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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 10/04/09:
    Diet was clean - had 6.5 pints.

    Rest day.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 11/04/09:

    3.5 miles mountain run - slow pace, walked a lot of it.

    As above, slow enough pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 706 ✭✭✭MoonDancer

    Saturday 11/04/09:

    3.5 miles mountain run - slow pace, walked a lot of it.

    As above, slow enough pace.

    Lazy, lazy!! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 12/04/09:
    Ate a load of chocolate and drank way too much.

    35 min run, all hills. approx 10 minutes of it through forest track.

    Light M.T. stretch out.

    warm up:
    20 push up & jack knife crunches
    3 rounds.

    Military press:
    36Kg x 8
    36Kg x 8
    36Kg x 8

    Bicep curl:
    36Kg x 8
    40Kg x 8
    40Kg x 8

    Bent over row:
    40Kg x 10
    40Kg x 10

    Decent enough workout, the run was pretty tough. Took it at a slow pace, tried to do as much of it aerobically as possible.
    Weights are approx values, 36Kg felt HEAVY. Shoulder wasn't clicking too much but will continue with the rehab on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 12/04/09:
    Ate a load of chocolate and had a take away.

    Rest day.

    3 more weeks off from training. Goals for these 3 weeks are as follows:
    • 100Kg squat 10 x 3 sets.
    • 120Kg deadlift 10 x 3 reps.
    • 30Kg bells 10 x 3 sets.
    • 1 long run per week.
    • 2 x bag sessions per week.
    I look set to hit the squat target this week (hopeful) and will try 120Kg deadlift this week too (not too confident of the squat).
    I will be doing both of these on the same day so I expect to be wrecked!!!
    If I hit both of these in the 3 weeks - I may test my 1 rep max for both.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 14/04/09:
    Ate a load of chocolate.

    Weights - Chest & Back:
    5 x 3 Push ups to warm up.
    Stretched out.

    'Bell press:
    25Kg x 5
    30Kg x 10
    30Kg x 10
    30Kg x 7 :mad: + 30Kg x 3 (approx 40 second break between)

    1 arm row:
    30Kg x 10
    30Kg x 10
    27.5Kg x 12

    Smith machine inclined press:
    +60Kg x 5
    +60Kg x 5
    +60Kg x 5

    Pull ups:
    BW x 7
    BW x 6
    BW x 6
    BW x 4
    BW x 2

    10 minutes random setting 7.

    Missed 30Kg 10 x 3 dumbbell press. So close yet so far, the more I think about it the squat this week looks impossible too...
    Punching bag & cardio tonight.
    Ninja edit: I think thats a PB for reps on the 'bell press anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 14/04/09:
    Ate a load of chocolate again.

    Stretched out.

    Cross trainer:
    10mins random level 6.

    20 minutes random setting 7.

    Crunches x 25 x 3
    push ups x 10

    2 x rounds of shadow boxing & M.T. stretch out.

    Was hoping to get on the punching bag but no hope in that, did a few rounds of shadow boxing instead.
    Cross trainer was aggravating my knee so went on the treadmill.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 16/04/09:
    Diet was clean.

    Weights: Legs & Shoulders:
    Stretched out.
    BW squats
    BW lunges.
    20Kg lunges x 5

    20Kg x 5
    60Kg x 5
    80Kg x 5
    90Kg x 5
    100Kg x 8 [PB - weight]<- Felt way too heavy, really struggled with my form
    100Kg x 4 [PB - weight] + 95 Kg x 3 <- after about 30 second rest.
    95Kg x 8

    60Kg x 5
    60Kg x 5
    80Kg x 5
    100Kg x 10
    120Kg x 7 [PB-reps]<-failed on 8th
    120Kg x 4 [PB-reps]<- failed
    120Kg x 1 [PB-reps]<- failed on 2

    Seated shoulder press:
    20Kg x 10
    30Kg x 8
    30Kg x 5
    20Kg x 8

    1 arm Ahh-nold press:
    12.5Kg x 10
    12.5Kg x 10
    12.5Kg x 10

    Military press:
    20Kg x 10
    20Kg x 10

    Bicep curl:
    12.5Kg bells x 10

    Tough session, didn't think the squats would be this hard. A 5Kg jump but considering how burnt out I was the last time I squatted this should have been OK.
    I was falling forward a lot on the 2nd set and having to good morning the weight - which was causing my back to round a lot so I moved down. 95Kg felt alright, I could get low and still had the strength in my legs..
    I had a twinge in my back from good morning-ing the 2nd set of squats, so did way too much of a warm up on dead lifts. Was going to pack it in but the 100Kg lifts felt grand so I moved up to 120Kg.
    Shoulders were un-impressive, still clicking, will work on developing them more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 17/04/09:
    Diet was clean.

