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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    yep he did a hsg and everything on the inside is fine!
    I'm currently doing a bit more reading up on endo and apparently the toxins released from the inflammation sites is toxic to the growing eggs, especially if the endo is situated on the tubes and /or ovaries. So it results in eggs either not being viable for fertilisation, or they do fertilise but don't implant properly.. It also seems endo causes early m/c also due to the egg quality being compromised. I wonder if my m/c was caused by the endo? hmmm

    So you didn't give it a go at all this month Neyite? I know there were 3 mature follicles but thought you were going to risk it at one point?

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Well, we did the deed the day and night before the scan, so there is a possibility that the sperm survived long enough and if I had a natural ovulation (but had no +opk so dont know if i did) Slight chance of pregnancy. If I was a newbie to all this I would be half convinced but as a seasoned vetaran I know its not that easy.

    I would have had 3 babies no problem, but what the nurse said about putting them in danger/ premature complications stuck in my head. I have had family members with children who have CP, or were premature and had respiratory problems from being so premature and see how hard they fight, so I dont think I could intentionally risk it. Since I am only on month 1 of clomid I will bow to the consultants recommendation for now.

    My HSG in November came up clear, but now that you have had a clear HSG, yet the Lap showed the problems leaves me to wonder if I have endo issues or scarring too. I was never diagnosed with endo though so maybe Im grasping at straws.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    well the way my RE put it was a HSG will eliminate (or identify) only one problem - tubal blockage, whereas a lap will identify a multitude of problems, e.g. disease, lesions, adhesions etc. Had I only has a HSG it would have come back clear and endo would not have been diagnosed. Endo can only be diagnosed via a lap, save for if it is very very serious, in which case it can sometimes be felt during an external pelvic examination. Initially I only wanted a HSG as I felt the lap would be too invasive, am so glad I got it done now

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Now, thats food for thought. I guess if it comes to it I can request it - i might suggest it at the next meeting with the docs anyway. I had a quick google about endo, and i would generally experience a good few of the symptoms during my period, such as backache, extended ovarian pain, fatigue, bladder/urination problems, bowel problems, but how can you tell what is normal period pain /and endo pain. I have fainted during periods, and even though i avoid taking pain relief for anything if possible I usually succumb to taking a neurofen plus to get me through day 1. I grit my teeth for day 2 and get on with it, and usually then next couple of days are better.

    Had you been diagnosed previous to this with endo? It makes sense that it affects conception to that extent you describe, but I never really thought of it that way. (edit: just saw your explanation - you had no prior knowledge that you had endo until your operation.)

    When are you next due to get back on 'the horse' so to speak, or do you have to have a recovery period after your operation?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    no recovery period, he said we can ttc right away.

    You must remember some people have endo without any symptoms at all and they don't know they have it til they try to ttc without any success. Also, the strength of symptoms doesn't necessarily correlate with the extent of the endo, i.e. you can have very mid symptoms and extreme endo and vice versa, seems everyone is different with how their body reacts to it. You sound like you could have a touch of it.

    In the back of my mind I am still a bit worried that the lap surgery won't solve the issues, after all endo comes back. So the inflammation will return and the body's auto immune response will be to attack it and that will cause the inflammation and scarring to begin again. It actually reminds me a lot of my dad's cancer. His body (immune system) was attacking his liver as it recognised the cancer as an invader, the liver got severely scarred and couldn't function any more, and lack of liver function equals death.
    Similarly, with endo, your immune systom knows the tissue shouldn't be there so it attacks it, thus causing the inflammation (that releases toxins) and then the scarring. Amazing, huh?
    I should probably stop reading about it now :p

    Oh by the way, I'm confused about something. I was due my period a day or 2 before the lap. It didn't arrive althouhg I knew it was just around the corner as I was soptting and cramping. On the day of the lap after the procedure there was a lot of blood when I went to the loo, this is normal. However I don't know if it was my period or if it was as a result of the lap. Given that he did a HSG (which essentially flushes out the uterus) does that mean my period is done or have I yet to get it? I am spotting since.:confused: I need to know because I've to start the Clomid again, if there was no Clomid it really wouldn't matter...
    I suppose I could take my temp in the morning. If it is back down to normal pre-ovulation range then I suppose I can take it that a new cycle has started

