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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Sorry DFT I'm lost with it! When do you start?
    I'm on the same programme as DFT, its basically Clomid to stimulate the egg at the beginning of the cycle, then around day 12 or so (cycle depending) you get a transvaginal ultrasound and the follicles are measured. If you have a mature one, you are given a Human Gonatropin injection which triggers ovulation about 36 hours after the injection (nicknamed the trigger shot) Then you go home and are told to have intercourse prior to the ovulation and alos afterwards.

    It is one of the group of OI (ovulation induction) and called TSI in my clinic (timed sexual intercourse) IUI also falls into this, but the difference is that instead of send you home to concieve somewhat naturally with TSI, they insert the sperm via a catheter. Thats next for me too on the program prior to IVF.

    There are 2 sides to it, on one, its odds are low - 20% for TSI, and around 35% for IUI, but having said that, its way cheaper than IVF. My clinic charges €300 for TSI, and €600 for IUI. IVF starts at about €4000.
    If someone is lucky enough to get pregnant on these low odds, then they have saved themselves a bundle, but on the other hand, its a waste of time.
    I'm good thanks, little bit of blood today so trying not to panic as this can happen.. Got a heartbeat check on Thurs and was shocked at how fast and loud it was :) only a week & a half till our scan and hopefully find the sex out hehe :)

    Can you call a doctor today? it must be an awful worry, but I'm sure its all ok and part of a normal (if bloody scary) pregnancy progression. Its exciting to get the gender scan im sure - I dont know if I would want to know or not - I will probably have to be in that position before I can decide, its all so amazing, so happy for you.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    ah pants! we can't win can we??? no fair :mad:

    Himself can still go on increases the swimmers, potency and volume, as well as overall libido. My fella is agreeable to go on it. The way I see it is, 350million get released, but maybe only 20 or less make it to the egg. Sometimes none survive as far as there.

    Just tell him it will turn his soldiers into Seal Team six. :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Those odds are low! Hopefully this will work for you and DFT :) I have a good feeling for you both :)
    When I opened my account I unchecked PM and I can't figure out how to change it back... Anyone know?

    I'm not gonna call the Doc Neyite as it was the tinyest of amounts and has happened before.. My OH said to me yest that it seems to happen every few weeks and he's right! The hospital said unless it's Alot TMI coming.. As in I fill a pad in an hour then it's fine (which seems a little much for me if it was on my panty liner I'd be straight up to them, but it's only a little on a wipe) I'm super excited about my scan but I'm also super excited to see if they can do anything to help my back pain I'm in agony :( I don't sleep I literally walk the house at night an the exhaustion is showing in my daily life now too.. OH is so patient thankfully!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    I have been reading a lot of the threads on this forum for the past few months with great interest and have learned a lot! Basically myself and my wife have been trying to conceive for the past few months, so far without success. We are both still in our 20's just about so am not too worried. But I am not sure how to approach the issue of pregnancy tests. I would love to get positive news but don't want to force the issue either.
    So basically, any thoughts as to how to approach the pregnancy test from a male perspective without causing unnecessary stress for my wife?

    Hi Male perspective, welcome on board :) I think you could tackle it by suggesting she tries using Ovulation Predictor tests to ascertain when exactly she is ovulating.
    It might simply be the case that you're not doing the deed at the time of ovulation.
    Beyond that, going with your age as far as I know most gp's will require that you're trying for one year before they'll try further testing.
    If you try with the ovulation tests & still have no luck, then it would be worth talking to your gp.

    Tigeress I hope all is well. I found during my pregnancy that light bleeding never concerned the hospital/my gp much. So exciting that you're finding out the sex soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Hey Male Perspective, you're very welcome.

