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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭Cat Melodeon

    Fecksake Neyite, some friend. Has she no sensitivity at all? Hope you're okay now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,196 ✭✭✭crazy cat lady

    How insensitive!!

    Thank god you have this forum to come and let off virtual steam! Throw a few virtual punches, we don't mind :)

    I'm not TTC but I check this forum every day for good news. Glad to see you got your Positive test Trying Hard, I'm delighted for you.

    Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for the rest of you ladies. PG it will happen for you soon x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Big massive congrats Trying Hard and Neyite you did well not killin her. It would have been justifiable homicide.

    I got what I think was a period on Sunday so I'm back on track, on day 5 today. Ordering some ovulation kits today and going to get swinging again :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks a million girls. Still in shock here. Trying to hold back a bit of excitement as it's such early days, but it's very hard.

    Neyite, people can just be so insensitive. I told the girls from work & that's about it that we were trying. My other half said it in passing to 2 people we're friends with & since then I've been plagued with - how's it going, best time to get pregnant etc., etc. Both of them have 2 kids, so obviously had no problem concieving. Unfortunately that means they don't have a clue what it's like to get a negative month after month.
    Hoping & praying that you get your positive soon, as I think we both started around the same time. Not sure what happens my prolactin levels now that I'm pregnant. Hoping that the last set of bloods I had taken will show that they were back to normal and that's why I got pregnant, but if not, presuming they'll leave any investigation until after pregnancy, as my levels will be elevated anyway.

    Fingers crossed that all of you trying get your positives very soon.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Lol, Its certainly reinforced my resolve to not tell anyone (else). Thank God for this forum though. At least if I come on here and say I'm not getting pregnant I wont be told by anyone to 'relax'..

    She is basically a nice person, but one of those people that things in life slot nicely into place for her, and really didnt 'get' what I was saying if you know what I mean. Advice from a woman who became a mother at the drop of a hat on how to become pregnant at the drop of a hat is utterly irrelevant and even condesending to someone with a medical reason for not conceiving.

    But meh - I have learned my lesson. I will be hibernating the next time I get an unwanted period. I am too emotional around that time to laugh off people telling me to get a move on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    God some ppl are so stupid!! i dont have a medical reason for not being able get pregnant (that i know of yet) and if someone told me to 'relax' i think they would get a swift kick in the head!!!:D:D:D

    Barbiegirl, delighted to hear u got ur period back - its back to a level playing field for ya now! :)

    On day 25 of 28-29 day cycle - i normally (for last 6 months since m/c) get 2-3 days of brown mucous before my period (tmi ...sorry!) so that would be due to start on saturday - so at least that gives me an indication of my looming period.... it kinda lets me down gently before the real truth comes to stare me in the face! Thinking about it alot (trying hard to put it out of my head when i do!) and i think the accupuncture has helped with the stress a little, im still not enjoying these few days, but the rest of the month i was absolutely fine, and ive been alot worse in the run up to my period!

    what i wouldnt do for a positive this month....or any month really i suppose!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Tryinghard - congratulations!!! I'm absolutely delighted for you! I hope you're ok after the accident too x

    Neyite I would love to bitch slap that 'friend' for you :mad:

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Not sure what happens my prolactin levels now that I'm pregnant. Hoping that the last set of bloods I had taken will show that they were back to normal and that's why I got pregnant, but if not, presuming they'll leave any investigation until after pregnancy, as my levels will be elevated anyway.

    Fingers crossed that all of you trying get your positives very soon.

    Just make sure that you follow up on the tests with your doctor, dont be leaving it to them to get around to it. Would you consider ringing an Endocrinologist about it? I know prolactin can inhibit ovulation and implantion but after that, I'm not sure. I do remember reading somewhere that you might be monitored a little more closely by an Endo during your pregnancy if you have high prolactin, but that was on a US website somewhere so maybe its different here.