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Caroline I am sorry you are feeling so down, I hope you enjoy your date night on Saturday. I'm sure it's a hard decision for you to make to try again, it's such a personal thing, I just wish you peace with whatever decision you make :)

    Cap, I hope the time to your appointment flies in, either that or you get some good news inbetween ;)

    DFT, glad you are recovering, I can only imagine how painful the lap was, here's hoping it will all have been worth while :)

    Neyite, I hope there is some good news on the horizon for you also! :)

    I have decided to stop taking Agnus Castus.
    (Here comes the tmi :D) I started having brown discharge two days after taking it which turned to heavy spotting 5 days later, it's almost 2 weeks since I started taking AC and I have been having light - heavy spotting (about a teaspoon when I go to the loo) 9 out of those 14 days. I originally thought I had just gotten AF early but this bleeding is more liquid than normal menstrual blood and just doesn't look right to me!
    It's frightened me enough to want to stop taking AC and just put up with my late ovualtion and irregular cycles, and hope we get lucky with what nature has given me :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    MS2011 :eek: - you were right to knock it on the head. Have you considered clomid to regulate your ovulation? Sorry if I've asked this before

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Caroline, your strength is amazing and I'm so pleased you have such a healthy and happy marriage. As the others have said, only you and himself can decide whether or not to go again. It's an emotional roller coaster. As for sex, I think it's completely different for everyone. We were back having sex a week after the miscarriage. I wanted the closeness and it just felt right. It was about a month after the ectopic.

    DFT I'm delighted you're doing well. RE the period, I have no idea but I'd be very interested in an answer if anyone has one:) I bled very heavily after the ectopic but I was told I'd just spot lightly. They were surprise I bled so much so I asked could that be a period. All the answers I got were very vague. I still don't know if it was a period or not. I had my official period 30 days after the surgery which again makes me wonder if I could count the post op bleed as one.

    As for me, I've spent the last few weeks thinking of putting baby making on hold but now I'm thinking I'd like to try again when we come back from holidays....had a chat with himself and he's good to go whenever I am. I'd love to have that ''ah shur we'll see if it happens'' approach but I know my cycle so well that that's not going to happen:rolleyes:

    We've had no problems getting pregnant, it's staying pregnant that's proving difficult. I know the operation is going to effect my fertility but I'm trying to be positive by thinking how fertile we were before the surgery.....I'm waffling lol. Hope everyone is well:D

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    no recovery period, he said we can ttc right away.

    You must remember some people have endo without any symptoms at all and they don't know they have it til they try to ttc without any success. Also, the strength of symptoms doesn't necessarily correlate with the extent of the endo, i.e. you can have very mid symptoms and extreme endo and vice versa, seems everyone is different with how their body reacts to it. You sound like you could have a touch of it.

    In the back of my mind I am still a bit worried that the lap surgery won't solve the issues, after all endo comes back. So the inflammation will return and the body's auto immune response will be to attack it and that will cause the inflammation and scarring to begin again. It actually reminds me a lot of my dad's cancer. His body (immune system) was attacking his liver as it recognised the cancer as an invader, the liver got severely scarred and couldn't function any more, and lack of liver function equals death.
    Similarly, with endo, your immune systom knows the tissue shouldn't be there so it attacks it, thus causing the inflammation (that releases toxins) and then the scarring. Amazing, huh?
    I should probably stop reading about it now :p

    Oh by the way, I'm confused about something. I was due my period a day or 2 before the lap. It didn't arrive althouhg I knew it was just around the corner as I was soptting and cramping. On the day of the lap after the procedure there was a lot of blood when I went to the loo, this is normal. However I don't know if it was my period or if it was as a result of the lap. Given that he did a HSG (which essentially flushes out the uterus) does that mean my period is done or have I yet to get it? I am spotting since.:confused: I need to know because I've to start the Clomid again, if there was no Clomid it really wouldn't matter...
    I suppose I could take my temp in the morning. If it is back down to normal pre-ovulation range then I suppose I can take it that a new cycle has started

