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Garda Interview Info

  • 18-03-2008 2:59pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭

    Hi all

    I just found somethin I prepared for my interviews - it's just few posts from "Garda Apptitude Test" with some good advice regardin the Interview only. I made it because sometimes it's hard to find something you need in this thread, it's just so big. Basically it's any good onfo about the interview I could find in the GAT thread, up to around 2000th post.

    So if you have your interview coming - read below, it's advice from people who went through it, and I think all of them actually passed, i might be wrong about that though.

    Of course - take it all with a pinch of salt.

    08-03-2005, 17:51


    The interview will be challenging but everyone is in the same boat so chill out and remember that the most important word is community. Ask your local station for an example of how a garda there is involved int he community (eg. by organising footie tournaments.

    Think about how you would answer Q's like "If you were posted to a one man station, how would you go about policing that community" and "What do you expect to study in Templemore" and "Who's the commissioner". Try not to get caught out in the Q's where answers are available on the prep. material.

    The written communication last year didn't involve a video. But it was time constraining. YOU WILL NOT FINISH WITH MORE THAN 3/4 MINUTES LEFT if it's anything like last year and watch the handwriting and spelling - you're graded on everything.

    As for stage 3. Well, the medical does break hearts. There's no doubt there. It has a relatively high failure rate. Eyesight is a big dilemma, one guy who passed with me was told to put on weight which may have been a joke (he was very thin). Having said this, all 10 lads who went through it with me passed. One had lasik treatment on his eyes and was open about it with the Gardai so YES LASIK IS PERMITTED IN THE GARDA, even though it's frobidden in the armed forces.

    Don't knock the Physical Competency Test guys!! OK, compared to the Army it isn't in the same league and I heard rumours that no guy has ever failed but it has a relatively high failure rate among ladies. One person failed out of maybe 20/25 when I was in Templemore for my physical. Strongest pull on the day was 50kgs and the fastest run was 2m20 secs (I think). I done 40Kgs and 2m40 and I wasn't in the best of health on the day either.

    15-03-2005, 11:19 #220


    Started at 9am and finished at 9:45am - 3 on the board - 2 Civilians and 1 Superintendant. Plenty of water available and they work to a clock. I felt very comfortable with them and they watched me for a couple of minutes when I went in first to see if I'd flinch! Started off by asking me about my third level quals and asked me to talk them through them. then moved on to my competencies. I was asked on two I had on the form and two others. They asked me to go through each one step by step - so know your competencies. Then the Super went through my Q5 - Through the documentation - i.e. History of the guards! Structure of the Comm, Dep Comm, Ass Comm etc, How I thought the Gardai were perceived in the area I live, Could they do any more to make people in rural areas more aware of their presence, how I would relate my competencies to the role of a Guard! (Know this!), Multicultural society! etc. Asked me if there was any particular subject I'd especially like in templemore? I wasn't asked about why I wanted to be a guard! The Report writing excercise was very detailed!!! Video lasted about 5 minutes and was go from the start! Be ready to take notes fast! You get about 30 minutes to write the report.. This was tough enough - Don't assume anything! I was happy enough to be honest but you never know!

    16-03-2005, 11:29 #222


    Did the interview yesterday, hard to tell how it went. Went through 1 example from each section. Asked specific questions on my role in each, what I learned, would i change anything if I had to do it again. Asked would I feel safe as a guard, i.e. if I was initmidated in court, or threatened etc. Asked if I had researched the job and the training. Asked what I felt would be tough in templemore.

    Report writing goes by very fast and you have to write fast. As they give details they speak fast. Take good notes.

    I saw one guy try to write the report in his notes before writing it in the booklet, bad idea. Time is very short, only 30 mins. Write as much relevant detail as you can.

    23-04-2005, 09:36 #608



    For the interview know your scenarios backwards and be prepared with at least one alternate answer for each.

    I was asked "how did you prepare to achieve high standards for today" so was my friend.
    also we were both asked :can you tell me when you have seen a member working as part of a team,....a member trying to persuade others.

