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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    newbie! wrote: »
    I'm currently on day 22 and think Imight have ovulated at the weekend. Although i had very faint lines on the opk test on Friday and today, I was exceptionally muccusy (not a word surely!) but as i was away i didnt get to test which wa annoying!!! Anyways, we did the deed friday and today so fingers crossed for this month:o

    Fingers and toes crossed for ya Newbie, really hope this is your month!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Well, my HGC levels still havent dropped to zero.

    I am now at 13 after 2 weeks being stuck at 17.

    This is my lowest day yet. Was out with yesterday with everyone drinking, i am still not allowed drink so was on the 7-up when a friend announced she is pregnant, she is as far gone as she with her bf. It completely knocked me for 6 - i wasnt expecting it.

    A few other friends have announced their pregnancy and sometimes i feel like i work in maternity ward, there are that many pregnant people walking around.

    None of that bothered me, I have no idea why this has completely floored me - I am sitting here in work and all I want to do is go home and hid under the duvet for the day (which is what I did last night), poor husband hasnt got a clue what is wrong because I cant put it in to words what is wrong - cos I dont know myself.

    I feel like I need to hid away and lick my wounds but that's no feasible in the real work - I cant even take time off work, 1 person on maternity leave, one on sick leave for IVF, one 7 months gone and 1 months gone, so all the heavy lifting and general dogs body work is down to me.

    I am still attending that hospital and they just keep telling me to be patient.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Hey ladies,
    How are you all doing?
    Im sorry some of you are feeling so low, i can completely relate. The journey is difficult at the best of times, seiing it happen so easily for some people just makes it so much harder.

    I dont really know how to start this post...... the last time i was on i was worried as was 5ish weeks and had some serious cramping, which was a hugely worrying time. Obviously then we got the hcg test results and felt a ittle more positive but still terrified! At that stage we booked a private early scan for 7 weeks for reassurance....and that was today!

    Needless to say we were all over the place, completely anxious and stressed out! Went in and she did an external ultrasound and after a short minute she said she'd have to do a transvaginal scan (dildocam....copyright detective/capri? cant remember:p) I was a bit worried then.
    But off she went anyway (into my lady garden...lord that will always be mortifying!!!) and found a sac with a baby in it :) there was a little heartbeat and i was extremely overwhelmed!! She did the measurements and told me that it looked 6 weeks 2 dates have me 7 weeks 1 day so i am a little concerned about that.... anyway, there we were proud as punch and then i noticed my husband tilting his head and squiting his eyes at the monitor with a confused look on his've guessed it...she found a second sac!!!:eek::eek:
    So the second baby is measuring 6 weeks 6 days (more in line with our dates) and also has a strong heartbeat ( i think their heartbeats were 110bbm and 125bbm respectively). I nearly fell off the bed!!!:D:D
    Have never been more shocked in my life!! She went on to say that there was evidence of bleeding behind one of the sacs and that sometimes that can be an indicator of miscarraige :( However she told us there was no reason for us to be negative as it often just disappears! We have to go back this day 2 weeks for a follow up to make sure the little one is catching up with its bigger brother/sister!! :eek:
    My head is all over the place! Obviously im completely over the moon, im just maybe a little overwhelmed! I know nothing about twins and just pray to god that they will both be strong enough to hang on, now i know they're both there it would crush me to have to say goodbye to one or other of them.

    I hope you dont mind me bouncing all this off ye, i just had to run it past the people who ahve shared my journey with me, and who will hopefully be joining me in pregnancy any day now.
    Best of luck the the two week waiters, and the rest of ye keep at it, cos clearly we must have ovulated twice a couple of days apart and cos we kept the jiggy going we somehow have been blessed with two miracles who i really thought would never ever come. Keep the has a weird way of keeping you on your expect the unexpected!! x x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    dublinlady wrote: »
    Hey ladies,
    How are you all doing?
    Im sorry some of you are feeling so low, i can completely relate. The journey is difficult at the best of times, seiing it happen so easily for some people just makes it so much harder.

    I dont really know how to start this post...... the last time i was on i was worried as was 5ish weeks and had some serious cramping, which was a hugely worrying time. Obviously then we got the hcg test results and felt a ittle more positive but still terrified! At that stage we booked a private early scan for 7 weeks for reassurance....and that was today!

