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Hi there,
There is an issue with role permissions that is being worked on at the moment.
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Southern Airsoft Site Cork, SAS-C (formerly CTG)



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,291 ✭✭✭✭Gatling

    im from cork :):):)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,984 ✭✭✭FingalAirsoft

    What's the craic boy! I'm from Cork too;);)

    Fair play to you Ozzie and Horgan_p, very nice of you guys to do that!
    Sure it might inspire us to give something back to the community aswell.;)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,401 ✭✭✭Arcto

    Game on sunday oz?

    My ewok suit finally arrived :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Not this Sunday mate sorry.

    Next game on Sunday the 6th, next week.
    Then the 20th and the 27th.

    Aug, 10th, 17th, 24th
    3 Sundays a month.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Gatling wrote: »
    im from cork :):):)

    That you may be, but you don't live in it any more. :p

    Nice try. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,401 ✭✭✭Arcto

    Yargh :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,261 ✭✭✭Puding

    gallery of ctg pictures added


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Another game day Sunday 10th Aug (I booked some good weather for this date)
    And Games every Sunday from now on. :D

    Arrive 10am, game start at 11am finish at 5-6pm.

    Will have some new games to try out, and some old faves as well.
    Show your support and get ya name down.
    Cannon fodder wanted.

    BYO lunch or ( if yas want the BBQ again ill feed yas all for an extra 5euro each? )
    Just add yes, BBQ lunch. 2 bergers and hot dogs. Water, tea and coffee free.
    (Thats an Aussie BBQ) the best half pound bergers you can get

    And Cork Airsoft shop on site ;) With BB's, GBB's and AEG's 10euro of all AEG's and GBB's sold on site, and Bio BB's 10euro for 3000.

    See yas there.

    PS, if some want to come from other county's yas can camp on the Sat night, just PM me, can even supply a 6 man tent for yas,(free) cos I know its a long drive, would love to see some other teams or players from other countys here. :)
    (Over 18's only.)
    Check us out at,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Another game day Sunday 24th Aug (I booked some good weather for this date)

    I hope :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,261 ✭✭✭Puding

    ozzie or alwasy booking good weather, i take it you got the date wrong on the order form? you more than likely put down 2009 ;) i would check that mate

    not that it makes much difference always fun what ever the weather on a 2 hour vip run :D

    2 new date down on the forums, looking for more to sign up :) if anyone has any problems getting down from killarney or cork area post on the forums and we can get some lifts sorted

    some pics from one of newest regulars

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    The Game yesterday was great, had a full book of 32 players, half from Cork and Half from Kerry. It was CORK V KERRY on the Airsoft battle field, and the day was a draw, so this match will happen again :D

    Fantastic day, and a big thanks to all those that played.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 ripexz

    I'm a lazy guy so I wont bother searching through all those 15 pages. :D

    So will you please tell me if SAC allows under 18s to play? :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Sorry mate, over 18's only at the moment , but that will change as of next March, then 16 and up.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 ripexz

    Thanks dude, gotcha. I suppose me n my friends will have to go to farer venues like HRTA... :)

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 2,610 Mod ✭✭✭✭horgan_p

    some footage from yesterdays games :

    More footage later in the week including a "fly through" of the entire site - thats just the cqb there

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,099 ✭✭✭Tommyboy71

    Have ye got room for a journeyman airsofter. I am looking to do something different with the Halloween weekend and was thinking of heading down to play your site. Nothing confirmed yet. Have to see if factory maintenance shutdown is happening.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Always room for new players, not sure about the Halloween week end just yet but ya never know, may be some fun to do a Zombie game?? for the Sunday.

    Will see what the Club thinks.?

    The hole place is 9 3/4 acres, with only 1.2 acre as cqb, and 2.5 as wood cqb, a VIP run can take up to 2 hour's to finish, if the VIP makes it through the track!! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,099 ✭✭✭Tommyboy71

    Sounds good. I'll keep an eye on the thread. Cheers.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,261 ✭✭✭Puding

    some pictures from the Sunday of the event, pity the weather on Saturday was so bad that pictures where impossible at the time


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,261 ✭✭✭Puding


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,261 ✭✭✭Puding


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,099 ✭✭✭Tommyboy71

    Nice pics. I have to play that site some weekend.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,052 ✭✭✭Dr_Pepper

    Awesome pics what a site.
    Can't wait for a flythrough of the whole thing, man i'm gonna have to organise a trip down there with the team!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Vintz

    I'm sure the others will back me up on this, the pics are great but the site is oh so much better. The layout and game play has morphed into a totally different beast over the past month. Games are fast paced in one spot and a stalemate at others. What took thirty minutes before now takes about two hours.