    But know your subjects studied in templemore,the difference between phase 2 and 4(your attested during phase 3,after 62 weeks I think,so you have powers of arrest etc).Expect curve ball questions,they come at random and can be a bit strange....stay calm they are looking at how you react and not really listening to your answers(unless your some neo-nazi type that is).

    Know the mission statement,its written on everything produced by the gardai so you will have seen it a million times..personal protection etc.

    29-04-2005, 12:21 #706


    Defo know the subjects you will study and the general layout of the course (I mean the phases). If they asked you how many inspectors then I would be, and you'd have the right to be, disgusted. Having said that, you should have a GENERAL idea of the force's organistion. Know there is about 200 inspectors and about 10000 gardai. Know the Commisionners name. They won't ask ho tough sepcific questions. This isn't leaving cert maths. It's an interview.... they want to learn about you as a person more than they want to learn about what you know.

    The key word was community, in my interview.

    Be youself. If your unsure about "the right thing to say" then just give your opinion but add "but I'm sure after 2 years training in Templemore I'd be better equiped to handle that and any other situation" at the end of your answer.

    10-05-2005, 14:24 #776


    hi all i had my interview on wenesday last, it was with board 32,
    they were so nice and friendly.
    they asked me straight away about breaks in my unemployment record, this lasted 2 mins, they asked me my other jobs then and when i was chosing these jobs did i have any advice from an adult or family member etc,
    actually this was a question they asked alot regarding any decisions i made.

    all the examples i had 4 each scenario they barely touched on but instead gave me an area in my life where i used the skill, for eg-where in my work in theatre did i prepare to achieve high standards.

    all the backups i had prepared were useless, but i had thought of a few extra that morning so it was ok- so my tip is have loads of examples and if u think of a good one but think it might suit better in another area, just use it or u might never get the chance and it is wasted.

    they asked me loads questions but i could answer all them so they kept firing more to try to catch me out, i was in there a good 50 mins-and i did most of the talking so it was wasn't like they were trying to drag out the info!!

    i think i did ok but you can never tell, i had more difficulity in the report only because i was so caught up on it-there was no need really, i would have been better off if i just chilled. i had the bar fight one,
    it went so fast only 4mins or so.

    26-05-2005, 14:59 #853


    really don't think it will affect your chances if you tell them you went for mock interviews, kilroy course etc. I told them that I had 2 mock interviews in the run up to it and it didnt seem to phase them. And they mustn't have read too much into it cos I'm starting in Templemore in August!

    Honestly the interview boards can be tough, they will usually try pick holes in some of your answers but the main thing they are looking for is a strong attitude, last thing they want to see is you backing down from an answer and changing your mind.

    07-07-2005, 11:59 #1002


    know your answers inside out and backwards.
    Lets be honest,they're not gonna spring anything new on you,the whole interview is centered on YOU!! so go over the form you sent in to the public service centre (assuming you kept a copy!!)
    if not go over a recent cv,be able to talk about previous work experience, Know your experience examples...working with people,balanced decision etc...and having another example for each wouldnt go astray,
    hobbies and intrests, know about the garda's!!!
    after all thats the whole point of the interview!!
    Reading back over this thread will give you loads of tips.
    Most important !!! RELAX!! i know this is hard but think of it as having a chat about yourself and why YOU want to be a garda and you will be fine.

    12-08-2005, 19:38 #1068


    "The 4 examples are vitally important, this is mainly what they went thru, also have at least 2 other examples in your head.

    The video for the written is really fast, be aware of all details."

    Yes they do tend to go through the answers you give. Plus, you know when you send back the 4 copies of your answers - well one copy of that is for you. The person on reception gives it to you for your perusal and you are allowed (and expected) to bring it into the interview with you for reference. With me (and maybe for everyone else too?), they read out the question and your answer, and then ask you a question such as "explain how the decision you made was a balanced one" and "what did you have to weigh up?". Thats all fine as long as you did not bluff....

    There were 3 interviewers - one superintendent, the other two i'm not sure who they were but i think one was from the public office 'authority' and the other was a civil servant - or something like that!