    Your good news has given me a really good feeling - If it happend for you, then hopefully it might not be long for me. Congrats again, delighted for ya!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 spingler

    a massive congrats to trying hard, its wonderful news :) it gives such hope:):):) all the very very best, to neyite, i have a bunch of v insensitive people whom i have met along my quest, one so called friend whom i confided in that i was trying etc... rang me up a couple of months later to thank me that she was now pregnant because i had put the idea i her head that she and her hubby should try for their fourth child, and that it was because of me that they were pregnant, she proceeded to meet me for coffee a few months later wearing her I (LOVE) MY BABY BUMP tee shirt and any time i asked how she was she relied " ah you know how it is, im blooming", insensitive to the core and no i dont know how it is, ive never being pregnant... thats what i wanted to say... thank god i can say what i want here, its great to have this forum.... we will get there girls xx p.s. im having this rant in the middle of a my priods so forgive the negativity....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Brown cm today... That means I'm out for this month. Gutted really, there's no more right I can do, it just isn't happening. Feel so down... I know I'll be fine again in a day or two... But will it ever be my turn..? No selfworth today. :(

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 spingler

    to dublin lady, its so hard when you see that first sign, its so distressing and lonely, we wil have our special month when that shagging brown cm does not show up, this month the progestrone gel seemed to hold back on mine for a day playing with my mind that i was late and there was a posssibility of it beng a positive, but no this wasnt my month either and you are not alone... second cycle of injections starting tomorrow...good luck to all of us xx

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    dublinlady wrote: »
    Brown cm today... That means I'm out for this month. Gutted really, there's no more right I can do, it just isn't happening. Feel so down... I know I'll be fine again in a day or two... But will it ever be my turn..? No selfworth today. :(

    I know exactly how you feel, and yeah, you will be grand in a day or two, but for the moment, let yourself wallow a bit -better than letting it all build up inside. How is the acupuncture going, how many sessions have you had?

    I know the frustration you have - the amount of times I have gotten angry at my Useless Uterus for not working. It seems like its only function is to cause pain, both physically and emotionally.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    spingler wrote: »
    one so called friend whom i confided in that i was trying etc... rang me up a couple of months later to thank me that she was now pregnant because i had put the idea i her head that she and her hubby should try for their fourth child, and that it was because of me that they were pregnant, she proceeded to meet me for coffee a few months later wearing her I (LOVE) MY BABY BUMP tee shirt and any time i asked how she was she relied " ah you know how it is, im blooming"

    Now, that is just a really horrible, evil person. She really rubbed your face in it didnt she? Seriously Spingler, you should ask her if she took lessons in how to be a b!tch, because she would get an A+ with her eyes shut. That would have seriously crushed me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 spingler

    yes neyite i was crushed but like that im getting more selective now on the type of people i confide in.. there are people who really will never understand the whole picture of what we go through. This weekend i allowed myself some time out from this and really enjoyed spending time with my husband and having a laugh because lately its being in my every waking and sleeping thought and it can be so exausting..especially when i dream i have a baby and when i wake up its not there... i needed another focus to so i joined weight watchers this week again for the millionth time. Think if i lose a little of my faghita it mite help! but yes ignorance raised its ugly head again.. the leader said the exact same thing to me as the last time i joined.."ohh we didnt know where you were over the last few months we thought you were off having a baby", girl sitting beside me whom i didnt even know said " cheeky bitch, does she think were in bed 24/7 eating and having sex", ha it made me laugh... i thought mayby that girl was in the same position as me... who knows ps.. HAPPY VALENTINES TO ALL:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    hi all, ive started the countdown to ovulation now, i used a fertility calendar so i hope its accurate. Been of the pill for a year & four months,so my cycle only back to normal now.although very frustrating every month when i get my period, was convinced the minute i was of the the pill id be pregnant just hasnt happened like that, so fingers crossed for this month :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Applesock - good luck - hope this is your month!!:)