    The regular players and the tactical approach to games really gives a unique feel to SAS-C. No other site in the country has this sense of community feel to it. It's easy for me to keep going on and on and on about the place, bottom line is for people to get down here and check it out for themselves. Not more to it. Give Oz a shout if you guys do come down, that we we could be more accommodating and give ye pale faces a propper southern welcome. We're no longer a Cork site, we're a Munster/Southern site. Regular player from far and wide. All a great bunch and each bring their own flavor to the team.

    Oz mate, I've said this a 1000 times I know, my hat is off to you. The club and site are finally coming of age and finally other sites are not only taking note but following suite. A true sign that the SAS-C approach is the right one. I'm sure others will join me in taking a moment to show their appriciation to all that Oz has do and indeen endured over the past ten months. HERES TO YOU SGT. MAJOR!

    I look forward to Sunday, It's been a few weeks and I've got an inch at the end of my trigger finger that needs to be addressed in the traditional fashion....

    See y'all there!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Great pics guys.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    That's the job mate. ( A BIG THANKS TO OUR IAA REP VINTZ )
    We run a tight ship with no BS, (Honest players welcome only)
    Those who ant, (don't last longer than half a day)
    Shoot and scoot is gone, its now hard core airsoft, the site is a mix of terrain with trenches and woods green and dead brown, A snipers play ground. We play more C.O.D.4 type games here, we have been told we are 10x better than the NY sites and and 9x better than Hungary sites, (By Full time army experts) NO BS!!! And we aim to compete with the UK sites.

    But the site and club, don't and will not step over the fine line that is Irish law and the rules of the IAA.

    Please come and check it out for your self, I will do a deal for a group of IAA members.
    + a free BBQ lunch, and if you need to stay on a Saturday night (Free camping) And a look at the site before you play. Its a team game or no win, no 1 man heroes here.

    Thank you. And please, we welcome any team that wants to play here (By site rules)
    Any time.
    Now how to get a half an hour (walk through) in 5 min Vid.?????????? Hehe
    The track around the site is a 25 min walk, try that under fire with bunkers,Fox holes and trenches!! Best time is 1hour and 47min with the VIP. (less with out VIP) But not much, hehe.

    Our Marshals play with the teams + Hi-vis as well (1 for each team) (But not to give yas away).

    Go on take the trip to Cork Airsoft Site,(SAS-C) and if ya not happy Ill give 10euro back. (With good reason) and you can hold me to that!!

    We are a non profit club. All profits go in to the site and the Club.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 2,610 Mod ✭✭✭✭horgan_p

    some very nice pix of last sundays game here:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,261 ✭✭✭Puding

    This is a 1st draft of a constitution and we really need your feedback, tear it apart if you want because guys this is your future and we need your input. Everyone is welcome to comment, present members, future members, it does not matter we would just like your feedback.

    This is meant to form the cornerstone of how cork airsoft club will do its business hopefully for some time to come.



    1 - The name of the Association is CORK AIRSOFT CLUB. (”THE CLUB”)

    2 - The objectives of the club shall be:
    2a - To provide facilities for and encourage airsoft. Under the rules of the Irish Airsoft Association.
    2b - To provide a focal point in the community where people can become involved in Airsoft.
    2c - To assist members to maintain and establish contact with the Irish Airsoft Association.
    2d - To assist members in dealing with all aspects of Airsoft, including the provision of a safe and legal place to play.
    2e - The Committee shall have power to issue rules in accordance with the rules of the National Association, if there is a conflict the rules of the National Association will over rule.

    3a - Membership of the club shall be open to all those over the age of 16 subject to their having paid an Annual Subscription, the amount of which will be determined from time to time by the A.G.M. on the recommendation of the Committee of Management.
    3b - Such other persons as may be approved by the Committee of Management.