    You need to stop reading:p. No seriously, I can understand you comparing your endo's battle with your dads cancer battle, but when you think about it, our immune system attacks anything that should not be there, however big or small. (currently on the sofa with a cold so my immune system is giving wellie) A cousin had it done and got pregnant mere weeks after.
    I dont know if you would have to have it done on a periodic basis, probably depends on the severity of the endo.
    They time the Lap for pre-period dont they? Could you ring and ask a nurse if you are still going to be due/if the blood you saw was it/ or if you are due.
    Ms2011 wrote: »
    Neyite, I hope there is some good news on the horizon for you also! :)

    I have decided to stop taking Agnus Castus.
    (Here comes the tmi :D) I started having brown discharge two days after taking it which turned to heavy spotting 5 days later, it's almost 2 weeks since I started taking AC and I have been having light - heavy spotting (about a teaspoon when I go to the loo) 9 out of those 14 days. I originally thought I had just gotten AF early but this bleeding is more liquid than normal menstrual blood and just doesn't look right to me!
    It's frightened me enough to want to stop taking AC and just put up with my late ovualtion and irregular cycles, and we get lucky with what nature has given me :(

    Thanks Ms2011. I never took Agnus Castus because my cycles are regular enough and it would also interact with my current meds so not a good idea. We underestimate the strength of herbal supplements. Are you seeing a doctor about your irregular cycles?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    MS2011 :eek: - you were right to knock it on the head. Have you considered clomid to regulate your ovulation? Sorry if I've asked this before

    TBH (and I'm a little embarassed at my impatience considering how long some of you nice ladies have been trying :o) I've only really been TTC since May and considering I screwed up June's cycle with the Angus Castus we've only really had one attempt, however due to my irregular cycles, which I've had since I was a teenager it's always been at the back of my mind that I might have problems trying to have children so when it didn't happen first time I felt like my worries had been vindicated and jumped straight into taking AC :rolleyes:
    Considering I'm only turning 31 next month the only pills I'll be taking for next while will be 'chill pills':cool: I have a bad habit of thinking things to death, I need to learn to relax!!!

    Neyite wrote: »

    Thanks Ms2011. I never took Agnus Castus because my cycles are regular enough and it would also interact with my current meds so not a good idea. We underestimate the strength of herbal supplements. Are you seeing a doctor about your irregular cycles?

    I'm not see a doctor at the moment. I didn't have a period from the end Nov of last year until the start of Feb this year. I went to the doctor then and she took blood which came back ok but I think she was more looking for general indicators of a problem (liver, thyroid etc.) rather than specific problems as it was the first time I'd gone so long without a period.
    I think I'll keep going with my OPK's and SMEP until Christmas and then revaluate after that.:)

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  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    TBH (and I'm a little embarassed at my impatience considering how long some of you nice ladies have been trying :o) I've only really been TTC since May and considering I screwed up June's cycle with the Angus Castus we've only really had one attempt, however due to my irregular cycles, which I've had since I was a teenager it's always been at the back of my mind that I might have problems trying to have children so when it didn't happen first time I felt like my worries had been vindicated and jumped straight into taking AC :rolleyes:
    Considering I'm only turning 31 next month the only pills I'll be taking for next while will be 'chill pills':cool: I have a bad habit of thinking things to death, I need to learn to relax!!!
    I'm not see a doctor at the moment. I didn't have a period from the end Nov of last year until the start of Feb this year. I went to the doctor then and she took blood which came back ok but I think she was more looking for general indicators of a problem (liver, thyroid etc.) rather than specific problems as it was the first time I'd gone so long without a period.
    I think I'll keep going with my OPK's and SMEP until Christmas and the revaluate after that.:)

    Ok, guess you were jumping the gun a tad after one month ttc - but hey, we are all guilty of that in the beginning, but certainly before worrying about infertility, the doctor should be able to help you in at least prescribing something that would regulate your cycle a bit - what about provera? being irregular is not necessarily a sign of infertility - I was as regular as clockwork and still ovulating yet cant get pregnant. I think your way of continuing until christmas is a good one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Neyite wrote: »
    Ok, guess you were jumping the gun a tad after one month ttc - but hey, we are all guilty of that in the beginning, but certainly before worrying about infertility, the doctor should be able to help you in at least prescribing something that would regulate your cycle a bit - what about provera? being irregular is not necessarily a sign of infertility - I was as regular as clockwork and still ovulating yet cant get pregnant. I think your way of continuing until christmas is a good one.

