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Nasty attitude in work!!

  • 28-03-2008 7:22pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Hey guys, I know this may seem a lil strange for PI, I don't have a relationship dillemma or anything but I was just curious to hear some feedback on an issue I have with my boss.
    First of all, it's only a part time job as I am in University. My job is only a way to pay rent so while it isn't what I want to keep doing, it is very important until I've paid my way through college. Things have always been a little unfair in work, there's always been an uneven divide in the amount of work and the freedom given to new employees and old employees but I think that is expected in any job. Lately it's going way down hill though. One of the training managers has been appointed manager of the shop and all hell has broke loose. She passes snide comments about employees weight/height/accents/clothes etc but I suppose that's not such a big deal in comparison to all the other stuff. Anytime one of us gets sick and we tell her we feel unable to work, she says it isn't her problem and it's up to us to get our shift covered. Surely it is the managers job to make sure all hours are covered, right? I've often worked when I was sick because I couldn't get time off (we have to ask in advanced, as we are not allowed to call in sick), I even worked when I had a very bad chest infection. I felt miserable. I always cover for other people and I sell loads, I've got lots of compliments from customers for how I deal with their questions and all so I must be an ok worker.
    I'm just really, really annoyed today. I've had a medical problem (not life threatening or anything) since I was a child, it went away but over the last week I've been unwell again. I went to the doctor and I was told to come back three days later after a treatment to see what could be done. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the time off work because nobody would cover my shift even though I had told my boss I was sick. I ended up having to work instead of seeing the doctor and swapping days with another girl so I could take the weekend to recover. (My boss had rostered me to work the weekend aswell even though I'm not a weekend worker) When I spoke to her about being rostered to work the weekend she said I'd better stop talking for my own good because I was really irritating her. There were customers on the floor at the time so I just shut up as I didn't want to feel so belittled in front of a big audience.
    Anyway I ended up feeling very sick lastnight and visited the nurse (as the next available doctor app. didn't suit my work hours) and the nurse said I had to see the doctor and that I wouldn't need to wait since it was by her referral. The doctor checked me over and said she felt the safest thing to do was to send me into hospital. I rang my boss to tell her I was sorry but I was on my way to A+E and I wouldn't be in work. Her response to me really upset me. Maybe I'm just being stupid and emotional because I'm not feeling the best but I just think she's being unreasonable. She made lots of sighing noises and said "it's a really bad time for this, I'm already short staffed". I apologised and said that I couldn't help it and that the doctor said I was unfit to work and needed hospital care. She huffed and sighed and said "fine, see ya" and that was it. I have a really bad feeling that I'm going to get a written warning now because I know another girl got one a few days ago.
    It makes me angry because I never got to see the doctor when I was supposed to because of her stupid rules and now I end up even worse and she still acts like I've done something wrong. I'm just very stressed out over it all. I called her as soon as I got out of the doctors office, there's nothing else I could've done. I didn't know I'd have to go to A&E!! My friend thinks she's just being a cow because she knows I'll apologise. She reckons I should have gotten an older adult to ring on behalf of me to avoid this kind of attitude but I couldn't because I live away from home and there was nobody I could ask to ring for me.
    Anybody have any suggestions on how I can deal with her if she starts giving out or passing snide comments next time I'm in? I don't even want to ask for any more time off because I know she'll go mad after I missed today.
    Advice would be great (and fingers crossed my boss isn't on boards, lol)
    Thank you

    (by the way I'm not usually so harmless but I cant afford to lose my job until I'm sure I can get another one)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,395 ✭✭✭Marksie

    There is a new forum under Biz/personal/work and jobs/work problems
    I am moving this there


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 32,285 Mod ✭✭✭✭The_Conductor

    That really is not on. Though I am normally loathe to suggest it as a course of action- in my opinion you would be justified to hand in your notice and pursue the company for constructive dismissal. I know that you need the job- but to be quite honest, regardless of how badly you need the money, you need your health far more, and working there under the stresses you are under is very obviously detrimental to your health. Have a look around at every opportunity and try to get a job elsewhere- regardless of what the job is, you do need to get out of there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,727 ✭✭✭✭Sherifu

    You're thinking about still working there? Wow, just wow. Walk away and get a proper job. Like smccarrick I wouldn't lightly suggest the legal route but in this case it should be done. If you can't do that then just walk away.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,367 ✭✭✭✭watna

    I'd agree with smccarrick. Your health comes first. I know you need to pay your rent but that is really not on. Your bosses answer to "I'm on my a and e" should not be to hassle you and tell you your short staffed. I'd expect concern especially as you have previously worked when you're sick.

