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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    Well funny my mother was only trying for 2 months for me, but put on 5 stone in the pregnancy and was trying for a year with my brother. She got back down to about 12 stone before getting pregnant first time round with my sister but piled the weight back on.
    I was 17 stone the day I went into labour, and was only 11 stone the day I found out I was pregnant :o Down to 13.5 stone now, so a good 2 stone left to go. Thinking of trying to temp next cycle, just to find out for sure what day I ovulate. I'm coming up as a 29 day cycle based on periods, so it would be just nice to know exactly what my body is doing!

    Wow - so you've lost 3.5 stone?? That's brilliant!
    I know what you mean about wanting to know what your body is doing. I think I might go back to using the Ovulation kits this month. Was also thinking of trying the Preseed to see if it helps.

    Can I ask - how long did it take you to conceive on your first pregnancy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Being overweight is definitely a factor and I think was the main reason it took us 18 months to conceive. Interestingly enough the month we did conceive I had lost almost a stone quite quickly in a few weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    dreamstar wrote: »
    Wow - so you've lost 3.5 stone?? That's brilliant!
    I know what you mean about wanting to know what your body is doing. I think I might go back to using the Ovulation kits this month. Was also thinking of trying the Preseed to see if it helps.

    Can I ask - how long did it take you to conceive on your first pregnancy?

    Well, about 16lbs of it was completely baby-related. Abigail herself was over 8lbs, and then there's the blood volume, placenta, retained fluid etc etc, and I breastfed for a few weeks (very bad support and poor instruction led to failure) so that helped shift some more. I've a total of 21lbs off from dieting though :p

    Got pregnant first cycle last time. Came off the pill and had my withdrawal bleed the first week of October, tested positive on the 26th :o So this month and last month are my first two natural periods since I was first put on the pill 12 years ago!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Sorry to hear you're out dreamstar, hope you're not feeling too lousy :(

    Re weight i was never massively overweight but got pregnant on my daughter after losing about a stone in about 8 weeks. Always thought this was related to the pcos though as my weight tends to cling to my tummy so I think getting of of it helped. I'm lighter than I was before getting pregnant with her so it isn't an issue for me this time round.

    On cd16, feeling very meh already. I usually ovulate late about cd19 of a 29/30 day cycle but felt I may have ovulated already, could be the Metformin bringing things forward. Am off with the girls this weekend and plan on thoroughly enjoying myself. Considering I was drunk as a skunk the weekend I got pregnant on my daughter I don't think it'll do any harm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭MeganMay

    Hi all, hope you don't mind a newbie joining in. Very sorry to read of the hard times and losses some of you have gone through - you all seem incredibly strong and positive.

    My husband and I have been trying for almost 9 months now. Some months have been harder than others but this month, getting my 8th period since starting, I've really started to feel disheartened and concerned. After coming of the pill, my cycles quickly settled at 26 days but this month I was on CD 27 before I got my period, and those extra few hours gave me such ridiculous hope.

    I've also put on a stone since starting TTC, because I was exercising quite heavily up to that and pulled right back because I had this mad notion that it might affect conception. I used to run quite a bit and sometimes during the TWW, I would spot after a run and this freaked me out no end. I've joined a gym now to try and shift some of the gained weight through gentler exercise although I really miss going for a good long run.

    Anyways, that's my vent done. Thanks to anyone who read!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    MeganMay wrote: »
    Hi all, hope you don't mind a newbie joining in. Very sorry to read of the hard times and losses some of you have gone through - you all seem incredibly strong and positive.

    My husband and I have been trying for almost 9 months now. Some months have been harder than others but this month, getting my 8th period since starting, I've really started to feel disheartened and concerned. After coming of the pill, my cycles quickly settled at 26 days but this month I was on CD 27 before I got my period, and those extra few hours gave me such ridiculous hope.

    I've also put on a stone since starting TTC, because I was exercising quite heavily up to that and pulled right back because I had this mad notion that it might affect conception. I used to run quite a bit and sometimes during the TWW, I would spot after a run and this freaked me out no end. I've joined a gym now to try and shift some of the gained weight through gentler exercise although I really miss going for a good long run.