    Thanks, I know now I was jumping the gun, if it's done nothing else it has taught me to be a bit more relaxed about this whole TTC journey.
    I am interested in your suggestion of provera to regulate things a bit for me though, if I am still all over the place after Christmas I will definately look into that with my doctor.
    Thanks again, sometimes seeing things in black and white can help put things into perspective a little better!!! :)

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    I'm feeling kind of worried today as I'm not sure I'm ovulating. This month I decided to try digital tests on what should be the ovulation days so I could be 100% sure of ovulation and I've gotten all zeros. I'm generally pretty regular and I'm like clockwork when I'm on Agnus Castus and I should be surging by now. This morning I took two tests, one digital and one regular and there was a zero on the digital test and no line test line at all on the regular test.

    I had taken a regular test on Wednesday and had a strong but not strong enough line on the test area. I figured it would build up toward an ovulation today. I'm really sorry I swapped tests mid-cycle now as I feel it's screwed up my idea of what's going on. The strip tests are 20miu and the digitals are 25miu, so I'm actually left wondering if I've been ovulating at all these last few months.:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    TBH (and I'm a little embarassed at my impatience considering how long some of you nice ladies have been trying :o) I've only really been TTC since May and considering I screwed up June's cycle with the Angus Castus we've only really had one attempt, however due to my irregular cycles, which I've had since I was a teenager it's always been at the back of my mind that I might have problems trying to have children so when it didn't happen first time I felt like my worries had been vindicated and jumped straight into taking AC :rolleyes:
    Considering I'm only turning 31 next month the only pills I'll be taking for next while will be 'chill pills':cool: I have a bad habit of thinking things to death, I need to learn to relax!!!

    Well you certainly should never feel embarrassed, not around these parts anyway.:) There's nothing wrong with wanting to be pg immediately. I mean I waited til I was 30 and then I just expected it to happen, and why shouldn't it have? It happens so easily for the majority of people.
    The delays can be very frustrating, even if you're only at it a couple of months. I spent my twenties trying NOT to get pregnant. Himself commented the other day after the surgery, when the doc told us it was a miracle we we ever got pregnant at all, "well that was a lot of wasted money on condoms over the years!", he was joking of course, but so true at the same time.:p (he didn't say that in front of the doc btw :D:D )

    I think you made the right decision to avoid trying alternative therapies to aid ttc for now, and perhaps revisit it if you have been trying unsuccessfully for 6 cycles or more. What I would recommend you do take daily is folic acid (you're probably doing that already) and fish oil (omega whats-its). Fish oil is superb for brain development, and if you get pg that, and the heart, are the first of the baba's organs to develop, so you'd want that in your system prior to being pg, similar to the folic acid.

    I think your cycle will get back to normal quite quickly as you weren't on the AC that long. I know herbs can be potent but don't worry about it, chalk it up to experience. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Iguana, you probably missed the surge. You said on Weds the test was getting darker, maybe your surged a few hours later and by the time you tested again on Thurs it was back to negative? I've heard of many ladies missing the surge.
    Yeh, probably not the best idea to change kit mid-cycle, I did that myself once and got really confused.
    I know this sounds obvious but perhaps just keep having sex for the next few days, see where the land lies then, keep testing in the meantime.
    Do you have any O signs? - fertile mucus, feeling warmer than usual, stitch pain, aroused?

    you mentioned you did two tests today, at the same time? Try avoid doing that - you'll go mad comparing the two. Test twice a day if possible, I would say at 2 pm and again at 9pm. Good luck ;)

    p.s. your body may have been gearing up to ovulate on Weds and for some reason it didn't happen. If this is the case your body will try again