    4a - The Management Committee shall consist of ten members of the Club elected at the A.G.M. of the Club.
    4b - The general control and management of the activities of the Club shall be vested in a Committee of Management herein after called the “The Committee” which shall exercise all such powers of the club and do, on behalf of the club, all such acts as may be executed and done by the Club.
    4c - Each person so elected shall serve for a period of 2 years with one third of the members retiring each year. Those retiring may stand for re-selection.
    4d - Any Committee member who misses three consecutive meetings without a good reason may be removed from the committee and may be replaced as per Article 4e of this constitute
    4e - In the event of ten people not being elected at the AGM. Those elected may co-opt not more than three other members so that in any event, the Committee does not consist of more than ten people, The Committee without prejudice to the foregoing, may select two other non voting members nominated by such organizations within the Community as the Management Committee, may from time to time determine as having interests in Cork Airsoft Club.

    A member of the Management Committee shall cease to be a member be the Management Committee.

    5a - If he/she is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Management Committee without due reason being given, or
    5b - Upon receipt by the Secretary of the Management Committee of his/her written resignation, or
    5c - In the case of a representative of an organization upon ceasing to be the representative of that organization or, upon that organization no longer wishing to be represented or ceasing to exist.
    5d - The Committee may withdraw Membership from a member for good and adequate reason, providing two thirds of the committee so vote to withdraw said membership. In all cases the Committee shall. prior to the withdrawing the membership, notify the member in question and afford such member adequate opportunity to present a case as to why he should not be dismissed from Committee Membership.

    The Management Committee shall have ***working on this***and other such officers as the Management Committee may from time to time determine.
    The Management Committee shall appoint the officers from there own number and shall determine the period or periods for which they are to hold office.

    The Management Committee shall hold not less than six meetings in each calendar year.

    At least seven days notice of any meeting of the Committee shall be given to all members of the Committee provided that the accidental omission to give such notice by any person shall not invalidate the proceedings of any such meeting with consent of all members of Management Committee, a meeting of the Management Committee may be convened upon shorter notice (should members so request)

    9 At any meeting of the Management Committee any six members of the Committee shall constitute a valid constitutional meeting.

    Matters arising at any meeting of the Management Committee shall be decided by the majority vote of the members present and voting other than withdraw of membership as per heading 5d.

    In the case of an quality of votes, the Chairperson of the meeting shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.

    The Management Committee shall cause proper minutes to be kept of all their meetings.

    11 - ACCOUNTS
    The Management Committee shall cause proper books of accounts to be kept with respect to;

    All sums of money received and expended by the Club and the matters in respect of which receipts and expenditure take place, and

    The assets and liabilities of the Club.

    The books of the account shall be kept at such place as the inspection during normal office hours by any member of the Club and other persons authorized by the Management Committee

    At every Annual General Meeting (except the first Annual General Meeting) the Management Committee shall present an Income and Expenditure Account in respect of the preceding financial year, a Balance Sheet as at the end of that year and Report by the Auditor on the books.

    12 - AUDIT
    The Management Committee shall appoint an Auditor who shall be a Chartered Accountant.

    Once, at least, in every financial year the Auditor shall audit the book and accounts of the Club and report thereon in writing to the Management Committee.

    Any proposal to change this constitution at an Annual General Meeting must be delivered in writing to the Secretary of the Club not less than 29 days before the date of meeting at which it is to be considered, Any alterations will require the approval of two-thirds majority of the members present and entitled to vote at that meeting. Notice of such meetings much be given in accordance with the normal procedures and not less than fourteen days before the meeting in question and giving the wording of the proposed alteration.

    a) The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held during **we will work on this** of each year, at such time as may be determined by the Committee, The Committee at their discretion may decide to hold the AGM of members other than in **we will work on it**, but such decision must not be unreasonably taken or delayed.

    b) All general meetings, of members other than the Annual General Meeting shall be called Extraordinary General Meeting, The Committee shall whenever it thinks fit convene such an event. Any such requisition must state the objective of the meeting proposed to be called and must be signed by all the requisition and deposited with the Secretary.

    c) At least 28 days notice shall be required for the Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meetings, The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting or the non-receipt of such notice by any person to receive same, shall not invalidate any Resolution passed or proceedings held at any meeting.

