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From good shape to great shape



  • Registered Users Posts: 176 ✭✭ebowdia

    Cheers, a new pair of runners it is for starters so and we'll see how things go :-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Tues, 08-Apr-08

    Squats 90x3x6 (PR)

    Warm up was, nothing, 40, 60, 70, 80. I felt very good in the warm up so I went straight for the 90 a 5Kg PR and I nailed it with some to spare. Fantastic gain and my form even improved compared to the 85s last week. I can taste the 100x5 June 1st target already.

    Leg curls 30x3x4 (PR)

    PR and I could have made the 6 sets. I was trying to super set these with the squats, I got 4 sets out but they have moved the leg curl machine miles away from the squat rack. Some big lifting Polish guy tried to take my squat rack after my second set of squats even though I left my towel on the bar. He then gave me a grunted lecture about getting my squats done and getting my ass out of the rack. I'm sure I was hogging the rack for quite a long time, it wasn't the only rack mid you, I think the old testosterone gets the better of people some times.

    Romanian deadlift 80x8x4

    The RDLs were fine, maybe even a bit too easy.

    Lunges 55x8x4

    These were tough, had to go back to using DBs again as there is only one uncaged rack. These are really heavy on the CV system and evn though I was pushing back with good power I was getting a lot of lateral movement and bad form. Nice progress here though up 5Kgs and 1 rep per leg from last week. Feeling it deep in the glutes, nice.

    Calf raises 10x10x4

    This is the easy stuff, these were grand.

    Single leg hip lifts 10x4

    Same again, these were nice and easy.

    Roll outs 15x3

    A little bit tougher here, and mixed in with the plank is nice one to finish on.

    Plank 15x3

    Grand, nice and easy. 1 front and 2 side planks.

    BW=209Lb back down 2Lbs again, Body Fat 6.5mm (about 7.5% and I was getting lots of 6mm measurements). So body fat has dropped a tiny bit, my weight is down 2Lbs again and my lifts are all going up, I'm in a very nice groove right now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Thu, 10-Apr-08

    BB Bench press 77.5x2x6

    77.5x2 is pretty much the same as 75x3 so very little gains on last week. Interesting that I only made marginal gains this week compared to huge gains last week. Not sure what that is about. I didn't eat at 4pm as I usually would so I was a little low on energy, I'm still was still a bit wrecked from the squats on Tuesday, maybe an accumulation of fatigue, my weight is back down to 206Lb! Maybe I'm just not eating enough.

    Chin Ups 100x3x6 (PB)

    BW +6Kg. These were probably my best lifts of the night. Feeling quite strong on these, 7Kg next week.

    Incline DB BP 25x8x7x6x6

    These are all over the place, I just felt low on energy on these again. I haven't made any gains on this lift in the last 5 weeks.

    One arm rows 37.5x8x4

    These probably felt tougher this week than last.

    Barbell curls 35x8x5

    The BB curls are improving, I'll go for 10 reps next week then move to the 40Kg bar.

    Dips 94x5x5

    Got that last rep on the 5th set at last. So another marginal gain. Still 4Kg off my PB which would be 98Kg 5x5 or 8x2. That matches drop off in the bench also, just looks like my triceps have fallen back a bit. Go for 6x5 next week, once I get the 6s I'll start adding weight.

    Reverse curls 4x12x3

    These were tough enough as usual, my abs are still feeling it from the squats on Tuesday.

    Floor Sweepers 60x10

    Did one set of these just for a change, the 10s were tough enough.

    Body weight 206Lb, body fat 6.5mm (about 7.5%). So I'm back down to where I was 3 weeks ago again, back down 5Lbs in one week. My body fat has dropped a bit. I'm not foolish enough to think I've lost 5Lbs of fat in a week either. I didn't make the lifting gains I expected tonight. Not a disaster by any means, it looks like I didn't eat enough between Tuesday and Thursday this week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Sun, 13-Apr-08

    Snatches 50x3xx

    The Snatches are ok, maybe I should lighen the weight a bit, I think these are agrevating my shoulders a bit. I don't thin k my form is good enough to be taking any risks.

