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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Hi guys i have to say i never thought i'd be happy to report this but i am nauseous :-) at only 4 weeks 4 days it's very early but i'm not complaining. My gp sorted my eastrogen and had first blood test today. My boobs are so sore but i keep sqeezing them to make sure :-) So fingers crossed all looks good

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    ms2011 fingers crossed in the same boobs beyond sore. barbiegirl thats so funny happy to be nauseous :)

    my cycle abit funny first was 33 days then 32 and my last one was 38 so seems to be going up all the time, i hoping this is normal... i would have predicted that id have my period by 25th this month and thats adding on days for change in cycle. Im just waiting a few more cramps today so expect to get it soon. but hoping not :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    Oh fingers crossed Ms2011 x

    Hope all those getting scans went well.

    I'm on CD58 and had alot of ew mucus today. Had a faint-good line on opk yest but today it was faint again? Do those opk tests work for everyone??

    My boobs have been killing me for about a fortnight and also my skin is errupting and i never ever get a spot...these are whoppers :eek:

    I did a test yesterday just to be sure but it was negative. Not sure what to make of OPK test..:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    MS2011, how can you not test??!! You have about a 95% chance of getting an accurate result once you reach 12dpo. Go for it girl! :)

    Eugh, I've been having a pity party lately, feel like this baby is never gonna come. I had a vivid dream last Thursday night that I was still pg and was at the date I should be at in real life (17 weeks last Saturday). I woke up devastated to say the least. Was driving into work trying to pull myself together in the car. Then, Adele's "Someone Like You" came on and I just broke down, that song was in the charts when I had my m/c, also the lyrics are very poignant - "Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love, But sometimes it hurts instead"..... I feel like I'm forgetting about my baby and s/he's forgetting about me :o The Clomid had a lot to do with it, it made me mega depressed. I finished this months dose on Saturday thank god. I up'd my dose (without doctors consent) so the side effects were double (am not condoning that btw!)

    So, what have I been doing to pull myself out of the depression and be more proactive about this ttc business this cycle:

    - Have started myself and DH on Vitamin D (google it - apparently it is excellent for boosting fertility and apparently most of us are deficient, a Harvard study links the deficiency to infertility!)
    - Statred Benilyn today, 2 spoons, 3 times per day. I REALLY need to improve my CM, it has been non existent due to the Clomid. I read that non-existent CM can practically cancel any benefits of Clomid because the cervix is just too inhospitable to the spermies when there's little or no mucus.
    - Drinking more water (no water no CM)
    - exercise (am trying to jog every second might as it seems to lift my mood and take my mind off ttc)
    - Am on CD 8 today so will kick off the lovemaking tonight ;)

    hope you all are well. I've been lurking everyday and reading all your posts avidly, have just been too depressed to contribute anything worthwhile ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    well this could take a while....... hehe!! I've been away for last couple of weeks and so have had a lot to catch up on!!!

    First and most foremost.....HUGE CONGRATS BARBIEGIRL!!!! Whoop!!! Fantastic news!! Hope ur feeling nice and nauseous!!!:p

    Newbie - day 58....yuck! and i never ha much joy with OPK's so no help to u there! really hope ur cycle settles down or you get some more meaningful OPK results soon!

    Grawns - so sorry about the molar pregnancy.:( Hope your doing ok. While 3 months seems long it will fly by, just distract yourself in the meanwhile and enjoy life!

    Lucyfur - hope your recovering well and enjoying the 'non-planned' jiggy!!! :p

    DFT - Glad to see your being proactive - it does help alot to think your doing all you can to help! Altho this month im doing the im sick of trying so hard and getting nothing as a result :(

    Neyite - best of luck on the 10th!

    Tigeress and Quin5 - sit back, relax and enjoy!! please god some more of us will be joining you soon!!

    Capri - how frustrating is that late ovulation??? bloody cycles can be so unpredictable!! hope it makes more sense soon!!

    Iguana - hope Rosco ok?? i love dogs....mine is totally used to being my only baby...will be traumatised if we strike gold!!!:D:D

    Huge good luck to capri, ms2011 and applesock on your 2 week waits! Bring on the positive results!!!

