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Summer Challenge!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    :(:( i put up half a pound :(:( :mad: weight is now 9.12 :( Ill do proper measurements aswell tonight and post them every week along with my weight.

    not the best start but the weekend did not help so im not going to drink this weekend! Next time i see cake or sweets ill remember how im feeling now and that will keep me away :)I started kick boxing aswell and I was surprised I was able to do it!! Class was 1hr 15mins. Will go once more this week.

    Tonight ill take a break from exercise might have a go on the wii fit and do some housework!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Neck: 12
    Bicep: 11.4
    Waist: 35.4
    Thigh: 22.5
    Knee: 16.2
    Calf: 13.18

    Weight: 9 Stone 12 pounds.

    Ok so I want to see changes every week in either weight or inches! Im going to a kick boxing class tonight which lasts bout 80 mins. Tomorrow night ill be going home so wont be able to get any exercise done. Saturday or Sunday ill go to the gym and do weights because I cant motivate myself to do cardio! And ill stick to my diet plan which will be 18 points a day. So far this week I have used 16 points not including exercise into these points as I hope they will benefit in losing abit more!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Last night i did my total tone class which concentrates 20 mins on legs 20 mins on arms and 20 mins on tummy!

    Foodwise: Brek still having porridge & actimel.

    Lunch: Soup with rivita & mixed melon for snack.

    Dinner last night i had butternut squash, broccoli, asparagus, carrots, egg white, prawns and tuna! Ill have the same tonight. After dinner i had 2 handfuls of blueberries and slendor pro after workout.

    Ill repeat the same food today and go kick boxing as exercise.

    Weekends are always a disaster i cant control what i eat :mad: but at least i didnt drink this weekend. I have my weigh in tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Yipee i lost my 1st lb :D ill do my measurements later on tonight and see if there are any changes.

    Foodwise same brek, lunch and dinner ill have chicken, chick peas with veg and m&s low fat choc mouse for afterwards its only 95calories!

    Cant do any exercise tonight as im busy but will go kick boxing again tomorrow night and hopefully not eat popcorn or sweets while watching sex & the city!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Calf 13.5

    Knee 16

    Waist 35.5

    Thigh 22.14

    Hips 37.12

    Arm 10.15

    Neck 11.15
    Weight 9stone 11 lbs.

    No exercise done last night as I was too busy but ill go kick boxing tonight!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Back after the long wknd and tomorrow will tell the damage at weigh in!! I didn’t just eat and drink at the wknd though I went kayaking on Sat which was great!! And sun was such a lovely day went for a bit of a walk and same on mon. I did however open a few bottles of wine which im sure are going to mean the scales wont have good news for me!!

    Anyways this evening ill get my eating back on track and ill go kick boxing aswell. Tomorrow I cant do any class as I’m busy and Thursday ill go kick boxing again. Ill post my weight and measurements Thursday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    up 1lb again but im not too worried its time of the month so im amazed its not worse!! Im sure ill ave lost more next wk :) no point dowin measurements tonite as they wont be accurate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Over the weekend i did no exercise whatsoever because I was at the Bon Jovi concert wahey twas brill :D Went to a total tone class last night and could hardly move!!! my legs and back weren't working!! tonight Il'l go kick boxing and hopefully will be able to do a better work out. Tomorrow is weigh in again and hopefully il'l have lost the last pound i put up :mad: il'l also do my measurements and post them on thurs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Knee 16,
    Calf 14.2
    Thigh 22.5
    Hips 37.5
    Waist 35.15
    Neck 12.2
    Arm 10.10
    weight 9.12.5

    Im going insane i cant lose weight. Exercise isnt working and neither is trying to eat right. Its the summer and my challenge hasnt worked. I do feel fitter and stronger though so its not all bad :o I was really hoping to see some changes though:( Ive 9 weeks till my holiday. I gotta try harder. Im going to cut out all sweets etc. I have to! And il'l go back to the gym again on saturdays and do weights. Last night i went for a walk for an hour and a half and tonight ill go kick boxing. Tomorrow night i have acupuncture to treat my poly cycstic ovaries which is a propably the main reason im finding it so hard to lose weight so hopefully i might get some relief with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    On saturday i went to the gym and did weights and did them properly and today im feeling it :D but thats good!! went out sat nite and tried not to drink too much which ended up being 5 pints oops :o today ill go to my total tone class which will be 20mins arms 20mins legs and 20 mins stomach.