    Rest day.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 18/04/09:
    Diet was crap, had a good few pints.

    Run for approx 4 miles 35 minutes.

    Handy enough pace, big hill at the end.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 19/04/09:
    Diet was crap again. Was dying for a Burger King, which turned out to be terrible.

    Rest day - went for an hour long walk.

    Gym on Monday, going for the 30Kg x 10 x 3 Dumbbell press! I have to make it this time!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 20/04/09:
    Diet was clean - Weight on Tuesday: 81.64Kg.

    Weights - Chest & Back:
    Stretched out.
    BW push ups x 10
    BW Hindu push ups x 5
    BW squats.

    Dumbbell press:
    30Kg x 10
    30Kg x 7 :mad:
    30Kg x 7 :mad:
    30Kg x 3

    1 arm row:
    30Kg x 10
    30Kg x 10
    30Kg x 10

    Push ups x 5
    Inclined bench:
    25Kg x 8
    25Kg x 8
    25Kg x 8

    Pull ups:
    BW x 8
    BW x 7
    Chin ups:
    BW x 4
    BW x 2
    BW x 2

    Triceps push down:
    40Kg x 10
    Bicep curl:
    35Kg x 8
    x 3 sets.

    F*ck those f*cking dumbbells in their stupid f*cking ass!!!
    Good session apart from that - shoulder a bit sore doing the pull ups, need to get my act together and do some rehab. Need to get some push ups in during the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tues day 20/04/09:
    Diet was clean - Weight on Wednesday: 80Kg.

    Cardio / M.T.:
    10 minutes treadmill random L5 9Kph - 12Kph.

    4 x 3 min rounds Boxing & M.T. on bag.

    Ab pull down:
    40Kg x 10
    40Kg x 10
    40Kg x 12

    Rotator cuff internal rotations:
    5Kg x 10
    5Kg x 10
    5Kg x 12
    Rotator cuff external rotations:
    5Kg x 10
    5Kg x 10
    5Kg x 10

    Weighted crunches - Swiss ball:
    25Lbs x 10
    25Lbs x 10
    25Lbs x 12

    Push ups:
    BW x 10
    BW x 10
    BW x 10

    10 mins Treadmill random L6 10-12Kph.

    Good enough session, bit of a niggle in my upper back this morning tho.
    Squat and deadlift tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Wednesday 23/04/09:
    Diet was clean enough, had a choc muffin, nyom nyom nyom!
    Weight on Thursday: 81.6Kg. seems to be fairly inconsistent.

    Rest day.

    Squat and dead lift today - not looking forward to it.
    100Kg squat and 120Kg deadlift...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 23/04/09:
    Diet was clean.
    Weight on Friday: 81.6Kg.

    Weights: Legs & Shoulders:
    BW squat
    BW lunges

    20Kg x 6
    60Kg x 5
    80Kg x 5
    90Kg x 4
    100Kg x 8 -> Very tough, my form was all over the place.
    100Kg x 8 -> A lot better depth and form seemed to be alright.
    100Kg x 8 [PB - reps] -> Form and depth a lot better again - legs wobbled a bit.
    60Kg x 8

    Dead lift:
    20Kg x 10
    60Kg x 5
    80Kg x 5
    100Kg x 4
    120Kg x 6 -> R: under L: over
    120Kg x 4 -> L: under R: over grip failed to lock out on 5 - due to grip.
    120Kg x 6 -> [PB - reps] R: under L: over
    125Kg x 1 -> [PB - Weight] R: under L: over

    BW pull ups x 2
    Wingers x 2 -> I figured this would be a good way to warm up my shoulders, I was wrong!

