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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 4/7/11

    Conditioning - Hill Sprints & Exercises:
    To change things up a big I alternated between hill sprints and body weight exercises:

    Distance: 3.07 miles Time: ~36

    Run out: 8:06 mins:
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 1: 16 sec
    Push ups.
    Sprint 3: 16 sec
    Jumping - knees to chest.
    Sprint 5: 17 sec
    Rest x 1 min.
    Sprint 6: 17 sec
    Mountain climbers.
    Sprint 8: 18 sec
    Sprinting on the spot:
    Sprint 10: 18 sec

    Sprint details:
    Distance: 88meters.
    Elevation gain: ~8 meters.
    Sprint for ~20 sec, recovery ~40sec.

    Rush Fit: Core and Abd work out:
    45 mins of circuit training.

    Stretch out.

    I mixed up the exercises as I feel when I'm running my lungs seem to give up before my legs, so I wanted to work on my cardio a bit.
    Pluse I'd been running sprints for a while and wanted to mix it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 5/7/11

    Thai Boxing:
    Warm up:
    10 mins sprints and conditioning.
    10 mins Abs.
    10 mins push ups / upper body.

    Stretch out.
    Front kick
    Axe kick.
    Opponent throws cross, step right and L kick.
    Opponent steps in with jab, step left and R kick.
    Leg kicks.
    Catch leg kick -> sweep.
    1 - 10 kicks.
    Thai clinch.

    More sprints and ab work, I was flippin delighted with that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Wed & Thurs 6-7/7/11

    Rest Days:
    Rest days.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 8/7/11

    Light run:

    Distance: 3.45 miles
    Time: 28:33
    Avg pace: 8:16 min miles.

    Two monster hills in there too:
    Climb1: 162 feet.
    Climb2: 211 feet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 9/7/11

    Warriors run course:

    Distance: 8.9 miles (think I took a short cut somewhere, missing ~700 meters)
    Time: 1:26:22
    Avg pace: 9:42 min miles.

    Practice session:
    Road section out: 20:50 +0:50 sec
    Mountain section: 31:31 + 1:31 mins
    Road section home: 32:04 + 5:04 mins

    Last years race times:
    Road section out: 20mins - Avg 7:45 min miles.
    Mountain section: 30mins.
    Road section home: 27mins - Avg 7 min miles.

    Looking good compared to last years race times, although I do think I took a short cut during the Mountain section.
    Hopefully the changes to my routine will shave some minutes off that time!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 10/7/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 11/7/11

    Hill repeats - Glenn Road (part of the Warriors run course):

    Distance: 4.47 miles.
    Time: 43:22 mins.

    Run out: 1:36 miles - 10:45 mins.
    Repeat 1: 2 mins
    Repeat 2: 2 mins.
    Run back down: 4:26 mins
    Repeat 3: 2:05 mins.
    1 min rest
    Repeat 4: 2:15
    Run back down: 4:32
    Repeat 5: 1:55
    Repeat 6: 2:06
    Rest 1 mins.
    Run home: 1:36 - 11:34 mins (up hill)

    Total elevation gain: 658 foot.

    Great session. The area I ran the hill repeats on is a notoriously difficult hill and always kills me during the race, so I decided to drill repeats here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tues & Wed 12 & 13/7/11

    Rest Days:
    Rest Days.

    Hurt my knee, didn't want to chance MMA / M.T.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 14/7/11

    Speed repeats:
    Time: 00:41:49
    Distance: 5.20 mi

    Run out: 0.5 miles, time 4:10

    Rep 1: time 3:24, pace 6:50.
    1:15 rest.
    Rep2: time 3:34, pace 7:09
    1:15 rest.
    Rep3: time 3:40, pace 7:20
    1:15 rest.
    Rep4: time 3:36, pace 7:13
    1:15 rest.
    Rep5: time 3:34, pace 7:09
    1:15 rest.

    Run home: 15 mins.

    Speed work was done as:
    0.5 miles fast (aiming for 6:45 pace).
    1.15 mins rest.

    This was my first time running these types of repeats, found them very hard, I actually thought I was slower over this distance than I usually am :/
    Will try to improve on this next week and add another rep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 15/7/11

    Strength & Conditioning:
    Rowing Machine:
    5 mins
    Stretch out.