    Needless to say we were all over the place, completely anxious and stressed out! Went in and she did an external ultrasound and after a short minute she said she'd have to do a transvaginal scan (dildocam....copyright detective/capri? cant remember:p) I was a bit worried then.
    But off she went anyway (into my lady garden...lord that will always be mortifying!!!) and found a sac with a baby in it :) there was a little heartbeat and i was extremely overwhelmed!! She did the measurements and told me that it looked 6 weeks 2 dates have me 7 weeks 1 day so i am a little concerned about that.... anyway, there we were proud as punch and then i noticed my husband tilting his head and squiting his eyes at the monitor with a confused look on his've guessed it...she found a second sac!!!:eek::eek:
    So the second baby is measuring 6 weeks 6 days (more in line with our dates) and also has a strong heartbeat ( i think their heartbeats were 110bbm and 125bbm respectively). I nearly fell off the bed!!!:D:D
    Have never been more shocked in my life!! She went on to say that there was evidence of bleeding behind one of the sacs and that sometimes that can be an indicator of miscarraige :( However she told us there was no reason for us to be negative as it often just disappears! We have to go back this day 2 weeks for a follow up to make sure the little one is catching up with its bigger brother/sister!! :eek:
    My head is all over the place! Obviously im completely over the moon, im just maybe a little overwhelmed! I know nothing about twins and just pray to god that they will both be strong enough to hang on, now i know they're both there it would crush me to have to say goodbye to one or other of them.

    I hope you dont mind me bouncing all this off ye, i just had to run it past the people who ahve shared my journey with me, and who will hopefully be joining me in pregnancy any day now.
    Best of luck the the two week waiters, and the rest of ye keep at it, cos clearly we must have ovulated twice a couple of days apart and cos we kept the jiggy going we somehow have been blessed with two miracles who i really thought would never ever come. Keep the has a weird way of keeping you on your expect the unexpected!! x x x

    Ah dublinlady, delighted for you. I bet you have the biggest grin on your face right now. Look after yourself and take things slow those miracles need minding. Of course we don't mind you telling your great news- you keep us having faith!

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Oh my sweet baby jesus, dublinlady that is FANTASTIC news:D:D:D

    I'm sitting here grinning like an eejit. DELIGHTED for you!!! TWINS, WOW:D:D:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Dunlinlady that is just fantastic :-) double trouble. Talk about a surprise :-)

    My scan is Wednesday we'll be extatic with one heartbeat.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    Wowser, that's great news DL.....i can only imagine the shock you experienced after all the worrying! :) Am just delighted for you. Think, you'll have a readymade family in only one pregnancy :)

    Good luck with your scan barbiegirl. Maybe you'll get triplets :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    OMG DL, I'm so happy for you I could cry!!!! Can't wait to hear more of your amazing updates :D

    Best of luck Barbiegirl with your scan, do keep us updated also!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    holy cow DL, twins!!! how cool :cool: this is amazing news! :D:D:D
    I'd say you were over the moon when ye discovered the second sac. Deadly and congrats!!

    Sorry for the failed cycle Wolfpawnat, I hear ya on that score, the start of a new cycle is always so mega depressing.

    Newbie, glad to see ya back ;) and yep it definitely does us all a bit of good to take a break from the OCD-ness of it all. My breaks usually only last a day or two :o

    Nicky, with hospital fees, anaesthetist and lab fees etc you could be looking at a couple of grand. Your room (for just the day, not sleep over) is €655 alone! There's also a government levy for private patients - €75! But as my OH said when we got the bill; 'best money we ever spent if it gets us preggers' and it's so true.

    dinnerlegs - so sorry your levels aren't at zero yet. Have the checked you for retained products of conception? There could just be a little bit of placental tissue that is causing your body to continue thinking it's pregnant (((hugs))) I'm not surprised you're down about it, we're here for ya.

    Barbiegirl - good luck with the scan. Next time you'll be posting on here yo'll be telling us you're going to be an Octomom or something, the way things are going on around here, lol.

