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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭littlefriend

    I am more or less asleep so this might not make sense - why don't you visit the route for the triathalon and see what it is going to be like. The running bit has quite a lot of hills afaik

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Hey littlefriend, yeh I am going to go and have a look at it, really not looking forward to it to be honest, but am determined to get quicker at running. I think 5km in 20 minutes outdoors is a pretty good benchmark so I will work towards that long term, at the moment it looks like 25/26

    This morning I started trying to get a handle on workout 1 for starting strenght but it had to be cut short as I was heading to work it looks like the following

    5 x bar
    5 x 10
    5 x 15
    5 x 20
    5 x 22.5
    5 x 25

    Planning after alot of reading to go lighter at the start, to quote a review from a coach, "nobody starts low enough, which hampers performance further down the line"

    Will go 5 x 20 kg with a focus on knees out and weight on the heels

    5 x bar
    5 x 10
    5 x 15
    5 x 20
    5 x 22.5
    5 x 25
    5 x 27.5
    5 x 30
    5 x 32.5

    Will go 5 x 32.5kg as work sets


    Dont know yet as did not have time, will swing in on my way home and get it done, then a run, interval:

    Want to see what a 3:30 km feels like on a treadmill but not sure if its a good idea, will do ten minutes at steady pace and then see what the opace looks like. Then its jacuzzi and lunch :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Didnt get to the gym for deadlifts,

    Diet consisted of pints of Guinness and crap, but had a great weekend and plenty of laughs so I'm happy.

    Bodyfat test came back, 11.8%, being retested in 5/6 weeks. Will be working on more cardio, for the triathlon and eating more vegetables. Hopefully can get it to single figures for the retest. The increase in cardio and some tiny tweaks diet wise should see me right,

    Then its just lifting damn heavy,

    Have been terrible at going to bed on time, and not utilising extra time I now have thanks to the bike for commuting, stopping that and will be up tomorrow for a bit of a run in the morning,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    ran out of petrol on my motorbike on the way to crossfit, not fun on the m50 I gotta admit. Have done nothing since saturday, and have plans for tonight, this fat loos thing is off to a brutal start. Will do some stuff tonight after the cinema, some weights at home, pressups and a 20 minute run,

    In other news here is my fundraiser page if anyone is interested in it:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Went up tonight, got some squatting and benching done, then didnt do deadlift as am still unsure of the correct form so did 3 rounds 5 pullups, and 5 chinups. Weight at squat felt odd, and again weight on my heels was a problem......

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 123 ✭✭dublinmadyoke

    Hey Gabgab,

    Just wanna say well done, I think you are doing an amazing job, I have been following your progress for a number of weeks. I started back in my training myself over the past number of weeks and I feel great.

    Think I might even start my own blog but I think I shall hold out another few weeks - kinda a fat bird at the mo..

    Think your great! Keep up the good work fella;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Thanks so much, have been lazy alot this last while but am getting back into it. Always feel better after going and doing it, its just that while beforehand that I need to get my thumb out for. Hopefully organisisng with my mate to do it together, he is a strong lad,

    BUT I cant be using him as an excuse for not heading up so I'm up again tomorrow night for more weights,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    5km run tonight, went ok but first time running in a while. As always pace is the problem. Could of done another 5k at the pace but once I up it a fraction it starts to hurt,

    I think it is a mental thing as much as anything, but I will be working on doing interval stuff, to try get me used to upping pace etc.

    5 weeks till greystones, its closing in quick and I need to get faster, gonna lift three times a week with starting strength and go for runs, diet not gonna change much for the bodyfat testing as the upped cardio will help me drop a bit hopefully,

    Glad I ran tonight, I made a million excuses in my head to not go, but still went and did it, so the score is,

    Excuses 9 GabGab 1 ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Motivation is waining big time lately, realised why, triathlon looming over me. Hate the things, really do.

    Last night was some squatting,
    Bench and could'nt do deadlifts as place was rammed so did low row on a machine,

    Went home and then went for a run, 5 minutes out,
    Then 4 250mtr sprints uphill, these were horrendous, walk back down go again, by the last one I had to stop 2 thirds of the way up the hill, walked back down and jogged home.

    Prefer this it feels like I am getting more benefit from it and its a bit more interesting, starting strength book lend tonight so I will be studying it tonight to see if I have basics right, man its an impressive book in terms of detail.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,602 ✭✭✭celestial

    gabgab wrote: »

    Prefer this it feels like I am getting more benefit from it and its a bit more interesting, starting strength book lend tonight so I will be studying it tonight to see if I have basics right, man its an impressive book in terms of detail.

    It's an incredible book, am ploughing through it - it's essentially an anatomy and physiology text applied to weightlifting!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    yeh its my mates, I dont have a copy of it but by god does it go into detail and looks readable enough with some funny stuff.

    Are you following the programme? Looks ideal to me, decade of use, from someone that really knows his stuff, reckon cant go too far wrong with it, simple, and uncomplicated and looks like it should not have you there for more than 45 minutes I think I read somewhere.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,602 ✭✭✭celestial

    gabgab wrote: »
    yeh its my mates, I dont have a copy of it but by god does it go into detail and looks readable enough with some funny stuff.