    What do you mean when you say 'how to approach pregnancy tests'? Are you worried that if you ask your wife when is she/should she test that you'll stress her out? The most reliable day to test is the day her period is due. Some ladies don't bother with tests at all and just wait it out til their period comes (normally 14 days after ovulation). Me on the other hand I'm an early tester, and on my pregnancy I got a positive test 4 days before my period was due.
    If your wife doesn't have regular cycles that throws another spanner in the works, and as Cap says ovulation tests may be worth a go.
    Re the tests themselves you can get great value on eBay. Chemists hoike up the prices considerably. Postal packaging is always discreet (in case you have nosey neighbours!)
    Am not sure if I answered your question but hope the above helps :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Tigeress I think you're right not to stress to much about the blood. Also, just a tiny thing to consider, are you sure the blood is coming from where you think it's coming from? IYKWIM. Sorry to put that out there :o but I've seen a few preggo ladies on boards worried sick about a spot of blood only to discover it was from another area. Testing both areas with the tip of a tampon will clarify.
    Dying to hear how your scan goes! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Fri.Day

    Hi All,
    Wondering if ye could give me a little info...?
    I was pregnant until a week ago - I miscarried last Saturday - Aug 6th
    I was supposed to be 9 weeks pregnant at that stage (LMP June 3rd) but at a scan on the Tuesday the Doctor says to come back in 2 weeks as i had gone in too early and that I was only at 5 weeks, while in reality there was no heartbeat and he never spotted it.
    I`m having a scan on Tues 16th to see how things are inside.
    I`m truly heartbroken but trying to move forward at the same time, my OH isn`t the best at sharing his feelings but he has agreed to try again soon as I`m 36yrs.
    I did a OPK earlier and it was positive so is really a positive or are my hormones just out of whack for a while?
    I took a preg test y/day morning and it was still positive. So dunno what`s really going on...
    Should we try or wait till after the scan or after period?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious, I am so sorry for your loss. When I had my loss last year at 8 weeks, my GP told me to do a pregnancy test a week later & if it still showed up positive to come back to him.
    It'll take a few days for the pregnancy hormones to deplete. In the mean time as far as I'm aware HCG (pregnancy hormone) is similar to LH (present during ovulation) so presence of HCG will give a positive result on an OPK. (Those more knowledgeable than me please correct me if I'm wrong)

    Personally I'd wait til you got your next period then try after that, just to make sure all is ok first.

    Again I'm very sorry for your loss, I wish you luck when you try again x

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    So sorry for your loss I would also recommend you wait until you test negative again. Your body would not be ready for a pregnancy this cycle I would imagine. The HCG should decrease gradually as your body deals with the M/c.

    What Caprilicious says is correct. The LH hormone and HCG are very similar and will produce a positive on an OPK test.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Hi Fri.Day Essentially, id I'm understanding properly you have had a missed miscarriage and when I had mine, (3 of them) the pregnancy test shows positive right up until the last of the tissue is gone. If the sac is still there your body may be being fooled into thinking it is still pregnant, even though babs, heartbreakingly died or stopped growing at 5 weeks. The reason behind the come back in 2 weeks is so they and you are absolutely sure, if the babs hasn't grown and showing a heartbeat everyone is certain. If you are sure of your dates then you should prepare for and try to accept the worst, it isn't easy. Big big hugs

    As for me I'm back from hols and trying to catch up. Still waiting on AF but as soon as she comes we're back trying again. I have to attend the miscarriage clinic mid September so they can start tests and hopefully help us get our longed for baba.
    I have to say that with our friends having their toddlers on hols I thought it would be hard, however listening to the little ones wake up at 7am every morning when we could trun over in bed definitely helped :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Fri.Day

    Thanks Ladies,
    How soon after m/c should the preg test come back negative?
    I`m having the scan tomorrow so that`s 10days after m/c and hopefully there`s no need for D/C and things are getting back to normal...

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Fri, it can vary from person to person. On my latest miscarriage I got negative results after a week and I ovulated a week after that. With the ectopic my levels were under 5 within days of the surgery. Some peoples levels can take weeks to come down.