    Well im on day 15, tried day 11,13 and today have ewcm and ovulation pains so the husband is getting hopped at the next given opportunity!!:D:D Will try today, tomorrow and thursday, and then into the 2 week shaggin wait!! EUGH!! trying hard to forget about it all this month, pretty sure its not gonna happen for us any time soon anyway so kinda just adjusted to the disappointment and not really arsed with it this month!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Hey detective glad to hear you're still with us, you do sound like you've had a tough time. your new routine sounds great tho, heres to a successful cycle :)

    Fingers crossed ms2011, sounds very positive :eek:

    Tigeress cant wait to hear how your scan went and how you told your family :D

    As for me, Im nearly 8weeks and have my 1st scan in the morning in the EPU
    :D:eek::D Im super excited and super nervous... Got the legs waxed heeheehee! We're all the same! :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    MS2011, how can you not test??!! You have about a 95% chance of getting an accurate result once you reach 12dpo. Go for it girl! :)

    I have 3 tests left so I've had to be strict with myself about testing.
    I'm going to test Wednesday morning if AF hasn't arrived, if I get a negative and AF hasn't arrived by Sunday I'll test again (this is actually my Fertility Friend test day). I am going down to the country the following Tuesday to see my parents so if AF still hasn't arrived and I haven't got a positive yet I will test again with my last test, I'd like to have some good news to tell my parents when I see them face to face, I don't get to see them as much as I would like so I'd rather be able to give any good news to them in person rather than over the phone.
    Can you tell I've been obessing about my testing 'plan' ha, I've had it down to the last detail :D
    My OH had a dream last night that we had a baby girl, let's hope this means something :)
    Eugh, I've been having a pity party lately, feel like this baby is never gonna come. I had a vivid dream last Thursday night that I was still pg and was at the date I should be at in real life (17 weeks last Saturday). I woke up devastated to say the least. Was driving into work trying to pull myself together in the car. Then, Adele's "Someone Like You" came on and I just broke down, that song was in the charts when I had my m/c, also the lyrics are very poignant - "Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts in love, But sometimes it hurts instead"..... I feel like I'm forgetting about my baby and s/he's forgetting about me :o

    You have me tearing up at my computer in work, thank goodness I work more or less alone on nights:o
    I hope and pray your baba is ready and waiting to come into your life x

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    I'm on CD58 and had alot of ew mucus today. Had a faint-good line on opk yest but today it was faint again? Do those opk tests work for everyone??

    This is my first time using OPKs and I had a positive for 2 days then went back to negative, this from what I've read is normal so they worked for me I guess.
    The line on the OPK needs to be as dark or darker than the control to be positive, you could be on the lead up to your true positive if you are getting faint lines.
    Best of luck x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Hi Ladies, hope all are well today!

    DFT I know how hard all of this is and as my suituation was no where near yours I feel for you hun xx Just remember we're always here and no matter how good, bad or in-different you feel always know you can say whatever you want here and have our full support.. big hugs xxx

    My scan went amazing today :) its crazy how much our little peanut has changed in 2 weeks, we've gone from a blob to a baby! Seen little arms & legs & even a little tiny nose! s/he was wiggling about like mad! My OH was amazed too! Kept saying look at peanut dancing for us :) got loads of pics and Doc said everything looked perfect! My official Due Date is... Wait for it..... 25th Dec! Xmas baby lol.. Delighted to say the least :) I can finally say for sure that our time is here and nothing will go wrong now.. THis little baba is sticking around for us :) hird time lucky hehe

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Yay Christmas baby!!!!:D:D:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Oh Tigeress Im soooo happy for you!
    Woooohooooo!!! Whata great day you must be absolutely beaming! :D


  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    forgot to ask, did you tell your family?

    What a wonderful xmas pressie :D:D:D


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Thanks so much Ms & Quin! Over the moon hehe! Yeah we told our families :) all delighted with the news :) I'm not a very Xmasy person but that'll all change this year hehe x

    How are you doing Quin?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Detectiv, you sound so down I so wish you could get a positive soon, you truly deserve it & you sound like you have so much love to give your future baba x
    You might have already tried it, but I used the Robitussin this month & found it extremely effective. I actually thought I was ovulating I had so much mucus after 2 days using it.

    Dublinlady, good to hear from you!fingers crossed for you this month, hopefully your 2 week wait wont take too long to pass!

    Tigeress, that's so lovely a little Holly or Noel :D

    Quins5, that's fantastic that you've your first scan! I hope it goes well!

    Newbie I'm having the same problem with the current OPK's I have. I've used them successfully before, never had to wait the full 3 minutes before getting a positive.
    This month I seem to get a few days of extra mucus, but when I test the second does appear; albeit faintly.
    Its so frustrating as each time I thought I was about to ovulate, but I've yet to get the full on second line as dark as the first.