    Its fairly formal - so be warned. But i think part of that is to see how you deal with an unfamiliar situation - and to see if you can do as you are told! Things like - the person who greeted me told me to 'not bother' shaking hands with everyone when i entered and when i left the interview room. And i was told to only address my answer to whomever asked me a question - not to be looking at the other 2 as well trying to maintain eye contact. (Thought this was pretty strange myself, as to me its only good manners to include everyone present in a conversation!).

    The report writing was not as expected either. Large room with huge screen. No talking allowed - oh, and everyone who would have attended an interview that morning/afternoon would attend the one showing of the video. There were 10 of us when i did it. Also the people in the video are American actors, so it can take a bit of getting used to the way they talk and the accents.

    Hope some of this helps someone. I went into my interview totally frazled after finishing exams a few days before hand and then having work deadlines for the day before. And to cap it all off i had to fly to Dublin the morning of the interview - and to realise that i had no idea what the questions i was supposed to prepare were let alone what answers i had given. So i was hugely thankful to be given a copy of my answers (5 minutes!!) before i went into my interview.

    After all that, i passed the interview and am waiting to hear about dates for the Medical stage. Got a phone call to day querying an address i had on my application - i've travelled all around the world and the address they queried was an Irish one! I thought that was funny!

    08-09-2005, 17:01 #1132


    had my interview during the week 40 mins, it was not too bad, i have had worse.
    I did not come out feeling that bad after it, i think i was just happy that it was over. Time will tell. Will know the results in 2 weeks i was told. Anyway for those who are about to have theirs soon. Know your 4 skill areas you will be given one of the photocopies which you sent away during the interview. There are 3 on the panel, i was interview by a man and a lady, the guy was sound enought but the lady tried to rattle me on the working with others part. (expect it but keep cool) The super just took all the notes during the interview and did not ask me a single question. As in past post the interview is ALL ABOUT YOU and what you have done so you either know it or you dont. Dont Bull****. The questions i was asked about the guards: how many phases are there, where did you find the information..the difference between being stationed in Dublin and being stationed in a one man Station how would you make the community aware of you being there...Every thing i learned off was not asked... Do you know anybody in the guards..What problems are they face with now... new cultures a big learing curve for them. and so on..

    Next the report writing..Ahh..5 minutes long, very fast and very hard too understand because they were american actors, with american accents and talked too fast... american phone numbers and addresses be warned, it prob wont make a difference....I just hope the PAS take note and loose the american actors for the next time.. Its a bit unfair... hope this helps some one out there.

    27-10-2005, 17:56 #1273


    Man that was a tough interview i must admit they always try and stir you up , but they never got too me . I felt that they were trying to push me as far as they could. I remained cool and calm. They asked me about the answers i gave and how they would affect me then brought in questions like how would a garda need this in his role . They kept saying very good and thats all we want to hear no need to continue , They also kept interupting me i saw some marks they were righting down have no idea what it means say 2.85 in one box . They didnt ask me why i wanted to be a garda.It was fast and furiuos. They just kept saying very good and thats all we want to hear. The written report went ok apart from i never got the first guys name got everything else tho , but didnt really know how to structure it so tried my best.
    16-01-2006, 13:01 #1473


    I did the interview last month. It lasted 45 minutes and I found it very tough. Other people found it ok. What they are looking for is maturity, a normal down to earth person and be urself. There were 3 on the panel. One woman and two men. One of them doesn't ask q's he just took notes and he also times u how long u take to answer questions. They weren't out to catch me out they just asked a lot of questions about skills. So know them fairly well and how u would relate them to the gardai. She'll keep rattling u for more and more answers. During my interview she kept saying my answers were too vague and to be more specific. They are looking to see how dedicated u'd be to joining the gardai and how u would react if u were on beat and different situations came up. ( I passed it anyway ) Any other q's just give me a shout.

    19-01-2006, 12:34 #1496


    I can definately say that I was 110% sure I failed the interview. I had done an unbelievable amout of prep work for it, but on the day it didn't go as expected.