    AFM, fully recovered, back in work today. Have been spotting lightly since the procedure and am still a bit bloated but hey I'm happy.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    Sorry to heard that Wolfpawnat, I can definately can relate to the frustration. Myself and another girl are the only 2 out of our (big) group of friends without kids, all of my other friends got pregnant so easily, too easily for some, 2 have barely the 9 months between their babies, but from some reason I always seem to have to fight so much harder for what some people seem to come by so easily, but I guess we can all feel that way sometimes :(

    I'm just finishing AF now so onwards and upwards to try again for another cycle, lets hope it's a successful one!:)

    Only reading this now...Ms2011, you could actually be me! I am trying about as long as you and the friend-baby situation is the exact same

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Lola92

    Dublin Lady CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Such amazing news, fingers crossed all goes well for your little family in the making :)

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Well. I go away for one evening, and when I return its TWINS!!! :D Big Big Congrats DL - Now Barbiegirl, dont you be getting all competitive and tell us you are having quads :p

    Seriously though, happy scans is happy news all around. I shall now my mexican wave of happiness:

    \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

    Me? Im nearing the end of my two week wait. AF due on friday, then its scans on cd2 to make sure there are no rogue follicles lying in wait before I take the 2x50mg clomid dose this month. Feeling good and relaxed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    OMG DL!!!! Wow! Huge Congrats hun xxx Absolutley delighted for you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    dective - thanks for the info - will have to start saving or maybe go public but not sure how long the waiting lists are for public?? :-/

    Barbie girl - wishing you all the best for your scan tomo and look forward to hearing your news. Bet you wont be able to sleep tonight - roll on tomo for ya!

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Does having a smear effect a TTC cycle??

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    After last Friday's panicked pessimism, I'm feeling more than a little optimistic right now. We went ahead and had sex on Friday night. Then on Sunday morning (technically the afternoon but we'd had a long lie in) as we were getting ready to walk the dogs, I found a tiny smear of blood in my mucus, just like last month's ovulation. What resulted was the world's most romantic, seduction;

    I came out of the bathroom, holding my toothbrush,
    "Sweetie, um, there was just blood in my mucus."
    "Ok, what does that mean?"
    "I'd say it means I ovulated after all."
    "What should we do?"
    "We should probably have sex, soon."
    "Yeah, I think so, do you mind? The dogs can hang on for a bit."
    "Are you sure? Great, hold on," I hold up the toothbrush, "I'll just brush my teeth."
    "Yeah, I'll brush mine too."

    (TMI alert) Then about an hour ago I went to the bathroom and had a very bloody discharge. Not like a period, but not like an ovulation bleed either. It took several wipes to get it all and it was quite mucus-y. The blood's gone now but I still have a lot of discharge for CD19. After that I started noticing gentle cramps in my uterine area when I move about.

    I'm trying not to get too excited as if I do I'll be devastated in ten days or so, but I'm hoping it was an ovulation bleed. I've never experienced anything like it before, not even on my last pregnancy (which I would like any future pregnancies to have very little in common with) so I can't see what else it could be. And then I have to remind myself to not get my hopes up yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Omg haven't been on in a few days so just copped your news Dublinlady,


    That is absolutely amazing news!!!! I hope you have a very happy & healthy pregnancy & that both little baba's are super sticky beans x :)
    (Bdway the 'dildocam' is copyright of Detectiv :p)

    Wolfpawnpat, Ms2011 & Newbie; so sorry that this month was not for you :(
    Its beyond frustrating when people around you seem to be popping up pregnant everywhere.

    Iguana I have my fingers & toes crossed for you that it is an ovulation bleed & that all systems are go for you this month :)
    I love your seduction routine ;):D

    Nicky, in Kilkenny the wait to see a Gynae consultant for ttc issues appears to be 6 months - though it may vary depending on what hospital you would be attending; that's going public.

    Dinnerlegs, I'm sorry you're so low at the moment :( I really hope you reach zero levels soon instead of being caught in limbo like you are at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Does having a smear effect a TTC cycle??

    Nicky the nurse I attended said it would affect it at all. I had a smear 2 days prior to my predicted ovulation date & she said there would be no hassle, just don't do the bold thing 24 hours prior to the smear as it can give irregular results.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Does having a smear effect a TTC cycle??

