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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Newbie being cross is allowed :-) I always just respond we are having fun trying and leave it at that.

    Dublinlasy, every month is a new begining and there is nothing to say that this month won't work for us all.

    I'm on my two week wait now :-) We'll see if it's to do with frequency we have it nailed. I even have beard rash :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭Grawns

    Fex sake! Went for my post d&c checkup today and I had a possible molar pregnancy diagnosed as the reason for the miscarraige. I have to wait 6 months before ttc and have been referred to holles street for monthly blood tests. I could be pregnant again anyway as had normal period 29 days after d&c and positive opk 14 days after that but they neglected to contact me about diagnosis. Am well annoyed with the world. Am on cycle day 19 and waiting to test but now everything is all messed up . Growl!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Oh Grawns that is terrible, but Molar pregnancies are serious so you have to take the break. To get pregnant could increase greatly your chances of it turning to full blown cancer.
    Big hugs and 6 months will fly by.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Grawns & Newbie I'm sorry you are feeling so frustrated, I can definately relate, waiting around can be the worst feeling when all you want to do is move forward!

    As for me it's CD21 and I got my positive OPK today at long last so it's gonna be a busy, tiring week in my household this week :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭Grawns

    Tnx barbiegirl. Am still processing the news and googling like mad. What is really annoying is I could have stayed home and had the mc there as I was bleeding and contracting. There would have been no diagnosis then. Feel unlucky rather than lucky it was sent to pathology.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    I think they always send to pathology (I signed forms twice to allow these tests) and it does take some weeks before the results are back. I only know this from seeing my files in the Coombe, so to be fair to them they will probably only have got the info back.
    But just remember once the time has passed you will be fine. A stupid nurse in an un-named hospital sent me straight to the coombe with the term Molar pregnancy ringing in my ears with the second miscarriage. She scared the life out of me.
    It can be scarey but ultimately following their advice you will be fine and back on the TTC road before long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Home sweet home.

    First of all, thank you so so much for all your messages of support for me and my OH. You have no idea how much we both appreciate it.

    Grawns, I'm so sorry to hear your news. It must be terribly frustrating xxx

    I hope everyone else is doing well and I'm looking forward to hearing positives from those of you on the two week wait;):D

    I got home at about 3pm. Nice to be home. Everyone I encountered in the hospital were absolutely amazing. I had the surgery on Thursday night/Friday morning, think I went down at about 12.15. I was meant to go at 5pm but there was an emergency that delayed everything. My OH stayed with me, the nurses didn't bat an eyelid and even offered him tea while I was in surgery. It took alot longer than expected.

    Our little baba was taken from my uterus. He was just at the join of the fallopian tube to the uterus, so so close. I have had my left tube completely removed and my uterus stitched. Thankfully, my right tube looks healthy:) They had hoped to do keyhole surgery but when they put the scope in and had a look, it was too big a job to do by keyhole so they opened me right up. I don't mind the scar, that kind of think doesn't bother me, the recovery will take longer. Right now, I'm so tired and sore that I don't want to do anything, which is good, cos usually I don't have the patience for recovering properly.

    We're going to wait 2-3 cycles before trying again. I'm back in 6 weeks for a check up. Had my hcg done again today to make sure it's still coming down.

    I was on morphine in the hospital and I'm on strong painkillers now but they reckon I'm healing really well and the wounds look clean even though I'm very bruised. I had a drain in for a couple of days and found out today that I lost quite a bit of blood, so I've had bloods done for iron levels etc.

    Physically, I think that's about it. Emotionally, it still hasn't hit but it's starting to now I'm home. I didn't want it to hit me in the hospital and the doctors and nurses were so supportive of that. They quietly mentioned that I was well within my rights to break down and they would support me if it happened but they understood I want to do my grieving at home. We've an appointment in June for pregnancy loss counselling. We don't have to go but it's there for both of us if we need it.

    Thank you again ladies. It's lovely having support from people who understand.

    Now, looking forward to catching up on all the news from you. Anxious and excited for those of you on the two week wait:D

    Tigeress and Quins, how are you two??