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    ok, so I'm going with Tuesday (day of lap) as day 1 of my new cycle. I was due my period the day before anyway and was cramping and spotting. I was debating it this morn (as I needed to start taking the clomid) and I realised all my PMS symptoms have gone, and have been gone since day of lap. My boobs get very sore, and they were particularly sore this cycle for some reason, but all the pain is gone. Surely if I was still waiting on my period my boobs would be like rocks by now?
    anyway I took the clomid, back to 50mg btw. Never taking 100mg again, silly me. So today is day 4 and normally I should take clomid on day 2 to 6, now it will be 4-8.. don't think it'll make much of a difference, I may ovulate a day or two later is all.
    Just got my bill in the door for the op - €600:eek:. Money well spent but at the same time that's our disposable income gone for July, ah well, I wouldn't have it any other way.:) All the hospital charges were covered by my insurance thank god, the 600 is just the consultants fee.
    I meant to say previously, the Rotunda staff were all great. If it was convenient I'd have my baba's there, but reckon it'll be the Coombe for me, and they are lovely there too.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Iguana, you probably missed the surge. You said on Weds the test was getting darker, maybe your surged a few hours later and by the time you tested again on Thurs it was back to negative? I've heard of many ladies missing the surge.

    The thing is the Wednesday test had a test line but while it wasn't faint it didn't compare to the control line. Normally I'd get results like that a day or two before the positive and they'd get a bit stronger each day. Based on past cycles I expected to see a positive this morning, or maybe yesterday. We had sex yesterday morning and were planning to tonight, which is still the plan. I can't imagine anything more insulting to my poor husband than to tell him that as I'm not ovulating I don't have any desire for him after all.:p
    Do you have any O signs? - fertile mucus, feeling warmer than usual, stitch pain, aroused?

    I'm not sure about the other signs. We use Conceive Plus lubricant so it's difficult to tell the difference between that and the mucus. Yet even a year ago I always had loads of ovulation mucus and would never have needed a lubricant. I was definitely more aroused a few days ago, but nothing like I would have been on a daily basis a year ago. I've a faint pain in left ovary if I press gently on it, so that could be good. I had a really heavy night sweat last night which is part of the reason I'm feeling upset. I've been getting them periodically since I was 24-25 and they freak me out a bit. They are most likely to do with my thyroid but tests never showed up anything conclusive, a first test showed low thyroid function but since then all tests have been normal, and I'm worried now that it could be something to do with my fertility. Though obviously it didn't stop me getting pregnant 3 years ago.

    We've decided to go for preliminary tests once my period comes this month. I'm too stressed about the whole thing. I keep wondering if my husband's liver and kidney failure and all the medications he was on, and the one he is still on, could be impairing his fertility. The one he's on now can increase FSH levels, so it makes sense to get his guys tested. And I've noticed too many bodily changes in the last year to keep ignoring them. I've been hoping my main problem was stress as I noticed the biggest change in myself right after a really stressful event, but I'm not going back to normal and am now stressing about that too. So we'll get the tests done and if everything looks ok, the peace of mind will be €100 well spent. And if there is a problem(s) then at least we'll know and can start getting treatment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    oh you poor thing, I can understand why you have all these worries. Your signs sound very promising to me, and maybe your body is just being a bit lazy this month in getting going. Could the nightsweat have caused the delay? No dount the nightsweats are stressful, and I know for me personally that stress can delay O...
    I would definitely ensure himself gets checked out if he's on lots of meds. A couple I know were trying for 3 years before they discovered themselves (via the internet) that an ingredient in one of his meds (for Crohn's Disease) was undergoing clinical studies as a mail contraceptive. Their consultant assured them his meds weren't affecting their ability to conceive and was pushing for IVF. He came off the med and in two months they were pg. I also have another friend who has a slow progressing form of leukemia. He's on drugs for it and the drugs create lethal sperm anti-bodies, the only option for them is ICSI. I hope you get some answers soon (((hugs)))

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Well you certainly should never feel embarrassed, not around these parts anyway.:) There's nothing wrong with wanting to be pg immediately. I mean I waited til I was 30 and then I just expected it to happen, and why shouldn't it have? It happens so easily for the majority of people.
    The delays can be very frustrating, even if you're only at it a couple of months. I spent my twenties trying NOT to get pregnant. Himself commented the other day after the surgery, when the doc told us it was a miracle we we ever got pregnant at all, "well that was a lot of wasted money on condoms over the years!", he was joking of course, but so true at the same time.:p (he didn't say that in front of the doc btw :D:D )

    I think you made the right decision to avoid trying alternative therapies to aid ttc for now, and perhaps revisit it if you have been trying unsuccessfully for 6 cycles or more. What I would recommend you do take daily is folic acid (you're probably doing that already) and fish oil (omega whats-its). Fish oil is superb for brain development, and if you get pg that, and the heart, are the first of the baba's organs to develop, so you'd want that in your system prior to being pg, similar to the folic acid.