    Military press:
    27Kg x 8
    27Kg x 8
    27Kg x 8

    T-bar row:
    20Kg x 10
    20Kg x 10
    20Kg x 10

    Push ups x 20, crunches x 15, supermen x 10
    Push ups x 20, crunches x 15, supermen x 10
    Push ups x 20, crunches x 15, supermen x 10

    Bicep curls:
    15Kg x 8
    15Kg x 8
    15Kg x 8

    Jack-knife crunches:

    Stretch out.

    Felt weak as water, trying to save my legs for a long run in the morning.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 16/7/11

    Warriors run course:

    Distance: 8.8 miles (even shorter than last week but the course isn't marked out so it's hard to tell where I'm going wrong).

    Time: 1:24:15
    Avg pace: 9:33 min miles.
    Elevation Gain: 1,214 ft

    Practice session 2:
    Road section out: 21:06 + 1:06 mins
    Mountain section: 32:59 + 3:00 mins
    Road section home: 30:04 + 3:04

    Practice session 1:
    Road section out: 20:50 +0:50 sec
    Mountain section: 33:23 + 3:23 mins
    Road section home: 32:04 + 5:04 mins

    Last years race times:
    Road section out: 20mins - Avg 7:45 min miles.
    Mountain section: 30mins.
    Road section home: 27mins - Avg 7 min miles.

    2 mins faster than last week, mainly on the road section home.
    Was sitting in the car for 2 hours previous to the run so my legs were very cramped from the outset.
    Got lost on the mountain section, I'm trying to track as close as possible to the actual course but it's not marked so I'm having trouble.

    Had a few slips, which, combined with the knee trouble I was having has left me in a lot of pain, to the point where I couldn't walk up the stairs, or even get up from a sitting position...
    Just back from the physio and the good news is, it's nothing serious and I only have to take a weeks rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday & Monday 17&18/7/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day.

    N/A - in a huge amount of pain :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday & Wednesday19&20/7/11

    Rest Day:
    Rest Day.

    Went to physio on Wed, have a touch of patellar tendonitis, which means no running this week...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Thursday 21/7/11

    Strength & Conditioning:
    Stretch out.

    Military press:
    27Kg x 8
    27Kg x 8
    27Kg x 8

    Pull ups
    BW x 8
    BW x 8
    BW x 8

    Dumbbell shoulder press:
    15Kg x 5
    15Kg x 6
    15Kg x 8

    Push ups x 20, crunches x 15, supermen x 10
    Push ups x 20, crunches x 15, supermen x 10
    Push ups x 20, crunches x 15, supermen x 10

    E-Z bar curl:
    27Kg x 8
    27Kg x 8
    27Kg x 8

    Jack-knife crunches:

    Stretch out.

    From memory, workout went something like this...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 22/7/11

    Messing about / Physio work:
    2 mile run - very light.

    Stretched out.

    Thai pads, nothing serious just trying to work on hip flexibility.

    Went for a 2 mile run to help warm up, as I found it very difficult to stretch my legs / hips without actually straining my knee...
    Also spent about an hour and half on the Xbox Kinect, which was the best workout I've had in ages...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 23/7/11

    Outdoor Activity Day:
    4 x hours spent in an outdoor activity centre.

    Low ropes, Jacobs Ladder, Archery, Zipline, Leap of Faith.

    Basically climbing on to very tall stuff and falling off and swinging around in a harness, great fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 24/7/11

    Rest Day:


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 25/7/11

    Hill repeats:

    Distance: 8.47 miles.
    Time: 01:16:21 mins.

    Run out: 1:87 miles - 14:32 mins.
    Repeat 1: 2 mins
    Repeat 2: 2.03 mins.
    1 min rest
    Run back down: 3:33 mins
    Repeat 3: 2:05 mins.
    Repeat 4: 2:05 mins.
    1 min rest
    Repeat 5: 2:05 mins.
    1 min rest
    Repeat 6: 2:05 mins.
    1 min rest
    Repeat 7: 2:05 mins.
    1 min rest
    Repeat 8: 2:05 mins.
    1 min rest
    Repeat 9: 2:05 mins.
    1 min rest
    Repeat 10: 2:05 mins.
    1 min rest
    Run home: 2:57 - 22:33 mins.

    Total elevation gain: 704 foot.