    I had 1 male psycholigist, 1 female civil servant and 1 super intendant. The psycholigist didn't say a word throughout, just took notes. The civil servant asked the most questions.

    The reason I felt it went so bad was that the Super Intendent kept folding his arms, crossing his legs and looking out the window while I was addressing him. On two occasions he laughed at some of my answers. I found this very diffucult not to say anything in protest, but looking back in hindsight I'm glad I kept my mouth shut. I said this to the guy that helped me through the preperation for the interview. He told me this was done to see how I would react. Looking back now I believe it and am very happy I didn't lose my rag with him. I got the letter 4 weeks later to say I had passed.

    The best advice I can give you is know your answers that you have given on the application form. Know them inside out and upside down. And when you think you've learned them well enough, do it all over again. Then come up with some back up scenarios for each one of the situations. I was asked to disregard one of the answers I had provided and to think of one on the spot. Thankfully I had come up with a backup one for each of my scenarios.

    Also do research on Templemore. Know your weakest subject in Templemore, know you strongest. Tell them it will be a challenge, but it's a challenge you look forward to.

    When they ask you why do you want to become a Guard don't tell them "because it's something I've always wanted". They hear it all the time. Something different is good. Something origanal!

    When they ask you at the end of the interview is there anything you would like to add, re-emphasise, as much as possible, how much you want it.

    24-01-2006, 12:40 #1507


    1. No need to bring CV/Ref list. The forms they have sent out to you will suffice.

    2. Have you sent the form in already? If so then forget about worrying what's not on it, just know you answers very very well. Have back up answers ready.
    If you haven't yet sent it back, then fill out the form completely.

    3. Despite what some people tell you, I have been relyably informed by somebody who used to be on the interview panel that playing GAA can sometimes go against a canditate.
    The reason for this is they found allot of GAA players were going for the Guards as they thought it was accepted if they were good enough on the field then things would come easy to them (eg. playing for clubs... etc). The panel can sometimes assume that one is more interested pursuing a succesfull life in the GAA then in the Guards and that life in the Guards can accomadate this intersest.
    Having said that, I'm part of a GAA club but I don't believe that the GAA had a bearing on my success at the interview. However, the panel will be pleased to see you are physicly active.

    4. They will not and cannot ask you about current affairs. However, they most likely will question your knowledge on The History of The Gárdaí and how much you know on the Course in Templemore

    24-01-2006, 12:44 #1508


    No you don't need to bring a cv or references with you on the day. Yes they will ask you bout the history etc of the guards even tho they didn't ask me. Read up on latest newspaper it'll do no harm just in case... they didn't ask me bout any of the latest happenings only bout the coruption thingy goin on. In my applicat form when they asked the 4 questions i only gave 1 answer for each question. Been honest if u didn't fill out one properly i don't think it'll affect you that much. Like what didn't you add in? If it's that bad just tell the woman...she comes out to you b4 ur interview starts and say it 2 her. Good luck!

    14-03-2006, 13:34 #1748

    Miss T

    Sorry Conor, Forgot to say. This interview is completely different to any you might have been to before. It's what they call a 'competency based' interview and is mostly only used in the Civil Service. You won't be asked about your previous jobs or experience, or tell us a bit about yourself. It completely relates to the answers you gave on your form so make sure you remember exactly what you wrote as you will be asked to quote them back. Prepare to think on your feet! Also try not to let your hands do the talking for you. The person before me last year had knocked a glass of water across the table - haven't a clue who they were or how they got on after that, but I know it would have put me right off track. Another tip I got from a good friend of mine who interviews a lot of people was to bring a folder into the interview with me. It served 2 purposes as I was able to brush up until the last minute, but it also makes the interviewers wonder what you have in there and they know that you've been studying your stuff.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,468 ✭✭✭ojewriej

    Here is some more - up to 4000 mark. Also, at the end of this post there is a mention of someone succesfully appealing failing the report writing, so if you are interested you can look it up based on that.

