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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 31/05/09:
    Had a few pints...

    Rest day.


    Monday 01/06/09:
    Diet was OK but had some junk food in the evening.

    Rest day.

    Had to skip training again, hurt my shoulder stretching out before training. Appointment made with physio :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 02/06/09:
    Diet was clean.

    BW push ups to warm up.

    Face pulls:
    20Kg x 10 internal
    20Kg x 10 external
    20Kg x 10 internal
    20Kg x 10 external

    Dumbbell press:
    25Kg x 5
    25Kg x 5 <- shoulder felt dodgy so moved onto chest press.

    Cable row:
    82.5 x 10
    82.5 x 10
    82.5 x 10

    Chest press:
    82.5Kg x 10
    82.5Kg x 10
    90Kg x 10

    Bent over rows:
    45Kg x 10
    45Kg x 10
    45Kg x 10

    Push ups on swiss ball (hands on swiss ball, ball up against a wall):
    Swiss ball crunches:
    30lbs x 15
    repeated 3 times.

    Push ups (regular):
    Jack knife crunches:
    repeated 3 times.

    BW to warm down.
    20Kg x 5 warm down.

    Face pulls:
    20Kg x ???

    OK session all considering. Concentrating on rehab work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Wednesday 03/06/09:
    Diet was clean.

    MMA / BJJ:
    Knee on belly -> transition to knee on belly on other side.
    escape mount
    drill pass guard
    Mount - forearm choke.
    Escape mount - bridge, roll onto shoulder, escape hips out.
    Escape mount with hooks in - kick off hooks & bridge + move hips out.
    Escape mount - sit up, grab shin & sweep.
    Keep the mount - set up arm bar.

    Didn't do any grappling as I have physio today and didn't want to end up knackering myself...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 04/06/09:
    Went to cinema and had 2 bars of choc, moving up in weight for the next 2 weeks.

    Rest day - went to physio.

    Prognosis is all good. Both shoulders have been at me and both knees :eek:
    Felt pretty beaten up the last week so took some time off. Physio made a few good recommendations:
      Rotator cuff:
      [*]Keep up the swiss ball push ups - but only in the range of motion where my shoulder doesn't click.
      [*]Keep up internal & external rotations - but use light resistance band as opposed to cable machine.
      [*]Band pull apparts & face pulls wouldn't have helped with the R.C. injury I have as they don't work the R.C. in the correct mannor (and you have a tendancy to use the bigger, more dominant muscles) but will keep them up anyway.
      [*]Some body weight exercises to build up R.C.

      [*]Feet are slightly pronated (flat footed) - nothing serious.
      [*]Hill running / sprints combined with squats (mixing high weight & high reps) is to blame (not to mention two nasty leg lock attempts, one on each leg).
      [*]Take it easy on the hill training for a while (espically downhill).

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Friday 05/06/09:
      Ate like a horse - good & bad.

      MMA / M.T.:
      3 x rounds of boxing / technical work:
      Slip the jab -> 1, 2 combo.
      Slip the cross -> Right, left hook combo.
      Parry the jab / cross & combo.
      3 x rounds on Thai pads (one technique):
      Working on power.
      Working on speed.
      Working on speed & power.
      3 x rounds of grappling.

      Shoulder started hurting when I threw the first jab while sparring, so I stuck to grappling.

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    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Satirday 06/06/09:
      Ate like a horse - good & bad had 3 pints.

      BJJ course:
      3 hour BJJ course.
      Concentraiting on:
      Open guard.
      Scissor sweep - submissions & guard passing from this position.
      Rubber guard: Omaplata & Triangle.
      Open guard - guard pass: Passing to right & left + stacking pass.
      Open guard - guard pass - defense & tripod sweep.
      Open guard - arm bar & triangle (more advanced setup).

      All I can think of now, I had a huge spiel wrote out which I lost :mad:
      Good course as in, it delt with a few issues I was having problems with.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Sunday 07/06/09:
      Ate like a horse - had some junk food.

      Rest day.


