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Running for Fitness/Weight loss



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Lunchtime road run of 3 miles in 23:26 (7:49/mi). Lovely day for running, first time this year that I did'nt need hat, gloves jacket etc.

    Apologies if this log is getting a bit boring and unvaried :o !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Ok so i weighed in this evening at 14st 8lbs (204lbs) had hoped for a little more but still ahead of my original target. So based on the 5lbs per month I hope to hit the end of April at 14st 3lbs (199lbs). But probably at the back of my mind i'll be pushing for 14st even. I think being on leave for 2 weeks this month made it harder to stick to my diet plan. Being in work makes it a lot easier to regulate my mealtimes.

    My diet at the moment consists looks something like this

    Breakfast options (1 Coffee & 1 Express both not optional)
    Porridge with honey
    Meusli with milk or Natural yoghurt and Fruit
    2 Boiled eggs

    Lunch Options
    Bean Salad with Chicken + Wholegrain Bread
    Tuna Salad + Wholegrain Bread
    2 x Rivita Cracker + 2 slices of Cheese and 2 Slice of Ham/Turkey/Beef

    Dinner Options
    Pasta with Bolognese Sauce
    Chicken marinated (dry fried) in spices with Rice
    Lamb/Beef/Chicken Stew Casserole
    Or some other combination of the old meat and 2 veg
    Smaller portions than normal on the dinner options.

    Apples/Mixed Fruit Bowl/Raw carrot/Rivita cracker with Peanut butter

    Will be heading to Krakow with the lads next week so that will be 5 days of non running so possibly all my plan may go out the windows this month!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Yet another 3 mile road run in 23:31 - felt really good today despite the strong wind, I chose a differnet route today which has a very steep hill for about .5 mile would probably have run a much faster time if it was all on the flat. I'm curious to see what my last mile time was, will check it later when I download the details.

    I have'nt ran with my IPod for about the last 3 weeks actually finding my concentration levels better without it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Road run of 4.32 miles in 35 mins flat - lovely day for running had hoped to run 5 miles but planned my route wrong! Will probably take a break tomorow as I've ran 7 out of the last 8 days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Wow lots of people training here I miss a day and already put to page 2 (great to see)!.

    I did a 5 miler in 39:01 abolsutely buzzing possibly the best run I've done over the last few years I was totally comfortable over the whole run and totally in control. :D:D:D

    I previously did a 5 miler on the 2nd Feb but did'nt enjoy it at all, the run but today was so different even tho the times were much the same. This is how I want to feel during and after running, makes it so much easier. Got into that lovely runners high after the first mile. These are the sort of targets I want to achieve along the way. Now I know I can run faster just need to keep the focus and increasing distance. Its good to know that my diet and weight training are helping.

    This run will not seem much to the majority of runners but from my starting point its a major milestone. No running this weekend as my wife is working all weekend so I have the juniors to content with! Happy with that weeks work tho...

    Just check the stats and I ran that last mile in me even more confidence

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Had hoped to have an entry up for yesterday but forgot to put my runners in the car (had everything else), first time I've ever done that, bit pissed off over that.

    Opted for the threadmill today (last one for a while!) so I covered 5k in 25 mins but I had the incline yanked up to 5 to put a bit of pressure on.

    Have to attend a meeting in Dublin tomorrow so I'm hoping to get a run in tomorrow evening when I get back, as I'm heading to Krakow from Thur - Mon, so if I don't get a run in tomorrow, next Tuesday will the next run. This will be the first time since the beginning of Februrary that I've taken any time off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    First run (or any exercise) in a week today after 5 days of excess in Krakow (fantastic city btw). Wasn't sure how I would be feeling so I just headed to the gym and did a good stretching session for about 15 mins and then went out and ran 2.45 miles in 18:36, only got a few hours sleep last night after getting in late so did'nt want to over do it as I was feeling very tired.

    Weighed myself this morning as its the mid month point and am happy to report 14st 5lb - considering the amount of food I ate over the last few days I'm pleased to not have gained any weight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    3 mile run in 23:25 - a lot of puffing and panting - going to start working o a bit of leg strength as I find hills tend to slow me down more that they should.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    After yesterday I decided to hit the threadmill and work on a hill program as this was always my weakest area. I thought about doing this outdoors but there nothing to stop me moving off the pace slightly, at least with the threadmill the pace will always be constant.

    So I ran for 25 min at 5min/km and alternating the incline between 0 and 5 for each .5 km. Going was tough enough wanted to stop after 20 mins but grinded it out. Will probably work this in once a week.