    I was convinced I was ovulating CD11/12 & again CD22/23. I'm currently CD33 & getting more mucus (I'm not taking robitussin or anything to increase it).
    My cycle just seems to be so completely all over the shop, its no wonder I can't get pregnant, I can't figure out when (if at all) that I'm ovulating :mad:

    I did find the clearblue digital opk's really good & I'm going to invest in those for next month.
    They're straightforward either smiley face = ovulating or blank circle = not ovulating.

    Its gas, I was stressing earlier in the month as my GP has me booked for a colonoscopy Friday after next. When I got the appointment letter I was worried in case I might be pregnant when the appointment came around the wouldn't be able to have the test done.
    I don't think at this rate that there will be much chance of a BFP this month though!
    If I do get a bfp it'll be a whole other quandry, my mum in law passed away from bowel cancer so I'd hate to put off the test.

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Well I had my 1st scan today and saw the heart beating :D:D:D
    It looked like a blob, but a blob with a strong heart beat so we're over the moon!!! woooohoooooo! The nurse dated us at 7wks 6 days which makes us 8wks tomoro (2 days ahead of my dates yay!)
    I couldnt keep it quiet anylonger and blurted it out as soon as we got to my parents house, everyone is so thrilled for us its fantastic :D

    We are all still very aware that its still early days so wont be telling work or friends for another few weeks I think. Just so happy the babys heart was beating :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Delighted Quin5 were hoping for next week when we're 6 weeks. Can't wait.

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    thats great news quins :)

    not my turn this month, sure there's always next month

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Ah Quins that's brilliant news:D:D:D

    I'm a hormonal wreck this evening:rolleyes: I was fine all day, spent the last half hour bawling which really isn't like me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    oooh...loving all the first scan news. Hope it was everything you wished for.
    For all the 2-weekers, good luck :)

    DFT, Grawns and Lucyfur hope you're feeling a little bit brighter everyday. I think this is the most personal and heartfelt public forum I've ever read and I feel i'm slowly getting to know everyones situation.

    I'm on Day 61, still lots of ewm and an ok line on the opk so just doing the deed as often as hubby can muster up the energy. Am really hoping for some change next week...even AF would be a welcome relief now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    thanks for all the very kind comments ladies, you are all so supportive, don't know where I'd be without ya ;)

    I'm feeling a bit better today. Re-booked the laparoscopy - having it done on 28th June, this day 4 weeks. They said they could do it in two weeks time but it would have meant abstaining from ttc this month and there was no way I am going to miss out on one of my medicated cycles, particularly as the medicine was such a bitch to take this time round.

    Tigeress: Xmas baby - how lovely!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Congrats quin5!! It must have been lovely to see him/her!!
    Dtf- glad ya feelin a bit better, as ya said no point on missing a month out when possible, it's tough enough as it is!
    Newbie - day 61???!!! That would test the patience on a saint on valium!!!! Hope ur ok and it settles soon! Keep at the business anyway cos ya never know!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    dublinlady wrote: »
    Newbie - day 61???!!! That would test the patience on a saint on valium!!!! Hope ur ok and it settles soon! Keep at the business anyway cos ya never know!

    62 now :cool: I think I'm going for a new record (except no-one told my boobs because they've been waiting for AF for 4 weeks now!) :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭May79

    Just too give everyone a little hope. We had our baby girl 7 weeks ago. I was on clomid. It can be a hard drug to take. I always took it before bed so i might miss a lot of the mad side effects. Wishing you all the very best of luck - Good things do happen i promise x.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Well got a BFN this morning, DPO 15 so it's not looking too good for me, I'm sure at this stage a test would show even the faintest line but I didn't even get a whisper :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    So I had my first day 21 blood test at the weekend. I had taken provera and the clomid 50mg. Got my result today and progesterone level is only 2.

    Don't really understand it but all I know is that I obviously haven't ovulated.
    What sort of results am I looking for?

    The nurse said that the doctor should of phoned me but he didn't and she seemed quite concerned!

    He gave me a second course of provera if needed then clomid at 100mg for five days so praying that this works.

    Am devastated!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    May79, big congrats to you! hope the labour was ok xxx

    Ms2011, that's sucky, but you're not out til the witch shows, so keep hoping x

    Nicky, seems 50mg didn't work for you, I think it's right to move onto 100mg, here's hoping that gets you going. I know how frustrating it is - I'm on my 8th round of clomid. Watch the side effects with 100mg - they are torture (moods, hot flushes) eugh!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    2 red lines on the OPK test at last!!! I got so excited :o

    Sorry it wasnt your month time ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    yay for + opk's!!!
    get busy girl :cool::D

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    GO Newbie! Get jiggy with it :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    hee heeeee.... 1 deed done! setting the alarm clock for early tomorrow!:D

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