    ((hugs)) chick, you'll be ok x

    Barbiegirl, good to see you back, how are you feeling?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Myself and my wife have recently just discussed starting a family.

    Both of us will have turned 30 this year and are generally in good health. We are recently just married (in the last 6 months) but we would rather start a family early to leave it late only to find we may have difficulties (touch wood we wont).

    My wife is currently on the pill. She plans to finish the cycle and then we will try for a baby. She has been taking folic acid for the last 6 weeks.

    Is there anything (and I am sure there is) that both of us can both do to increase our chances?

    I assume things like diets/drink etc would need to be looked at? Anything else?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,166 ✭✭✭carolinespring

    Ladies, I have not got round to reading your posts over the last few days and catch up on everyone yet, will do that this eveining.


    Had a family get together at the weekend. My uncle, his wife and my lovely cousin home from the UK so the whole family had dinner in a really nice place on Saturday. All going well and enjoying myself catching up with everyone. All happy, so after dinner moved into the bar for a few drinks and my dear Aunt decides to ask why we dont have any kids in front of everyone (about 17 people) I smile sweetly and reply we havent got round to it yet. Dose that shut her up... Hell no!!! OMG why dont I have kids, how old am I? Turns to my mother and asks I quote " do you not want her to have kids and make you a grandma and none of this rubbish, you need to tell her to cop on" She then turns to me and says you are not one of those freaks of women who don't want children, thats just not natural. Of course james had to be in the loo when all this went off.

    At this stage everyone is looking at me and I could feel myself well up. Mum turned to her and said she and James are grown and can decide what they want to do and when, its not up to you me or the man in the moon to tell anyone what and when to do it. Have to say that shut her up fast but then another old bag decided to start telling me that I am not getting any younger and that I should be getting a move on as my eggs will be all used up and her friends daughter left it to late and is now baren and her husband found someone else, that men need children to make them feel like men. I think it was plain that I was getting upset so my brothers OH rang my mobile so I could "answer" a important call. Mum asked me later if I was ok and I felt she knew the heartbreak we had over the years. I just nodded and she held my hand and said nothing.

    It really ruined the night and My best friend is home from Canada and I spent all the next day crying with her and James over it and didnt really enjoy the time I had with her and wont see her again before she goes back.

    Why do people do this and not just shut the F*** up. Just could she had kids by the dozen dose not mean everyone can or wants to. To be honest all I remember is her roaring at her kids and not being the best mum in the world.

    Again sorry for the major rant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    What cows, I have to say at this point I'm going with blunt honesty if anyone is rude enough to ask that type of question as in "Are you sure you want the answer or are you just being nosey" normally shuts them up.
    Some of the oldies are just terrible.

    Lucyfur I'm feeling grand, a moment as in seconds of weepiness yesterday holding a very close friends 10 day old daughter as our second would have been due last Friday, but all in all I'm doing well physically and emotionally the holiday was great to get hubbie and I less stressed. I'm going to try to srat jogging tonight, cross your fingers I don't have a heart attack ;-) Get myself fit and back in shape, my body's been through hell this past 15 months so I need to treat it right for a while. We're in hospital in mid Sept to the mis-carriage clinic where hopefully some answers will be forthcoming or more support on our next pregnancy. Though for some reason I feel the next one is the one, but sure who knows

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Ladies, I have not got round to reading your posts over the last few days and catch up on everyone yet, will do that this eveining.


    Had a family get together at the weekend. My uncle, his wife and my lovely cousin home from the UK so the whole family had dinner in a really nice place on Saturday. All going well and enjoying myself catching up with everyone. All happy, so after dinner moved into the bar for a few drinks and my dear Aunt decides to ask why we dont have any kids in front of everyone (about 17 people) I smile sweetly and reply we havent got round to it yet. Dose that shut her up... Hell no!!! OMG why dont I have kids, how old am I? Turns to my mother and asks I quote " do you not want her to have kids and make you a grandma and none of this rubbish, you need to tell her to cop on" She then turns to me and says you are not one of those freaks of women who don't want children, thats just not natural. Of course james had to be in the loo when all this went off.