    Also, looking forward to having sex again, it's been AGES, with the spotting and cramping we avoided it, and now this. Feels like a year since I've had a shag:P:o


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Lucyfur just wanted to send you big hugs and it's lovely to hear from you. Your baby is up above looking down on you and sending all his blessings, he is your baby and nobody can take that away. The emotional stuff will hit when you're ready and the nurses are right, cry, rant and rave do whatever you feel you need to.
    You need to take care of yourself and yes as soon as your ready have a good shag :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭Grawns

    Lucyfur, you're attitude is amazing. I'm inspired to calm down a little and stop kicking the dog ;) I hope you have a super speedy recovery. Xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Lucyfur I have great admiration for you strength and courage, I don't think I could be as strong as you are :o

    Here's to a quick physical recovery but take all the time you need to recover mentally, I don't think anyone would begrudge you that x

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  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    I'm very sorry to read your updates Lucyfur, but the way you are handling it all is inspirational.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭carlyam2

    ah lucyfur im so sorry to hear bout your loss and you are so inspirational in the way you are handling it. my thoughts and prayers go out to you.

    im having a good day im no longer stressing about my own baby journey im just going to wait and find out when i get my scan to see how my ovaries are. and helping me with that my oh got me a kitten to take my mind off it all.
    just a quick question ive been stressing about being sent for a pelvic ultrasound does anyone know is it a vaginal one or a normal one? im stressing over that.

    good luck to everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Lucyfur, so glad you're home. Take it easy and spoil yourself. I can't believe he was *almost* in your uterus, nature is just so cruel sometimes. How are you symptoms wise, have they all disappeared abruptly like last time?

    Grawns, so sorry to hear the news about possible molar, that's downright frightening. Has me wondering if I should have had tissue tested?? (I m/c'd at home). I really don't think I could wait six months, I'd crack up. Hope it flies for you x

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    I can't do multi-quote so bear with me while I reply lol

    Carlyam2; As far as I know a pelvic ultrasound is done normally, but if it's not, please don't stress yourself. I was a bit apprehensive about having a trans vaginal scan but in all honesty, it was a doddle. Seriously, they are so so discrete, you have a blanket over your legs and no one can see anything:)

    DFT; Symptoms are a little slower to disappear this time round. My boobs are gone now but I still had them up until the surgery. It's kinda hard to tell cos I'm so tired. Plus, I'm REALLY bloated, they filled me with gas as they were planning to do keyhole, but then had to slice me open, my belly is like a balloon:pac:

    Again, thank you so much for all your kind words. I've had surgery before and it's never been this painful, so I mentioned it to my gynae doc. She explained it so well, she said;

    ''When you come into hospital, with a pain, and needing surgery, you wake up after the operation in pain but content with the fact that the thing that was causing you pain is gone and knowing this mentally aids your physical recovery. With you, we've taken something that was very much wanted and the effect that that has mentally, on your physical recovery, is massive''

    I hope that makes as much sense typed as it did when she said it. It just explained the pain for me and I can handle pain once I know why I have it.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Lucyfur, You are so brave -I wish you a peaceful few days at home, to heal and to grieve in your own surroundings, with your family around.

    Grawns - I had to google molar pregnancy, and I am still not sure, only that they are recommending that you are on the subs bench for the next six months? but its only possible molar right? so if they do tests they might tell you its ok to ttc?

    Carlyann - I had the transvaginal ultrasound and it was fine. you are draped and they darken the room to see the ultrasound better so its grand. I honestly didnt feel her put it in - i only knew when she pointed out my ovary on the screen. (I assume she was telling the truth - f**ked if I know what an ovary looks like on an ultrasound. I just nodded like Rachel in Friends)

    Dublin Lady - Boo to getting the Witch. Mine is due tomorrow. Have resisted the urge to test. (after 25 non productive cycles whats the point. Meeting with the Doc to discuss the next stage on June 10. She wants to put me on injections. So guess its the end of the road for thinking we can do it without help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Lucyfur wrote: »

    ''When you come into hospital, with a pain, and needing surgery, you wake up after the operation in pain but content with the fact that the thing that was causing you pain is gone and knowing this mentally aids your physical recovery. With you, we've taken something that was very much wanted and the effect that that has mentally, on your physical recovery, is massive''

    so so true.... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Oh lucyfur welcome home, its so nice to hear from you, you've been in my thoughts all weekend ((big hugs)). The advice you were given sounds bang on doesnt it, healing and surgery etc, take as much time as you need x

    No real news with me, Im kind of going from wkend to wkend as I still cant quite believe Im pregnant and am also very afraid to think or plan ahead after having a mc the last time round. I hope i'll relax and enjoy it once I get past the next 2/3 weeks, fingers crossed :o


  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭carlyam2

    ah thanks for the answers on the scan. am trying not to freak out and my poor oh is trying to be supportive but doesnt quite get why im freaking out.
    but im going to try not too seeing as i still know nothing im hoping this at least gives me some answers.
    thanks again everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Lucyfur good to hear from you. I'm so sorry you had to go through such pain, no woman should ever have to endure that.
    What your Doctor said is so true, I wish someone had said that to me when I had my mc in hospital, it might have made sense of the pain at the time.

