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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Neyite they only start the clinic at 1.30 otherwise I would love an 8am appointment. I've rescheduled for the 27th and next time I will have an "appointment" for the afternoon.
    In my previous job my boss was great and he knew I'd make up any time lost, however this guy is different and I'm new. I am in sales so I can add the odd "appointment" in but I'm fecked if he decides he wants to accompany me as he sometimes does. I'll know for the next time.
    I really do understand how busy they are, but she quite literally walked past, said something to the nurse and ambled off, the nurse was obviously expecting her right back and she just didn't come. I felt very bad for her in fairness, though I didn't take it out on anyone, just had a good cry in the car. My hormones I think are a bit all over the place AF is due anytime from now, which probably didn't help.
    I guess I just really want to get on to actually getting to hold and bring one of my babies home. Enough is getting to be enough

    Applesock you have so much patience, the goldenrule according to my book is that 14 days after ovulation you will get AF, give or take a day, so at this stage I would test. Hell if mine hasn't come in by Sunday (which I think it will do) I'll be testing, and like you my cycle is a little all over the place 26 - 32 days. Day 26 today :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Barbiegirl how disappointing for you, I'd be gutted too (((hugs))). Were you scheduled with a specific medical practitioner - if so you could log a compliant via the Medical Councils website? just a thought. It's so horrible when your fate is in their hands and they don't seem to give a shít, with little semblance of adequate and orderly systems in place so that they actually see patients ON TIME, if not running a little over. The Coombe EPU is where I had my post miscarriage scans, they were ok, guess I was waiting up to an hour each day, the place was a mad house though. Very busy and chaotic. The doctor was an idiot though and only started to treat me like a human when I mentioned I was being treated for fertility at the HARI private rooms (I mean how fecked up is that, ignorant sod!). Also the lack of sympathy is horrible. I know it's their job and they see thousands of patients, but a bit of sympathy goes a long way, it sort of validates your feelings and makes you feel less isolated about the whole thing. Any time my m/c comes up in discussions with HARI they always say I'm sorry For Your Loss. The doctor last week said it twice within the space of a few sentences, and it actually meant a lot.

    Wel, OH got hs semen analysis result today over the phone, all's good with the swimmers, but sure we knew that last year, money making racket I tells ya.....:rolleyes: It annoys me too that they don't give detailed info over the phone (e.g. mobility, motility, count etc.), the caller just said results were 'normal'. I told OH to call him back and ask for a report to be sent out. Want to at least get my 100 quids worth! :D
    OH is on Day 3 of Maca. Not horny yet, (I asked him specifically last night) lol.

    How is everyone doing today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Congrats Play Bunny :D

    Hugs for you barbiegirl. Makes me realise how lucky I am to have such a supportive boss. Time off was never an issue.

    I'm good ta DFT. How's yourself? We're on maca ....erm....9 days now? No increased horniness to report:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Play bunny - fantastic news - exciting times ahead for you and your partner.

    barbiegirl - how very frustrating and dissapointing. Can imagine how hyped up you were hoping to get answers.

    so me... i went for lunch today with my two pregnant friends - one has 6 weeks to go and the other is about 14 weeks and all they spoke about were babies - and they both know what i am going through. Very hard but i guess there both just really excited.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    ah grand so I am Lucyfur! nothing going on with me really. finished my Clomid last night thank jaysus. The hot flashes were immense this time round.

    Nicky hugs to you, that can be tough alright. You don't want to rain on their parade but at the same time you're thinking 'enough already'. have been there so many times with preggo pals.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Bunnygirl congratulations :) amazing news xx

    Barbiegirl I'm so sorry to hear about your appointment :( I really hope you're ok hun!

    Applesock I'm still hoping for your positive :) test soon!

    Neyite & Cap how are you yummy mummies doing?

    DFT glad to hear your OH tests came back as normal but as you said you already knew, hope the Clonmid works for you this month ab you won't have to pay them anymore!

    Good luck to all in the 2 week wait :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Tigeress how are you doing sweetie? How many weeks along are you now? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    haha Lucyfur I'm on maca aswel and haven't really noticed anything different. I bought two test today after work, so if no AF by friday i will be testing.

    nicky987 i no how you feel its very hard isn't it, there's a girl in work who's pregnant , I'm delighted for her as she had MC but at the same time I'm tired of hearing about babies & when am i having one just because it hurts, and as I'm the only girl out of the girls i lunch with that doesn't have a baby I'm starting to get the whole ohh you wouldn't understand!! very frustrating.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭newbie!

    Congrats Play must be so thrilled :)

    Barbiegirl, I would be totally peeved if I were you also. It's amazing how at the mercy of the health system we are :(

    Applesock, I cannot understand your patience...fair play to you. When are you going to test? 17th August is a loooong time ago!

    Day 21 for me and still no positive :confused: My last two cycles were 37 days so maybe this one will be as well. If I do ovulate 14 days before the last day of my cycle, I am concerned that we havent managed to get pregnant as we have been TTC'ing alot around those dates. Still crossing my fingers tho.

    How's everyone else? Is there alot of pregnancies at the moment or is it that I'm only reading this in spurts and seeing alot together?

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Tigeress wrote: »
    Neyite & Cap how are you yummy mummies doing?
    Doing great. Feel absolutely no different physically. All the unusual twinges etc have gone and I guess I'm just waiting for something to kick in- morning sickness or whatever. Its a strange feeling emotionally - I feel like I'm at a loose end- no more ttc stuff to keep me busy, but nothing baby related yet either. Feeling happy, and certainly a vast amount of stress has lifted, but not totally estatic either - but I should be - I think its a little bit of self preservation still. I think it will hit me when I have my scan on 28th, unless other symptoms hit me first :) hows u?
    applesock wrote: »
    I bought two test today after work, so if no AF by friday i will be testing..

    You are a testament of Willpower Applesock, its amazing. I'm still full of hope for your BFP. I tested on a friday, so they might be lucky? ;)

    Hope everybody else is keeping good. I see we are keeping the Peruvian maca farmers in business :p. OH is still taking it. Dunno why, he's hardly gonna get the ride now eh? :pac:. Ah, shure I might oblige ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    willpower went out the window the minute i bought those test they were calling me from my handbag:D. Im out this month got a negative :mad: ah well onto next month :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 362 ✭✭Play Bunny

    Neyite wrote: »
    I don’t blame you for being annoyed at that. I think I would be so upset, were you on the waiting list long? Could you ring them and ask for a reschedule? Is there any way that you can do a half day the next time? Its so disappointing knowing you have to wait some more for answers.

    I am pretty lucky that I was nearly always able to get 8am appointments for my clinic, so if I was in just after 9 the occasional time it was no big deal. I found that the earlier the appointments were in the day, the more likely they were to be on time – later in the day you have more chance of previous appointments being overran and it has a knock on effect.

    Like you, I don’t want work to know anything until I’m basically giving notice of maternity. There have been an awful lot of redundancies and I want to keep my head below the parapet. I have the rarest type of boss ever. She thinks medical stuff should be private, so telling her I have a doctors appointment is sufficient – she only wants to know what work needs to be handed over, and how long for, but even so, I didn’t want to have loads of appointments or they would start to ask why, hence getting up at the crack of dawn to go in before work twice a month for the whole summer and they are none the wiser.

    Playbunny!!! Congrats!!!! My clearblue said 2-3 when I tested, but thats only guesstimate based on levels of HCG. Best to go buy Day 1 of your last period. I was actually exactly 4 weeks the day I tested for example. What date did last months period start for you?

    hiya, it was aug 15th was my last period

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Congrats playbunny!!

    Barbiegirl- you poor thing - you'd imagine for somethingso important and difficult they could at least get the service right. its so so crappy, im sorry you had to endure that , esp since you are looking for answers for something so important :( I hope they are better organised on the 27th!

    Applesock- im so sorry - i would have sworn you were getting your positive this month :( Its so horrible when your cycle plays up on you and makes you get your hopes up, i hope your ok, i understand the disappointment only too well, really hope you get a positive soon!

    Sorry to all of you having time with insenstitive friends etc, i suppose to people who have not found it difficult they just really dont understand. They dont understand the feeling of loss each month your period comes, while you havent lost a baby - you loose the hope and dream of one for another month, its hard when you have to deal with that month after month watching other people who seem to find it so easy and really take it for granted - its not their fault, they just really dont get it, hopefully for them they never will have to. it sucks - and i hope ye all ok - vent when you need to and rant when you need to - there will always be people on this thread to help pick u back up and help you keep positive, there is no doubt at all that one way or another everyone on this thread will hold their beloved babies - its just a matter of finding the right path for you. x

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭applesock

    thanks Dublinlady, i was thinking i might have got a positive this month, but sort of knew deep down i wouldn't. But its ok because I've booked a big holiday for the end of the month :D so after that will try again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Tigeress how are you doing sweetie? How many weeks along are you now? :)

    I'm doing good DFT thanks :) very tired & not able to do a whole lot these days before I get too soar & tired.. I still get pretty bad cramps in my sides but they happen a for a few days then my bump seems to just expand over night! I'm pretty big already which is scary as I'm 26 weeks so still 14 to go! Started building the furniture for babys room tonight :)

    How are you hun??

