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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Dublin Lady, I'm so sorry to hear your sad news about your little twin. I hope you are bearing up ok. big hugs.:(

    Feeling tired today- think it must be the clomid effects, thought it was less than I took last time. All geared up to get dildocam on friday and count the follicles. hoping for two, because if its more then they will cancel the cycle again.

    Lucyfur, Carolinespring - fair play to you both for giving it another lash - here's hoping that this summer brings little miracles for you both - and the rest of us too.

    Good luck to the two week waiters - Detective, Miss 2011 and Iguana.

    Nicky, I had the HSG, and it was grand, painful for about 3 seconds, but take 2 nueofen plus beforehand and you should be fine. The good thing is that there is a higher possibility of a pregnancy after one, it seems the dye that gets pushed in gives it a bit of a polish in there and makes it easier to get pregnant. Hope it works for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    nicky, might you have PCOS? apparently PCOS sufferers don't respond well to clomid, and are usually given Femara (Femara is a breast cancer drug but is used off label for fertility issues). I think it would be totally pointless for you to wait 3 months only to go back on Clomid. Maybe try 150mg next month?
    The HSG won't tell you much but will clear out your tubes in the event there's a blockage - I say go for it, I can uderstand you being worried about the pain but I've heard a couple of Neurofen + an hour before works a treat (add vodka if you wish :p ) good luck with whatever you decide ;)

    CarolineSpring, you're very brave trying again, you truly are, hats off to ya

    Hi detective- had a ultrasound previously and bloods and they have ruled out PCOS.

    I was hoping he would increase the clomid but ever gave me a new script :-( I feel It being pretty pointless too and did try and put my opinion across.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Hi detective- had a ultrasound previously and bloods and they have ruled out PCOS.

    I was hoping he would increase the clomid but ever gave me a new script :-( I feel It being pretty pointless too and did try and put my opinion across.

    yeh, some docs aren't comfortable going up to 150mg due to the possibility of multiples and hyper-ovulation. It's a bummer being told to wait 3 months, but I guess it's to do with your age as you mention yourself. I would be proactive in those 3 months by doing the following:
    - schedule HSG asap
    - if not preggo 3 cycles after hsg schedule a lap
    - stay on 100mg Clomid in the meantime (cant hurt, and you never now it might trigger a follicle eventually)

    at least this way you won't feel as frustrated as you would without a plan of action ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Caroline sorry you're so down :( Love our fb chats too :) You're nearly halfway through the week, so not long now til you see your other half :)

    Nicky sorry things weren't as positive at your appointment, that is really good about your other half's sperm mobility though, I'd definitely take that as a major positive!
    I think Detectiv's plan is very good, I always find it good to have something to work towards. I hope the HSG isn't too painful if you need to get it x

    Neyite I'll have my fingers and toes crossed for you getting one or two follicles only this month for your scan x

    Iguana how did you get on, any sign of AF or did you test again?

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Iguana how did you get on, any sign of AF or did you test again?

    About 2 hours ago I started feeling a dull heavy ache in my abdomen and about 10 minutes ago (TMI Alert) I started to discharge pinky-browny goop.:( Obviously I'd like to think it's an extremely late implantation bleed, but that's hardly likely on CD33 of a 29 day cycle, especially as it's 2 weeks since the bleed I had on CD19, 2 days after I had an ovulation bleed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Thanks ladies, just gonna try and stay as positive as I can. X

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Full on period started about half an hour ago. I'm actually feeling kind of ok though. My husband is being really sweet which is helping an awful lot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser


    Am new to this...what a fantastic thread...really informative!

    Have been ttc for almost 3 years but no luck. am so reluctant to go to gp but am starting to think i'm being an idiot and need to get my head out of the sand and look into why its just not happening for us.

    I really wish every single one of you guys gets your of baby luck to you all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Iguana, sorry to hear AF arrived :( Hopefully next cycle will give you the positive you want x

    Hi Jennew, welcome on board :) Hopefully you will get the support/info you need here & your TTC journey wont be much longer.
    You're not being an idiot at all, it can be a difficult topic for people to broach with their gp; you're not alone there!
    It can take some time by the time you get tests done, GP's send letters to consultants to get appts etc so definitely worth going to your GP sooner than later.
    Hope you get your positive soon too!

    Caroline you're past the midweek mark now, not long til your other half is home :)

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Can a GP do the standard blood tests for ovulation hormones and make arrangements with the lab for the sperm tests? We were thinking of doing this through the IFPA but ideally I'd prefer to do this through my GP as it's easier than going to the IFPA and having to explain my husband's medical history.

    Also, obviously we won't be taking any fertility supplements while we're getting tests done so they don't mess up our results. But once they are done we are both going to start taking the supplement I mentioned on Sunday, Maca. It seems to be a bit of a fertility superfood. I found out about it while I was looking for something to help with the nightsweats, which are often a symptom of a rapid drop in progesterone. Maca is supposed to reduce oestrogen in both men and women so increases our libidos, men's sexual and sperm function and makes women produce more progesterone which helps prevent miscarriage and promotes healthy growth of the foetus. It's safe to take throughout pregnancy and is recommended for women with a history of miscarriage.