    I think your cycle will get back to normal quite quickly as you weren't on the AC that long. I know herbs can be potent but don't worry about it, chalk it up to experience. ;)

    Thank you so much for your kind and helpul words, they really do mean alot :)
    I've been taking folic acid and a multivitamin with omgea 3 in it and I've also been taking Evening Primrose up until ovulation to help with some fertile CM.

    Feeling a bit sick and shakey today which I'm putting down to coming off the AC cold turkey. Those herbs are more powerful than I think alot of us give them create for, they work great for some people but boy when you have a reaction you really have a reaction!!!! I know I won't be taking anything like that again unless under expert advice. Lesson well and truly learnt ;):D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Iguana, do you temp? That might give you an extra bit of information about whether you o'd or not, it could also give you an idea if you have a thyroid problem as they are sometimes linked to a low BBT.

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  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Iguana, I have often missed my surge,, as they can sometimes be quite short, and in all likelyhood surged during the night only to disappear by the next opk test. Bloods proved that I did ovulate, and I had worried that it meant I dont ovulate or had ovulation problems. I can understand how frustrating it can be not to know, on top of all the other things you have to cope with ((Hugs))

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Caroline your strength is so admirable. I so hope that you are successful this time. I think you're right to try again, rather than look back in years to come & wonder 'what if'.

    Ms2011 I'm shocked at how strong your reaction was to the AC :eek: I definitely wouldn't have thought a herbal remedy would be that strong! Hope you're ok now after it.
    Don't chastise yourself at all for being impatient with ttc, we've all had that at least once!
    It is frustrating when you spend your pre ttc years trying so hard not to get pregnant, only to find out it can be more difficult or time consuming than previously though!

    Iguana, I spent last month like that not being able to pin point ovulation. It is so very frustrating :( Like you, I had the feinter lines 2 days in a row, never reaching the same dark colour as the control line.
    I was delighted to get a smiley face on the clearblue digital predictor this month, it can be worrying wondering if ovulation happened or not.

    Detectiv that is a pricey bill for one mornings treatment :O Though so worth it if it helps you get your positive result. Here's hoping!
    Will you be able to try this month or do you have to take it easy after the op? My mum had the pains you described after her hysterectomy. She could pin point where in here body the gas pockets were, thankfully it eased off after a day or two.

    I hope you're well on the mend now!

    Hope ye are all well and enjoying the weekend so far. I'm nursing the start of a cold at the moment & feeling v sorry for myself. Think a wee bottle of west coast cooler will be called for tomorrow night (for medicinal purposes naturally ;))

    Anyone heading off to any of the concerts? gutted I didn't go to Bon Jovi, I seen him a few years ago in Croke park & he was brill. Nothing like drooling over him to help pass the 2 week wait :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    ok, so I'm going with Tuesday (day of lap) as day 1 of my new cycle. I was due my period the day before anyway and was cramping and spotting. I was debating it this morn (as I needed to start taking the clomid) and I realised all my PMS symptoms have gone, and have been gone since day of lap. My boobs get very sore, and they were particularly sore this cycle for some reason, but all the pain is gone. Surely if I was still waiting on my period my boobs would be like rocks by now?
    anyway I took the clomid, back to 50mg btw. Never taking 100mg again, silly me. So today is day 4 and normally I should take clomid on day 2 to 6, now it will be 4-8.. don't think it'll make much of a difference, I may ovulate a day or two later is all.
    Just got my bill in the door for the op - €600:eek:. Money well spent but at the same time that's our disposable income gone for July, ah well, I wouldn't have it any other way.:) All the hospital charges were covered by my insurance thank god, the 600 is just the consultants fee.
    I meant to say previously, the Rotunda staff were all great. If it was convenient I'd have my baba's there, but reckon it'll be the Coombe for me, and they are lovely there too.

    Detective- €600 just for consultant fees?

    I might be needing the same op and have been going private but I haven't got insurance so just be paying as we go along. However if I do need the op how much does the hospital charges mount up to also??

