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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 8 - Wednesday 9/2/11

    Rest Days:
    Rest Days.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 10/2/11

    Gym - conditioning:
    Dynamic warm up.
    Time: ? - HR battery went half way through...

    5 mins Rowing machine - AVG HR 139:
    3 Rounds of - AVG HR 160:
    5 x BW chin ups.
    10 x Push ups.
    10 x 60Kg Squats.

    5 Mins Treadmill - 10-11.5Kph - AVG HR 171:
    3 Rounds of - AVG HR ???:
    8 x Bicep Curl x 22.5Kg
    10 x Shoulder press x 22.5Kg
    15 x Crunches.

    5 Mins Cross-Trainer - AVG HR ???:

    Finished the conditioning session early as I'd hurt my back previously and could feel a couple of twinges after the squats.
    I'd already modified it to take out the deadlifts and lower back stuff but I guess it needs a bit more time to heal...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 11 - Saturday 12/2/11

    Rest Days:
    Rest Days.

    Had a work do on Fri and Saturday was a hangover day... No chance of training as I did indeed hurt my lower back... So I took full advantage of this and got steamed instead of doing any thing productive!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 13/2/11

    4.61 miles, 38:58mins.
    Avg pace 8:27.

    Long stretch out...

    Nice easy pace, had a good long stretch out after the run, as I've been having a couple of niggly things going on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 14/2/11

    Conditioning - Hill Sprints:
    Distance: 2.99 miles Time: 30.17

    Run out: 9:04 mins
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 1: 18 sec
    Sprint 2: 19 sec
    Sprint 3: 20 sec
    Sprint 4: 21 sec
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 5: 18 sec
    Sprint 6: 19 sec
    Sprint 7: 19 sec
    Rest x 1 min.
    Run back: 10:07 mins.

    Sprint details:
    Distance: 88meters.
    Elevation gain: ~8 meters.
    Sprint for ~20 sec, recovery ~40sec.

    Nice one - seeing great improvements!
    Added an extra sprint and managed to take 2 seconds off my last sprint.
    Week 1 average: 19.14 seconds.
    Week 2 average: 19.5 seconds.
    Week 1 average: 19.2 seconds.

    So I've added 2 extra sprints and my average sprint time has still decreased. Almost a half a second decrease from last week too...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 15/2/11

    MMA - Kickboxing:
    Stretch out.
    Push ups, crunches, squats.

    Front kick.
    Front kick L & R combo.
    Side kick.
    Side kick L & R combo.
    Side kick & spinning side kick.

    R Axe kick.
    L Axe kick.
    R Crescent kick
    L Crescent kick

    Pad work:
    1,2 R kick.
    L kick 1,2.
    Punching circuit.

    Long stretch out.

    Easy enough session, was nice to get some kicking / flexibility work done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Wednesday 16/2/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day.

    Possibly taking a rest day on Thursday as I'll be working late and have a huge amount of BJJ planned for this weekend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 17/2/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 18/2/11

    BJJ - Seminar:
    Dynamic warm up / conditioning.

    From standing:
    Jumping to guard.
    Foot on hip -> sitting down, to open guard. (Armbar position -> regaining open guard.)
    Single leg takedown. Squatting into the leg pick as opposed to lunging.
    Single leg -> holding lapel, pushing lapel and turning leg.
    Double leg takedown -> concentrating on getting your shoulder into their hips.

    Grappling x approx 20 mins.

    Some great grappling, I found some of the techniques weird, squatting for a leg pick as opposed to lunging, it seemed to work for the coach but as I'm fairly tall I could see myself being pushed forward.
    A lot of time spent working on technique. Trying to remove bad habits, not getting low enough for double legs, etc...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 19/2/11
    BJJ - Seminar:
    Dynamic warm up / conditioning.

    From standing:
    1) Foot on hip, sitting back -> Armbar position, sitting to open guard.
    2) Foot on hip, sitting to open guard -> tripping opponent back.
    3) Foot on hip, sitting to open guard -> rolling opponent over your head.
    4) Open guard - opponent standing:
    Hooking their leg, with yours, foot on other hip -> rolling opponent.
    Double wrist control, Hooking leg with left leg, using your right foor as leverage under your left foot, lifting up and rolling, making sure to sweep their hands out from under them.

    Grappling x approx 20 mins.

    Opponent was very inexperienced and wouldn't really commit to much so I found this a lot harder than they should have been.
    They are the kind of sweeps / rolls, that should be done with finess as opposed to strength.
    Spent a lot of time working on each technique.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 19/2/11
    BJJ - Seminar:
    Killer warm up / conditioning.

