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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Neyite wrote: »
    Custard Cream - drag him in by the ankles!;)
    What a lovely dream, hopefully its a lucky omen :)

    Dublinlady that's brilliant that your little baby is doing well, I always looked so forward to my scans (even though I didn't have a clue which bit was what on the scans!)

    10 days to go.........tick tock tick tock :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    We're both 35 and have been trying for just over a year (though we stopped using anything not long after the wedding with the idea we didn't mind if it happened or not).

    My wife has gotten herself checked out by a couple of doctors and everything seems fine there.

    The issue it appears is with me - two tests requested by a doctor she was attending (brought to Naas hospital lab) have come back negative (though apparently they return negative when below certain levels or something?). I had an operation for an undescended at roughly age 9 (can't remember exactly) and the second took a long long time after to appear. I'm of the opinion that it's unlikely there's anything there but am willing to find out for sure (before anyone says anything ;))

    My wife is in the process of sorting out an appointment with one of the fertility clinics (we filled in the forms tonight) but apparently there's a bit of a wait.

    What I'm wondering is what can I do in the meantime? I'm reasonably fit (and for the next while will be getting more so as I'm starting proper training for an event) and, while not a teetotaller I don't drink a huge amount. I eat reasonably healthily though I probably could improve my fruit intake. What else can I do? Basically I want to put myself in as good a position as I can prior to any appointments.

    Any and all opinions welcome.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Hi guys, just dropping in for a quick check up on the thread on my month off. I don't want to obsess too much on TTC this month and am mostly trying to not think too much about it, but I wanted to answer biscuit boy's post as I've been working on this for the last few weeks. My husband is about half way off his medications now, so all going well we might be back to TTC next month. He is taking a medley of supplements which, fingerscrossed, will help his sperm get back to normal soon.

    I had a bit of a shock at the doctor. It turns out I'm anaemic, so much so that the sores on my mouth that I thought were a first cold sore infection were caused by iron deficiency. The doctor thinks my periods have caused it, which is a bit worrying but right now I'm just incredibly relieved to know why I was so tired and miserable for the last few months.
    BiscuitBoy wrote: »
    What I'm wondering is what can I do in the meantime? I'm reasonably fit (and for the next while will be getting more so as I'm starting proper training for an event) and, while not a teetotaller I don't drink a huge amount. I eat reasonably healthily though I probably could improve my fruit intake. What else can I do? Basically I want to put myself in as good a position as I can prior to any appointments.

    There are a number of supplements you can take. There are combo-pills like Wellman Conception that are designed to help with male fertility, most health food shops have their own brands. If they seem too expensive at least take zinc, folic acid and B vitamins. Taking a prenatal supplement designed for pregnant women is also a good, cheap alternative, all of the vitamins and minerals in then will be good for your fertility.

    If you want to amp it up, superfoods have shown in clinical trails to be good for male fertility. Maca is a food supplement that is shown to improve sperm counts and motility, it tastes vile but you can get it in gelatanised form which can be swallowed like a pill. Royal Jelly is also good for fertility as are Bee Pollen and Bee Propolis, though it's advised to avoid all 3 if you have a bee sting allergy. Spirulina is also supposed to be very good. There is also a herbal supplement called Kudzu which is known to improve sperm quality and quantity.

    And here's a short article on improving your diet;

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    Hey all, just checking in after what felt like THE longest week ever. I dont know if I'm hormonal or if its just very heavy and muggy and thats leaving me exhausted. I've been getting cm for three days now but still negative on opk. It's day 19 and i think i ovulated on day 22 last month so hoping for something positive soon. Will post back when something more positive happens!

    The forum seems very slack everything on holidays or just having a jolly rogering ol' time doing the deed??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Good to hear from you Iguana. That's positive finding out about the anemia, at least you can get it sorted.
    Will you need medication for it or iron supplements? Hopefully you'll get it sorted soon & wont feel so tired.
    Fingers crossed for next month back to trying, hopefully the supplements will help a lot.