    Seated barbell press:
    35Kg x 8
    35Kg x 8
    35Kg x 4 + 30Kg x 4

    1 arm Arnold press:
    15Kg x 6
    15Kg x 6
    15Kg x 8

    Dead lift:
    100Kg x 5 -> L: under R:

    Squats were solid, first set was a bit ropey but second & third were grand. Think my stance was too narrow on the first set.
    Deadlift was grand as well, probably had a few more reps in me.
    Shoulders were a bit sore after the press but I think that was due to the rotator cuff stuff I did on Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 24/04/09:
    Diet was clean but went for a few pints.

    Cardio / Boxing:
    5 x 3 min rounds on punching bag, boxing only.

    2 x sets of:
    BW pushups x 15
    Crunches x 15

    Dumbbell press:
    25Kg x 5
    25Kg x 5 <- increased incline
    25Kg x 5 <- increased incline again.
    25Kg x 5 <- increased incline again, this was almost a shoulder press so happy enough.

    Lat pull down:
    75Kg x 5: pull up grip
    75Kg x 5: chin up grip
    82.5Kg x 5: chin up grip
    82.5Kg x 5: pull up grip

    5 mins random L7 (realised I had to leave as soon as I got on)

    OK session, boxing was tough. I find out on Wednesday when I can go back to MMA.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 25/04/09:
    Diet was crap - ate a load of junk food.

    Rest day.

    Planned a long run, went for a long walk in town instead...

    Sunday 26/04/09:
    Diet was crap - ate a load of junk food.

    Rest day.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 27/04/09:
    Diet was clean

    Weights - chest & back:
    5 mins cross trainer to warm up.
    BW push ups x 5 x 3 sets
    Hindu push ups x 5

    Pull ups:
    BW x 6
    BW x 6
    BW x 5
    Chin ups:
    BW x 5

    Dumbbell press:
    25Kg x 5
    30Kg x 10
    30Kg x 7
    30Kg x 4
    30Kg x 4

    Lat pull down:
    Pull up grip: 82.5Kg x 8
    Chin up grip: 82.5Kg x 8
    Pull up grip: 90Kg x 8
    Chin up grip: 90Kg x 8

    BW x 6
    BW x 6
    BW x 8

    Bicep curl:
    32.5 x 8
    Tricep push down:
    40Kg x 8
    Bicep curl:
    37.5 x 8
    Tricep push down:
    40Kg x 8
    Bicep curl:
    35 x 8
    Tricep push down:
    40Kg x 8

    Leg press:
    5 x 5 moving from 90Kg - 120Kg incrementing on each set.
    Stretched out.
    BW squats.

    Later that day:
    Rotator cuff exercises.

    Crap session, no free benches for the dumbbell press so had to do the pull ups first, which left me wrecked. Think I may be coming down with something, felt sick doing the press' and feel swine flu coming on!
    Messing about on the leg press machine in preparation of Thursday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 28/04/09:
    Diet was crap, late home from work - no dinner and ended up eating junk food instead...

    Rest day.

    Both my knee and shoulder are giving me jip today, so depending on how they are tomorrow I'm not sure what I'll do.
    Got the OK to go back to MMA, starting back Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 29/04/09:
    Diet was OK.

    Cardio - rehab:
    3 x 3 min rounds on punching bag. (got kicked out of hall).

    3 rounds of:
    15 push ups.
    20 Jack knife crunches.

    10 mins cross trainer L6 random.
    3 rounds of:
    15 push ups.
    20 Jack knife crunches.

    10 mins treadmill L6 random.

    Face pulls:
    5 Kg x a lot.
    10Kg x a lot.
    15 Kg x 10 x 3
    external face pull:
    5Kg x a lot x 3.

    Bent over flys:
    10Lbs x 10
    10Lbs x 10
    10Lbs x 10

    Shoulder actually felt better straight away, I'd heard a lot of people talking about face pulls, so I thought I'd try to incorporate them.
    Cardio was crap, back training next week though.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    I'd heard a lot of people talking about face pulls, so I thought I'd try to incorporate them.