    Hang Cleans 50x4x3

    These are coming on nicely again. Reps up to 4s, I'll push these on and ease off on the snatches I think.

    Deadlifts 90x5, 110x5x4

    The 90s were way to easy really. Upped to 110 and got a realy good squeeze out of these. A bit of doms in the traps afterwards, nice!
    13-Apr-08 Deadlifts 110 5 4 5

    Inverted rows 10x5

    These were good, the swiss back is doing the trick.

    Lunges onto step 50x8x3

    Used the bar again, these were maybe a little heavy, certainly not getting enough power off the step and form failing a bit on the last few reps.

    DB Bench press 27.5x6x3

    These were fine for 6s, I want to get these up to 10s fairly quickly.

    Curls 15x8x3

    The curls were fine, I should have been doing these from 15s all along.

    Bent over lat raises 5x10x3

    Dropped the weight on these to take a bit of pressure off my shoulders and improve my form a little.

    Straight arm Lateral raises 7.5x10x3

    10s were way too much. Straigh arms out to the side with these again.

    Standing Calf raises 10x3

    Leg raises 15x3

    These are grand too, my hanging strength has improved.

    Body weight 208Lb, body fat 6mm (7%). Weight back up 2Lbs, Body fat has definately dropped. It goes to show its a lot easier to get the body down by doing weights than by doing loads of cardio.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Mon, 14-Apr-08

    Recovery Session

    Light jog 7 min, 25 minutes of 75% tempo runs with full recovery between runs 3x100; 2x100,1x200,100; 100, 2x200, 100; 2x100, 200, 100; 100 Light jog and walk 7 min. Total=2000M, av HR=152

    Very easy session. bang on the same as last week. Felt goog after a decent nights sleep, a rare thing these days.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Tues, 15-Apr-08

    Squats 90x3, 95x3x5 (PR)

    Another 5Kg PR, my form was ok, some of the reps in the later sets may have nearly turned into good mornings on the way back up. I think I will use a camera next week to record my form. Maybe stick with 95 again next week too, I could probably push to 100 or more with a spotter. All the squat racks were jam packed again last night, I may need to move squats back to Thursdays again. That is a 15Kg PR for reps in the last couple of weeks. I have gained a little bit of strength but its mainly just having the bottle to really push these.

    Leg curls 30x3x4, 30x2x2

    These are all over the place, they are too far away from the squat rack to superset these. I got 4 sets of 3s just about. I don't like doing these as a first excersise of the night even with a decent warm up.

    Romanian deadlift 80x8x4

    I have a good bit to spare here, I probably should up the weight to 85s at least next time.

    Lunges 55x8x4

    These are a real killer, very hard on the CV system and really hitting the glutes.

    Seated Calf raises 135x10x4

    I found a new seated calf raise machine, a true revelation, those standing calf raises were a load of crap really.

    Single leg hip lifts 10x4

    These are fine, my glutes were a bit wasted at this stage though.

    Roll outs 15x3

    These are always tough, tried one rep from standing, I'm still miles off.

    Plank 20x3x20

    Stayed in the plank for I think 20-25 breaths, I can really feel these now.

    Weight 208Lb, holding steady.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Thu, 10-Apr-08

    BB Bench press 77.5x2x5, 77.5x1

    I felt a little bit stonger this week but still no gains and I failed on the last rep of the 6th set because I let my concentration slip. Ended up pinned and had to be saved by an onlooker, that kinda ruined my night.

    Chin Ups 101x3x5, 101x2

    BW+7Kg, Nice little gain here again. I have no idea why these are going so well and my bench isn't budging.

    Incline DB BP 25x8, 25x7x2, 25x6

    Same as last week, 8,7,7,6 no gains. I seem to fail all of a sudden with these.

