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155mph in Barnesmore Video



  • Registered Users Posts: 46,014 ✭✭✭✭muffler

    irish1967 wrote: »
    Bravo ! Excellent Post
    You can also use the "thank this poster" feature at the bottom right of the post (thumbs up icon)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 222 ✭✭blue shimmering

    Unfortunately, unless something is SEEN to be done about this guy, he's very unlikely to rue any of it - in fact the opposite is certain, in that he has gained a notoriety and kudos with his mates that no money could have purchased.
    Part of my job involves working with disaffected young boys who think this sort of thing is the greatest of craic. They can't wait for the chance to emulate this 'feat' - some are even prepared to risk 'joy riding' for the thrill of it all. Getting it on utube and causing a media furore is the icing on the cake. No amount of explaining the dangers works, nor do they care that someone else might get hurt. They think they themselves are invincible. All they can and will see is that they'll never be caught.
    Please, please if any gardai/politicians/community activists are reading this thread - DO SOMETHING to show that there are consequences. If there aren't any adverse effects made known, each and every one of us on the roads may look out for the copycats that are gearing up for the repeat performances :mad:
    This is exactly right but unfortuntly there doesn't seem to be any punishment available that would deter them, don't think this is the Gardai's fault because their hands are tied and if they can't get enough evidence they can't convict!

    Even if they know who it is and do have enough evidence if they are under age there is very few places that they can be sent! Seems also to be the case that they come out twice as bad as they went in - there is a book published this month "Wasting Time With People", Alice Leahy - Gill & MacMillan which is excellent and if they were made to read it maybe it would make them think again about the consequences of their actions! It is all Irish stories of young people and what happened to them and how they eventually ended up out on the streets! It is an excellent read, costing €14.99 in Eason - all money from the book is going to the Charity "Trust".

    Sometimes I do think that parents are not giving their children enough of their time and this is causing a lot of the problems in our society. One quote from the book is:

    "Half a century ago the great Canadian guru of media theory, Marshall Mc Luhan, envisaged technologies and a world in which human interconnectivity would be total. He wrote of the 'global village', in which every person's experiences would be connected to everyone else's by the wonderful new technologies of broadcasting.

    The technologies of Mc Luhan's 'global village' have become reality. Indeed what he foresaw has become a Fortiori the reality of 21st-century Western life.

    What he did not anticipate was the paradox that the more we were to become connected through these new technologies the more isolated, in human terms, we would be. In a world filled with iPods, mobile phones, blogs, mediated messages, broadcasts and on-line networks, flesh-and-blood interconnectivity between people becomes ever more a rarity." (Wasting Time With People, Alice Leahy, Page 27, published April 2008)

    I think these sentences put everything that is wrong with our society into words that anyone can understand - we are all pushed for time and now can not be bothered with communicating with our parents/children; we think our time is just TOO precious for that! It is one of the best books I have read in a long time and I am only half way through it - absolutely brilliant and will make us all sit up and take notice and realise we have to listen to each other much more than we are now!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 991 ✭✭✭Big_Mac

    FX Meister wrote: »
    What's the big deal about a mother and child? What if he hits me, and single dude with no kids.
    Hopefully the spa will just take himself and his mates out of the picture, making the roads safer for the rest of us

    I think its the greater of two evils here. If, god forbid this spanner was to his a woman and child, that would be two lives lost, if he was to his you or I god forbid, the this would only be the loss of one life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 490 ✭✭babaloushka

    "Half a century ago the great Canadian guru of media theory, Marshall Mc Luhan, envisaged technologies and a world in which human interconnectivity would be total. He wrote of the 'global village', in which every person's experiences would be connected to everyone else's by the wonderful new technologies of broadcasting.

    The technologies of Mc Luhan's 'global village' have become reality. Indeed what he foresaw has become a Fortiori the reality of 21st-century Western life.

    What he did not anticipate was the paradox that the more we were to become connected through these new technologies the more isolated, in human terms, we would be. In a world filled with iPods, mobile phones, blogs, mediated messages, broadcasts and on-line networks, flesh-and-blood interconnectivity between people becomes ever more a rarity." (Wasting Time With People, Alice Leahy, Page 27, published April 2008)

    I think these sentences put everything that is wrong with our society into words that anyone can understand - we are all pushed for time and now can not be bothered with communicating with our parents/children; we think our time is just TOO precious for that! It is one of the best books I have read in a long time and I am only half way through it - absolutely brilliant and will make us all sit up and take notice and realise we have to listen to each other much more than we are now!