    18-01-2007, 22:49 #3126


    The interview took about 45 Min's.They make you feel really comfortable and I felt once you were in the room the nerves just go.There was three people in there and one of those was a super.He did not ask me anything but kept taking notes.They ask you all about the four examples that you gave so really know these inside out.They will ask you about Temple more -what will your favorite subject be and least fav and why,how will you get by with the money and how much is the salary when you start.What research did you do for the interview.
    I did a few prep courses before hand but |I thought it best not to mention these.I personally thought that I did not do well in the interview as some of my answers were a bit weak but I did not get flustered and was very polite,I even cracked a little joke which even the Super smiles at.Hope this helps ,if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.
    P.s When they ask you what research did you do I said I came up the night before and walked to Chapter House to (a) find out where it was and (b) to see how long it took.Also said the Garda website and asked in the local station.Good Luck

    19-01-2007, 10:27 #3128


    Based on what you've said it looks like between 30 - 45 mins for the interview so, which is the average time for any interview.

    I noticed the fact you said that they'd ask you about the subjects i.e. which ones you'd like and dislike and the reasons why etc. Here are the 8 subjects in Phase 1:
    1. Contextual Policing Studies
    2. Irish Studies
    3. European Languages
    4. Phys. Education + Health & Safety
    5. Legal Studies
    6. Garda Practices and Procedures
    7. Management + Org. Skills
    8. Social + Psych. Studies

    19-01-2007, 20:57 #3130


    1. Contextual Policing Studies -basically about the rule of law, accountability in policing, community policing etc

    2. Irish Studies- if you have a basic level of irish you will be fine, you are given material to learn such as role plays then you do a aural and written exam

    3. European Languages- french or german, french is post leaving cert, german is for beginners

    4. Phys. Education + Health & Safety- 4 weeks first aid, 4 weeks swimming, 4 weeks self defence and 4 weeks of running

    5. Legal Studies- exactly as it says on the tin

    6. Garda Practices and Procedures- same as above

    7. Management + Org. Skills- you give presentations on a variety of topics which are videotaped and have a written exam

    8. Social + Psych. Studies- a variety of lectures on social and psychological issues

    29-01-2007, 00:33 #3179


    Don't mean to sound cocky but no, i didnt think it was that hard at all realy but then again i wasn't too worried about passing as i wasn't sure if i even wanted to join at that stage so i wasn't stressed out at all.

    Just write down as much as you can while the video is playing and write while watching the film, dont watch the page and write what you hear as some bits are observational. the notes you take during the video dont need to be neat at all as your tested on the notebook details AFTER the video so dont bother looking at what way your writing, just write.

    30-01-2007, 18:32 #3190

    the locust

    Had my interview today! Felt i did pretty well, well enough to pass. Three people on the panel one being a Garda Superintendant.

    They really made me work! The whole interview was fairly well structured and i was made to feel very welcome. They were fairly meticulous starting with my education and then reviewing my employment record. They asked loads of questions!

    Then they went straight for the skill/comptency areas. My advice would be know the stories you put on the form inside and out, back to front!

    Then they asked about Q5 and my strengths and weaknesses. They really kept the pressure on the whole time and were very pushy. I did get the superintendant to smile twice though which was good. The one woman asked me a random question off topic to try and throw me - which it did! Although i recovered ok.

    Report writing was manic, the video is short and people speak fast so listen very carefully and write stuff down! i was quite wrecked after the whole thing...

    04-02-2007, 19:07 #3226


    Thurs morn done interview..board are v.nice for anyone whos nervous seriously dont be!its not near as bad as i taught it wud be!some Q's i got asked

    -ever made a bad decision?
    -if you fail the interview wat will you do?
    -what wud be a tuff task for you as a guard?
    -how wud u deal with boring work?
    -what area wud ya like to go into?

    report writing is id over pretty quickly! told 4weeks till results so fingers crossed for it!

    07-02-2007, 10:01 #3243


    Had my interview and tests yesterday, I think they went well enough - fingers crossed!