    One arm rows 37.5x8x4

    There were fine, probably jerking a little off the leg but this weight is fine for a while at least.

    Barbell curls 35x10x5

    No bother here, up to 40 next week and drop to 4 or 5 reps.

    Dips 94x6x5

    Got the 6th rep this week, nice little gain. Add 5Kg next week and drop the reps again.

    Reverse curls 3x15x2, 3x12; Floor Sweepers 60x10x2, 60x8

    Supersetted the two abs excersises, these were really touigh when combined, had the reduce the reps on the last set of each. Nice work.

    Weight 207Lb, BF 6mm (7%). My weight is down again, I made a concious effort to eat more this week, even had a huge lunch and pre workout meal before the bench session. No gains on the bench and my weight is down. I am driopping bodyfat and I'm not loosing strength so I can't complain too much. I'm making gains on all other lifts, there must be a probelm either with my shoulders or my triceps.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Fri, 18-Apr-08

    Recovery Session

    Light jog 8 min, 25 minutes of 75% tempo unhill runs with full recovery between runs. Each run was 50M. 3x50; 50, 50, 50x2, 50; 50, 2x50x2, 50; 50, 2x50, 50; Light jog and walk 7 min. Total=900M of steep hills, av HR=154.

    Well, HR is +4 and I ran 2 less 50s than 2 weeks ago. Didn't feel very motivated, maybe a bit tired too, my aerobic fitness is probably dropping off a bit too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Sun, 20-Apr-08
    Hang Snatches 40x3x3

    40kg is a much better weight for these. Far less stress on the shoulders

    Hang Cleans 50x3x3

    Too easy, I should either have increased the weight of the reps. Knock these up to 60s next time.

    Close grip bench press 40x8x3, 50x5x3

    Threw these in this week as an extra assistance to my bench press. These felt good, nice groove. I'm feeling a small amount of pain in my right Ant. Delt.

    Deadlifts 100x5x4

    I don't think I did 110 on these last week, I think it was 100Kg. The 110Kg was too heavy to have any speed in the bar. No DOMS this time.

    Inverted rows 10x4

    These are coming along I think, its hard to tell because you can cheat by adjusting your position on the swiss ball.

    Lunges onto step 50x8x3

    These were hugely improved this week. From hellishly uncomfortable to relatively easy this time.

    DB Bench press 27.5x6x2, 27.5x7

    I went for 6s because the weight felt quite heavy, could have got 7s I think. Go for 8s next week. Again a bit of pain in the right shoulder.

    Bent over lat raises 5x10x3
    Straight arm Lateral raises 7.5x10x3

    Did these two excersise very quickly to build up a good pump in the shoulders.

    Bicep Curl machine 30x8x3

    Used the machine next to the seated calf raise, 30s were comfortable.

    Seated Calf raises 115x20x3

    Again the seated machine is working these much better.

    Leg raises 10x3

    These are grand too, only did 10s again feeling it in the right shoulder.

    Weight 209, BF 6mm (7%). I threw in the close grip bench press this week. I'll get some advise on these but I think I should keep them. This session is now well over 300 reps and taking over 90 minutes. Its an enjoyable session though, the toughest lifts are probaly the lunges and the deadlifts and they are nothing like as stressfull as heavy squats. I feel energiesed after this session. After the squats on Tuesdays, I'm shagged for the rest of the week. My arms have gone up 0.25" to 14.25" which is promising. I want to get these up to 15" by the end of the year. They were up at 14.5 just before Christmas 2007 when I was taking Creatine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Tues, 22-Apr-08

    Squats 95x3x6 (PR)

    A PR just in terms of sets. These were very heavy going but quite manageable, no real danger of failure.

    Leg curls 30x2

    I'm not gaining anything here, mainly through lack of practice and focus. The bloody machine is just too much out of the way.