    Anyways, that's my vent done. Thanks to anyone who read!

    Welcome MeganMay,
    I know what you mean about the excercise - I have lost a stone and a half and am getting close to my wedding weight again! So now I'm trying to tone up my tummy but I try not to do too much on the two week wait - just in case. Although I think running should be ok. I suppose just do the easier runs later in your cycle. Would be a shame to give it up if you enjoy it. :)
    Also just to hopefully put your mind at ease a little - I was in the doctors yesterday and just mentioned that I had cocerns over it taking us so long to conceive and she said that actuallt it takes on average 9 - 10 months for a couple to conceive. So don't be disheartened. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    I think it's like 20% of healthy couples with perfect timing will actually conceive per cycle. When you look at it that way and add in all the factors that allegedly and factually hinder us getting pregnant, its not a wonder it can take so long!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    I think it's like 20% of healthy couples with perfect timing will actually conceive per cycle. When you look at it that way and add in all the factors that allegedly and factually hinder us getting pregnant, its not a wonder it can take so long!

    You'd wonder how people get pregnant by accident! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Hi meganmay! Love my exercise here too and my endocrinologist has always encouraged it, think it's recommended to avoid extreme expertise to the point of periods stopping etc I think it helped me conceive last time, if anything running was a good distraction and helped clear my mind.

    So much for me not getting too "involved" this month, just ordered a Clearblue fertility monitor. Im hoping it'll help me pinpoint ovulation. I thought I ovulated earlier this month, around the weekend but have more ewcm today and yesterday so haven't a clue. My poor hubby's face last night when I said we needed to get jiggy, after the marathon at the weekend he was sure all bases were covered :p I can never use the cheapo strips properly so hoping this is a foolproof option!

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭MeganMay

    Thanks so much all for the welcome!

    dreamstar, that's good to know about what your doctor said. I've read so many different stats on the internet, and a lot of my friends seem to have fallen pregnant at the drop of a hat (although, that could just be my perception obviously!) so it's reassuring to read that, thanks.

    I think I'll stick with the running, it's a great distraction and getting in better shape can only help with all the getting nekkid -ness!

    Digs, do you mind me asking where you ordered the Clearblue fertility monitor? So far, I've only ever temped and never used ovulation sticks so thinking maybe I should try them first but then it seems like the Clearblue monitor might be easier to use? I'm too late to do anything this month I think, 5 days in to the cycle, but if we're not successful this month, will definitely be trying OPKs next time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Digs wrote: »

    So much for me not getting too "involved" this month, just ordered a Clearblue fertility monitor. Im hoping it'll help me pinpoint ovulation.

    I'd love to hear how you get on with this. I have been using the Clearblue OPK's on and off. I used them for three cycles. One of the cycles I got my smily face but the other cycles I never even got a smiley. :confused:

    I got them again this month but got the ones where it shows your high and peak fertility days (Should be four days in total) so hopefully it will work.

    They're very expensive to be getting them every month though aren't they? :mad: The monitors seem great but they are also quite dear so I'd love to hear how people find them before I get one. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I got mine from full price €139!!! (If you can't tell I can be impulsive :p) but I know people have gotten them on eBay and adverts second hand just as good!

    I like to be spoonfed.... Yes/no which is why I think the ambiguity of the ovulation sticks didn't suit me. Hoping it gives me a clearer picture overall.

    Meganmay I'm actually on cd18 and decided to order it in case as I figured waiting for my period would be too late. Nothing like a positive mental attitude eh ;)

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Megan, I took up running last summer and I found it to be an excellent stress-buster for TTC. I'm not competitive, I just get out and enjoy runs, take it at my own pace, in order to get a little bit of exercise.