    Biscuitboy, I hope the tests come back ok for you both & that you get answers soon. Depending on where you are, it might be no harm looking at another fertility clinic if you don't want to wait.
    I'm in Kilkenny and could get an appointment at any of the three clinics here at a few days notice.

    Lol @ newbie, no major rogering going on here anyway :D My cm is a bit like that this month too. I haven't tested (made myself abstain from tests this month as was using them at a ridiculous rate.)
    There are 3 days in the past 10 days where I could swear to you I had ewcm, but I doubt that's possible either :confused:
    Fingers crossed you get your positive opk v soon!

    So many pregnant bellies everywhere I go lately. It doesn't bother me, just an observation. Here's hoping there'll be more of them from our little forum here soon :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    So many pregnant bellies everywhere I go lately. It doesn't bother me, just an observation. Here's hoping there'll be more of them from our little forum here soon :)

    I must admit that this is the first month where the abundant pregnancies isnt bothering me either. Am trying to stay chilled about it all!

    I am flying though cheapie OPK tests too. Used first response last month but my dates are so hard to pin down that i was flying through them and quickly realised that TTC was going to cost me a bomb!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks Iguana :) I had no idea there was so much that was considered helpful - I'll have to look into the stuff you've mentioned. As far as folic acid is concerned I've often heard female friends talking about taking it if thinking about ttc but was unaware it had benefits for men too.

    Caprilicious I'm not so sure about the tests - I never thought about it at all until the first one came back negative - after that I did put a bit of thought into it and it makes sense that there were likely to be issues given my history.

    I know that might sound negative but I'm not going to or willing to concede fully until all options have been looked into. I'm a logical person and like it keep it real - no point building up false hope only to have it dashed (plus I'd be aware all the time that it is only hope ;)). After that - well if I'm barren then we'll have to think about alternatives. Here's hoping something works out :)

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Good to hear from you Iguana. That's positive finding out about the anemia, at least you can get it sorted.
    Will you need medication for it or iron supplements? Hopefully you'll get it sorted soon & wont feel so tired.

    Just iron supplements for now and lots of extra greens. I can't wait to perk up a bit, I've honestly been so constantly tired, irritable and horribly depressed for the last few months. I'd been assuming it was psychological and I'd just have to power through it, so to find out that there's a physical cause is a huge relief. The doctor said my iron levels are about 40% of what they should be.

    I didn't get any of my hormone test results back yet so I guess I'll see them when I to go in for the CD21 tests next week. I'm also very glad to find out the sores aren't cold sores. I'd been kinda sour with my husband all month for infecting me.:o Best of all we can kiss again after nearly a month of abstaining.:)

    How are you getting on with the Maca? Did you get the powder or capsules? We got the powder and think it's vile. Luckily for me I'm waiting until after the second hormone test to start taking it and have capsules in the post that will hopefully arrive before I'm ready for them. My husband has been taking it each morning since Sunday with Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly tabs, Kudzu and a multivitamin and he's definitely been more "alert" in the mornings, iykwim.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Fingers crossed the Iron will kick in fast & your energy levels will start to increase fast with it.

    You'll have to make up for last time now you know they're not cold sores ;):D

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    I got my period today. We both were really disappointed, and I had a good cry. I guess we are so used to going to the doctor, getting a prescription and getting results that we really expected this cycle to work with the Clomid, Pregnyl, Scans and doing everything the doctors say.

    We are now 25 months trying- 28 cycles of hopes and hopes dashed, and we are feeling pretty frazzled. We had hoped that if we got lucky, we would be able to have a holiday (badly needed at this stage) but we cant do that now with another TSI cycle to pay for and possibly onto IUI at double the cost. On that holiday I suspect that the OH was going to ask me a very special question, but thats not gonna happen now, with more clinic bills on the horizon. I went and bought alcohol in dunnes and plan on having a good drink later. The checkout girl asked me if I was over 18 and though that never fails to make my day (being ancient at 36) but that didnt even cheer me up.