    Romanian deadlift 90x8x4

    Upped the weight by 10Kg, probably a bit too much. Struggled with the grip and keeping my low back straight.

    Lunges 55x8x4

    These are a real killer, very hard on the CV system and really hitting the glutes, had to pull out on the last set after 5 reps per leg.

    Seated Calf raises 145x12x4

    I found a new seated calf raise machine, a true revelation, those standing calf raises were a load of crap really.

    Single leg hip lifts 10x4

    These are fine, my glutes were a bit wasted at this stage though.

    Roll outs 15x3

    These are always tough, tried one rep from standing, I'm still miles off.

    Plank 20x3x20

    Stayed in the plank for I think 20-25 breaths, I can really feel these now.

    Weight 209Lb, up a tad.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Thu, 24-Apr-08

    BB Bench press 77.5x2x4, 77.5x3x2

    I got two sets of 3 with limited spot assistance.

    Chin Ups 102x3x4, 102x2x2

    BW+7Kg, no gain this week I think mostly because my own weigh has gone up a tad.

    Incline DB BP 25x5x5

    These were the right weight.

    One arm rows 40x5x5

    These were maybe a little heavy.

    Barbell curls 40x5x5

    40 was fine really, maybe a bit too much torso swinging to get things going.

    Dips 99x4x5

    Used Bw+4Kg, The fours were relatively easy, don't know what thats about. That would indicate that my triceps are getting stronger but I'm not putting much on my bench. I think I need to look at my shoulders. This is near PR country on dips but my bench press is still a bit off.

    Reverse curls 4x12x3; Floor Sweepers 60x8x3

    Supersetted the two abs excersises, these were really tough when combined. Nice work.

    Weight 210Lb, BF 6mm (7%). Weight up 3lbs now in a week, I've let my diet slip a little. Been eating more carbs and a few extra sweet things. I feel really wrecked. The squats are really taking their toll. I need lots of sleep, a masage and to ease off the volume for a week or so I think. I need to look at my shoulders too, I'm going to start doing more rotor cuff prehab and some foam rolling on off days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,602 ✭✭✭celestial

    Patto wrote: »
    Thu, 24-Apr-08

    BB Bench press 77.5x2x4, 77.5x3x2

    I got two sets of 3 with limited spot assistance.

    Chin Ups 102x3x4, 102x2x2

    BW+7Kg, no gain this week I think mostly because my own weigh has gone up a tad.

    Incline DB BP 25x5x5

    These were the right weight.

    One arm rows 40x5x5

    These were maybe a little heavy.

    Barbell curls 40x5x5

    40 was fine really, maybe a bit too much torso swinging to get things going.

    Dips 99x4x5

    Used Bw+4Kg, The fours were relatively easy, don't know what thats about. That would indicate that my triceps are getting stronger but I'm not putting much on my bench. I think I need to look at my shoulders. This is near PR country on dips but my bench press is still a bit off.

    Reverse curls 4x12x3; Floor Sweepers 60x8x3

    Supersetted the two abs excersises, these were really tough when combined. Nice work.

    Weight 210Lb, BF 6mm (7%). Weight up 3lbs now in a week, I've let my diet slip a little. Been eating more carbs and a few extra sweet things. I feel really wrecked. The squats are really taking their toll. I need lots of sleep, a masage and to ease off the volume for a week or so I think. I need to look at my shoulders too, I'm going to start doing more rotor cuff prehab and some foam rolling on off days.

    Always very interesting reading your log Patto but the sheer volume in your training always really strikes me - go for a massage or even two and maybe rest up a week chief!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Sat, 26-Apr-08

    I brought my camera and a foam roll into the gym today. I did some foam rolling as part of my warm up. My legs were in bits as always but I had a bit of pain between my shoulder blades as well.