    Are you following the programme? Looks ideal to me, decade of use, from someone that really knows his stuff, reckon cant go too far wrong with it, simple, and uncomplicated and looks like it should not have you there for more than 45 minutes I think I read somewhere.

    Yup, gonna start on it once I've read through it all. Want to be 100% on the form for each exercise first, naturally. I normally bench with dbells, don't deadlift (I do rows, lat-pull downs) and haven't really squatted with barbells, so it's great that when I do start I'll have read through detailed anatomical descriptions of each of those exercises! Love the idea of the simplicity of it and the fact that if you follow the programme you can see the results unfolding as you progress week on week - that's the one thing I need to change about my training - having a progressive goal and working to achieve it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    celestial wrote: »
    Yup, gonna start on it once I've read through it all. Want to be 100% on the form for each exercise first, naturally. I normally bench with dbells, don't deadlift (I do rows, lat-pull downs) and haven't really squatted with barbells, so it's great that when I do start I'll have read through detailed anatomical descriptions of each of those exercises! Love the idea of the simplicity of it and the fact that if you follow the programme you can see the results unfolding as you progress week on week - that's the one thing I need to change about my training - having a progressive goal and working to achieve it.

    Yeh me too, the simple approach, but not actually simple at all. Tried the squat stuff yet? Leave your ego at the door :p I tend to after some humblimg crossfit experiences at the start :D

    Last night, went and did the same run,

    5 minutes out
    4 x 250mtr uphill sprints
    Uphill run home, felt good after it but by god am I slow and do I run out of steam quick :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Starting strength programme 1 tonight. Found it heavy going and liked it. Really like the idea of adding weight each workout, something pretty simple but not something i did before. Will be recording worksets and looking for some advice and getting some instruction off a mate who is class at this stuff,

    Then swam a few lengths of the pool and will be running tomorrow morning,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    45 minute or so run last night, went grand but now that I know I can do it and my knee is grand I will be focusing on hills and interval stuff,

    I dont have another gear when running, its just plod plod, so this might help. Also its quiete a hilly course so I have to train for that,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 603 ✭✭✭Money Shot

    gabgab wrote: »
    Motivation is waining big time lately, realised why, triathlon looming over me. Hate the things, really do.


    Why do you do trialthalon's if you despise them :confused: I'm not trying to be smart, but motivation will always be a problem if you're doing or training for something you don't actually enjoy to some extent.

    Try and find a sport that you enjoy a bit more, and you're motivation will go through the roof - for a while any how.

    Anyway, you're doing well fitting in training and I'm sure you'll surprise yourself in greystones !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Because I wanted to do something that will focus me on cardio fitness, and without a deadline I get lazy, did one and my "friend" entered me into Greystones again this year,

    I will be doing that then leaving it well alone, then might go and do some boxing again, been a long time but I enjoy it so its much easier to motivate myself for it,

    You're right though, just got roped in and said ah sure why not :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 603 ✭✭✭Money Shot

    That makes sense - happened to me before too. Got roped into a 10k when I hadn't been running in a long time and long distance was never my thing anyway - nightmare - at least you've a bit of specific training under your belt.

    Great choice by the way - Boxing truly is the sport of kings. Just watch Cotto V Margarito in a couple of weeks and you'll be taping up in no time...

    P.S fair play getting through the triathalon with that little motivation,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Yeh thanks, but to be fair if you saw the times you would not be that impressed..... Just find it drudgery really,

    Yeh I like the boxing, its so quick and so hard on you in terms of endurance,

    But once August is over, I'm gonna do starting strength 3 times per week, and nothing else except eat lots,

    How is you're stuff coming along, or what are you up to at the moment?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 603 ✭✭✭Money Shot

    I'm at a stage in my life where 'maintenance' is the key consideration. Kids, work, numerous injuries and other committments mean my focus is 100% on achieving as much as possible in as little time as possible. Family time first and what's left goes towards training. I don't like to train heavy all year round and try and use the summer to get some footie in and play a bit of tennis etc.

    I have to say that in relation to weights it actually works really well - I haven't spent more than 40 minutes on a gym session in over five years, and I have made some serious improvements in that time.
    I cycle commute to work for cardio, which is approx 30k return trip a day, which I usually enjoy. I'm also currently trying to master swimming which I'm finding tough to be honest - so I suppose that will be my focus for the next few months. I do enjoy swimming, it can just be rustrating trying to improve.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Money Shot wrote: »
    I'm at a stage in my life where 'maintenance' is the key consideration. Kids, work, numerous injuries and other committments mean my focus is 100% on achieving as much as possible in as little time as possible. Family time first and what's left goes towards training. I don't like to train heavy all year round and try and use the summer to get some footie in and play a bit of tennis etc.