    I am normally very positive, but today I need to be upset, to be angry, and to be pissed off at my doctors for taking my money and not being able to give me answers or results, and pissed off at all the skangers that get knocked up and barely care about their babies, to be annoyed at the smug preggers ones with their cute bumps that seem to taunt me that my body does not work properly. Today I need to be a bit irrational and stroppy, so Im staying indoors,otherwise i might need Lucyfurs shovel. :o I'll have calmed down by tomorrow.

    Newbie, the cheapie tests are the business. Like you i spent stupid money on them the first month and then got them and never looked back. Hope they turn pink for you soon and you can get rogering! You too Custard Cream!

    Iguana, you owe that poor man an apology and lots of smooches for the cold sore bizness. Great though that you have a diagnosis and can remedy it. I'd say your house is like a health food shop with all the supplements, but its well worth it.

    Caprilicious, I hope your two week wait has a much happier ending than mine. I've my fingers crossed for you.

    Biscuitboy -welcome to the TTC forum. lots of us have had all the preliminary tests for the clinics, as have our partners so feel free to ask any questions.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Neyite, big hugs to you, have a good cry it really does help. It's such a let down isn't it? I really expected to get pg immediately after the lap as the doctor told me he 'fixed' all my issues. I took that as "I fixed you, you will be pregnant asap", but of course he didn't say that my emotions did.
    I've read the trigger (pregnyl) and timed intercourse has low success rates - something like 20%, so don't beat yourself up, you are doing everything you possibly can to get pregnant. At that rate you'd need 5 goes in order to achieve pregnancy and I think most people end up doing that. I think the rates go up (only slightly) when doing trigger + IUI.

    I had a great few days away. Some days were good weather-wise and some not so good days but we made the most of it.
    I had a very heavy period for a few days, heaviest in years (started on the first day of my hol :rolleyes: ). It scared me a bit (reminded me on the m/c). I didn't really have a period after the lap (I was due my period the day before but it never came, then I only had light/medium spotting after the operation) so maybe it was two periods for the price of one? I'm seeing my consultant next Thursday so will chat to him then.
    Do you think there are any other questions I should ask him? I'm not sure really. I want to ask him what my chances are (%) of conceiving now that the lap was done, but aside from that don't know what else to ask him about.... I definitely want to talk IVF. I've been thinking lately that if I'm not pg by December then I want to do it. I know I'd be skipping over a couple of less invasive options but as I mentioned above the success rate seems pretty shít. At least IVF success is somewhere around the 40% range for someone of my age/health.
    I have this month and next month left on my Clomid prescription and I doubt he'll let me continue taking it. I'm worried that when I come off it my cycles will get longer again.....

    ah well..... what will be will be as my mam always says.

    Hope you're all having a great weekend xoxo

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    Neyite, Sorry you are feeling so crap. Cry it out and enjoy your drinks. I sometimes get really mad at people who have babies that are not planned. Wrong I know but this trying to have a baby is so bloody stresful. Chin up and message me if you fancy a chat.

    Iguana, hope you start feeling more perky soon. Tireness is a killer

    DFT, Chin up and good luck with the doctor

    Cap, hope you are lucky

    Barbie is having a fantastic holiday by the sounds of it. Roll on mine.

    I am in a mixed mood, great one minute and a total cow the next. We had some sad news yesterday that knocked me and make me really think about how lucky I am. I have a wonderful husband who love me, great fmily and wonderful friends.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Hey Detective,

    Its typical that you get your period just when you are trying to relax away. I would think that it was heavier because you kinda skipped one myself.

    I think you are on the right path to ask about IVF. The way I see it is that you are giving yourself a good few months on your own but putting contingency plans in place. You are on clomid a good while now?

    you are right about the success rate - its about 18% but the way we figured (on our more optimistic days) its 18% more than we had already, y'know? and IUI - not much more hopeful odds. I just wish they could tell me a reason for it, and explain how they intend to fix it. I would be the same as you - skipping over the low rated TSI and IUI stages, if I knew what was causing my woes.