    d) All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an Extraordinary General Meeting, and all that is transacted at an Annual General Meeting shall also be deemed special with the exception of the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet, the Reports of the Committee and the Auditor and the election of the members of the Committee.

    e) The minimum make up of the Annual General Meeting shall be twenty.

    f) Voting on any resolution may be consent of the Chairman be by show of hands or by secret ballot or poll.

    g) The demand for a secret ballot or poll shall not prevent the continuance of a meeting for the transaction of any business other than the question on which the secret ballot or poll was demanded.

    h) In the case of equality of votes, whether by show of hands or by secret ballot, the Chairman of the meeting shall be entitled to a second casting vote.

    i) Subject to hereinafter provided every ordinary member from age 16years upwards shall have one vote.

    j) Save as hereinafter expressly provided no member other than a member duly registered who shall have paid every subscription and other sums, if any, which shall be due and payable to the Club in respect of his/her membership shall be entitled to attend or vote on any question at any general meeting.

    Any proposal to change this constitution at an Annual General Meeting must be delivered in writing to the Secretary of the Club not less than 28 days before the date of the meeting at which it is to be considered. Any alterations will require the approval of two-thirds majority of the members present and entitled to vote at the meeting. Notice of such meetings much be given in accordance with normal procedures and not less than fourteen days before the meeting in question and giving the wording of the proposed alteration.

    In furthermore of the aforesaid objectives (section 2) but not otherwise the Committee or Members of the Club may;

    (a) Write, print, publish, issue, circulate and distribute or procure such articles reports, newsletters, periodical books, pamphlets, advertisements, leaflets, posters, memorandum and other documents and

    (b) Arrange and provide, both by itself and in conjunction with other organizations and institutions classes, meetings, lectures, exhibitions and seminars.

    (c) Apply for, invite, obtain, collect and receive money, funds, securities, and other sources of income and capital by way of contributions, subscriptions, donations, grants, legacies, sale of publications of the Club and other lawful methods, and receive gifts by will and intervivos of property of any description, whether or not subject to express trusts.

    (d) Open and operate banking accounts and other facilities for Banking.

    (e) Draw, accept and negotiate bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes and other negotiable instruments.

    (f) Dispose of or in any way turn to account all or any of the assets of the Club.

    (g) Enter into contracts, borrow or raise money upon such terms as many be considered expedient.

    (h) Invest the monies of the Club not immediately required for its own use.

    (i) Purchase, take on lease or lease or license, fire subscribe for and by any other lawful means acquire plant, machinery appliances, equipment, vehicles, furniture, books, periodicals, publications, newspaper stationary supplies and any other chattels whatsoever.

    (j) Employ and retain on a full-time basis or part-time basis and on such terms as shall be agreed or on a voluntary basis all or any of the following;

    Any persons whose particular skills, qualifications and knowledge may be of assistance in the attainment of the subject of the Club.

    (k) Make rules for the general administration and conduct of the business of the Club including the specifying of work to be undertaken or refused by the Club from time to time.


  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 2,610 Mod ✭✭✭✭horgan_p

    Well doesnt time fly when you're having fun ? 12 months on and its time for membership renewal.

    Heres what you need to know :

    1) How much ? 300 Euro

    2) How old do i have to be ?? 18 Years old on or before the 22nd of feb.

    3) What do I get ? You get to play as often as you like for the year (guaranteed 24 games minimum) for just €5 a time green fee.

    4) how much do i save ? well 24 x 30 = 720 ( and thats a minimum of 24 games)

    5) What else do I get ? you also get a say in how the club is run and what direction Airsoft in Cork will take over the next 12 months.we'll also let you hit ozzie with a stick for 3 minutes on your birthday*may not actually happen*

    6) OK Smart guy , what do i need to do ? you need to come up with €300 on or before the 22nd of Feb ( this is when our insurance is due), sign the club rules / constitution and thats it.

    Joining the club helps cement airsoft in cork in its current state and makes sure that people ( i.e. you ) have somewhere to play for another 12 months.
    Also from time to time we throw in discounts to events ( the gathering 2 last year) , prizes (rubber ducks) and other perks.
    You'll also have the opportunity to put your name forward for marshalling duties , so anyone who thinks that ozzie , puding or myself are blind can show us all how easy it is('nt).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Ok, work is still going on at the site so hope to have most done by the Sunday
    18th of Jan as that will be our first game day of 2009,
    and will back open for games 2-3 Sundays a month.