    Dinner tonight will be chicken and lots n lots of veg and slender pro after workout.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Waist 35.5
    Knee 16
    Calf 14
    Thigh 22.15
    Hips 37.5
    Arm 10.10
    Neck 12

    My weight stayed the same but I don’t mind as long as the inches are going down slowly but surely!! Didn’t do any exercise last night as I was tired and needed a break but did a bitta house work instead! Kick boxing is on again tonight and ill go to the gym on Saturday. I have been eating a lot of salads for dinner and feeling better after them! Im drinking my two litres of water a day and cutting out sweets, choc etc as much as I can!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Back to start another wk again :) so on saturday i went to the gym and tried to increase what i was doing by 5kg and i finished the programme and I am not that sore after it so looks like its working :) I finished off the programme with 500 fast skips and sit ups. Felt really good sat eve after it all and then went and ate lots of choc biscuits yesterday :o oops i know but the rest of my day wasn't so bad i had porridge for brek chicken and veg for dinner and crackers for tea so hopefully i didnt do too much damage. I didnt drink either at the wknd :)

    So back to this wks exercise ill go to the total tone class tonight kickboxing tomorrow night and i have a concert on wed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    I took my measurements on Tues instead of Wed and kept forgetting to bring them with me but here they are:
    Waist 35.2
    Neck 11.15
    Thigh 22.10
    Arm 10.12
    Hips 37.10
    Calf 13.15
    Wrist 5.7

    Weight stayed the same again but still inches are getting smaller. I didnt do any proper exercise this week :o was very bad had a concert wed and yesterday went shopping and cinema! but i bought a step machine and thigh toner and have been doing 1000 skips plus sit ups every day. Will go to the gym tommorw and do my weights programme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    I haven’t made an entry in here in ages but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t exercising!! I went to the gym on Sunday and did my weights I did 3 reps of each machine on the highest weight I could lift and did 4kg on the free weights ill slowly build this up and then I did 500 skips and sit ups and lower back raises to finish.

    Im giving up kickboxing as its causing damage to my joints and giving me pain so instead on Monday I did pilates, Tues a body conditioning class and last night I took a break and tonight a head to toe class!! All the classes are about toning and last night I did 1000 skips also.

    I weighed myself yesterday and still im the same!

    Measurements as follows:

    Waist 35
    Knee 15.10
    Arm 10.15
    Wrist 5.9
    Hips 36.10
    Calf 13.10
    Neck 11.15
    Thigh 22

    I also did a bit with my thigh toner and step machine at the weekend and ill keep that up this weekend too J

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Keep up the good work ! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Thanks Linda :)

    I joined a new gym this week and they have loads of new classes so its something to look forward to. She told me at the class last night that i wasnt spending enough time on stretching so thats something i have to sort out maybe thats why i have a sore hip and knee!! Il'l do min 10 mins a day from now on.

    The weather is horrible out so its gonna be a perfect day for the gym tomorrow!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    I went to the gym on Sat and weighed myself 9.7 and ill take my mesaurements again dis eve after boot camp :eek: I dont know what the class is going to be like but hopefully a good one :) I did pilates on Monday night getting a bit stronger so i can hold myself a bit better!!

    I have a wedding coming up before i go on hols so hopefully will lose another inch all round before then :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Calf 13.10
    Knee 15.10
    Thigh 22
    Hips 36.05
    Waist 34.15
    Neck 11.15
    Wrist 5.10
    Arm 10.10

    My boot camp class lastnight was cancelled which was annoying so I did aqua aerobics instead which was nice for a change really worked out my arms!! Except it was only 45 mins id prefer if it was a longer class. So tonight im going to a head to toe class which uses step aerobics for warm up and then boxing moves and then toning!! Fun fun fun :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Last weeks measurements that I didn’t post
    Calf 13.6
    Knee 15.4
    Thigh 21.12
    Hips 36.8
    Waist 34.12
    Neck 11.12
    Arm 10.8
    Wrist 5.5
    This weeks:
    Calf 13.9
    Knee 15.6
    Thigh 21.8
    Hips 36.3
    Waist 33.12
    Arm 10.8
    Wrist 5.6
    Neck 11.10

    I have been taken 3 classes a week and I went for 2 walks aswell this week. Last weekend was a disaster but I didn’t over eat Friday, Saturday only Sunday :D so far this week I haven’t had any sweets chocolate etc just some mr freeze ice lollies. My hip is really really sore at the moment so ill have to ease off exercise I think this weekend too as its even sore to walk at the moment I don’t know whats wrong with it!! Nothing happening this weekend so going to try and be good!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    :eek:Measurements weren't too good this week :(
    Calf 13.15
    knee 15.5
    Thigh 21.12
    Hips 36.4
    Waist 33.12
    Neck 11.8
    Arm 10.4
    Wrist 5.4

    I was hoping for more of a change. I started a spinning class this week and i lasted the class i was amazed!! I did pilates on monday night and aqua aerobics last nite and ill do kickboxing tonight to make up for not being able to do a class next mon! Wont be able to fit in any exercise this weekend as ill be going to a concert sat but will try my best to keep food and drink to a minimum as im on hols in two weeks

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    These are my last measurements been taken before hols eek i have a wedding this week and then off for two weeks so when i come back ill start up a new log. I started a spinning class and will keep that up when i get back :D

    Waist 33.12
    Arm 10.4
    Wrist 5.4
    Thigh 21.8
    Hips 35.12
    Knee 15.4
    Calf 13.4
    forgot bout my neck!!

    Ill still take my measurements when im on hols i just wont be able to post them! but at least ill know the damage im doing and might help keep me eating healthy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,182 ✭✭✭Tiriel

    Enjoy your hols and make smart choices :D That way you can enjoy and not do too much damage!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 171 ✭✭LouLou1

    WOW Hayden, you really are doing well

    You started off with more or less the same measurements as myself, I'd be glad if I could achieve the same results as you..

    Enjoy the hols.....