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Feeling a bit better today. Just the fact that we've made the decision to get preliminary tests has made me feel a bit less helpless. I'd intended to not even bother with ovulation tests when we started trying but ended up doing so as I was getting worried about the lack of physical signs that I used to experience. We're going to carry on as normal this month as, who knows, maybe I did just miss the surge and we could get lucky. But if not we at least have a plan.

    I feel like I'm very ungrateful, sometimes. It's not that long since we didn't know if my husband would survive, less than 18 months ago he was in an ICU because he'd stopped responding to treatment and his nurse was telling me to prepare myself for the worst. I wish I could just be happier that we are both still here to be on this journey together, and don't get me wrong, I'm very, very happy that we are. But in some ways the whole experience has made my sense of urgency about having a family much more intense. I'm more aware of how fragile our plans are and the miscarriage happened so shortly before my husband started to get ill that my feelings about the two things are so wrapped up in one another.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    iguana wrote: »
    I feel like I'm very ungrateful, sometimes. It's not that long since we didn't know if my husband would survive, less than 18 months ago he was in an ICU because he'd stopped responding to treatment and his nurse was telling me to prepare myself for the worst. I wish I could just be happier that we are both still here to be on this journey together, and don't get me wrong, I'm very, very happy that we are. But in some ways the whole experience has made my sense of urgency about having a family much more intense. I'm more aware of how fragile our plans are and the miscarriage happened so shortly before my husband started to get ill that my feelings about the two things are so wrapped up in one another.

    I am glad that you are feeling a bit better today, and I dont think that you are ungrateful. You and your husband have been through so much by the sounds of it, that a baby would be a way of celebrating his recovery and the future that looked so shaky for a little while.

    I felt the same getting the preliminary tests. The way I see it, they were able to put our minds at ease as to what could be ruled out as an infertility cause. Now, at least I know that if X does not work, then we move on to Y. I can research and get used to the various options that may or may not be ahead. It feels proactive, and I feel far more in control than when I was "just" ttc and leaving it all up to chance.

    Hope the tests give you good news!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    Sadly, another month, another fail. Amazing I can get pregnant unplanned the first time, but actually trying to have a baby is hard!

    Sorry bit frustrated here! :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    wolfpawnat wrote: »
    Sadly, another month, another fail. Amazing I can get pregnant unplanned the first time, but actually trying to have a baby is hard!

    Sorry bit frustrated here! :(

    Sorry to heard that Wolfpawnat, I can definately can relate to the frustration. Myself and another girl are the only 2 out of our (big) group of friends without kids, all of my other friends got pregnant so easily, too easily for some, 2 have barely the 9 months between their babies, but from some reason I always seem to have to fight so much harder for what some people seem to come by so easily, but I guess we can all feel that way sometimes :(

    I'm just finishing AF now so onwards and upwards to try again for another cycle, lets hope it's a successful one!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    wolfpawnat sorry to hear this month wasnt successful.

    you right ms2011 some people its just works out for. Not alot of my friends have babies but one decided she wanted one & was nearly pregnant straight away. while were not having as much luck,its so depressing i dont think il ever get pregnant at this rate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Ah sorry to hear your out of this cycle wolfpants but this is def the right place to vent!!

    Yep as we know TTC can be a lot harder for some people and we are all experiencing this. Unfortunatley when you want something so much it appears that everyone around you is pregnant but remember we are all in the same boat.

    Fingers crossed next month is your month.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    iguana wrote: »
    The thing is the Wednesday test had a test line but while it wasn't faint it didn't compare to the control line. Normally I'd get results like that a day or two before the positive and they'd get a bit stronger each day. Based on past cycles I expected to see a positive this morning, or maybe yesterday. We had sex yesterday morning and were planning to tonight, which is still the plan. I can't imagine anything more insulting to my poor husband than to tell him that as I'm not ovulating I don't have any desire for him after all.:p

    Hi everyone,
    I've been avoiding posting for a week or so as i think i was getting a bit ocd about concieving and I just want to try and stay relaxed about it all. I'm currently on day 22 and think Imight have ovulated at the weekend. Although i had very faint lines on the opk test on Friday and today, I was exceptionally muccusy (not a word surely!) but as i was away i didnt get to test which wa annoying!!! Anyways, we did the deed friday and today so fingers crossed for this month:o

    How is everyone else? Hope you all got a bit of sun in your lives today!:)

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