    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Monday 08/06/09:
      Diet wasn't too bad ate some junk food also.

      Rest day.

      Was on my feet allday and knee was still sore after some retard decides he's going to show me how to do a heel hook on Sat, with as much knee twisting as possible.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Tuesday 09/06/09:
      Diet wasn't too bad ate some junk food also.

      Weights Chest & back:

      BW push ups to warm up.
      BW squat to warm up.

      Smith machine bench:
      80Kg x 5
      85Kg x 5
      87.5Kg x 5
      90Kg x 5
      90Kg x 5

      Pull ups (neutral grip):
      BW x 8
      BW x 6
      BW x 6

      Face pulls alternating innie's and outtie's:
      20Kg x ???
      20Kg x ???
      20Kg x ???

      Swiss ball push ups (hands on ball):
      15 <- 50% Range of movement - no clicks.
      15 <- was able to go all the way down on the last 5 of these with no clicks.

      Bent over rows:
      40Kg x 10
      50Kg x 10
      50Kg x 10

      Push up & Chin ups:
      15 & 6
      15 & 4 + 2
      15 & 4 + 1 + 1 (had to let go of bar twice)

      Grand session, think I'll try to max out on bench for a while.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Wednesday 10/06/09:
      Clean diet.

      MMA M.T.:
      M.T. clinch work
      Wrasslin clinch
      Thai clinch w/ strikes - punch, knee, guillotine.

      5 x rounds on thai pads.

      1 x 3 min round sparring, full thai - shoulder sore so stopped.

      3 x 3 mins grappling.

      OK session, was hoping to compete in a submission competition at the end of the month so piled on a good few pounds as I was in the middle of my weight division but that's been cancelled so fuck it.

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    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Thursday 11/06/09:
      Clean diet.

      Running / conditioning:
      35 min run - slow enough pace.

      Pushups (max per 1 min):
      Bicep curls:
      Pushups (max per 1 min):
      Bicep curls:

      Trying out some insoles the physio gave me, I knew I had a big of pronation (flat footed) which was aggrivating my knee.
      Skipping training on Fri, hopefully BJJ / MMA on Sat again. Have a heavy weekend on the beer planned!

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Friday 12/06/09:
      went for a few pints.

      MMA / BJJ:
      Rest day.


    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Saturday 13/06/09:
      went for a meal & a few pints.

      MMA / BJJ:
      1 hour BJJ.
      2 x 5 min rounds of open guard work.

      2 x 5 mins of grappling.

      Light training, technical enough work. Got a few good pointers.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Sunday 14/06/09:
      Ate some junk food.

      MMA / BJJ:
      Rest day.


    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Monday 15/06/09:
      Diet was clean.

      MMA / Boxing:
      4 x rounds of technical work:
      Head movement - side to side.
      Slip jab -> 1, 2
      Slip the cross -> Hook, straight
      Slip jab -> counter w/ jab.
      Slip cross -> counter cross.
      2 x rounds of takedowns:
      Single leg -> wrestling clinch.
      Single leg -> wrestling clinch - hook the lead foot & step in.
      3 x 3 min rounds of power work:
      1, 2
      1. 1,2. 1,2,hook.

      Great session, just what I was after. Wanted to get some seperate speed work and power work done.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Tuesday 16/06/09:
      Diet was clean.

      Rest day.


    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Wednesday 16/06/09:
      Diet was clean.

      6.7 miles, 1:06 - easy enough pace for most of it.
      All flat.

      Training called off for the night. Easy enough pace as soon as I got 30 mins into it my knee started giving me jip so I had to walk it off a good few times.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Thursday 17/06/09:
      Had a Gourmet Burger Kitchen meal & went to the cinema + choc :pac:

      Rest day


      Friday 17/06/09:
      Diet was crap.

      Rest day

      Skipped training - was stretching out and hurt my knee. Was pretty sore all day but seems to be alright now.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Saturday 19/06/09:
      Diet was crap again.

      Weights - Chest & back:
      Push ups to warm up.
      BW squats to warm up.