    Snatches 40x3x2, Hang Snatches 40x3

    I looked at the full snatches on the camera what a shock. I'm bent over like the letter e. No straight back at all. I just don't have enough flexibility in my hips to keep my back straight in at the bottom of the lift. The hang snatches were fine. Leave it at that I think.

    Cleans 60x3, Hang Cleans 60x3x2

    Same story here, stick with the hang cleans. I'd be way too embarrassed to post the videos.

    Close grip bench press 40x8, 60x5x2

    Threw these in again this week as an extra assistance to my bench press. The 60s were no problem, which was great, my PB on these is around 62.5x5. Looks like my bench numbers are moving at last.

    Deadlifts 90x5x3, 100x5x2 (Sumo and standard)

    This was a shock. Again I had a look at these on the camera. I'm stating with a rounded back and driving up into my upper back. The video is frightening. Again hip flexibility is a big issue. I need to work on my starting position, maybe adapt a more suitable stance also, most probably sumo. This probably explains the pain between my shoulder blades too. I wonder if I have similiar problems with my squat.

    Inverted rows 10x5

    These are coming along.

    Lunges onto step 50x8x4

    These were tough as always, form is improving though.

    DB Bench press 27.5x8x2, 27.5x6x2

    These are up a bit from last week, I should get 4 8s next time.

    Bent over lat raises 5x10x3
    Straight arm Lateral raises 7.5x10x3

    Did these two exercise very quickly to build up a good pump in the shoulders.

    Bicep Curl machine 30x8x3

    Used the machine next to the seated calf raise, 30s were a little tough.

    Seated Calf raises 125x20x3

    Again the seated machine is working these much better.

    Leg raises 15x3

    These are grand too, just the last few reps are a little bit of a struggle.

    Weight 206Lb, BF 6mm (7%). Looks like I was a bit dehydrated.

    I've never looked at my form on a camera before, man what a shock! I'll do the same on Tuesday for my squats, that should be interesting. I need to work on my hip flexibility and on my starting position on the pulling from the floor exersises.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    celestial wrote: »
    Always very interesting reading your log Patto but the sheer volume in your training always really strikes me - go for a massage or even two and maybe rest up a week chief!

    Thanks very much! I'm just going to ease off a small bit this week. I have a weeks holidays in eary June so that should bring about a welcome break. I'm looking forward to a change of program in early May also!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Tues, 29-Apr-08

    The gym was nice and quiet, evrybody must have been watching ManU. It was great, no bother getting the squat rack for once:rolleyes:

    Squats 100x3x2 (PR), 95x3x3, 90x3

    Went for 100s, 5Kg PR for 3 reps, I took a video of the first set, it looks like my form slips after the first rep, its either poor hip flexibility or just some biomechanical compensation thing, same as the deadlift I tend to load the weight onto the lower back and use it to do the heavy work. Finished with 95x3, I even lost count of sets, I may have done 1 too many.

    Leg curls 27.5 3x6x3

    30s are too heavy for these really. Stick to 27.5 or 28.75s for a while.

    Romanian deadlift 80x8x4

    Took a video of these too. I need to keep the ROM short and look for the stretch on the hams on all reps, don't go too low my low back looses its tightness.

    Lunges 50x8x4

    Back to the bar again, 50 is a nice weight, I'll probably need to move these up to 55s next time.

    Seated Calf raises 145x10x4

    These were fine, nice machine.

    Single leg hip lifts 10x4

    These were good, getting a good drive with mu glutes now.

    Roll outs 15x3

    Tough as always.

    Plank 20x3

    Yeah, these were fine, I think these are working nicely for me.

    I'm debating weather to throw up the videos or not, maybe later. Weight is 210Lb, back up to the 15 stone cut off, BF is 6mm (about 7%), I am in spitting distance of my goal weight stats which are 210Lb @ 5mm. Another 3 or 4 weeks should do it. I'm also within spitting distance of my main goal which is to Squat 100Kgx5.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Thu, 01-May-08

    BB Bench press 77.5x3x4 (with spot), 77.5x2x2

    Got a good spot on all 6 sets. I wouldn't have made the 4th set of 3s for sure. Thats a little bit of progress.