    Opponent in turtle position:
    From their left hand side.
    R knee, keeping contact to their left knee, L leg out stretched.
    Over under grip (seat belt grip) pulling your left fist into their sternum.
    Pressing your chest into their back.
    If knee placment is wrong - opponent can pull guard.
    If your leg isn't out stretched, opponent can grap a single leg.

    1) Switching posture (L knee down, R leg extended), using your elbow on their hips -> rolling opponent onto their side - towards you.
    Clock choke.
    2) L knee beside their L knee, rolling your weight onto your left shoulder -> roll opponent onto you and take their back.
    Clock choke.
    3) Same again, opponent regains posture, using that momentum to slip left hook in -> using L hand and L knee to posture up on top of opponent, throw your R leg over and roll him again.
    Clock choke.

    Grappling x approx 20 mins.

    Killer conditioning session, was a bit of craic though.
    I really liked this class, got the brain working.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 20/2/11

    BJJ - Seminar:
    Dynamic warm up / conditioning.

    Passing open guard:
    Posture - R foot on ground, R knee pressed against opponents thigh.

    1) Grabbing opponents collar, pulling R elbow to R knee.
    Over hooking R arm, pulling R arm to your side.
    Pressing R shin onto their R thigh, pulling your chest on top of them, passing guard.
    Flattening out and using knee to prevent them regaining guard.
    Using L knee to push aside their elbow from your hip.

    2) Over hooking R thigh with arm, grabbing their left pant leg.
    Pressing shoulder onto outside of R thigh.
    Over hook their R arm -> Pulling collar into you with left arm.
    Passing guard, using R leg to prevent them from regaining guard & R knee to remove elbow.

    Grappling x approx 20 mins.

    I am missing loads but I was absolutly wrecked at this stage :)
    Great craic in the conditioning work.
    I realise this probably reads as gibberish to anyone who doesn't train BJJ but it was a very technical weekend...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 21/2/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day

    A well deserved rest day, can't remember the last time I did 4 sessions in 3 days...
    Sprint training pushed to Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 22/2/11

    Conditioning - Hill Sprints:
    Distance: 3.09 miles Time: 30.34

    Run out: 8:59 mins
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 1: 18 sec
    Sprint 2: 19 sec
    Sprint 3: 19 sec
    Sprint 4: 19 sec
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 5: 18 sec
    Sprint 6: 19 sec
    Sprint 7: 20 sec
    Sprint 8: 23 sec
    Rest x 1:30 min.
    Run back: 9:42 mins.

    Sprint details:
    Distance: 88meters.
    Elevation gain: ~8 meters.
    Sprint for ~20 sec, recovery ~40sec.

    Good numbers - still seeing a steady increase:
    Sprint 2 -1 sec, sprint 3 - 2 sec, Sprint 4 - 3 sec.
    compared to last weeks numbers.

    Week 4 average: 19.375 seconds.
    Week 3 average: 19.14 seconds.
    Week 2 average: 19.5 seconds.
    Week 1 average: 19.2 seconds.

    The last sprint has dragged my average down, which would have been 19 seconds if I had to have left it out, which shows me I'm steadily getting faster.
    Not to mention I was in bits after a weekend of tough BJJ and conditioning...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Wednesday 23/2/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day

    Trying to catch up with my fitness log, have most of my recent training sessions logged with my Garmin watch, thankfully...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 24/2/11

    Conditioning :
    Distance: 3.09 miles Time: 30.34

    Run: 1.73 miles - 14:53 mins:sec.

    3 rounds of:
    BW squats x 20
    Push ups x 20
    Band pull apart's x 20.

    3 rounds of:
    Single leg dead lift - 10 x 24Kg.
    Shoulder press 24Kg x 10.
    Crunches x 20.

    3 rounds of:
    Jumping squats x 10.
    V-ups x 10.
    Bicep curls 24Kg x 10

    No opportunity to go training, so this had to do...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 25/2/11

    Kick boxing:

    Approx 10 x 3 min rounds of light sparring.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 26/2/11

    MMA - BJJ:
    Approx 5 x 5 min rounds of grappling.
    1 x MMA league round.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 27/2/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 28/2/11

    Conditioning - Hill Sprints:
    Distance: 3.19 miles Time: 31.51

    Run out: 8:51 mins
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 1: 17 sec B]PB: -1 sec[/B
    Sprint 2: 18 sec
    Sprint 3: 19 sec
    Sprint 4: 21 sec
    Sprint 5: 21 sec
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 6: 19 sec
    Sprint 7: 19 sec
    Sprint 8: 20 sec
    Sprint 9: 22 sec
    Rest x 1:30 min.
    Run back: 10:13 mins.