    So this was my first real run since I hurt my knee, went very well, I think the rest did me the world of good.
    Decent enough effort on the hill repeats, I was struggling on the last repeat. Found the run home very tough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 26/7/11

    Rest Day:

    Said I'd give my knee an extra day to recover, didn't think Thai Boxing would help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Wednesday 27/7/11

    Rest Day:

    Knee was still pretty stiff / sore...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 28/7/11

    Speed repeats:

    Distance: 4.75 miles.
    Time: 38:42 mins.
    Elevation Gain: 186 ft

    Run out: 1:00 miles ~7:23 mins approx, watch was giving me gip.

    Rep 1: time 1:41, pace 6:47.
    1min rest.
    Rep2: time 1:51, pace 7:26
    1min rest.
    Rep3: time 1:45, pace 7:04 -> Hill section
    1min rest.
    Rep4: time 1:53, pace 7:32 -> Hill section
    1min rest.
    Rep5: time 1:27, pace 5:51 -> Down hill
    1min rest.
    Rep6: time 1:30, pace 6:02
    1min rest.
    Rep7: time 1:32, pace 6:11
    1min rest.
    Rep8: time 1:49, pace 7:17
    1min rest.
    Rep9: time 1:44, pace 6:57
    1min rest.
    Rep10:time 1:35, pace 6:21
    2min rest.

    Run home: 7 mins.

    Speed work was 10 repeats of:
    0.25 miles fast (aiming for 6:45 pace).
    1 mins rest.

    So this was my second speed session, didn't do one last week due to feedback from the physio.
    Found this a lot more managable than the half mile repeats.
    I was aiming to do the repeats as fast as possible, as opposed to aiming for a certain time.

    Plan is light run on Friday, 8 mile race on Saturday, my knee is pretty sore, iced it down last night but I think I will ease a bit off on the hill repeats next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    ^ Above workout was done on Thursday 28/07/11:
    (Can't edit it now...)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Friday 29/7/11

    Light Run:

    Time: 00:23:07
    Distance: 3.11 mi
    Avg Pace: 07:25 min/mi

    Light run, mainly a warm up for the 8 mile run on Saturday. Tried to keep it to a fast enough pace.
    Knee was very sore and ended up icing it down Thursday night and Friday night after this run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Saturday 30/7/11

    Race Day - Lough Arrow 8 mile:

    Time: 00:59:24
    Distance: 7.81 mi
    Elevation Gain: 443 ft
    Avg Pace: 07:36 min/mi

    Mile splits & Avg pace.
    1. Pace 06:58
    2. Pace 09:27
    3. Pace 07:32
    4. Pace 06:59
    5. Pace 07:33
    6. Pace 08:19
    7. Pace 07:08
    8. Pace 06:41 (0.81 miles)

    I completly underestimated this race, I expected it to be a straight 8 mile run but it was incredibly hilly. The frst 2 miles were straight up, mile 2-3 was very undulating. It was pretty much flat with a lot of downhill after that but I'd really burnt myself out after mile 2.

    I started the race at the front of the crowd and most of mile 1 was done around the 6min mile pace, I eased off when I realised how fast I was going because I knew I'd burn myself out (rightly so).

    Kept up a good klip but needed to walk for approx 30 seconds between mile 2 & 3 as I'd really under estimated the climb.

    Managed to keep the pace up and finish in 59.24 mins which was right on my target!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Just realised I've made it to 30,000 views (most of which I'm sure are me :))
    Thanks for reading, whoever you are!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Sunday 31/7/11

    Conditioning - easy session:

    10 min warm up.

    3 x 3 mins shadow boxing.
    1 x 3 mins kicking Thai Pads.

    Stretch out.

    I'm sure calling this an easy conditioning session is an oxymoron but there you have it.
    Was wrecked after Saturday, wanted to get a stretch out on and didn't fancy running to warm up.
    I've also been seriously neglecting the MMA as of late :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Monday 1/7/11

    Strength & Conditioning:

    10 min warm up.

    45 min Rushfit work out (Core & Abs).

    10 mins stretch out.

    This was either harder than I remember it being or I am getting more and more unfit, either way I'm gonna try to keep it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Tuesday 2/8/11

    Speed repeats:

    Time: 33:44
    Distance: 4.22 mi
    Avg Pace: 07:59 min/mi

    Run out: 0.75 miles ~6:36 mins.