    So if ya wana come down for a game some time just sign up to our forum and pop ya name down (under game days)
    And your in.
    The site has changed a lot, so I hope you all like it, will get some picks up soon.

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  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 2,610 Mod ✭✭✭✭horgan_p

    ok , the monkeys have been kicked - now sends you straight to our forums.
    over the next couple of weeks we will be launching a new web site , totally redesigned and revamped.

    we are also in the middle of TOTALLY revamping our skirmish site , the phrase " dark woods" has been used. Snipers - get ready, a new killzone is coming....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Sunday 18th of Jan has been CANCELLED dew to extreme bad weather.
    Parts of the site are flooded, and extreme winds expected over the weekend and loads more rain :(

    So for SAFETY reasons the day has been cancelled.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.

    Next game day set for the 25th.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 2,610 Mod ✭✭✭✭horgan_p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,261 ✭✭✭Puding


    give skirmish know! just digging the snow camo out :D


    ww2 Bastogne anyone?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Its freezing the balls of the brass monkey.

    Cork snowsoft site :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,226 ✭✭✭gerrowadat

    Epic. Cork is first on the list when I get back in feb. Keep some snow for me :-)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 701 ✭✭✭madmaxi

    What a difference snow makes :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    My 2 kids had me pined down in the bunker, with snow ball grenades landing all round!!

    I had to make a run for new cover behind the snow man, but I got hammered with at least 6 large snow balls. :(
    Cold wet bombs, yuk, I dont like it.
    Bloody kids thought it was great fun. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭BlindedByGInge

    Hi, im just wondering about the southern airsoft set up. Me and a few friends are looking to get into it. Im wondering where the skirmish site(s) in cork are? What kind of numbers do ye hav most weeks? Also we are aged between 17-18 is this a problem? Ive already read somewhere they we can rent the gear for the first few weeks until we get ourselves set up yeah?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Hi, BlindedByGInge.
    The site is located on the Cork/Kerry border, just off the N22 (Cork side)
    Most weeks we have between 14 and 24 players, we are open 2-3 Sundays a month.
    Our rentals are a bit low at the moment :( but will be getting more soon.
    Our age limit is 16+,(with parental consent) so you are ok there.
    You can find a lot of info on
    Have a look, we are also in the process of moving our web site to a new one in the next few weeks, details can be found on the forum. ;)

    Cork Airsoft Club.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Game day Sunday 25th. (At last the first game of 09)
    Arrive at 10 am, start at 11am, fin at 4.30-5pm

    Info can be found on the Cork Airsoft forum.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 2,610 Mod ✭✭✭✭horgan_p

    available from our new website at :

    Waiver which you may print out in advance and bring with you.

    Our rules which you may familiarise yourselves with.

    Our club constitution will be published here also before the weekend for any prospective members.

    PLEASE NOTE : all players 16-18 will be REQUIRED to have our waiver signed by a parent / legal guardian.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    A big thanks to all that made it today, and a big turn out for the first game of 09.
    Great day and the weather was not to bad, rain stopped at game start in the morning and rain started again at lunch and finished just before we started to play again, and sun for the afternoon :)

    Look forward to the next game day on the 8th of Feb. ;)

    Thanks from the Cork Airsoft Club.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 582 ✭✭✭LiNgWiStIkZ


    On the site's rules it says that "All participants must be 18 years of age or older."

    I thought it was 16+?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    Yea we where, but we changed at the start of the year, we run 2 games a month for under 18s, (14-18s) wich seems to be more fun than the winging old lads :D
    (and 2 games a month for the old lads)
    Will have to change that now.

    Thanks for the heads up ;)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 859 ✭✭✭StevieGriff

    What? So what ages do ye alllow?
    EDIT: Nevermind.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 859 ✭✭✭StevieGriff

    The young guns event isnt member only,, right?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    You dont have to be a member to play here, walk-on's are more than welcome.
    We just need to know who and how many are coming on the day.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 859 ✭✭✭StevieGriff

    Ah ok, you said you hold two 14-18s games a month, is there a date set for the second event?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 352 ✭✭MAD Ozzie

    1st and 22nd of March.

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