    I take your point on the Global Village but we must also remember the other saying that it takes a whole village to rear a child. I am aware that the Gardai don't seem to have much recourse when dealing with young offenders but we, as a community, ought to have some impact. Lots of people seem to know who this guy is - has anyone told his family?
    I know that many of us like to lie low and keep out of stuff like this for fear of offending parental sensibilities but as a parent myself I'd MUCH rather know about this while I still had the chance to prevent a tragedy. And believe me, I would stop any son of mine from driving a car at 155 mph anywhere ever again! I would not think twice about taking a sledge hammer to his car and putting it permanently out of action.
    Don't get me wrong - I'm not advocating that anyone outside of this guy's family do such a thing - and preferably his mother. And a picture of the result in the local paper would go a long way to denting sonny's kudos. My kids KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that I would do this if I ever got wind of such an antic. If more of us parents managed to 'communicate' the same message to our little darlings the roads would be a safer place for all of us.
    As parents we need to take back the power we have forgotten we have. Most of these little brats depend on us for a roof over their heads, food in their bellies and the disposable income to purchase the means to go out and indulge their speed mania. If we don't do our job, then society and the law will have to do it for us. It's either that or we condemn ourselves to picking up the pieces and burying our offspring and their victims after one 155 mph journey too many!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 222 ✭✭blue shimmering

    I take your point on the Global Village but we must also remember the other saying that it takes a whole village to rear a child. I am aware that the Gardai don't seem to have much recourse when dealing with young offenders but we, as a community, ought to have some impact. Lots of people seem to know who this guy is - has anyone told his family?
    I know that many of us like to lie low and keep out of stuff like this for fear of offending parental sensibilities but as a parent myself I'd MUCH rather know about this while I still had the chance to prevent a tragedy. And believe me, I would stop any son of mine from driving a car at 155 mph anywhere ever again! I would not think twice about taking a sledge hammer to his car and putting it permanently out of action.
    Don't get me wrong - I'm not advocating that anyone outside of this guy's family do such a thing - and preferably his mother. And a picture of the result in the local paper would go a long way to denting sonny's kudos. My kids KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that I would do this if I ever got wind of such an antic. If more of us parents managed to 'communicate' the same message to our little darlings the roads would be a safer place for all of us.
    As parents we need to take back the power we have forgotten we have. Most of these little brats depend on us for a roof over their heads, food in their bellies and the disposable income to purchase the means to go out and indulge their speed mania. If we don't do our job, then society and the law will have to do it for us. It's either that or we condemn ourselves to picking up the pieces and burying our offspring and their victims after one 155 mph journey too many!
    I agree with you wholeheartedly but do not know who this young fella is and to be honest if I did I would try to find out if his parents were aware of what he was doing - the problem is that some parents think their children can do no wrong and if you approach them YOU would be the worst in the world!

    I did have such a dealing with another parent, where I had to approach them because their child was trying to implicate mine in their deception! I am not going to go into a lot of detail but I felt as a parent myself that I would want to know if it was my child that was trying to deceive me! It was my childs best friend and I did know the parents fairly well but still didn't know how they would react to me approaching them.

    I called them and asked them and their child to come to our house, I showed the evidence of what was going on and it was denied by the child - they (the child) as annoyed by my child letting the cat out of the bag! Eventually we got it sorted, they are still friends and the parents talked it through with them and everything seems to be ok now! Recently I was told that a certain person was smoking, one of their friends and when I asked who I knew the parents and was asked - "you are not going to tell them are you?" To which I said no because it is up the parents themselves to figure that out and the other incident as above was a safety issue that as a parent I couldn't over look and turn a blind eye to! How could I look the parents in the eye and say sorry for your troubles, knowing that if I had stepped in sooner they could have still been alive - as far as I am concerned that is the difference between the two things and sometimes we have to take action or forever never forgive ourselves!

    So, as in your item I do agree that the parents of this boy should be informed but do feel that with all the publicity and I am sure the Gardai calling they probably are aware already and don't want to believe that the apple of their eye did such a thing!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭FX Meister

    mcgowan.b wrote: »
    I think its the greater of two evils here. If, god forbid this spanner was to his a woman and child, that would be two lives lost, if he was to his you or I god forbid, the this would only be the loss of one life.

    I guess my view is that just cause it's a kid it doesn't really make a difference. If it was myself and my sister then that's leaves 4 kids without one of their parents. A mother and child just leaves a grieving father.

  • Registered Users Posts: 46,014 ✭✭✭✭muffler

    FX Meister wrote: »
    I guess my view is that just cause it's a kid it doesn't really make a difference. If it was myself and my sister then that's leaves 4 kids without one of their parents. A mother and child just leaves a grieving father.
    Im not sure if I understand or even like the tone of that post. Maybe you mistyped it or something but would you clarify the point you are trying to make here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭FX Meister

    no, but thanks for asking

  • Registered Users Posts: 46,014 ✭✭✭✭muffler

    FX Meister wrote: »
    no, but thanks for asking
    Well dont say I didnt give you the opportunity.