    Chin Ups 102x3x5, 102x2

    BW+7Kg, I missed the 5th set which was strange, I rested a bit longer on the last set. Is it better to take the rest and get the reps or keep the tempo going.

    Incline DB BP 27.5x5x4

    Up 2.5s per hand from last week and I had a bit to spare, nice progress here at last. Don't know whats going on here.

    One arm rows 35x8x4

    35s are a better weight, form is far better.

    Barbell curls 40x4x5

    Kept a close eye on my form, realistically I'm only getting 4 good reps, far too much torso swinging going on beyond that.

    Dips 99x5x5

    Used Bw+4Kg, another rep per set tonight, I think I'm nearly up to PR country here. (PR is 98x8x3)

    Reverse curls 3x15x3; Floor Sweepers 60x8x3

    Supersetted the two abs excersises, these were really tough when combined. Nice work.

    Weight 210Lb, BF 6mm (7%). Weight has stayed steady at 210 this week, I'm more rested and the gains are still there. Looking forward to a new program.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Fri, 02-May-08

    Recovery Session

    Light jog 7 min, 25 minutes of 75% tempo runs with full recovery between runs 3x100; 2x100,1x200,100; 100, 2x200, 100; 2x100, 200, 100; 100 Light jog and walk 7 min. Total=2000M, av HR=150.

    Easy session. Just a bit of stress relief really. I've missed a few of these recently, still fairly beaten up from the squats on Tuesday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Sat, 03-May-08

    I did some foam rolling as part of my warm up. My legs were in bits, hams and quads still sore from squats on Tues, hip flexors are tight and a little sore, abductors are tight, still a few knots between by shoulders too.

    Hang Snatches 40x3x3

    These were fine.

    Hang Cleans 60x3x3

    I'll have to stick to the hangers until I sort out my deadlift off the floor. I felt very weak on these, just through pure tiredness. I actually wanted to go home at this stage and come back on Sunday.

    Close grip bench press 40x8x2, 60x5x3

    Threw these in again this week as an extra assistance to my bench press. The 60sx5x3 were no problem, getting my shoulders nice and secure on these which seems to make a difference.

    Deadlifts 90x5x5

    Still struggling with form here. I think I'm getting it though. I think I need to get much more flexion in my hips on the setup.

    Inverted rows 10x5

    These are coming along.

    Lunges onto step 55x5x3

    These were a lot easier with just 5 reps per leg. I'm feeling it in my opposite hip flexors. They seem to be under a lot of strain as stablisers and they are tight anyway.

    DB Bench press 30x5x3, 32.5x2

    The 30s were grand, the 32.5s were a bit of a shock. My PB on these is 33.1x5x5 I think so I'm still a bit off.

    Bent over lat raises 5x10x3
    Straight arm Lateral raises 7.5x10x3

    Did these two exercise quickly to build up a good pump in the shoulders. Used an incline bench for the BOLRs.

    Bicep Curl machine 40x8x3

    Used the old machine 40s were ok for 8s.

    Seated Calf raises 115x20x3

    Again the seated machine is working these much better.

    Leg raises 15x3

    These are grand too, just the last few reps are a little bit of a struggle.

    Weight 208Lb, BF 6mm (7%). Looks like I was a bit dehydrated.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Tues, 06-May-08

    Squats 100x1, 95x3x4

    Warmed up with 60, 70, 80, 90 then went for 6 sets of 3 reps at 100 which would have been a PR. I knew after rep no. 1 it wasn't going to happen. So I dropped to 95s. 95s were still a struggle, form was dodgy at times and I failed on my last rep on the 4th set. Enough was enough, I was too tired, as in lack of sleep tired, I had no focus. You need focus for squats! I've had about 8 weeks in a row of progressively lifting more and heavier. I think I will use this week to ease off the volume a bit, then build it up again next week.

