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Skirmish Airsoft Command



  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,324 CMod ✭✭✭✭The Master

    The following added at OP's request:

    also if I might be so bold as to encourage you to reply to Dr Pepper if nothing else but to be polite. SAC may not be interested in affiliation with the IAA and if I'm correct it is not a requirement for anyone to run their own Airsoft site, Dr Pepper that is the case isn't it?

    Dr Pepper
    Iceage i empathise with you on this one. IAA Affiliation is not a legal requirement for anyone to run a site, nor are we contacting SAC for affiliation. We are looking for clarification on the legitimacy of their site. To date we have had no contact or reply and as you rightly encourage him to reply, i do too.

    You liked this site, you liked the community within it. You mention ppl taking potshots in bad form at the site and its organisers. This is part of the reason for us attempting to contact SAC in the first place. Many individuals have asked for info on this site and have got none. Now SAC may be 110% legitimate, but given that they have yet to provide this information to anyone leaves the reporters and commentors nontheless unchanged regarding their "opinion".

    The IAA hoped to contact SAC, get their documents and then say, Yeah! we saw their stuff and their legit, not interested in affiliation but thats ok. So lay off them. This i hoped would alieviate any fears and issues. I too am sad that it has come to this, as all that was needed to prevent this was a CRO number and an insurance policy number...

    Any questions just ask or email me

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