    Also with my weight training I added in some squats to add a bit of strength to the quads. Basically its the same as doing squats as in weight training but without the weights/bar. At the moment I'm up 100 consecutive squats 4 times per week

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    thanks for your support ike, thankfully I kind of have a routine, my wife finishes work about 3:30 and 3 on a Friday so its great, your doing a great job some impressive times in training. keep it going

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    5 miles this morning in 39:25. Was a major slog kept looking for any excuse to not go out! Anyway got my arse in gear and grinded it out, was happy to have run the 5 under 40 min again. Quads felt a bit heavier than usual but that probably due to thursdays hill session. Rest today tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 tomm1077

    Great reading there Ike. You've got a hell of a programme going! I was wondering if you could perhaps give me some advice please? I went back to football in January after having not played in nearly 8 years. I'm 30 years old & was 14.5 stone when I started. Training is twice a week & there's plenty of running involved. I think prehaps that I started doing too much, too soon as all the lads are much fitter than me & can do much more much quicker. I may be last around the pitch but I don't bow out unless there's nothing left in the tank. Since I've started the football again, I've lost a little over half a stone but still need to either loose another 2 stone or build my fitness/stamina up fast. Any ideas how I might do that??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Cheers tomm, thanks for the support. To be honest I'm not sure if I could last the pace at a decent football training session, its a different level of intensity than what i'm training for. I suppose with any training program you've got to get it into your head or down on paper and know what you want to achieve and set mini goals along the way. In your case you could set a target of being able to cruise around the pitch without a struggle.

    Firstly don't compare yourself to what the others are doing in you training some people have been training for longer and some guys are just naturally fit. I think if you did maybe two more sessions on your own during the week you would'nt be long about getting there. Years back I always found interval training one of the best ways to gain fitness/stamina fast. Google interval training and you'll get loads of ideas/variations. Combine that with maybe seperate 2-3mile run on another day. Keep a log either privately or put it up here

    How do you feel after the training sessions? If you feel good the next day and little or no ill effects then you've definately room for more and need to push yourself on.

    You'll only get out what you put in and never underestimate the importance of diet, training will you teach your body to go faster and longer but you diet will give it the fuel it needs to do this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 938 ✭✭✭blah

    Hey ike,
    well done, I can see you're really committed and putting in the work, I'm training for a 10k in July which I should be ready for no problem, never ran a race before but I'm looking forward to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Thanks blah, I've planning a 10k in May (bout 5 weeks time) and would love to sneak in under 50min. Good luck with your race and training!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Had planned 3 miles today to start the week, but a guy in work asked me to do 5 miles with him as he's recovering from the Paris Marathon and wanted a bit of a blow out. I was a bit skeptical about overdoing it but at this stage I reckon an increase in mileage will do me no harm.

    Ran the 5 miles in 39:03 should have gone under 39 but I started out too fast on the last mile. Nice comfortable run. Great weather for it too.

    Just checked a log I kept I 2006 and my average time over a 5 mile run was 42min and this year its just over 39min.

  • Registered Users Posts: 938 ✭✭✭blah

    I use to figure out distances. It uses google maps, and you set waypoints to figure out how log your run is. I used it to figure out that a particular route around my local park is exactly 1km around, so I can do that and use my ipod to time my laps, very handy. Did 5km in 23:51 yesterday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    mapmyrun is very handy, I've used it a good few times especially if its a new route. I've invested in the Garmin Forerunner 205 and I have to say I can't run without it now, gives me a lot more control over pacing and timing will probably come into its own when i start hitting the longer distances.

    That's a decent enough time for 5k pretty much where I'm at myself at the moment - keep at it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Was feeling very tired today and the legs were a bit heavy have planned on 3 miles today but cut it short to 2.5 in 19.18. One of those days where I reckon I needed another hour of sleep in the morning. Think I'll take a rest day tomorrow and do a hill session on the threadmill on Thursday and another 5 miler on Fri.

    The warmer weather is certainly making it easier no matter how I feel...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    I'm at the stage now where I find after a rest day I'm just itching to get a run in, wanted to hit the roads but trying to keep to a routine so I did another hill session on the threadmill 5km / 25min again alternating each half km between inclince 0 and 5. Was less of an effort than last week.

    Will see how I feel tomorrow and I might push that 5miles out to 10K.