    Neyite, I felt like that at the start too.. It's a weird situation! I guess in my situation I was almost convinced after 2 MC that it was all too food to be true! In a way it still does, even though I get booted out of it on & off during the day & all night :) (they say that the pattern babies kick now is what their sleeping habits will be, if that's the case I'm doomed to never sleep again eek, totally worth it though) i can't say for sure when I felt 'this is it, this is our baby' and started getting excited but it was a while after the 12 week period.. It's a very surreal experience & I know you'll be fine :) just remember that not every pregnant woman gets morning sickness Infact all the books tell you it's only 15% which is pretty low when you think about it! I know ya want to feel it cause it makes you you feel more positive but trust me the sickness that you wish for gets very old very quickly hun! Xx
    Sorry for the long rant there :)

    Applesock so sorry you didn't get your BFP but glad to see ya so positive for next month :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Fri.Day

    Congrats Play Bunny!!
    Sorry about your negative applesock
    I`m out too, got period y/day and went on the beer, not very mature but what the hell! It would have clashed very nicely with my sister`s wedding and I would have gotten outta the bridesmaid thing...
    So it`s 5 weeks and 2 days since m/c to get period

    Now CD 2 and counting....:)
    We booked our honeymoon for November, wasn`t that bothered about not going before (got married in June) but we needed cheering up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 362 ✭✭Play Bunny

    thanks girls, sorry to here about the bfn's it does be disheartning :(
    i went on eumom earlier to work out how far im along and it tells me 5wks which is defo wrong i think they add a week on for some odd reason not sure how it works, gonna book the doc's nxt mth? i waited 12wks on my 1st ,died a death with morning sickness and pelvic pain...

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Play Bunny wrote: »
    thanks girls, sorry to here about the bfn's it does be disheartning :(
    i went on eumom earlier to work out how far im along and it tells me 5wks which is defo wrong i think they add a week on for some odd reason not sure how it works, gonna book the doc's nxt mth? i waited 12wks on my 1st ,died a death with morning sickness and pelvic pain...

    You are the week or so after me - my LP was Aug 6th, you got yours Aug 15th, 9 days after. My due date is 12th of May, so yours will be 21st?

    We are getting a private scan at 7.5 weeks for €100, initially as I had 3 follicles this month so they will be checking me for multiples :eek:. But I think that even if they didnt need to check me, I would still like the early scan for a bit of reassurance myself as I have zero symptoms still.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Neyite wrote: »
    Play Bunny wrote: »
    thanks girls, sorry to here about the bfn's it does be disheartning :(
    i went on eumom earlier to work out how far im along and it tells me 5wks which is defo wrong i think they add a week on for some odd reason not sure how it works, gonna book the doc's nxt mth? i waited 12wks on my 1st ,died a death with morning sickness and pelvic pain...

    You are the week or so after me - my LP was Aug 6th, you got yours Aug 15th, 9 days after. My due date is 12th of May, so yours will be 21st?

    We are getting a private scan at 7.5 weeks for €100, initially as I had 3 follicles this month so they will be checking me for multiples :eek:. But I think that even if they didnt need to check me, I would still like the early scan for a bit of reassurance myself as I have zero symptoms still.

    Even tho I'm so so happy to still be pregnant and all going well.... Sometimes I just really miss my little twin. :( I often think how amazing it would have been, and find it strange that I couldn't really grieve for my baby even tho it lived til 8 weeks, it just feels like I have to move on for the sake of the healthy lovely twin, it's just weird and sad sometimes... Hard to explain :(
    Neyite I kinda hope you end up with multiples!!! Hehe! The more the better I'd say, while it took me a while to get used to the idea of twins, now I think there must be nothing else that could be so special! Next time I'm hoping for twins again.... May well take maca or something to help my odds!! Best of luck with your scan, it's so exciting! When is it?

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    dublinlady wrote: »
    Even tho I'm so so happy to still be pregnant and all going well.... Sometimes I just really miss my little twin. :( I often think how amazing it would have been, and find it strange that I couldn't really grieve for my baby even tho it lived til 8 weeks, it just feels like I have to move on for the sake of the healthy lovely twin, it's just weird and sad sometimes... Hard to explain :(
    Neyite I kinda hope you end up with multiples!!! Hehe! The more the better I'd say, while it took me a while to get used to the idea of twins, now I think there must be nothing else that could be so special! Next time I'm hoping for twins again.... May well take maca or something to help my odds!! Best of luck with your scan, it's so exciting! When is it?