    In fact I was thinking of splashing out and adding a fertility smoothie to my breakfast. Though I'm not sure if the other ingredients are safe past ovulation.

    Also our doctor has suggested my husband come off his medication (not for ttc purposes, just in general). It will take him a minimum of 2 months to taper down but he should be fine as long as he takes his time. And even if he stays on it for longer he'll be at a lower dose, which can only be good for his sperm.

    I don't know why I'm so positive for CD1 this time out, but I really feel like my gloominess about this is lifting. I even sucked it up and ordered gifts for my friends' new babies and I didn't get teary eyed or any "why not me" feelings.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Iguana I know the gp (or in my case the surgery nurse) can do the day3+21 blood tests alright.
    I'm not so sure on the sperm count, I'd imagine they could make the appointment/referral though?

    I'm really intrigued by this Maca. I like the fact that if you do become pregnant that it is safe to continue taking.
    The one in your link is a powder, is there any difference in taking it in capsule form do you know?
    I've found it here in capsules.....

    & I'm v tempted to order it. I'm at the stage where anything is worth a try!
    (That said I'll wait to get my day 21 bloods out of the way before trying it)

    I'm delighted to read that you're feeling more positive this cycle. I think having the support of your other half definitely makes all the difference.
    I'm not even feeling like I'm in the game this month as I'm not going to try anything extra special til I get the day 21 bloods out of the way.
    Once I'm back to CD1 I'm starting to use the Clearblue fertility monitor (ordered it online today :) ) & either Agnus Castus or more likely this Maca as I like that its safe past ovulation.

    I like having a plan to put into action :D (sad I know :o)

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    I'm not sure if there is a difference. One of the links in my post on Sunday has a list of stockists so I thought I might go into one of the health food shops next time I'm in town and ask the sales assistant. I have heard that the powder tastes rank, so if the capsules are just capsules of powder I'll definitely get those.

    I've searched for maca on a few different discussion forums and I'm looking forward to giving it a go. Even if it doesn't help me make a baby apparently great sex is a common side-effect.:D From what I gather it takes a few months to build up in your system so we're going to commit to taking it for at least 4 months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Iguana my doctor sent me to the hospital for my blood test but the results came back to her, I'm not sure about the sperm test though.
    I've heard great things about Maca, definately worth a try.
    It's great to hear you are so positive, ttc can be so hard, it can sometimes make you feel like you are walking round with a cloud over your head, it shows great strength to see how well you are doing :)
    Oh and a good hubby doesn't hurt either :D

    Cap, best of luck with your CD21 tests, I hope they give you some insight on how best to move forward.
    I've also heard some great reviews on the fertility monitors, I hope it does the trick for you ;)
    I tried Agnus Castus this month and although it frecked me out by giving me a 2 week bleed it did move my ovulation day from CD22 to CD12 which I was amazed at :)

    Welcome Jennew and I hope everyone else is keeping well also x

    As for myself I'm 13dpo, my temps dropped to the coverline yesterday and I was convinced AF was going to make her apperance. I'm going out tomorrow night so I thought I'd just test this morning to make sure I was ok to drink tomorrow night. Took the test, brushed my teeth, turned back and there was a second line, I couldn't believe it!!!! It was faint (about half as dark as the control line) but clearly visable.
    I'm sitting in work now dazed, it's not sinking in. I took a picture of the test on my phone (sad I know :D) cos I know I'll be sitting in work doubting myself but everytime I look at the picture I can clearly see the second line :)
    God my hands are shaking even typing this lol :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur



    I had a feeling you were gonna get a positive this month:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Ms2001 That's just fantastic, huge congratulations :-) On the camera thing I did the same with all 3 of mine. :D
    Delighted for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Thanks so much ladies, I truly believed I was out when my temps dropped yesterday, even had a little cry about it yesterday evening. Don't think I'll feel home and dry until I see that image on the monitor, even then I'll be worrying. March/April seems so far away and so much can happen!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    MS2011 Congrats!!!!!! That's Absolutley amazing news :D how did your hubby react? I'm sooooo happy for you xx just take it easy & try not stress (easier said than done) March will fly in!

    As for me I'm officially in my 5th month and into week 18 December is scaring quickly approaching :D lol decided not to start buying till week 20 just so I don't start going mad now lol.. We have the more expensive stuff picked & paying it off weekly so it's not a big a pinch! My OH job is looking better finally and for the moment he is back on FT and we're hoping it'll stay that way till Xmas which would give our savings a massive boost! Fingers crossed ladies! Still not feeling any life yet but Doc says it's normal not to feel before 30 weeks on your 1st when I went for my scan last week the Doc said the afterbirth & placenta are above the baby but didn't really go into it! I think it might be even later before I feel our baba move... But enough of my rambleing on :) how is everyone on this sunny Thursday??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Oops meant to say 20 weeks not 30 lol & MS2011 I took a photo too :) I would recommend the pregnancy diary book rather than what to expect while expecting! It's easier to read and Alot more imformative! I also got a preg diary from Easons after 12 weeks and fill it in every week! We add photos all the time (like a little scrap book) think it'll be nice to give to our baba when they're older!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Tigeress wrote: »
    how did your hubby react?