    Grawns, I'm so sorry to read your news also.On one hand it will be much better for them to catch something like that early if it is a confirmed molar pregnancy; however I understand your frustration at having to hold off on ttc for so long :(
    I hope all goes well & that you get results for it soon.

    I feel a bit silly, was charting as though on a 28 day cycle, so started ttc from CD8.
    Came across some handy software online for charting, put in my cycles for the past few months & realised that I'm most likely not going to ovulate til next weekend.
    Have put the other half on a break from stud duties in the meantime (he thought he was off the hook for the rest of the month :p) & will re-employ him next weekend.
    I'm testing with opk's in the mean time. Just feel a bit like I've a week wait before doing the deed followed by a 2 week wait.
    I need to do my homework better next time with this charting business!

    Fingers crossed to the current 2 week waiters :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭Grawns

    Grawns, I'm so sorry to read your news also.On one hand it will be much better for them to catch something like that early if it is a confirmed molar pregnancy; however I understand your frustration at having to hold off on ttc for so long :(
    I hope all goes well & that you get results for it soon.

    Thanks for all your good wishes. I probably wasn't very clear about my diagnosis yesterday because I was still stunned and had to go home and google. Essentially a "suspected" partial molar pregnancy is always treated as a partial molar pregnancy. They did the tests and it was inconclusive but there were some suspected abnormal cells. They drew bloods yesterday and I think they were testing my hcg levels which would be higher than they should be after the d&c if they missed any tissue ( and it was actually molar). I fully expect the count to come back at 0 or close to 0 but that won't do me any good as the rogue cells can lie dormant so they test your bloods continually and you have to be at 0 for 6 months before it's okay to TTC. What really annoys me is this is an arbitrary number as the cells can come back years later too.

    I am looking forward to my appointment at the holles street molar clinic as this is a rare outcome of pregnancy and they may be able to answer my questions ( lots) and perhaps give me the okay after 3 months.

    I hate "inconclusive", drives me mad. :mad::mad::mad:

    I will be asking them to test the tissue again and I hope that will give me a more satisfactory answer.

    A partial molar is where 2 male sperm fertilize the egg and rather than splitting into twins a 69 chromosome genetic mess occurs. They don't know what causes it and it is thankfully rare and not likely to reoccur.

    I am still hoping we were succesful this month despite any health risks :(
    As I said if I had a complete mc at home I probably would have been none the wiser. Perhaps people who went through this at home could enlighten me?

    I am a grouch today :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Hi ladies, I'm so sorry to hear how many of you are so down :( I know it's so hard but keep positive & rant and let it all out here x

    Lucyfur I just wanted to say the following.. Everyone at one unknown time in their life will meet a person who can only be described as a hero.. You are that for me! You have gone through so much heartache in the last few weeks that I can only say you're an admiration to be so strong.. To most of us here who have gone through the nightmare of mc can only smile at your loving and heartfelt posts.. My thoughts are with you hun & I really hope your time comes soon! Your OH sounds just as amazing as you are! Of you need anything just ask :)

    As for me :) I had to go to the hospital for some results today & they did another scan (very unexpected!) my peanut is Sooo much bigger & heart is beating away :) doc said it looked perfect I was so teary! Got a pic to take home too! 7W5D as they got to measure prop :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Hi ladies, I'm so sorry to hear how many of you are so down :( I know it's so hard but keep positive & rant and let it all out here x

    Lucyfur I just wanted to say the following.. Everyone at one unknown time in their life will meet a person who can only be described as a hero.. You are that for me! You have gone through so much heartache in the last few weeks that I can only say you're an admiration to be so strong.. To most of us here who have gone through the nightmare of mc can only smile at your loving and heartfelt posts.. My thoughts are with you hun & I really hope your time comes soon! Your OH sounds just as amazing as you are! Of you need anything just ask :)

    As for me :) I had to go to the hospital for some results today & they did another scan (very unexpected!) my peanut is Sooo much bigger & heart is beating away :) doc said it looked perfect I was so teary! Got a pic to take home too! 7W5D as they got to measure prop :)

    I'm THRILLED for you Tigeress, I really really am. I'm so pleased you got another scan. We were told when we get pregnant again we'll get loads of scans, yay!!