    At this stage everyone is looking at me and I could feel myself well up. Mum turned to her and said she and James are grown and can decide what they want to do and when, its not up to you me or the man in the moon to tell anyone what and when to do it. Have to say that shut her up fast but then another old bag decided to start telling me that I am not getting any younger and that I should be getting a move on as my eggs will be all used up and her friends daughter left it to late and is now baren and her husband found someone else, that men need children to make them feel like men. I think it was plain that I was getting upset so my brothers OH rang my mobile so I could "answer" a important call. Mum asked me later if I was ok and I felt she knew the heartbreak we had over the years. I just nodded and she held my hand and said nothing.

    It really ruined the night and My best friend is home from Canada and I spent all the next day crying with her and James over it and didnt really enjoy the time I had with her and wont see her again before she goes back.

    Why do people do this and not just shut the F*** up. Just could she had kids by the dozen dose not mean everyone can or wants to. To be honest all I remember is her roaring at her kids and not being the best mum in the world.

    Again sorry for the major rant.

    Caroline - Rant away!! Seriously, are they thick or what?? :mad::mad: Its such a cheek and I think that you and your mother were far too polite to them, myself. I would have gone in with both guns, but then I tend to be a hot-head.:o Next time just say "lets talk about your sex life first, shall we?"

    I would even go as far as to say that they probably waited until James left the room, to pounce on you. Fair play to your brother in law for spotting it and getting you out of a horrible situation. and as for "men need children to feel like men" - :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Utter horsecrap.
    Big hugs pet.

    Barbiegirl - download the Couch to 5k if you havent already done so - theres a thread in The ladies Lounge-eases yourself into it gradually. I havent gone out in a while but you've got me thinking...

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    What a cow is right!! I have no problem telling people who ask me questions like that, shuts them right up and makes them realise that not everyone can get/stay pregnant.

    Glad you're doing well barbiegirl x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭Grawns

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Those odds are low! Hopefully this will work for you and DFT :) I have a good feeling for you both :)
    When I opened my account I unchecked PM and I can't figure out how to change it back... Anyone know?

    I'm not gonna call the Doc Neyite as it was the tinyest of amounts and has happened before.. My OH said to me yest that it seems to happen every few weeks and he's right! The hospital said unless it's Alot TMI coming.. As in I fill a pad in an hour then it's fine (which seems a little much for me if it was on my panty liner I'd be straight up to them, but it's only a little on a wipe) I'm super excited about my scan but I'm also super excited to see if they can do anything to help my back pain I'm in agony :( I don't sleep I literally walk the house at night an the exhaustion is showing in my daily life now too.. OH is so patient thankfully!

    Hi Tigress

    Have you got a good mattress? mine is memory foam and was fantastic when I was pregnant with Bridget. A simple thing like a new mattress while expensive is so worth it. I bled a bit on my first pregnancy and it was unexplained. They thought it might be (guess) a fibroid tearing a little as it grew or shifted. Everything turned out fine but it was unnerving so I feel for you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭Grawns

    ps. To enable private messaging. Click on your user name and go to user CP ( control panel) There is an option for enableing PMs under messaging and notification settings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭Grawns

    Lucyfur wrote: »
    hahahaa my smear came back ''inconclusive''. Nurse rang me, I told her the situation, told her she can sing for my cells if I manage to get pregnant this month NO ONE is going poking up there. She laughed and wished me all the best. If I don't get pregnant, I'll go back for the repeat this month.