    I'd find another job and in your letter of notice, state quite clearly that you felt you were forced to work when sick and that when you had to go to a & e with medical problems you were made to feel that this was your fault and that your job was in jeopardy, at a time when you needed it least. The company should take a very dim view of a manager treating their staff like this, if they have any idea of employment law.

    If you get a written warning for having to go to hospital you really have a case. They cannot do that. There is no two ways about it. Being sick (especially if you have doctor's certs for your hospital visit - seriously get one) is not a disciplinary issue,

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks for the replies guys. I will try to get a new job but for the time being I have no choice but to work here. I know I'll have a legal case if I get an official warning for it but I don't know if she'll be that stupid, surely she knows that she cant fire somebody for a medical reason. She's sneaky, she'll either make a holy show of me in front of loads of people and pass nasty comments to me or else I'll 'conveniently' get into trouble with her over something else. I've seen it with her before (on a less serious scale) where one new employee and one old employee are talking and she makes the new girl clean her office upstairs as a punishment while the other girl gets away with it. She's just a dragon. So for the next few weeks I do have to work there (she said that if we only give two weeks notice we will not be given any bonus we've earned, so we must give one months notice before leaving) I want to be able to deal with her as professionally as possible without resorting to such childish behaviour.

    So for example, if she makes another comment like "Oh this one's causing more trouble" (like she said when I told her I was sick) how do I answer her without getting fired but without being walked all over??? :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 472 ✭✭UrbanFox

    A formal complaint to register the existence of the problem would be helpful.

    HR people are famously slippy when it comes to evading complaints, especially if you never complained about the problem in the first instance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 433 ✭✭StandnDeliver

    did you get a doctors cert?
    i would consider a complaint,and go to the manager above her and tell them why you were out etc,maybe mention that unsuitable work actions made by certain managers are out of order,and is a form of bullying.Which it is! and unprofessional.
    Maybe say you will reconsider your letter of complaint if your remaining weeks etc are pleasant,snide free and your bonus is given.Surely most companies wont want the hassle or bad reputation of an aggressive,bully manager.

    check out

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,028 ✭✭✭anthony4335

    You are not the manager and therefore are not responsible to ensure that the shops personal requirements are filled. You cannot get any kind of warning written or verbal , for been sick. If you do have it witnessed and then complain to her boss.
    Check out your rights , there are many sites online that will take care of this, you can also seek advice from the citizens advice, a union or a solicitor. Do not let this go on , as you will only get more sick and will put your education at risk .

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭Electric

    I would make a complaint to head office about her. She is clearly bullying you. Forcing you to work while you are sick and making a holy show of you in front of staff and customers is not on!

    Put your complaint in writing and send it to the head office. She won't be able to say or do anything to you as this will make things worse for her.

    In my first job I had a manager just like her. I would be given all the crappy hours, would get phone calls first thing in the morning saying I had to work that afternoon and it didn't matter if I had college. I started getting harassed by this creepy guy who used to come into the shop and stay for hours just freaking me out. So I told her about this and she rostered me down to work nights in the shop by myself!!! Then she gave me a written warning for not apparently not doing my job. The assistant manager told me it was a joke and convinced me not to respond. I found out later it was on my file so I rang up the area manager and told him that I was being bullied and that if it didn't stop I would be going to my solicitor. After that she had to clean up her act! I knew she hated me but I didn't care cos she couldn't say or do anything to me.

    If I were you I would keep a record of all the nasty and snide comments she makes to you (and others if you are present) and then put them in the letter to the head office.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hello again,

    So.... Looooadds has happened since I last posted. She really lost the run of herself, cow. She decided to take a randomer in off the street to take our head supervisors (lets call her Miss B) position as training manager. Ridiculous. Now expects the supervisors to actually train in this new girl (who has never even worked in the shop and doesn't know what's on the shelves. Yet she can just walk in and take over from all the hard work the supervisor did. If it wasn't for her, there'd be no sales, that woman dedicated everything to it) All of the staff are devestated. Promotion has always been in this order: sales assistant - supervisor- training manager - manager! It has always been an internal applicant also. (simply because they know what is needed to keep everything run smoothly)
    Anyway the boss did it all out of spite. She never told Miss B that she had not been promoted but told other staff and then laughed and asked for Miss B not to be told anything. It was all so sneaky. Anyway the staff that were told to lie to Miss B were very hurt (we all really like Miss B, she's done so much for us when the boss wouldn't even look at us) and handed in their notice. Two more members of staff have also left. There are currently six more members of staff writing their last notice. Not just for the Miss B issue but also for everything else she's done. We found out about some really bad things happening in the work place and her personal, underhanded schemes to cause trouble. She has been saying things to certain members of staff about other employees to try start fights between us. She has also hired lots more staff and cut all of our hours by HALF because we dared complain about it all.
    Rather than pushing us apart she has tied us together. We have all said we are out as soon as a new job arises. There have also been anonymous calls made to the head office to highlight everything. We were thinking of writing one joint letter, signed by each member of staff.