    Neyite - well i surprised myself this month, i was sad and hugely disappointed for a couple of hours - was at work so was difficult to hide it! Had my few tears (while hiding in the loo....classy!) and then suddenyl had a revelation! Its ok! Just like that, i wasnt upset anymore! It occured to me that its only one month im not pregnant, not in - i kinda just felt calm and even a bit positive about starting a new month, and realised that the true liklihood is that i will get pregnant in the next 2-3 months and so i dont need to be worrying.... Sounds weird, but genuinely i felt this wave of calm come over me - it has to be the accupuncture!! It was alot easier this month, alot! I cracked open a bottle of wine lastnite with the husband and we got tipsy and had a laugh! This is a far cry from what ive been like other months! This is what the accupuncture has done for me so far, and im delighted! Also instead of 2-3 days of brown cm then my period - my period started this morning, which means i only had 1 day brown cervical mucus, im taking this as a very positive sign that my cycle is returning to normal (7 months later...!) - again i attribute this to the accupuncture, as before this month it had only been getting worse! It does mean that i had a 27 day cycle this mont as opposed to the normal 29-30 for me, but sure im delighted with that, it means im getting a 2 day headstart on this cycle! Positivity positivity positivity! I feel like a new woman!
    Mind you, obviously im still not pregnant and im still feeling the pain of it, but its just i suppose its not consuming me as much as it had done previously!
    Im going to accupunture once a week, and so have had 4 sessions. I feel a difference for sure. Im going to give it 3 months, prob wont be able to afford much more than that, but maybe at that stage will just go once every few weeks or something! Myself and husband have a 3 month plan of sorts, its better than going month by month as it means theres less pressure to get pregnant straight away! Lord knows i dont know what happens when the 3 months are up tho....we'll get to that if we need to!!
    So my plan for this month is - continue acupuncture - get smear test on week 2 - get results of day 21 bloods - get a transvaginal scan to check womb looking good. Ill continue to use preseed, and will just do the deed as often as i feel like , but at least every second day from day 7 to 18!
    Thanks for listening ladies - really dont know where id be without this forum! i really needed to just be able to tell someone that i had brown mucus yesterday....i mean seriously...who else would listen to that!! :D:p:D

    Baby dust to all............keep the faith....Our babies will come when they're ready! Imagine how much love we'll be able to give them as a result of having to wait, our children will be the most wanted and happy children ireland has to offer!!!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    wow DublinLady im loving the positive vibes from your post actually very uplifting :) i love the only one month not pregnant but not forever :) baby dust to all :);)

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Well said Dublinlady! Positivity all the way :D

    Fingers crossed for everyone x :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭May79

    Hi girls - Just checking in to see how you are all getting on. I'm sorry to see some are still struggling. It's a long hard road. I myself was so delighted to have this thread as a wee outlet, there's great advise and it's helpful to know htat others feel the same things you do - you don't have to feel quite so alone in the journey. My husband and i didn't tell anyone about the difficulty we were having when trying to conceive and when we did manage it we didn't tell a soul until we were roughly 13/14 weeks along. Anyone who is negativew towards you - AVOID - It is hard enough to do what you are doing without that crap. Some people don't have sensitivity in their nature, others who can get pregnant at the drop of a hat just do not understand and anyone who says "chin up", "relax", or "maybe it's not meant to be" should really be muzzled! Some of us need a little more help than others and if there is no really obvious signs as to why it's not happening then medical intervention is the way to go. I wish you all best of luck. Baby dust as they say. I hope 2011 will work out for you all. x.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭Cat Melodeon

    Girls can you recommend a cheapy ovulation prediction kit? This just isn't working for me, cycle has gone completely mental, just 22 days these month, usually 29-31. Fried.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    The Tesco one is really cheap, did not realy use it though as we were lucky. The way that I look at it (maybe the wrong way), is that you should have fun as much as possible as at least with me my dates were not for the most part accuratly predicted by the kept me less stressed and the hubby was happier too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    great link , i think ive learned alot from just reading the stuff on there site lol. great for pregnancy test as they are so expensive, i remember once i hadnt had a period for like 3 months and must have spent about 200e on test. Me and the other half had a great weekend we went away and had a good chat. now not as worried about conceiving just taking it one month at a time, although cant wait for ovulation this month teehee, but promising myself i wont be upset if doesnt happen :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭Cat Melodeon

    Cheers guys. We've been having lots of fun but my cycle has become totally unpredictable and it's getting me down. I think if I at least have some idea what's going on I'll be a bit more even-keeled. I like to know if it's practice fun or fun with a mission. I'll try those kits out although I don't think my local Tesco stocks the own brand one, they're pretty crap in how much stock they carry. The online one looks very reasonable.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Briar Rose

    Hi everyone. We're in the middle of ivf and I was told acupuncture is a good idea. But late in the day, but I'd appreciate a recommendation for someone who deals with fertility acupuncture. I'm in Bishopstown. Thanks!!

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Just a reminder to all to check the announcements in the forum regarding using codes from other parenting sites (DS, DD, CM, BFP and so on and so forth). It is against the forum charter to use them here for the reason that it causes confusion and alienation in posters who do not understand them, posters who might otherwise have something helpful to add.

    Also text speak (u, 2moro, etc) is against the site rules.

    Please read the forum charter for more information on the rules


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 spingler

    Did anyone listen to the fertility expert on 2fm today?, he was on the colm hayes show, this guy was on around 12.40 pm, listening to it i just sat in my car and balled. it was general, but it mostly focused on the difficulties faced by couples trying to conceive after the age of 35.. it was heartbreaking listening to some of the texts that were being sent in. There are so many people in our situation, i had being really strong all week until today, when i found listening to it just reminded me of whats going on for myself and my husband. Although it was nice to have it acknowledged.. that is, the trauma, the stress, the heartbreak, the grief for a family you want so bad and the strain it puts on your relationships and your normal life. But as hard as it was to listen he gave hope in saying that there will be 1oo's and 1000's of pregnancies all over the world this year and we will get there, even if we have an extra bit of help...:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Yesterday must have been a bad day for everyone. I started bleeding again at the weekend and was crippled with cramping on Sunday night and yesterday afternoon, and had a little cry at just the futility of the last 6 months since out first miscarriage. I just want to get back to normal, make love to my hubbie, and have a normal life. It's so hard when you want this little person to add to your life and for whatever reason it's just not happening. I since found some Difene at home, as Nurofen Plus and Paracetamol together were not working, and I'm a lot better. I have a check up tomorrow and hopefully we'll see an end in sight.
    Baby dust to us all

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Hope ye ok ladies... There must have been a full moon or something... I also spent a good half hour proper sobbing into my pillow with frustration and sadness..! Thank god back to acupuncture tomorrow! On 7th month now and just felt lastnight that it would never happen, can't even imagine being pregnant any mOre! Have to presume my mood is hormonal... Must go read my previous positive posts to try keep it in perspective!
    Really hope you all ok tho... It is such a tough experience.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Hi all, sorry to hear some of you are a bit down, I know that feeling! (((hugs)))

    Today I had my 2nd consultation. I'm on my 6th Clomid cycle, and am two days past ovulation, the dreaded two week wait, gah! I've been booked in for a laparoscopy for mid April. Am a bit freaked out by that as I'll need a general anaesthetic. I asked him about a HSG and he said we could do that but it tells him much less than a lap and I may end up having to get the lap done anyway. A HSG will only confirm if the tubes are open but it won't identify any disease (e.g. endometriosis, lesions etc.). He said if he encounters problems during the surgery he will try and address them there and then, but he said if there are serious problems I'll need to be referred to a specialist.

    Here's hoping that this cycle or the next has a positive outcome for me. I really don't want to get the lap done! :eek:
    Anyone any experience re same? I only really know that it's keyhole surgery with small an incision in the belly button and one on each side of uterus. It's an out patient procedure but he said I'll need the rest of the week off work (surgery will be on a Tuesday)

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