    You never know - you may never need the IVF but you are a bit like me - you need to know all the possibilities and plan ahead. If I think of any questions before Thursday I will post em.

    I feel better now - I got stuck into my sewing, never fails to calm me down. I got some stunning purple/black/burgundy printed fabric the other day and I'm gonna make a maxi dress.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Hi caroline,
    our posts crossed!

    I feel better now, thanks. Sorry to hear you had sad news -I guess sometimes things happen that give a bit of perspective but even so, you are still allowed to be sad for you. Unfortunately there is plenty of sad to go around everyone.

    You deserve a super holiday - I hope its a wonderful one. When are you heading off?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    Neyite wrote: »
    Hi caroline,
    our posts crossed!

    I feel better now, thanks. Sorry to hear you had sad news -I guess sometimes things happen that give a bit of perspective but even so, you are still allowed to be sad for you. Unfortunately there is plenty of sad to go around everyone.

    You deserve a super holiday - I hope its a wonderful one. When are you heading off?

    The week i would have been due. We fly out saturday 8th Oct. Cannot wait. Also have a week off in seppt but nothing planned yet. Was looking at cheap flights but will see.

    I take it you saw my post on FB? So sad what some people have to deal with. Heartbreaking.

    Glad you are feeling more positive now.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Hi Neyite, I'm sorry you're so down at the moment :( I think TTC is so frustrating considering how often people just can't be given answers about why they're not conceiving.
    If you go to the doctor with a broken leg, they can fix it. Go with fertility issues & it seems to be a bit hit & a miss.
    I really hope you do start getting answers & more importantly (positive!) results soon x

    Would you be able to go away for a weekend break maybe instead? it'd be lovely for you & your other half to get away for a day or two (plus it might give him the opportunity to ask a v important quesion ;) )

    Detectiv that's such a pain that you got your AF when on hols. My brain is mush at this hour of the day so I can't suggest anything to ask the consultant I'm afraid but I want to wish you luck at your appointment. I hope it goes well.

    Caroline I'm the same this weekend for whatever reason, up and down poor dh doesn't know what to make of me at all! Though I think it may have been what spurred him on to give the utility room a much overdue spring clean so I'm glad of that!
    When are you off on your hols? hope you have a fab time :)

    This is going to sound so inane I know in the face of what some of ye are going through at the moment but I need to vent so please excuse me in advance :o
    I'm feeling really crap at the moment as I feel a friendship I have had for the best part of the last decade is going down the tubes & I don't know why.
    Nothing happened between us, no row. Just in the past few weeks/months this person seems to be phasing me out. We don't live nearby but have the type of relationship that we have always text or email daily to keep in touch. Now at most I get a mail a week/fortnight.

    I know its not that she's busy as she's on fb daily. I think this makes it a more bitter pill to swallow, that I've mailed her, she's obviously got my mail (is online) but doesn't reply for days later.

    She went through a difficult stage when she was TTC (but thankfully went on to have a beautiful healthy baby), I just feel so sad that she's not there for me anymore and that stuff that I'm venting about on here about ttc I can't talk to her about too.

    I know I should probably try do something, speak to her about it, but we live quite far apart. Any time I put this into writing to her I delete it & don't send it as it reads back as a petty thing you would expect of a 5 year old saying 'why aren't you my friend anymore' :o

    We may not live nearby now, but we did previously & this person was my best friend for so many years; the only person to know me as well as my husband or family do.

    Anyway, sorry rant over I just needed to get that out to someone. Dh doesn't see what the fuss is or why it'd bother me. Oh well, at least its a distraction from TTC woes for this month anyway :pac:

    Night all :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I'm on 2 week wait, have no idea if I actually ovulated or anything as I'm only off pill 3 weeks ago, I'm just assuming I did! Very early days yet.

    Caprilicious, it's not an inane thing at all. It can be very upsetting & attention consuming when something goes wrong with a friendship, even for the strongest of people.

    My OH & I had a major falling out with another couple months ago who we had been very very close to & worked with & lived with at one point, no one's spoken to each other since & it really churns away in the back of my mind. I get so angry thinking about it.