    Didnt affect mine at all.
    Nicky the nurse I attended said it would affect it at all. I had a smear 2 days prior to my predicted ovulation date & she said there would be no hassle, just don't do the bold thing 24 hours prior to the smear as it can give irregular results.

    Oops! I was around ovulation and had did the deed the night before, when my doc suggested it get done there and then. Morto that there could still be semen inside because it was first thing in the morning. I told her, but she was all 'meh, thats grand, hop up there so' Did not faze her in the least, but I was all :o

    Anyway I got the all clear on the smear so it all worked out in the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭Grawns

    dinnerlegs wrote: »
    Well, my HGC levels still havent dropped to zero.

    I am now at 13 after 2 weeks being stuck at 17.

    This is my lowest day yet. Was out with yesterday with everyone drinking, i am still not allowed drink so was on the 7-up when a friend announced she is pregnant, she is as far gone as she with her bf. It completely knocked me for 6 - i wasnt expecting it.

    A few other friends have announced their pregnancy and sometimes i feel like i work in maternity ward, there are that many pregnant people walking around.

    None of that bothered me, I have no idea why this has completely floored me - I am sitting here in work and all I want to do is go home and hid under the duvet for the day (which is what I did last night), poor husband hasnt got a clue what is wrong because I cant put it in to words what is wrong - cos I dont know myself.

    I feel like I need to hid away and lick my wounds but that's no feasible in the real work - I cant even take time off work, 1 person on maternity leave, one on sick leave for IVF, one 7 months gone and 1 months gone, so all the heavy lifting and general dogs body work is down to me.

    I am still attending that hospital and they just keep telling me to be patient.

    Are you okay?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    dinnerlegs wrote: »
    None of that bothered me, I have no idea why this has completely floored me - I am sitting here in work and all I want to do is go home and hid under the duvet for the day (which is what I did last night), poor husband hasnt got a clue what is wrong because I cant put it in to words what is wrong - cos I dont know myself.

    I feel like I need to hid away and lick my wounds but that's no feasible in the real work - I cant even take time off work, 1 person on maternity leave, one on sick leave for IVF, one 7 months gone and 1 months gone, so all the heavy lifting and general dogs body work is down to me.

    I am still attending that hospital and they just keep telling me to be patient.

    I know they're tight on staff in your job, but you have gone through a horrible experience. Would you consider getting a letter from your GP to sign you off for a day or two?

    Its so hard when you're not well, not feeling yourself but especially when a lot of the workload is being put your direction :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Well we went for scan today and there is no heartbeat :-( That's it for us for a while as I can't take the heartbreak.

    Take care guys :(

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    I'm so sorry barbiegirl. Take care of yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Oh God Barbiegirl, I can't tell you how sorry I am, I don't really know what else to say, there are no words :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    barbiegirl wrote: »
    Well we went for scan today and there is no heartbeat :-( That's it for us for a while as I can't take the heartbreak.

    Take care guys :(

    Barbiegirl, that's devasting news. No words can help. Thinking of you x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Oh Barbiegirl, I was dreading this. I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your baby. There are no words of comfort to offer. Know that you, your family and precious baby are in my thoughts and prayers. this is so unfair :(
    (((a million hugs)))

    just wanted to share a poem with you that a friend sent to me when I miscarried, I thought it was lovely:-

    The world may never notice
    If a Snowdrop doesn't bloom,
    Or even pause to wonder
    If the petals fall too soon.

    But every life that ever forms,
    Or ever comes to be,
    Touches the world in some small way
    For all eternity.

    The little one we longed for
    Was swiftly here and gone.
    But the love that was then planted
    Is a light that still shines on.

    And though our arms are empty,
    Our hearts know what to do.
    For every beating of our hearts
    Says that we love you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Oh Barbiegirl I'm so sorry :(

    Please know that we're all here for you, on site and in PM xxx Be kind to yourself for a while xxx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    I am so truly sorry to hear that barbigirl. I cant imagine how you feel right now.
    Take your own time to get to grips with things if you need to bounce of anyone, we're all here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Barbiegirl - i am so so so incredibly sorry. There are no words that can help. im so sorry. Im devastated. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this horrible and cruel time. x x x x x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Barbiegirl I am so terribly sorry for you and your partner. Absolutely heart breaking reading your post. Take care of yourself & know we are all here for you & thinking of you x

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