    :D Priceless Babe!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Hi, so sorry for your loss. There is nothing to stop you trying straight away (physically), just make sure you are emotionally healed. I miscarried in March (7w2d) and was ready to start trying again immediately. Although it was horribly painful, it all happened naturally for me over the course of 5 days (i.e. evacuation without any medical assistance) so maybe that's why I physically felt up to trying straight away.
    I would not rely on any ovulation tests you do this month. My miscarriage cycle was totally whack, not surprising as the body is reeling after a m/c. I tested positive for pregnancy up until Day 15 (after m/c), then bang Day 16 I get a negative pregnancy test and a + ovulation test. No way could my body be ovulating the day after it realised it was not longer pregnant. We still tried that month but knew the chances were slim. (((Hugs to you)))

    Caroline, that's awful. Some people don't know when to put a cork in it! Don't let it get to you. x

    Barbiegirl great to hear ya! Hope you had a great hol

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Caroline, I don't know if it's just the hormones but your rant made me a little teary eyed, after everything you've been through you so don't deserve the third degree from some old battle axe. Hope you are feeling better soon x

    Barbiegirl so good to see you back, hope you enjoy the hols :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    god caroline thats awful some people just don't no when to stop talking. hope your ok.

    Ive started telling people I'm back on the pill because all the omg your off it nearly two years faces are upsetting me more & more. I just don't want to get into it , bad enough the OH is freaking out!! i finally confined to a close friend about this so maybe the next step will be the GP I'm building myself up to that one. But now that all the girls in work have babies I'm the only one who doesn't and everyone is asking me when I'm going to catch up etc, i just laugh & say I'm not there yet, but deep down obviously want it so much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Caroline I'm so sorry you had such a horrible experience with your Aunt.
    I hope you're ok :( x I'm so annoyed on your behalf, I hate the way people interfere like that & make others private lives their own business :mad:

    Neyite I like how you'd approach it
    Neyite wrote:
    "lets talk about your sex life first, shall we?"
    I never think of quips like that at the heat of the moment, always an hour or two later :o

    Applesock that has to be difficult with the other women in work that have babies. Fingers crossed you will be joining them soon though x
    I hope all goes well at the gp for you.

    Barbiegirl, how was the hols? hope all goes well in the clinic & you get some answers (& a positive result!) soon. Hope you didn't have a heart attack after the jog. I break out in a sweat at the thought of exercise these days :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi all,

    Hope you're keeping well.

    Caroline rant away, that Aunt sounds like a piece of work. I hope you got to enjoy the time with your friend that was visiting without the aunt ruining things altogether :(

    Well I had my first GP appointment today. I thought it would make the pregnancy feel more real/make me more excited, but it had the opposite effect.
    Things didn't start off too well when my urine sample spilled on the passenger seat of my car on the journey in (want a lift anyone?)
    The gp did a pregnancy test, but commented that it took a while for the positive line to appear. I confessed it wasn't first morning urine (I forgot to take a sample when I woke at 5am, couldn't do much the next time so took a small sample then & topped it up when I went the next time) so he wants me to do another test in a weeks time & come back to him if the line isn't dark immediately. That said, after a few minutes he checked it again & the line had darkened quite a lot.
    If I have to go back, he'll do a blood test & monitor HCG levels.

    I can't quite put my finger on it, maybe its more in my own mind as I have my own anxieties about another loss; but he didn't seem overly positive.

    He gave me a letter to go to the early pregnancy unit of the hospital for an early scan (I've to ring them tomorrow for an appointment).
    He was however at pains to convey to me that if anything goes wrong, there's not a whole lot they can do for me :(
    He also advised me it was better off not to tell family/friends til I was 12 weeks; though he did say he recommends that to all patients.

    He said because pregnancy tests give positives so early these days, even before the period is due; that miscarriages are more common that people are aware.

    He did tell me that as I've already had one healthy pregnancy/labour that I'm not as high risk as if I had a series of losses only & no pregnancy, but it was higher risk than a 'regular' pregnancy.