    And thank you. I feel a bit groggy today. I need the pain killers but I hate taking them cos I don't have a great stomach. Bleugh. I'm eating before I take them but I don't know if it's enough to protect my stomach lining......ugh, I feel like a stoner today lol.

    Grawns, I really don't know what to say. You must be in bitsfrown.gif


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    meh.... negative tests.... when I got pg it showed up on the test by now.
    I am a grouch too today - I have officially hit the 2 year ttc mark..... One pregnancy and no take-home baby. Can't believe it really.... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    So sorry DTF, I will be heartbroken if I test negative this month and it's only my first month I can't even imagine what you are going through. I don't think anyone will hold a grouchy mood against you under the circumstance, be good to yourself x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    Day 45 in the Newbie household and no AF, negative on the OPK test.
    Tomorrow's always another day................ :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Grawns & Detectiv, you both have every reason to be grouchy, I hope things improve for you both very soon :(

    Grawns I didn't entirely understand what a molar pregnancy was before. That is so frustrating the way it is so vague; that word inconclusive is understandably not what you want to hear :(
    Fingers crossed you will get a positive this month though & wont have to wait.
    It is peculiar to think that if you had the miscarriage at home that it wouldn't have been noticed.
    Do you mind me asking, what made them test for it in your case? I didn't have any tests during my miscarriage other than the scans prior to and after the loss.

    Detectiv I so hope that you get a bfp soon. I have been trying almost half as long & am finding it so frustrating, so can only imagine how hard it is for you.

    Tigeress, that is fantastic news that you had a scan & all is well! absolutely delighted that things are going so well :)
    Absolutely agree 100% with your praise of Lucyfur. Hope you're ok Lucyfur.

    Newbie, If its any consolation, my best friend came off the pill & her cycles were completely erratic.
    It take a while, but she did conceive after just under a year. She could be like you go 45+ days with no period, but she would also have 2 periods in one month.
    I hope you get your happy result too x

    I'm trying the 'sperm meets egg plan', got my Robitussin today (expectorant/not antihistamine!) & started taking it ready for whenever my lazy egg decides to move & start my ovulating. Its pure gack to drink, but will be worth it if it works :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭Grawns

    It is peculiar to think that if you had the miscarriage at home that it wouldn't have been noticed.
    Do you mind me asking, what made them test for it in your case? I didn't have any tests during my miscarriage other than the scans prior to and after the loss.

    I think it might be automatic if you have a d&c or maybe they noticed something and sent it forward to the lab. As far as I know you always have a follow up 6 weeks after a d&c.

    Detectivefoxtrot - That really sucks. I am an impatient type and that amount of time TTC would send me mad. :mad:Grouchy is very reasonable really!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Detective I know exactly how you feel, we're TTC now 2 years and 8 months and it is very frustrating and heartbreaking at different times.

    Caprilicious we also tried that method this month so fingers crossed.

    Tigeress I am so happy for you and your hubbie

    Grawns plan some nice stuff to do in the next 6 months, stuff you couldn't do when TTC, maybe a parachute jump ;-)

    Newbie it's a pain when your cycle isn't behaving, but that is normal for some people after coming off the pill. You could be missing a month but if your not happy and you get to over 60 days take a quick trip to the doctor.

    To everyone else on the 2 week wait lets hope we're all with Tigeress next month.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Feel like absolute poo. Got a BFN this morning on CD30 despite being pretty convinced I was pregnant. I swear my boobs have never felt this sore from pms. What completely sucks is that tomorrow would have been my mc'd baby's second birthday so it's hitting really hard. Also I have a non-christening party that I'm invited to on Saturday and I'm not too sure I can handle being around a new-born (that incidentally has been named the name I picked for a daughter) but I know my husband really wants to go.

    Added to that my family dog is at the vets with kidney failure so my biggest distraction is worry for poor Rosco.:(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Iguana, poor Rosco, hope he gets better soon.

    I was exactly the same last month, my boobs were on fire but just as we got to the morning when we would test, we make ourselves wait 14 days after ovulation, my period came in full and heavy. In truth the pain was much more similar to mis pains than period, but we're not counting as a miss.

    Completly understand the hard to be around new borns, it is hard, but sometimes we have to grin and bear it. Big hugs

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