    Are we over reacting? We are all so hurt, I know it is her choice to employ whoever she wants but this is only one problem. There has been so much. I now feel so stupid for allowing her to pass all those personal comments before, having been made aware that each and EVERY single member of staff hating her, I really should have stood up to her.
    Is there anything Miss B can do? She's worked for the company for two years. The boss has worked for them for 6 months, one month longer than me. (we also found out her and the manager who hired her are best of pals, how convenient!!)
    I also know about lots of other illegal stuff happening there (Its so bad, I'm scared to even say it. You guys wouldn't believe it, it's really, really bad) but I just feel scared now it's all coming to a head. I'm stunned by how childish she is and how little professionalism she shows. I should have known though. I caught her and another girl bitch about me in the office two weeks after I started working there. I should've known she was not manager material.
    I don't want her in serious trouble but our whole team wants to leave, there's tears galore and we're all stressed and sick. She's been manager about a month now and it's gotten this bad :(

    On a brighter note, I MIGHT be getting a job which pays much more and involves much easier work. I should get a call Monday :D Fingers crossed

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I didn't get any replies to my last post but I really hope somebody can shed some light on what can be done here. Okay so since I last posted most of the staff have left. There are only three of the original team left there. The four supervisors that were originally there have now fallen to only one. Things have gotten far worse for me too :( I'm so stressed right now I don't know what to do. I was left in a supervisor position yesterday and I had to train her new staff. In the time I was in charge (there was no manager or real supervisor in the store) the new girls and myself had made more money than had been made in the previous two hours. Then I found out from the real supervisor (who is a very sweet and genuine lady) that the bi*ch of a boss had been saying that I am a bad worker and that another girl (who also makes a lotta money for the place) is a bad worker. None of this is true. Even my last post stated that I rarely ever let her down. Even when I needed time off for a doctor I cancelled my appointment and worked instead. Everyone is saying that she is trying to get rid of all of us who were hired by the last manager.

    She also has me working during one of my exams but I'm afraid to complain because she's already cut my hours down to just FOUR A WEEK! :( I don't know how I'll afford my rent and I can't work the hours she gave me during my exams either.

    I'm still waiting on feedback from my interview. They said it'll be two weeks before they will choose somebody. I'm hoping so much that I get it because all my training and devotion to that job has been a complete waste :( She's looking for excuses to fire us all or drive us out. She's even been trying to make fights between us. We were told we are not allowed to have a union either. Now I am in a horrible situation and there's nothing I can do until my exams are over.. It's all such a mess.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭AlexBM

    Nope, you're not overeacting at all. I see you posted this a couple of weeks ago, so I do hope you got that new job of yours. Let me know pls, to satisfy my own curiosity.

    There's been so much activity going on in your job and environment, and action is well overdue. I'm presuming there's an area manager of some sort you could complain to, or, failing that, you need to get in touch with the National Employment Rights Agency (I think that's the name. It's NERA, anyway) or Citizen's Information and get it sorted. You shouldn't be made to feel like you do in your job. It's wrong on so many levels. If I were you, I would seriously consider taking legal action of some sort. Get advice on what to do, and DO IT!

    It might all be sorted by now anyway, as I'm a bit late posting this. I hope so! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,727 ✭✭✭✭Sherifu