    The interview is grilling but like anyone that has done just know your examples and a few more and relax. No sticky questions came up just usual Strengths, Weaknesses, Motivation and know subjects may study and different phases for training. They didn't ask me much about my employment history just pretty much straight into the examples. They are fine and make you feel at ease but they do interrupt you but its only to get you moving on in the story and may stop you mid way as they have the info they need!

    09-02-2007, 21:18 #3273


    had me yday and never been so relieved to get something over with. i did find that sometimes they could cut ya off just as your gettin to the good stuff. i did get in a few examples of recent garda events for them tho.
    I answered confidentally everything they asked me
    BUT when asked what strengths i could bring i went......BLANK......literally. i mumbled something out i actually said to them "oh my god, my minds gone blank!" and the supt just said "thats ok, we'll move on." but at the end of the interview when they asked if they felt their questioning was fair (cant remember how they said it) i just asked if i could clarify myself on the question again and i rattled off what i had prepared and they thanked me for it. i dont was it too late at that stage but what more can i do.

    Also when i got in i felt comfortable and relaxed and was speaking clearly so i went to take a sup of water and when i picked it up it was like the little glass of water on the dashboard in juraasic park, shaking all over the place. and that was the end of my water supping for the next 40mins. ha ha.

    13-02-2007, 13:08 #3285


    Think it went well enough, got a few laughs off the board, and managed to come across pretty well in terms of my personality/character/experiences/etc.

    Know your scenarios inside out and have at least one or maybe two backups for each one as well!!

    Also, have a pretty thorough answer ready for Question 5. That's your chance to sell yourself. Think I was lucky with the panel I got so fingers crossed it all comes good in a few weeks.

    03-03-2007, 22:12 #3452


    Okay, this is a basic form of what a notebook entry should be like,


    (Type of incident i.e. Theft/Accident/Murder)

    Outline of what happened

    Injured party details

    Suspect Details

    Witness Details
    08-03-2007, 16:41 #3579


    Prepare well. Know the examples that you put down really well, practice saying them to someone. Have alternatives ready. Prove to the interview board that you really want it, be enthusiastic. Talk to a guard and find out as much as possible about the job. Its tough but if youre well prepared youll feel more confident in there.

    As for the written excercise its just as important, Id advise you to practice the verbal reasoning theres loads of good books out there.

    The video (incident report) lasts only about 4 minutes, its really quick dont panic just scribble down as much information as possible names, addresses, phone no's, descriptions etc. Keep the report simple and logical and watch your spelling and you,ll be grand.

    06-04-2007, 23:19 #3910


    you don't just stick to the examples you write down, use the time you have now to come up with other good examples. also its not really the quality of the examples it doesn't much matter what happened, just that you used the skills they're looking for and that you used them well.

    im much the same with the rambling on thing but i suppose try to stay calm. try to think through ur answer for a few seconds before you start answering and elaborate on everything you say, try not to leave silences. i think its probably better if they have to interrupt you mid sentence than if theres silence and they have to keep trying to pull information out of you.

    as for what to wear, you could wear whatever you want but i'd definitely go with a full suit. they only have you for a half hour and they have however many thousand applicants, impression is everything

    11-04-2007, 16:44 #3947


    I was able to successfully appeal the decision. I went down by 1 mark in the report writing but there were a few uncontrolable events that occurred that morning that contributed to this (some of my earlier posts will explain). On review the PAS & psychologist agreed in my favour and the decision was overturned. Appeals like this are rarely successful so I'm pretty lucky and delighted to have been given a second chance. If it had been the interview that I had went down in.....well, then that would have been a different story

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Fyr.Fytr

    Excellent cheers

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 ppaddy

    Any ideas to what's being done for 2014.?

  • Registered Users Posts: 146 ✭✭Andrea345

    Can anyone elaborate on the report writing. I just want to know if you are taught a standard structure before you write it or if you write it the way you think it should be. Not sure if I am asking for too much information, apologies if I am.

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭

    Wow thanks so much for the help iv my interview the 15th of this month. Our layyout has changed completely but id be interested to know what were the scenarios they asked ye and what are the compancies? please any information you would have id appreciate so much

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