    But then I have a friend who I've been best friends with since we were young and I've noticed the same thing as what you've described, being shut out & then kept on "maintenance" calls/texts. I have no idea why, the only thing I can think of is that she's moved into a circle of well paid professionals & is making a lot of money, whereas I am a little bohemian shall we say :rolleyes:. I really don't know, but like you I'd feel silly asking why she doesn't want to hang out with me as much, yet it plagues my thoughts on and off. I'd really like her to be around for whenever I do get preggers.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    The week i would have been due. We fly out saturday 8th Oct. Cannot wait. Also have a week off in seppt but nothing planned yet. Was looking at cheap flights but will see.

    I take it you saw my post on FB? So sad what some people have to deal with. Heartbreaking.

    Glad you are feeling more positive now.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


    Hiya - was out all day until now. A 1st anniversary mass for a little one, which was very sad, though not as sad as the funeral last year, so I just logged on now. I saw your post in the ladies lounge and it was so sad, I am thinking of you and also your friends, the parents of that little angel. We are both finding it slightly difficult being around babies and children this weekend and todays rememberance was full of them, but we only got one "yis better get a move on yourselves" type comment and it was grand. I might keep an eye on the cheap flights myself.

    Cap, so sorry to hear about your friendship - I had a close friend some years ago who phased me out and it really hurt. No contact whatsoever in about 9 years now. There was nothing that triggered it, except that I think her boyfriend at the time didnt like me much. It really hurt me and I find myself wary of making friends because of it. Hate that. I know what you mean when you say that whatever you write comes across as petty, so its so hard to deal with. ((Hugs))

    Mink, I hope the two week wait flies for you! fingers crossed!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Neyite I'm so sorry, I hope you're ok after the mass x

    Thanks for the replies Neyite & Mink about my friend issue. I think 'maintenance' texts/mails is all I'm getting at this stage alright.

    Normally I wouldn't let stuff like that get to me so much. I'm blaming the Maca, I'm so feckin hormonal this month :o I'm hoping the extra hormones are a good sign for this month :)

    I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this situation. Well not glad for you experiencing the same, but you know what I mean!
    Its my own fault, since I moved down here with my husband I never got to know people outside of work, so need to work on that!

    Good luck Mink on your 2 week wait. I'm on the 2 week wait. I *think* I ovulated 8 days ago, so its torturing me not to test til next Friday :)
    Fingers crossed this will be your month!

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Big hugs for everyone xxxxxxxxx

    Hormonal NIGHTMARE. Ugh. But, on the plus side, I'm only 3 days away from being on day 1 of of our first cycle actively trying:D If my cycle goes accordingly, I'll be ovulating on, if we conceive on hols, should we do a posh and becks on it and call the baby Lanzarote? :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Lucyfur wrote: », if we conceive on hols, should we do a posh and becks on it and call the baby Lanzarote? :D

    Ooh yes there's an idea! or better again name baby after the specific resort such as 'Los Pocillos' or 'Costa Teguise'...nice :D

    Think I might copy their new trend a la 'Harper Seven' and call my future child after a cartoon character + my favourite number such a 'Handy Manny 6' or 'Special Agent Oso 12'. I'm all class me ;):D

    Enjoy your hols! So nice to be heading off soon :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Is Harper a cartoon character???

    If that's the latest trend then it's gonna have to be SpongeBobEffingSquarePants 13.....the 13 is for the amount of hours my darling boy watches him a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Yep apparently its a character on this cartoon..