    Leg curls 27.5x3x4

    Just did 4 sets of these, again feeling tired and out of focus.

    Romanian deadlift 90x5x4

    Got some decent work done on the RDLs and the Lunges. Dropped to 5 reps on each and upped the weight.

    Lunges 55x5x4

    Got some decent work done on the RDLs and the Lunges. Dropped to 5 reps on each and upped the weight.

    Seated Calf raises 145x10x4

    These were fine.

    Single leg hip lifts 10x4

    Glutes are fireing fine.

    Roll outs 15x3

    Roll outs were a little tough as always, I need to find some way to progress these.

    Plank 30,15,15

    30 breaths on the prone plank and 15 each side on the side planks.

    Weight5 210.5Lb BF 6mm (about 7%) I'm getting some 7mm measurements. I know my diet went to pot a bit in the last week or 10 days. Didn't rest propperly at the weekend. The lack of rest and fatigue from from the lifting puts me in terrible form and leads to lazy choices when it comes to food. It has really showed in my last two sessions in the gym, you reap what you sow in this life.

    Forgot to add, my flexibility has improved a bit. I can do squat to stands now on a Tuesday. After the squats my legs tighten up again for 4 or 5 days. The foam rolling on Saturdays and all the dynamic warm ups seem to be paying off at last. Still have probelms with my shoulders, hip flexors and abductors tho. I need a good message to loosen things uip a bit.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    I haven't forgotten about ya... my exams are fnished on Thursday so I'll get back to you then!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Cool, good luck with the exams!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Wed, 07-May-08

    Recovery Session

    Cycle 5 min, 25 minutes of 75% tempo runs with full recovery between runs 3x100; 2x100,1x200,100; 100, 2x200, 100; 2x100, 200, 100; 100,100 Cycle 10 min. Total=2100M, av HR=145.

    Easy session. Did these in a park on the way home from work. I didn't get a chance to get out at lunchtime. I don't usually do these tempo sessions on a Wedneasday as I usually have DOMs crippling my glutes and hamstrings. It actually wasn't a bad idea, I felt good afterwards, the great weather cheers me up no end too. DOMs not too bad either after easing off the volume on the Squats a bit on Tuesday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Fri, 09-May-08

    DB Bench press 70lbx3, 75lbx3, 80lbx3, 80lbx2, 80lbx2, 80lbx1

    I went home to Cork for the weekend and did this wokout in the Carrigaline Court hotel. No barbells or squat racks in this little gym so I had to work on the fly alot. It was interesting to pick a dumb bell that equated to a 77.5kg Barbell. I had to deal with the lbs to Kg coversaion as all the dbs were in lbs. I thought it would be around the 70-75lb mark. I could have lifted the 75s all day, the 80s (36.something Kg) were a better fit but maybe a small bit heavy. Thats a total of nearly 73Kg which is only about 5Kg off what I lift with a bar.

    Chin Ups 102x3x6 (PR), 105x1, 108x1

    BW+7Kg, I got all 6 sets. Nice PR. tried the Bw+10Kg and BW+13Kg just for fun.

    Incline DB BP 60lbx5x4

    Looks gained a small bit from last week. Impossible to say for sure.

    One arm rows 80lbx8x4

    These actually felt a little heavy.

    DB curls 40lbx5x5

    These were fine, just about at my form threshold for 5x5s

    Dips 99x5x5

    Used Bw+4Kg, tried to push for 6 reps, failed on set 2, just did 5s after that. I'll up the weight to 6 or 7 next time.