    I have to say that in relation to weights it actually works really well - I haven't spent more than 40 minutes on a gym session in over five years, and I have made some serious improvements in that time.
    I cycle commute to work for cardio, which is approx 30k return trip a day, which I usually enjoy. I'm also currently trying to master swimming which I'm finding tough to be honest - so I suppose that will be my focus for the next few months. I do enjoy swimming, it can just be rustrating trying to improve.

    Good to see man, stick at it its always good for you and shows kids a great example I think,

    TOnight was workout B

    Went well apart from not having any idea what felt right or wrong in the power clean, need to read more and look up some form clips, great programme though

    Did ten minutes in the pool after, went well,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    OK need to organise getting some clips recorded, workout went well last night apart from some rushing at the end. Had a dinner to go to and was running out of time,

    Squat felt it in my abductors, I think, will be reading the book alot this afternoon so will see if that is it at the warm up but then it just settled right down,

    Bench, was hard, I knew it would be, I am finding it hard to keep shoulders pinched, again need to read more of the form guide to see where I am going wrong,

    Deadlift was great, I dread this lift but I actually love it once doing it. Its a class lift,

    Swim on sunday in the open sea and then were gonna run the route, sort of looking forward to the swim. And the run will be interesting to see how that goes :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,182 ✭✭✭Tiriel

    gabgab wrote: »
    Swim on sunday in the open sea and then were gonna run the route, sort of looking forward to the swim. And the run will be interesting to see how that goes :p

    Hope that went well for you yesterday! Always nice to do the route and get a feel for it :D Must be hard to stay motivated when it's not something that really drives you, but keep up the good work and you'll really enjoy the eating and weights combo when it's all done :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Cork_girl wrote: »
    Hope that went well for you yesterday! Always nice to do the route and get a feel for it :D Must be hard to stay motivated when it's not something that really drives you, but keep up the good work and you'll really enjoy the eating and weights combo when it's all done :D

    I "missed" it. Due to being stuck somewhere and having no interest,

    I went again last night, 3 lifting days a week as a habit is good and I enjoy it. I have been increasing the weight and am happy with the progress, I actually enjoy pool swimming but need to work on breathing every third stroke, this means that I will alternating the side I swim on, at the moment its just one side. Its going well and I look forward to the starting strenght schedule,

    Bench, Squat, Deadlift, Press I like. I am not that good at power clean but will get the hang of it, I also like chins,

    I found the press is somewhat like sprinting for me, once it starts to slow, thats it. However with more practice and upping the weight I reckon this will progress too,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,985 ✭✭✭pvt.joker

    Hows the bf% challenge going gabgab, are you still working on that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Yeh my diet is claen enough no major upsets. I am hypoglycaemic so I have to be careful regarding carbohydrates,

    I am happy enough at 12%, and am lifting alot more regularly now than before the challenge.

    I am looking forward to seeing how the more lifting and same diet give or take, will affect the result. If I am stronger, and the same reading I will be quiete pleased,

    How you getting on yourself?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,985 ✭✭✭pvt.joker

    gabgab wrote: »
    Yeh my diet is claen enough no major upsets. I am hypoglycaemic so I have to be careful regarding carbohydrates,

    I am happy enough at 12%, and am lifting alot more regularly now than before the challenge.

    I am looking forward to seeing how the more lifting and same diet give or take, will affect the result. If I am stronger, and the same reading I will be quiete pleased,

    How you getting on yourself?

    Good to hear you're making progress anyway. I've come along a good bit since then, pity I couldnt get measured but I can see changes with my eyes so happy enough with that. I'd estimate im at around 15% or so, have probably dropped 4-5% in the last 2 months, so if I can repeat that in the next 2-3 months and keep the muscle mass the same, I'll be very happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Delighted its going well for you. I reckon once the cahllenge is up I will ease up a touch on the diet, nothing major just less of a focus on being lean. I know I can get lean, and how to get there but my priorities are a little different now,

    I want to be stronger, so that is the new goal. I will post up specific ones once I am past the triathlon. Its a bit scattered at the moment and unmotivated, maybe see if Bwardrop will let you pop in on the last day to see where you are? Incredibly friendly lad, and knows his stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Tonight went well,

    5 x 2 @ 25kg
    5 x 1 @ 30
    3 x 1 @ 40
    2 x 1 @ 45
    5 x 3 @ 50 Work sets

    5 x 2 @ 25
    5 x 1 @ 35
    3 x 1 @ 47.5
    2 x 1 @ 55
    5 x 3 @ 65

    Same as bench, I meant to weigh myself just to get a handle on the lifts relative to bodyweight. Went well and felt good,

    Looking at a bulkorders protein order soon maybe. Reason being its working out a fair bit cheaper, and alot more convenient. Can funnel in 70gm or so of protein into a bottle of water, 2 liters, and sip it throughout the day. I do need to see if this is ok to do, I cant see it being a problem but I will check it out,

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Very impressive results. I was wondering if you had used the site? I recently did my first tri (Ballina) and I incorporated their workouts in to my training schedule. I hope to add some of CrossFit WODs also.

