got a darker line only slightly darker than normal so i bought the clearblue monitor,it showed thati was ovulating until day 20/21 which i was pleased with as the doc's had me convinced i wasnt ovulating!

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    bobskii wrote: »
    Hi Lucuma,i used to use the opk's off the internet but i never got a darker line only slightly darker than normal so i bought the clearblue monitor,it showed thati was ovulating until day 20/21 which i was pleased with as the doc's had me convinced i wasnt ovulating!

    pfft, mine never went darker.;) They went as dark as the control line, but I worked on the assumption that a line was a line. Any time there was a line, I had other symptoms and bloods confirming ovulation.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 600 ✭✭✭King Krib

    Just slightly off topic but does anybody know of an ovulation test or device that will work for somebody with PCOS. I know temp charting is recommended but my wife works funny hours so her sleep patterns aren't always consistent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,323 ✭✭✭Roesy

    King Krib wrote: »
    Just slightly off topic but does anybody know of an ovulation test or device that will work for somebody with PCOS. I know temp charting is recommended but my wife works funny hours so her sleep patterns aren't always consistent.

    Might be worth trying these King Krib.
    I have PCOS and long, erratic cycles. I used them the month I got my positive. The only thing about them is, if your wife is like me and doesn't really have a set pattern to her cycle she might need to use more of them than normal/recommended. I started using them on the day recommended for someone with a 30 day cycle(as this was my shortest cycle length) and think I was using them for around 18-20 days when I got my second line. A lot of people don't need to use them for anywhere near that long but I was ovulating later. Good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Neyite wrote: »
    pfft, mine never went darker.;) They went as dark as the control line, but I worked on the assumption that a line was a line. Any time there was a line, I had other symptoms and bloods confirming ovulation.

    This is a positive OPK for me, never quite as dark as the control line but definately a positive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭bobskii

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    This is a positive OPK for me, never quite as dark as the control line but definately a positive.

    Oh thats the way mine used ta be and i always presumed i hadn't ovulated if it didnt go darker,ya live and learn huh!:rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    bobskii wrote: »
    Oh thats the way mine used ta be and i always presumed i hadn't ovulated if it didnt go darker,ya live and learn huh!:rolleyes:

    It is a little confusing alright but I got pregnant after an OPK like above that's how I know it's definately a positive plus it's always accompanied by EWCM & ovulation cramps.
    My luteal phase is 15 days long & I will always get my period 15 days after an OPK like the one attached, another reason I know it's definately a positive ;-)

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