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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,320 ✭✭✭Teferi

    My girlfriend worked as a weekend manager in a clothes shop for a while and part of her training was to be told that she had to be a bitch to get the job done. She had worked as a manager for years before that in another place and had never needed to in that job. She didn't last long in this other place as she wasn't being "bitchy enough".

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,949 ✭✭✭A Primal Nut

    I find the style a little different. One thing about women is they are much more likely to start screaming at you - I think they have this attitude towards when such as "just because you are a man doesn't mean you will walk all over me" so they insist on being in control in that sense. I remember working in a supermarket and the manager used to scream constantly.

    Men can be strict too, but in a different way, but I find that they don't get upset about details as much. Its also more likely for a professional disagrement to become slightly personal. That said, if you ask a female boss for a favour she is more likely to just do it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 71 ✭✭Doghouse

    Hmmm, I think a lot of the problem might be with the types of personalities who put themselves forward for positions of 'authority'. Personally I've had a lot of jobs and a lot of managers/team leaders of both sexes. My worst boss ever, BY FAR, was a man. Seriously, how this bitchy, manipulative, selfish, incompentent, sleazy git ever got promoted that high in an organisation I will never know. My best boss was a woman who was very laid back and encouraging although she was inclined to be a bit moany (it was usually funny rather than irritating). Overall though I'd say it's about even in terms of whether men/women were best. My current boss is male and has a very direct, slightly brusque manner that puts some people off but I actually find him fine as he leaves me to my own devices to a large degree and problems are sorted out very quickly. One thing I've noticed is that the problem that some women have with female bosses is that they won't fall for their 'I'm just a silly girl' routine if they f*ck up whereas men are (sometimes more inclined to let them away with it :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,072 ✭✭✭SeekUp

    Tree wrote: »
    also, NEVER WORK IN A JOB WHERE THERE ARE ONLY WOMEN, it's the most horrible bitchy environment ever.

    All of my work environments have been mostly women . . . and apart from the occasional gossip - which in itself isn't even all that bad - it's been fairly great.
    With honourable exception... woman should not be put in positions of authority, nor should they be allowed to work in groups bigger than 2, sometimes 3. As if the groups any bigger, it become manipulative negative catyy bitchy time, everytime they are together.

    Really!! I hear everyone pointing out the distinctions between men and women in managerial roles, and that's fair enough. But I'm really surprised that someone would go so far as to say that women should not be put into positions of authority.

    I've worked under one male supervisor and three women supervisors, and never had a problem with any. I did have one supervisor who everyone thought was quite difficult, and kind of a b*tch. And while I sometimes found myself trying to tune into her moods, I can't say that she ever took things out on me, or that she was incapable of doing her job. In fact, she was extremely no-nonsense and got to the point, which is why I feel a lot of people thought she was b*tchy.

    For one reason or another, I've found myself building more of a rapport with my female bosses. So while I wouldn't mind working for a man, I wouldn't mind working for a woman, either. I just need someone who doesn't mind that I wear jeans and doesn't sweat the small stuff. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 516 ✭✭✭robust

    Yes, its true I have a good female manager.
    I worked in a male dominated envoiment for many years. I found male bosses sound, once the work was done there was no problem. a bit of fun was encourged, if you had a row it was forgotten about the next day.
    ok. there was agression; if you messed up ypu got a b*llicing and that was that.
    Then i went to work in a female dominated envoirment and whoa.. every boss wanted to manage your life. it wasnt enough to have you work done on time it had to be done their way. No bit of fun, for fear you would affend someone. If you had a row with a female they wouldnt speak to you for a week or two. If you messed up the screws where turned every day for days, with constant putting down.
    The worst things were the constant complaining and bitching about other people , even friends. It confused me. One strange thing I found is the females found it very hard to work with staff that they didnt like. (sure its only work i used to say & get a glare)
    Now to be fair, now I have a female boss and she is sound she lets you do stuff your own way (if it works) incourges independance and it great crack, if your right she backs you all the way. shes great.(but not liked to well by a lot of her female collegues)

    Im male (if you havent guessed):)

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 883 ✭✭✭moe_sizlak

    i had a female boss ( think ALLY MCBEAL meets HITLERS mom ) while working overseas when i was just gone 20 and the experience more or less ruined my life with the chain reaction it set off , i havent met this monster in 11 years although never a day passes but i think of her but if i ever did , i would be in the joy for the rest of my natural life , the cruelest , nastiest and most vile creature ive ever met

    women bosses think the only way to command respect is by stamping on thier male employees balls wearing a pair of jackboots