    Twins would be lovely, but Triplets scare the crap outta me. :D Add into that I am tiny, so there is more of a risk apparently of early labour /premature complications if its triplets, possible extended stays in hospital for babies and mammy.
    I think you will always miss your little one, probably moreso through all the milestones in its twins life. It is so sad, your baby has a very special guardian angel now.

    My scan is on 28th. Time is just dragging :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 362 ✭✭Play Bunny

    Neyite wrote: »
    You are the week or so after me - my LP was Aug 6th, you got yours Aug 15th, 9 days after. My due date is 12th of May, so yours will be 21st?

    We are getting a private scan at 7.5 weeks for €100, initially as I had 3 follicles this month so they will be checking me for multiples :eek:. But I think that even if they didnt need to check me, I would still like the early scan for a bit of reassurance myself as I have zero symptoms still.

    yep the 21st is the date i worked out, i got morning sickness on my dd about 5/6wks so gonna see, gonna book an apt with the doc nxt month im presuming that would be ok or should i do it as soon as? i had a 3d scan done on my dd i think i was about 30wks , my normal hosp scan was 17wks in portlaoise.

    twins would scare me i have to say, they are in the family on my dads side and fil side as well :/ , but if ur hoping for twins next time, wishing u all the luck :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭denhaagenite

    Having very odd feelings today but as I'm only on CD 29 I think it's too early to test. My cycle length is on average 33 days, but it has been up to 38 days. Once at a very stressful time I can remember it being 43 days so I'm always reluctant to test too early. Any thoughts?

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Having very odd feelings today but as I'm only on CD 29 I think it's too early to test. My cycle length is on average 33 days, but it has been up to 38 days. Once at a very stressful time I can remember it being 43 days so I'm always reluctant to test too early. Any thoughts?

    What are the odd feelings?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,872 ✭✭✭Sittingpretty

    Neyite wrote: »
    Play Bunny wrote: »
    thanks girls, sorry to here about the bfn's it does be disheartning :(
    i went on eumom earlier to work out how far im along and it tells me 5wks which is defo wrong i think they add a week on for some odd reason not sure how it works, gonna book the doc's nxt mth? i waited 12wks on my 1st ,died a death with morning sickness and pelvic pain...

    You are the week or so after me - my LP was Aug 6th, you got yours Aug 15th, 9 days after. My due date is 12th of May, so yours will be 21st?

    We are getting a private scan at 7.5 weeks for €100, initially as I had 3 follicles this month so they will be checking me for multiples :eek:. But I think that even if they didnt need to check me, I would still like the early scan for a bit of reassurance myself as I have zero symptoms still.

    Don't worry bout the zero symptoms although I know it's hard! I didn't believe I was pregnant till I felt the first kicks, even after scans! Enjoy having a healthy pregnancy, could be worse, u could be a permanent fixture to the toilet trying to keep down crackers! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭denhaagenite

    iguana wrote: »
    What are the odd feelings?

    Honestly, nothing I can really put my finger on. The OH asked the same thing and I can't describe because it's new. A bit mad really, sort of floaty, weak, like I have low blood sugar or something.

    I'm probably just being mental :rolleyes:

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,916 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    Honestly, nothing I can really put my finger on. The OH asked the same thing and I can't describe because it's new. A bit mad really, sort of floaty, weak, like I have low blood sugar or something.

    I'm probably just being mental :rolleyes:

    Dizziness/fatigue/lack of concentration can all be symptoms. Do you know roughly when you ovulated? Testing 14 days after that would probably be your best bet for getting an accurate result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Play Bunny I'm attending Portlaosie too :) small world! Back there on 5th Oct for another scan and can't wait!

    Neyite so excited for your scan :) not too far away now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Goodne

    I was just reading about being monitored while taking clomid. Is this normal / why? I took 50mg for 4 months, but I wasn't monitored.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Goodne you need to get monitored on the first or second cycle just to see how you are responding to your dosage and if eggie/s are growing. I am on my 11th cycle (50mg) and got a scan once.;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Goodne

    11th! Yeah thats what I was reading; I was just given the perscription & told to come back in 4 months if not pregnant to start iui. I didnt ovulate the third month when I rang to ask they told me that it sometimes just happens but that was the only contact I had with them in the 4 months.

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