      Smith machine bench:
      90Kg x 5
      90Kg x 5
      95Kg x 5

      Rotator cuff - lying on floor w/ dumbbell:
      Innies & outies: 10Lbs x ??? reps.

      Chin ups:
      BW x 8
      BW x 7
      BW x 4 <- shoulder starting to ache so left it out.

      Dumb bell press:
      25Kg x 5 <- flat
      25Kg x 5 <- Incline +1
      25Kg x 5 <- Incline +2

      Cable row:
      82.5Kg x 10
      82.5Kg x 10
      90Kg x 7 + 75Kg x ??? (<5)

      Swiss ball push ups:
      10 (ball against the wall) + 5 (ball not supported)
      10 (ball against the wall) + 5 (ball not supported)
      5 (ball against the wall) <- wrist & elbow very sore after benching.

      Back extensions (holding for 5 sec each rep):
      10Lbs x 10
      10Lbs x 10
      10Lbs x 10

      Bicep curl:
      25Lbs x 12

      Nothing special. Think 95Kg on smith is a pb. I have a lot more in me though. I'm going to try a lot more injury prevention stuff for the legs this week. Single leg squats & deads.
      Have been working the R.C. every day. Mainly the plank and wall push offs - has been consistantly sore almost every day so hopefully it's a good thing.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Sunday 21/06/09:
      Diet crap again.

      Rest day


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    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Monday 22/06/09:
      Diet was clean.

      MMA - BJJ:
      2 hrs of BJJ
      Escape mount.
      Escape knee on belly.
      Arm bar from standing.
      Guillotine from standing.
      Guillotine from standing -> take down.
      Guillotine from standing -> defense.

      5 x 3 min rounds of grappling.

      All I can think of now. May be going to a Sub-wrestling competition this weekend if I can free up some time, will know later today / tomorrow.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Tuesday 22/06/09:
      Diet was clean.

      Approx 20 minutes - fast pace.

      Was in bits - kept getting stitches. Think it was all the knee on belly stuff on Mondat as I have a few bruises on my midsection.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Monday 22/06/09:
      Diet was clean.

      MMA - BJJ:
      2 hrs of BJJ
      Guard -> Kimora, Armbar, Guillotine, triangle.
      Scarf choke, escape.
      Straight heel hook from guard.
      Calf cutter? from guard.
      Kneebar from 1/2 guard.
      Calf cutter from 1/2 guard.

      4 x 5 min rounds of grappling.

      Good session - got my ass handed to me grappling though. Can't really work on my take downs as my knees are giving me a bit of jip.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Thursday 25/06/09:
      Diet was clean.

      Rest day.


    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Friday 26/06/09:
      Diet was crap -ate like a horse.

      Light session.
      Side control

      Light session pre-comp.

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Saturday 26/06/09:
      Diet was crap -ate like a horse.

      Rest day


    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Sunday 28/06/09:
      Ate feck all

      No-gi sub wrestling tournament.

      Fight went crap: I got the take down, took side control. Then went for a north south position (I'd been doing a lot of work from this lately). Opponent somehow managed to get a forearm choke on me - I didn't realise until things started going black.
      Loss by choke.

      4 hours driving, 5 hours standing up waiting for my fight and I only get one fight :mad: and my fight only lasts about 1 minute:mad:
      As my weight catagory was so big it went straight to elimination, most of the other divisions had multiple fights. Which was ****ty.

      Fúck it!

    • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,441 ✭✭✭Killme00

      Light session pre-comp.

      What comp? oh and good luck!

    • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

      Went to the Torres sub-wrestling in Warrenpoint. See above - didn't go well.

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    • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,441 ✭✭✭Killme00

      Fight went crap: I got the take down, took side control. Then went for a north south position (I'd been doing a lot of work from this lately). Opponent somehow managed to get a forearm choke on me - I didn't realise until things started going black.
      Loss by choke.

      How on earth did you get choked from top position in n/s? At least you can just put it down as experience and move on.