    Face pulls are great and work the bits and pieces that may otherwise be neglected. They are also quick, so you can knock out 3 sets at the end when you are leaving supersetted with something else such as pull down abs / hanging leg raise / pull ups.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    I'm really impressed with them. I did a few dips and pull ups on Monday and my shoulder is in bits from it.
    A lot of the other rehab stuff I've been doing isn't paying off as much as I'd like, so lets hope the facepulls hit all the bits I'm missing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 30/04/09:
    Diet was clean.
    Weight on Friday: 81.6Kg been floating between 80-82. Have been trying to bulk up a bit over the last 2 / 3 weeks. Not really worked though :pac:

    Weights: Legs & Shoulders:
    BW squat
    BW lunges

    20Kg x 8
    60Kg x 6
    80Kg x 6
    105Kg x 5 [PB - Weight]
    105Kg x 2 + 4 [PB - Weight] -> Hit the rack on the way up & had to reset - then hit the rack again!
    105Kg x 5 [PB - Weight]
    110Kg x 2!!! [PB - Weight]
    60Kg x 8

    Dead lift:
    20Kg x 10
    60Kg x 5
    80Kg x 5
    100Kg x 4 -> both hands over.
    125Kg x 5 -> [PB - reps]R: under L: over
    125Kg x 5 -> [PB - reps]L: under R: had to reset due to grip.
    125Kg x 5 -> [PB - reps] R: under L: over
    130Kg x 3 -> [PB - Weight] R: under L: over
    100Kg x 6 -> both hands over.

    Seated barbell press:
    30Kg x 8
    30Kg x 8

    Face pulls internal:
    3 sets of ???
    Face pulls external:
    3 sets of ???

    Epic session, very happy with both squats & deadlift. Didn't get the 3 x 5 on them.
    Second squat set I hit the rack on the way up so I had to drop the weight and pick it up again. I almost dropped the bar again as I was resetting :rolleyes:
    Second deadlift set had to drop the weight as it was slipping out of my hand, was only down for approx 5 seconds. Just checked last week & the same thing happened with this grip.
    Form wasn't as strict on deadlift, I also noticed my back rounding as I sunk the squats.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,521 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    110Kg x 2!!! [PB - Weight]

    Well done Chimp!

    This reads a lot better (from my pov) than 110kg x10 :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    BossArky wrote: »
    Well done Chimp!

    This reads a lot better (from my pov) than 110kg x10 :D

    Haha cheers, I'm happy enough with that, I actually felt alright lifting it - considering 2 weeks ago I nearly put my back out lifting 95Kg :)
    Although I did notice my back is rounding a fair bit.
    I'm going to be dropping the weight again next week working on single leg stuff probably.

  • Registered Users Posts: 706 ✭✭✭MoonDancer

    Well done!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 01/05/09:
    Diet was crap - went to the races so had a few pints and a take away & desert.

    Rest day.


    Saturday 02/05/09:
    Diet was OK but went for a few pints.

    Approx 6 miles, slow enough pace: 1:03.
    Flat, off road terrain.

    Knees were absolutely killing me, didn't really leave enough time between the squatting and long run. Had to walk for a few minutes but they are grand now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 03/05/09:
    Diet was OK but ate a load of junk food.

    Rest day.


    Monday 02/05/09:
    Diet was crap ate loads again..

    Skipped training.

    Impromptu rest day - decided to skip training and go to the cinema to see Wolverine, bad choice...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 05/05/09:
    Diet was clean.

    Running / Cardio:
    10min run, slow enough pace.
    5 x hill sprints
    1: 17sec
    2: 19sec
    3: 19sec
    4: 19sec
    5: 20sec
    10 min run, slow enough - sprint the last 100 meters.

    Stretched out.

    15 pushups
    20 crunches
    20 BW squats

    x 3 rounds, approx 1 min between rounds.
    Rotator cuff exercises.

    OK session, sprints killed me. Cramped up a lot when running, think it's down to the dead lifts.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Wednesday 06/05/09:
    Diet was clean.

    MMA - BJJ:

    Taking the back from turtle position.
    Sweep from butterfly guard.
    Arm bar.
    Escape from Triangle - posture up and stand on opponents bicep, turn out of it.
    Escape from Triangle - putting opponents knee on floor and levering his leg until he lets go.
    Reverse the escape from triangle - take opp's back.

    2 x 3 min rounds grappling.
    1 x 3 min round boxing.

    Probably lots of fancy names for these drills - noting them more for myself so I can actually remember what I did last night. That's all I can remember for now.
    First time training / sparring since I got my eyes lasered - got a good jab in the eye and I can still see anyway.
    (Got the OK from doctor to go back last week).