    They let their sons pic that bit of the name & the 7 was Beckhams original team number :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭Custard Cream

    Neyite, I’m so disappointed for you. Would you not think of booking a nice weekend away? You both deserve a relaxing weekend of relaxation and pampering. You can get some really good deals at the moment in Ireland. If you can’t get away you should really just turn off the mobile phones, get lots of treats and have a weekend just the two of you.
    I did the cheepy ovulation tests last week and I think they should positive but I’m not sure. If my cycle is longer than the 28/29 days this month then I should be ovulating again later this week. I think I’ll just do the test every evening at the same time this week and see if there is any difference. You’d need a maths and science degree with all these figures and tests! I’m also beginning to hate the fact that I’m becoming obsessed with every ache, pain and mood swing I experience. I read so much into how my body feels at the moment. Anyway fingers crossed for this month.
    Also is it really bad that I’m avoiding my friend’s babies christening? I just can’t handle seeing all my friends together at the same time with their babies. 5 of my friends had babies within three weeks of each other. I’m delighted for them and I’m genuinely busy that Sunday but secretly I’m happy that I can’t go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Been following this thread for a while now. Time to join in.. Finished my months pill in a week then gonna start ttc in around october... I'm 24, engaged,mature student(my fiance is going to stay at home with baby) and excited !

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Welcome to the mad house Javagal:D

    Right, have the start of period today. I think...possible TMI alert...Had blood stained mucus this morning, presumed that was the start, but nothing since then. Most unusual for me, normally it just starts, none of this stop start carry on. However, I'm strangely excited about trying again. Also more than a little terrified, especially of another ectopic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    blueugh..... I should be 27 weeks pregnant today (*makes a mental note to turn off PregnancyTracker but knows deep down that I'm not ready to do it)

    Cap, it very difficult when friends phase you out, I think it's happens to the best of us and is a part of life unfortunately. I'd give it another couple of goes if I were you and if she doesn't bite chalk it up to two friends drifting. I doubt you did anything wrong, it just happens sometimes. Wanna fly over to me for a cuppa? should only take ya ann hour or two ;) If not we can have a virtual cuppa

    Welcome Javagirl!

    Mink fingers crossed for you!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    DFT, are you sure you're not ready to turn off that tracker? It sounds tortorous....hope you're ok regardless.

    I am now in CD22...have been having alot of CM for about 5 days now and sat night had sore pains on my lower right (assumed ovulation pains) and yet, still no positive on the OPK. I even used a first response ovulation test to ensure the cheapies were working. Am frickin frustrated with it all now :( Have also just run out of cheapies d am waiting on the next batch to arrive.

    A very cross and irritated newbie :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Welcome on board Javagal, best of luck in your TTC journey :)

    Custard Cream I think that's only natural. My friend had her little boys christening the week after my miscarriage & I didn't go. Just couldn't face it. I agree with needing a degree in biology or similar to understand some of the intricacies of TTC!

    Lucyfur I love CD1 each month (sad thing that I am!), I think its the fresh start and the potential to *maybe* get the bfp this month :)
    Best of luck with getting back to TTC :) The fear is understandable, hopefully it'll be unwarranted this time x

    Aw thanks Detectiv, I'll put the kettle on :D
    I loved those trackers when I was pregnant, but I think if I'm lucky enough to get pregnant anytime soon I might not register for one til after the first trimester. It was horrible having to figure out how to deactivate them.
    Fingers crossed you'll have reason to set up a new one very soon :)

    Newbie I feel your pain. I've had several months where no amount of opk & dearer Clearblue tests would read a positive, it is very frustrating :(
    Hopefully you had your LH surge late at night or very early in the morning so missed it with a test but did do the deed around the time.
    Fingers crossed for you!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭Grawns

    Lucyfur wrote: »
    Big hugs for everyone xxxxxxxxx

    Hormonal NIGHTMARE. Ugh. But, on the plus side, I'm only 3 days away from being on day 1 of of our first cycle actively trying:D If my cycle goes accordingly, I'll be ovulating on, if we conceive on hols, should we do a posh and becks on it and call the baby Lanzarote? :D

    Hey Lucyfur - I'm back girls and hello to all

    I've got my final blood test tommorrow and period due too so we are on the same cycle give or take. I'm off on hols too so if it's a girl - Clare :) Not as catchy as Lanzarote or nearly as hot

    Going to order a load of OP kits but not the cheapie pregancy tests as they were rubbish. Happy trying all.

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