    Took the rest of the weekend off, so that was only 2 lifting sessions this week. I needed a deload a bit anyway. Played a game of golf on Saturday in Bantry. I played crap but I think Golf is such fantastic game, what a course, great weather and incredable scenary. Such a contrast to pounding weights in a stuffy gym for the last 8 weeks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Tues 13/6/2008

    squats 100x5 (PR), 90x3x5

    Went for the 100x5 with a spot, didn't need the spot so that’s a PR and my June 1st target met 2 weeks ahead of schedule. My form is a bit off, I'm too quad dominiant and taking the weight off my qlutes and hams too quickly. I think I need to work on box squats for a while to improve this. Dropped to 90s for the 3 rep sets. That was the right weight I think.

    That is my June 1st goal achieved. Thus pretty much ends the purpose of this blog. New program tomorrow.:)

    Romanian deadlift 90x5x4

    RDLs were fine, trying to load up the hams and glutes here as much as possible.

    Lunges 60x5x4

    Upped the lunges to 30s in either hand, this is the right weight. Looks like I've made a bit of progress here.

    Seated Calf raises 145x10x4
    Single leg hip lifts 10x4
    Roll outs 15x3

    Again these were fine.

    Plank 30x3

    Planks have come on a good bit, 30 breaths feels easy. Doing 15s on each side too.

    Weight 211Lb BF 7mm (About 8%) Body fat has crept up a bit in the last two or three weeks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 405 ✭✭Patto

    Wednesday, 14-May-08

    Went through the new stuff of my new Program with Dominic (aka Transform). I was shattered after the squats on Tuesday and thought Dominic would take it easy on me. Not a chance:eek: The new program will be very different from the last with two high intensity circuit type sessions and I'll put in a power session at the weekend as well with box squats and plenty of oly lifts.

    That brings to an end my blog. The idea was just to do one training cycle. Thanks to Dominic for the programs and all the support, advise, motivation and inspiration. I'm sure he gets sick of my questions and phone calls from time to time but he is always there to answer and advise and is worth his weight in gold to me; always keeping me grounded and on track. A great guy and a superb personal trainer.

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this blog and those who encouraged me along this short path.

    Key Results:
    Squat: from 85x3 to 100x5
    Bench: from 75x3 to 77.5x4
    Chins: from about 97x3x6 to 102x3x6
    Deadlift: dunno didn't do any heavy deadlifts. Must do a 1RM test soon.
    Body fat: From 8.2% to 8.1%
    Weight: From 208Lb to 211Lb

    So where to now? My overall goal is to get to all thise magic numbers by the end of the year bench 1RM 100Kg (should get thjis one easy), Squat 150Kg (very ambitious), Deadlift 180-200Kg (ambitious) and Chin 12 reps (should get this one too). Following on from that I want to work on some power stuff and improve things like my vertical jump etc and if I'm in good enough shape I'll probably have one more crack at a half decent level of gaelic football. I'll be 33 next Jan so I'm thinking I might have two good seasons left in me. I reckon to get to those numbers I'll need to go up to 100Kg with the same body fat of better. And I'll need to start doing more conditioning work. Some of these goals are really ambitious. At the moment I'm looking at a some of Eric Cressey's DVDs, I thought Will Heffernan's Blog was very interesting, I'm going to keep an eye on what these guys are at and see where all this takes me.

    Some of the new stuff from Wednesday:
    A1 Deadlifts 60x15x6

    A killer after the squats yesterday, would never have done it only for Dominic being there.

    A2 Push Up Rows 15x8x6

    These very just as tough as the deadlifts
    A3 crunches 10x10x6

    A bit easyer than the first two but still tough at the tail end of a triple super

    B1 Barbell Chops 30x8x5

    These were tough enough, interesting excerssie

    B2 Push-ups off rings 6s5x6

    Did these with rings, very tricky

    C1 One arm overhead press 15x10x4

    These were fine really just a bit of a twinge in my rotator cuff on the right shoulder. Need to keep an eye on that.
    C2 Dragon Flags 6x4

    These are grewsome. Interesting development on the reverse curls.

    Roll outs 5x2

    Did these as a development on the rings. Interesting.