    OH's reaction: - "I TOLD YOU SO", men, they always think they know everything!!! :D

    Thanks for the diary suggestions, I think that's a lovely idea. As soon as things start to sink in I'll go out and have a look a some!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    Congrats Ms2011....that is fantastic news!!! You must be on cloud 9 right now.

    Well, AF arrived for me on hols last week. Positive thing is that this cycle was only 37days as opposed to 68 last month. The other major thing is that I got a new job which I really wanted so am delighted. I was a bit dissappointed when AF arrived but then maybe the timing just wasnt right with the new job so back to TTC this month!

    Hope all the pregnant ladies are doing well and all the other TTC'ers are keeping their chins up. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    omg omg omg omg CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's absolutely brill Ms2011, congratulations!!!!! I'm delighted for you :D:D:D

    Not sad at all taking a pic, its lovely to have it as a reminder when you're having one of those 'did I imagine' moments :D

    Tigeress that's brill about both your jobs, will definitely help take the pressure/worry off :) So lovely for you to have a Christmas baby :)

    Iguana I'm going to order the capsules so & see how we both get on with them. Here's hoping they'll work & we'll be back soon to report our own positives :)

    I'd to call into my go today, no sign of the blood tests back yet but she was able to tell me that the tests most likely wont confirm the miscarriage as the levels of HCG would've been so low at that early stage.
    I'm going back for a proper chat with her after my day 21 so I'll be on a mission next month for my bfp :D Going to take it easy this month & not stress over it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,196 ✭✭✭crazy cat lady

    HCG should show up in a blood test even if the level is very very low.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    HCG should show up in a blood test even if the level is very very low.

    That's odd, I wonder why she told me it probably wouldn't show up then :confused:
    I was very clear when I got the test done what I wanted to have checked.

    I didn't get long to talk to her as I was there for an appointment with my little lady (& didn't want to get charged for a second appointment :o)
    The results aren't back from the labs yet, they're to ring me when they do come in so I'll hopefully find out more then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Welcome Jennew! :)

    OMG MS2011, that's brilliant news:D:D:D:D:D. Why don't you post the pic of your test for us all to ogle? Too much? :o:p

    I am 5 days past ovulation. Got food poisoning yesterday (work canteen, eeewww) was in bits all afternoon and yesterday eve (couldn't even go online, that's how sick I was) and a horrible nights sleep, still not right today. This morning my temp sky rocketed, but I'm putting that down to thr sickness and crappy sleep. I skipped dinner last night, so not like me at all, I usually eat more than OH :o. Think I'm on the mend now but work the last two days was torture.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Cap that's a pity that they can't tell you if you had a miss or not, it would make such a diifference to you getting a better idea of where you stand.
    Think you're doing the right thing though not stressing out :)

    Welcome Jennew! :)

    OMG MS2011, that's brilliant news:D:D:D:D:D. Why don't you post the pic of your test for us all to ogle? Too much? :o:p

    I am 5 days past ovulation. Got food poisoning yesterday (work canteen, eeewww) was in bits all afternoon and yesterday eve (couldn't even go online, that's how sick I was) and a horrible nights sleep, still not right today. This morning my temp sky rocketed, but I'm putting that down to thr sickness and crappy sleep. I skipped dinner last night, so not like me at all, I usually eat more than OH :o. Think I'm on the mend now but work the last two days was torture.

    DFT, 5dpo already, how exciting. I hope you'll be following me soon with your BFP. Hand on heart I've never 'met' a group of ladies who deserve it more :o
    Glad you are feeling better after your food posioning, there is no worse feeling, it's the pits.:(
    And just for you my test pic!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    newbie! wrote: »
    Well, AF arrived for me on hols last week. Positive thing is that this cycle was only 37days as opposed to 68 last month.

    Newbie forgot to add, my cycle before this one was 37 days, I O'd on CD22. Agnus Castus brought my O day up to CD12-13 this cycle. Might be something to look into.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Woot!! there's no mistaking that lovely line! yipee!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Thanks Ms2011, omg so exciting seeing that second line!!!!

    Detectiv, sorry to hear about your food poisoning, what a rotten dose to get :( hope you're well on the mend now :)

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Congrats Ms2011.:D:D:D
    Ms2011 wrote: »
    Newbie forgot to add, my cycle before this one was 37 days, I O'd on CD22. Agnus Castus brought my O day up to CD12-13 this cycle. Might be something to look into.:)

    I was actually feeling a little bit bad for recommending the AC when you seemed to have such a bad reaction to it and instead it might have helped do the trick for you.:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Wishing you a happy a healthy 8/9months ahead


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