    Sprint details:
    Distance: 88meters.
    Elevation gain: ~8 meters.
    Sprint for ~20 sec, recovery ~40sec.

    Very happy with the numbers, I managed to take 1 sec off my first sprint, wanted to try to repeat that for the second but no luck. Some of the numbers look worse this week as I added an extra sprint before the 1 min rest and really pushed out the first couple of sprints.

    Was dead on my feat for the last sprint!

    Week 5 average: 19:55
    Week 4 average: 19.375 seconds.
    Week 3 average: 19.14 seconds.
    Week 2 average: 19.5 seconds.
    Week 1 average: 19.2 seconds.

    Considering how fúcked I was, it doesn't seem to have affected my average sprint time by much...
    My "run out" time is still steadily decreasing but "run home" is slightly increasing...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 01 - Saturday 05/2/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day.

    Very busy at work - no time to train :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 06/3/11

    3.42 miles - 28 mins.
    Avg pace 8:10 min miles.

    Light run as I didn't get to do anything else this week - had a few niggling things but I think it's just from sitting on my ass in front of a computer full time...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 07/3/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day.

    Not a rest day by choice...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 8/3/11

    Conditioning - Hill Sprints:
    Distance: 3.32 miles Time: 34.01

    Run out: 9:21 mins + 30 sec
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 1: 17 sec
    Sprint 2: 18 sec
    Sprint 3: 19 sec
    Sprint 4: 20 sec
    Sprint 5: 19 sec
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 6: 19 sec
    Sprint 7: 21 sec
    Sprint 8: 22 sec
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 9: 20 sec
    Sprint 10: 21 sec
    Rest x 1:30 min.
    Run back: 10:24 mins.

    Sprint details:
    Distance: 88meters.
    Elevation gain: ~8 meters.
    Sprint for ~20 sec, recovery ~40sec.

    Found these very tough - by sprint 8 I wasn't so much sprinting as crawling, so took an extra 1 min break. At that stage I was struggling to make it back to the start before starting my next sprint.

    Week 6 average: 19.6 seconds.
    Week 5 average: 19.55 seconds.
    Week 4 average: 19.375 seconds.
    Week 3 average: 19.14 seconds.
    Week 2 average: 19.5 seconds.
    Week 1 average: 19.2 seconds.

    So the goal I'd originally set was to make it to 10 sprints, I'm not sure how I'm going to progress - it looks like work is going to be mental for the next few weeks which means I'll be missing shed loads more MMA, so I'm going to try to work out a conditioning plan to offset all of the missed classes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Wednesday 09/3/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 10/3/11

    3.22 miles - 26 mins.
    Avg pace 8:09 min miles.

    Easy run - didn't have time for any thing else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 11/3/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 12/3/11

    MMA - Wrestling:
    Warm up:
    Shadow boxing.
    Touch sparring.
    Stretch out.

    Clinch work:
    Wrestling & Thai clinch.
    Wrestling clinch, pushing up their elbow, steping to the side, 1 arm around their waist the other grabs their leg -> lift.
    Arm drag.

    Jab -> double leg takedown.
    1, 2, double leg.

    BW exercises:
    Deadlifts -> deadlifting partner (did 2 reps but my back was feeling dodgy).
    Situps -> standing.
    Push ups -> supporting partners weight.
    Bench press -> supporting partners weight.
    Some weirder stuff.

    My back was feeling pretty dodgy so I left it at that, didn't get to do any sparring which sucks but got in some much needed technical work...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 13/3/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day.

    Hang over day...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    ## Resurrection:

    So I'm in training for this years Warriors Run, taking place 27th of Aug 2011.
    My goal is to get sub 1:15 in the Warriors run.

    Training so far has been something like this:
    Mon: Hill Sprints / Repeats.
    Tues: MMA / Kickboxing
    Wed: Rest day.
    Thurs: Speed work.
    Fri: Short run / Kickboxing.
    Sat: Long run.
    Sun: Rest day.

    The main issues I'm having are work (I have to work most evenings now too), injuries - I have a few niggling things which are hampering both Kickboxing and long runs.

    I will also be running an 8 mile run in Lough Arrow, Sligo as a warm up to the Warriors run.

    Saturday 2/07/11:

    Running - Warriors run, road section:

    Distance 7.25 miles.
    Time: 1:03:03
    Avg pace: 8:42
    Elevation gain: 361 foot.

    This was the longest run I've done in a good while.