    Rep 1: time 1:42, pace 6:49.
    1min rest.
    Rep2: time 1:46, pace 7:05
    1min rest.
    Rep3: time 1:42, pace 6:50.
    1min rest.
    Rep4: time 1:42, pace 6:50.
    1min rest.
    Rep5: time 1:43, pace 6:52.
    1min rest.
    Rep6: time 1:41, pace 6:46.
    1min rest.
    Rep7: time 1:39, pace 6:39.
    1min rest.
    Rep8: time 1:39, pace 6:36.
    1min rest.
    Rep9: time 1:37, pace 6:29.
    1min rest.
    Rep10:time 1:39, pace 6:38.

    Run home: 1:30 min.

    Speed work was 10 repeats of:
    0.25 miles fast (aiming for 6:45 pace).
    1 mins rest.

    This was my 3rd speed session, the 2nd speed session was on a fairly hilly terrain so times this week seem to be a lot more consistant.

    I was really suffering today, didn't feel too bad until I started running and I realised this was my 5th training session without a break, my knees, shins, back were all in bits. Although the tendonitis seems to have eased off, replaced now by shin splints :/

    Still managed to do 10 reps, was aiming for 12 but thought there was no point in injuring myself, had planned to stop at 8 reps but as I was still a fair bit away from home I managed to get in the last 2 reps to bring it to 10.
    Did them fast enough as well :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Tuesday 2/8/11

    Speed repeats:

    Time: 33:44
    Distance: 4.22 mi
    Avg Pace: 07:59 min/mi

    Run out: 0.75 miles ~6:36 mins.

    Rep 1: time 1:42, pace 6:49.
    1min rest.
    Rep2: time 1:46, pace 7:05
    1min rest.
    Rep3: time 1:42, pace 6:50.
    1min rest.
    Rep4: time 1:42, pace 6:50.
    1min rest.
    Rep5: time 1:43, pace 6:52.
    1min rest.
    Rep6: time 1:41, pace 6:46.
    1min rest.
    Rep7: time 1:39, pace 6:39.
    1min rest.
    Rep8: time 1:39, pace 6:36.
    1min rest.
    Rep9: time 1:37, pace 6:29.
    1min rest.
    Rep10:time 1:39, pace 6:38.

    Run home: 1:30 min.

    Speed work was 10 repeats of:
    0.25 miles fast (aiming for 6:45 pace).
    1 mins rest.

    This was my 3rd speed session, the 2nd speed session was on a fairly hilly terrain so times this week seem to be a lot more consistant.

    I was really suffering today, didn't feel too bad until I started running and I realised this was my 5th training session without a break, my knees, shins, back were all in bits. Although the tendonitis seems to have eased off, replaced now by shin splints :/

    Still managed to do 10 reps, was aiming for 12 but thought there was no point in injuring myself, had planned to stop at 8 reps but as I was still a fair bit away from home I managed to get in the last 2 reps to bring it to 10.
    Did them fast enough as well :)

    Great session hail. Keep them at 5k race pace. No faster. You need to just concentrate on your technique while doing them. Run tall, relax, glide. Have these in your ehad beforee each rep. Add 2 for next week.

    This session has a serious affext on your speed and its not a killer session either. It teaches your body to run with good form which is worth up to 5-8%
    Make sure you recover, few days easy until youre strong again.

    If you do 2-3 more of these ones adding 2 reps per week, it will put a serious dent in your time. Remember no faster than 5k pace!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    T runner wrote: »
    Great session hail. Keep them at 5k race pace. No faster. You need to just concentrate on your technique while doing them. Run tall, relax, glide. Have these in your ehad beforee each rep. Add 2 for next week.

    This session has a serious affext on your speed and its not a killer session either. It teaches your body to run with good form which is worth up to 5-8%
    Make sure you recover, few days easy until youre strong again.

    If you do 2-3 more of these ones adding 2 reps per week, it will put a serious dent in your time. Remember no faster than 5k pace!!!!

    Hey T runner, cheers for the feedback, I am finding the speed runs great, I actually found myself being very consistant this week with my times, in spite of being physically wrecked.
    McMillian says my 5K pace should be 6.45 so I've been hitting in and around that consistantly.

    They're also giving my knee a bit of a break from the hill work so the tendonitis I had there is easing off.
    I'm going to leave out the hill work this week and try to run the full warriors course on Saturday, so I'll update my log with my (hopefully much improved) time.