    I've been a lazy hoor for the winter but starting back at it this weekend.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 from little acorns

    I'm not charting as such, but according to the app I'm using, I'm due to ovulate around now. Well, I'm getting what I'm pretty sure must be ovulation pains in my right side the past day or two. Sore boobs too. Funny thing is, I've never in my life gotten ovulation pains or any other symptoms around ovulation. Not sure what's causing it this time, I hope it's not a cyst or anything like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    I'm not charting as such, but according to the app I'm using, I'm due to ovulate around now. Well, I'm getting what I'm pretty sure must be ovulation pains in my right side the past day or two. Sore boobs too. Funny thing is, I've never in my life gotten ovulation pains or any other symptoms around ovulation. Not sure what's causing it this time, I hope it's not a cyst or anything like that.

    I really wouldn't worry about it. It's amazing all of the little twinges that you feel when you're paying attention. The last feww months I have really been paying attention to my body and how I'm feeling at various stages in my cycle. For example just before my period I get really sore boobs. Every month I'm hoping it's because I am pregnant but every month my period comes. I obviously used to get this pain all of the time but just took no notice. Also I've realised that I do actually get really moody a day before my period.

    So unless your pain is really bad as in is stopping you sleeping or anything I really wouldn't worry too much - just keep note of it.
    I actually have an ovarian cyst - have had it for years! Have had surgery three times to drain it but it keeps coming back! :mad: I have been assured over and over that it does not affect fertility and in fact one way to 'get rid of it' is to get pregnant so here's hoping! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭MeganMay

    It's funny, for the first few months of TTC, I felt every little twinge and couldn't get over how I hadn't noticed these things before when we were trying for a baby. I nearly had myself convinced every month that everything could be a sign/symptom that I was pregnant, sore boobs, twinges etc, but actually, I think they may have been more signs that my period was coming. I've tried to stop symptom spotting so much the last couple of months because I have myself driven demented.

    Usually I get a small spot or two on my chin a day before my period is due and I get seriously emotional (like, crying at ads on the tv emotional. sigh) but these month I had nothing. So of course I started to get my hopes up. D'oh!

    Dreamstar, does your ovarian cyst hurt you at all? How did you find out you had one?

    Neyite, I've been a right lazy hoor at the running this winter too. Now that the evenings are getting longer, hoping to get out a good bit more. The hardest part for me is getting out the door, then I love the rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    MeganMay wrote: »
    Dreamstar, does your ovarian cyst hurt you at all? How did you find out you had one?

    I wouldn't say the cyst hurts as such. Every so often it can get a little uncomfortable. But it wouldn't stop me doing anything.
    I found out I had it years ago when I was having a smear done. The doc said he could feel something and sent me to get a scan. I used to get a scan every 6 months then and when the cyst got big (8cm! :eek:) I went for surgery and they drained it. Unfortunately it keeps coming back. I have had the surgery three times and it's still there. :mad:
    They said it's nothing to be concerned about and that each time I had the surgery they checked that everything else is ok - which it is. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭MeganMay

    Ah that's great that they can let you know everything's ok, and fingers crossed you'll be rid of it once and for all soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    dreamstar wrote: »
    I wouldn't say the cyst hurts as such. Every so often it can get a little uncomfortable. But it wouldn't stop me doing anything.
    I found out I had it years ago when I was having a smear done. The doc said he could feel something and sent me to get a scan. I used to get a scan every 6 months then and when the cyst got big (8cm! :eek:) I went for surgery and they drained it. Unfortunately it keeps coming back. I have had the surgery three times and it's still there. :mad:
    They said it's nothing to be concerned about and that each time I had the surgery they checked that everything else is ok - which it is. :)

    I've had two removed as well but each time they have difficulties removing the wall of the cyst so it does return. In my case, it can be exceptionally painful and 2 weeks ago I was admitted to hospital with suspected appendicitis. I was vomiting with the pain which was particularly bad this time. Turned out it was that darned cyst again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    yellow hen wrote: »
    I've had two removed as well but each time they have difficulties removing the wall of the cyst so it does return. In my case, it can be exceptionally painful and 2 weeks ago I was admitted to hospital with suspected appendicitis. I was vomiting with the pain which was particularly bad this time. Turned out it was that darned cyst again!