    Perhaps I had unrealistic expectations, I just didn't come away from it feeling all fluffy & delighted with myself, I came away anxious (& with a car that smelled of wee :$)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Grawns wrote: »
    Tigeress wrote: »

    Hi Tigress

    Have you got a good mattress? mine is memory foam and was fantastic when I was pregnant with Bridget. A simple thing like a new mattress while expensive is so worth it. I bled a bit on my first pregnancy and it was unexplained. They thought it might be (guess) a fibroid tearing a little as it grew or shifted. Everything turned out fine but it was unnerving so I feel for you :)

    Hi Grawns :) we actually bought a new bed the month we conceived :) & it's a memory foam mattress, it's amazing and I do think is be Alot worse with a normal mattress but it doesnt help with the pain really.. The Doc told me I have a problem with my pelvis caused by pregnancy & that is putting the strain on my back :( some days I can cope & others I'm nearly in tears, I have to start physio soon to try help it so fingers crossed on that! But the impression I've gotten is that it's only gonna get worse as I get bigger (I'm huge already) it'll be all worth it in the end :D but a few days sleep would be nice along the way..

    DFT, it was defo from where I though! I learned early on as I rushed to EPU & they told me :) I'm quite proud of myself for not worrying like mad.. I know it can happen & was only a small amount (I still worried a bit!) I'm trying to be calmer with the weird stuff that happens.. Some days I win others my OH calms be down.. I'm so sorry for your loss hun! Big hugs xxx you're in the right place here :) I found a wealth load of great info here with these amazing ladies after my 2 m/c's I wish you all the luck in TTC & hope your BFP is on the way very soon!

    Barbiegirl great to have you back hun! I'm delighted to hear you had a great hol! X hope you're doing ok xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Aww Penguin, I'm sure he was just being concerned for you.. But an ass all the same for making you feel like this! If the line got darker I'd take that as a real positive though hun (not that a faint line shouldn't) my last mc was a really faint line and this time round was alot stronger.. I really hope everything goes well hun xx it's easier said that done but try not to worry! The 8 weeks left to get to the 12 always seem to drag but it'll be here in no time for ya :) just keep remembering you have s positive :) you have a little bean growing now and that's all that matters at the mo (OH of course too hehe) just take it easy hun x
    Any sickness?

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Myself and my wife have recently just discussed starting a family.

    Both of us will have turned 30 this year and are generally in good health. We are recently just married (in the last 6 months) but we would rather start a family early to leave it late only to find we may have difficulties (touch wood we wont).

    My wife is currently on the pill. She plans to finish the cycle and then we will try for a baby. She has been taking folic acid for the last 6 weeks.

    Is there anything (and I am sure there is) that both of us can both do to increase our chances?

    I assume things like diets/drink etc would need to be looked at? Anything else?

    Congrats and welcome!
    Folic acid is all she will need (according to my fertility specialist) you can take supplements yourself, but plenty of fruit/veg, water, and decent diet will benefit you both. Quit if either of you smoke, and drink alcohol moderately. She should avoid tuna if possible, there is something about mercury levels taking a while to leave the body, but you might wanna google that.
    For you - no more baths, :(, and wear looser boxers to cool the temperature down there.
    Invest in internet cheapie tests - for Ovulation prediction or pregnancy, if you compare the prices on ebay or with even own brand tesco/boots ones you will see what I mean.

    Lastly, have fun! TTC can get very much like a chore and therefore more stressful if you let it, so make sure you maintain the romance in there.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Try not to be too downhearted. These days I reckon doctors are so afraid of patients compaints and trying to sue that they go to great pains to explain all possible outcomes. I went for a consult for another issue and by the time they explained what could go wrong in an operation they put me off getting fixed up altogether.

    All they cautionary words in the world will not change the fact that you have your long awaited pregnancy now. Thats what matters. Well that and valeting;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I just got married recently and we have decided to start a family sooner rather than later.

    We will both by in our 30's by years end and are generally fit and healthy.

    My OF has just come off the pill.

    In terms of trying to increase our chances of getting pregnant is there anything either or both of us should be doing (other than having sex!)

    Any advice greatly welcome

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