    Just to add that I've let my weight training routine slip a bit over the last two weeks but have picked it up again since that start of this week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Went out with my mate from work again today and decided on a 10k and ran it in 49:18, kept a really steady pace of just under 8min/mile, mile 5 had a very steep hill but I kept it on the pace, normally I'd fall right off the pace on a steep hill.

    Nice day for running too, overcast and only had the wind in our faces for the first two miles. Will see how the weekend goes and hopefully will get a run in on Sunday morning.

    Just checked and around this time last year I ran the Bupa 10k in 53:53 so between that and going under 50mins I'm well pleased.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Lovely morning for a run sun shining no wind - did 3.38 miles on grass, had intended on 4 but there was a hurling mtach starting and a bit of a crowd gathering so rather than dodging in and out I didn't run the last circuit. This week I've increased my mileage from around 15 to 20, so hope to keep that going for another few weeks. Feeling no ill effects of increasing the mileage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Just back from a 5 mile run today (39:04) feeling very comfortable running at this pace now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Hey Ike, nice time, you seem to be very consistent with your times, I'm just curious, do you push yourself hard for these times or do you use a monitor to pace yourself. Excellent log so far, keep it up

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    2 months ago I would have pushed hard to to achieve that time, I did it after 1 month of training and nearly passed out after it! But now sub 8 min mile are the norm for me at the moment although the max I've done is 10k. I'd say on a good day if I really pushed my self I could go close to 38min. Today I ran the first 4 miles averaging around 7:55 - 8:00, but I just pumped the legs a little bit harder on the last mile and averaged 7:23. A while ago a sub 7:30 mile would have nearly killed me bit today if felt grand and didn't feel like I was running all out.

    I invested in a Garmin Forerunner 205 (no heart monitor) and I have to say it really helps me keep on the pace. A quick look and I know what pace I'm at so i just keep running trying to keep it consistant. I'm trying to get more of a feel for how I run so I don't need to look at the watch every couple of mins. Today I probably checked my pace only at the mile markers.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,516 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    ike wrote: »
    I invested in a Garmin Forerunner 205 (no heart monitor) and I have to say it really helps me keep on the pace. A quick look and I know what pace I'm at so i just keep running trying to keep it consistant.

    ike, this is the Garmin Forerunner 205 right? Scroll down to the pics on that link. It looks kind of chunky? Is that true or does the guy just have skinny arms?

    Does it feel heavy whilst running? Like yourself I would like to know what kind of pace I'm running at outdoors... and I'm considering the 205. Would you recommend it?

    The link says it is not really to be used as a gps, but can store maps. What is that functionality like? Will it tell you to turn right or left... or just remember where you ran?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Thats the one alright - Is is quite chunky - wouldn't be far off having a box of matches on your wrist, but you get used to it very quickly it fits sungly on your wrist and its acutally feels quite light. That was my concern before buying it, but after the first run its a non-issue now.

    The map functionality is very basic, its a true gps in the sense that you can get your coordinates but it won't give directions based on pre-loaded maps. when you download each workout you are given a very basic map showing where you ran. So it basically just remenbers where you ran.

    I think the documentation says it accurate to within 10metres and I'd say that's true based on a run I did with a mate of mine his 10k stopped a few meters before mine. I'm probably only using about 5% of its total functionality as out of the box its ready to go. For the last few weeks I've been putting in predefined distances and pace and running to that and it automatically stops when the distance is completed.

    Personally I'd definately recommend it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Hill session on the threadmill today - rest day tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Was feeling good after yesterdays rest - so I decided to push myself a bit more over 5 miles and based on previous runs I definately felt I had a lot more left in the tank. So I went out with my mate from work and ran it in 38:19 - really pleased with that, more so with how I feel afterwards - ran the last mile in just over 7min.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,516 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    ike wrote: »
    Thats the one alright - Is is quite chunky - wouldn't be far off having a box of matches on your wrist, but you get used to it very quickly it fits sungly on your wrist and its acutally feels quite light. That was my concern before buying it, but after the first run its a non-issue now.

    The map functionality is very basic, its a true gps in the sense that you can get your coordinates but it won't give directions based on pre-loaded maps. when you download each workout you are given a very basic map showing where you ran. So it basically just remenbers where you ran.

    I think the documentation says it accurate to within 10metres and I'd say that's true based on a run I did with a mate of mine his 10k stopped a few meters before mine. I'm probably only using about 5% of its total functionality as out of the box its ready to go. For the last few weeks I've been putting in predefined distances and pace and running to that and it automatically stops when the distance is completed.

    Personally I'd definately recommend it.

    Thanks ike. I'll check it out.