    Oh god really? I've heard that it can be really painful especially if they do burst themselves! Thankfully mine have been ok as in not too painful.
    And when you say it was the cyst - had it burst? What was making it so sore?
    Also - just out of curiosity which hospital were you in?
    I went to Vincent's all three times. The last scan I had was in June - just before my misscarriage. The clinic have said they will leave it alone while I'm trying to conceive and I should go back then once I've had a baby and they can assess it then. Here's hoping that 1. I have a baby soon and 2. that the cyst finally goes away! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    Ladies, what's the earliest you all have ovulated in a cycle that wasn't the norm? I have been ovulating roughly on the 14-15th day based on ewcm and the telltale pinching signs, and obviously the period two weeks later.
    Last period started on the 24th, but yesterday and today I have ewcm and horrid pinching pains. Not supposed to be ovulating for another week!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,154 ✭✭✭Dolbert

    The pinching can be a precursor to ovulation AFAIK, sometimes it's the follicle stretching rather than the egg releasing (can be a few days between both)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    Dolbert wrote: »
    The pinching can be a precursor to ovulation AFAIK, sometimes it's the follicle stretching rather than the egg releasing (can be a few days between both)

    Even at a few days, seems to be early. Not so good for my attempts to not get pregnant this cycle!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,872 ✭✭✭Sittingpretty

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    Ladies, what's the earliest you all have ovulated in a cycle that wasn't the norm? I have been ovulating roughly on the 14-15th day based on ewcm and the telltale pinching signs, and obviously the period two weeks later.
    Last period started on the 24th, but yesterday and today I have ewcm and horrid pinching pains. Not supposed to be ovulating for another week!!

    I would sometimes have gotten those pinchy/stinging pains just a week after period, they can happen quite early in cycle.

    Maybe an ovulation stick will confirm either way for you? To put your mind at ease re dates :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    Ladies, what's the earliest you all have ovulated in a cycle that wasn't the norm? I have been ovulating roughly on the 14-15th day based on ewcm and the telltale pinching signs, and obviously the period two weeks later.
    Last period started on the 24th, but yesterday and today I have ewcm and horrid pinching pains. Not supposed to be ovulating for another week!!

    Sorry Shashabear - I can't help with this. The last few months I have just been keeping note of my period dates and stupidly hadn't taken notes for CM or OPK positives. :( Am going to start noting all that this month.
    And I never get ovulation twinges / pains. :confused: Could be to do with the cyst on my ovary. I'm so used to the twinges with that I guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,721 ✭✭✭seenitall

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    Ladies, what's the earliest you all have ovulated in a cycle that wasn't the norm? I have been ovulating roughly on the 14-15th day based on ewcm and the telltale pinching signs, and obviously the period two weeks later.
    Last period started on the 24th, but yesterday and today I have ewcm and horrid pinching pains. Not supposed to be ovulating for another week!!

    Eh, yesterday was day 13 of your cycle, no? :confused:

    I'd say it's ovulation alright. CM is a pretty reliable tell.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    seenitall wrote: »
    Eh, yesterday was day 13 of your cycle, no? :confused:

    I'd say it's ovulation alright. CM is a pretty reliable tell.

    Does the first day of a new cycle start on the first day of the period or the last day? I thought it was the last day as in a new cycle had started! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,721 ✭✭✭seenitall

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    Does the first day of a new cycle start on the first day of the period or the last day? I thought it was the last day as in a new cycle had started! :eek:

    Nope, new cycle starts the day your period starts. That's when you should start counting. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    seenitall wrote: »
    Nope, new cycle starts the day your period starts. That's when you should start counting. :)

    Time to go have words with my nurse. She told me I'd be due to ovulate around the 15-16th, so I booked my repeat smear for before that!! :mad:

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  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    Time to go have words with my nurse. She told me I'd be due to ovulate around the 15-16th, so I booked my repeat smear for before that!! :mad:

    Smear can be done at any point in your cycle as long as you are not bleeding or spotting. I had mine done right in the middle of my ovulation window.

    You count your cycle from the first day of your period. So for instance if you are someone who spots a day or so beforehand, you count from the first day of proper red flow rather than the light spotting you got the day or so before.

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