    Grab the new job with both hands :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hi OP. Your boss sounds EXACTLY like mine.. do I work with you? Hehe. My boss has cut our hours to like 6-10 a week.I have to bring up every single issue with other managers because I'm too scared of her.. and when I do bring up a problem, nothing is done about it. After over a month, I'm still waiting on pay that I should have recieved, and she deliberately goes against everything I ask e.g if I ask for a couple of days off, she will make me work those full days. Everyone in my work is totally sick of her, but I'd say no one would be willing to make a joint complaint, as she'd make our lives misery, although there has been talk of a secret meeting. I'd also like to know what I can do about this because I've been so close to walking but I rely on the money.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,876 ✭✭✭pirelli

    stupidjob wrote: »
    Hello again,

    So.... Looooadds has happened since I last posted. She really lost the run of herself, cow. She decided to take a randomer in off the street to take our head supervisors (lets call her Miss B) position as training manager. Ridiculous. Now expects the supervisors to actually train in this new girl (who has never even worked in the shop and doesn't know what's on the shelves. Yet she can just walk in and take over from all the hard work the supervisor did. If it wasn't for her, there'd be no sales, that woman dedicated everything to it) All of the staff are devestated. Promotion has always been in this order: sales assistant - supervisor- training manager - manager! It has always been an internal applicant also. (simply because they know what is needed to keep everything run smoothly)
    Anyway the boss did it all out of spite. She never told Miss B that she had not been promoted but told other staff and then laughed and asked for Miss B not to be told anything. It was all so sneaky. Anyway the staff that were told to lie to Miss B were very hurt (we all really like Miss B, she's done so much for us when the boss wouldn't even look at us) and handed in their notice. Two more members of staff have also left. There are currently six more members of staff writing their last notice. Not just for the Miss B issue but also for everything else she's done. We found out about some really bad things happening in the work place and her personal, underhanded schemes to cause trouble. She has been saying things to certain members of staff about other employees to try start fights between us. She has also hired lots more staff and cut all of our hours by HALF because we dared complain about it all.
    Rather than pushing us apart she has tied us together. We have all said we are out as soon as a new job arises. There have also been anonymous calls made to the head office to highlight everything. We were thinking of writing one joint letter, signed by each member of staff.

    Are we over reacting? We are all so hurt, I know it is her choice to employ whoever she wants but this is only one problem. There has been so much. I now feel so stupid for allowing her to pass all those personal comments before, having been made aware that each and EVERY single member of staff hating her, I really should have stood up to her.
    Is there anything Miss B can do? She's worked for the company for two years. The boss has worked for them for 6 months, one month longer than me. (we also found out her and the manager who hired her are best of pals, how convenient!!)
    I also know about lots of other illegal stuff happening there (Its so bad, I'm scared to even say it. You guys wouldn't believe it, it's really, really bad) but I just feel scared now it's all coming to a head. I'm stunned by how childish she is and how little professionalism she shows. I should have known though. I caught her and another girl bitch about me in the office two weeks after I started working there. I should've known she was not manager material.
    I don't want her in serious trouble but our whole team wants to leave, there's tears galore and we're all stressed and sick. She's been manager about a month now and it's gotten this bad :(

    On a brighter note, I MIGHT be getting a job which pays much more and involves much easier work. I should get a call Monday :D Fingers crossed

    I know this thread has been gathering dust, But could your colleagues not each write a letter about what happened to the supervisor B and request an investigation from head office. If the investigation doesn't happen perhaps support supervisor B in a labour relations hearing. I dont know if your supervisor is the nightmare that you make her out to be.

    It's her Job to ensure all staff attend work and it is more than likely company policy for staff to contact their supervisor in advance if they are going to miss work. You did not contact your supervisor when you felt sick. You waited until you were on the way to the hospital. Did you attend you university doctor or a fee paying doctor?

    I imagine it was the university Doctor. They are sensitive and would send someone/student to hospital if they complain they are very sick. In fact most Doctors are sensitive to patients and quite cordial and will happily provide a med cert.

    Supervisors are hard nosed in this respect. Your a young and innocent person , but at one stage half the population of Ireland had no problem getting med certs from doctors. It is a recognised statistical fact and one which has been proven ( prison officers ) and overtime. As a consequence I imagine that the last few years have been hard for private doctors as this trend has drastically changed due to new measures.

    If you felt so sick then why were you in college and whilst you were in college at what stage did you decide that you were not going to work. As it would have been at this stage that you should have informed your supervisor that you had doubts about attending work and were instead going to see the doctor.

    As for hiring internally, that might not be the case and you said yourself supervisor B was still in training. Are so certain that she hired the new supervisor and or supervisor B wasn't interviewed or accepted the job, was there an issue with qualifications. Sometimes You do need qualifications.

    Are you sure its not

    Level of Qualification higher than rest of sales assistants.

    Sales assistant - Supervisor

    Level of Qualification higher than supervisor has

    Trainee manager - Manager

    Otherwise why waste your energy getting qualifications if it is on a first come first serve basis. If no one including the manager has qualifications than who is to say what the bench mark is for proficency and competence and what defines being assidous at your Job, You might find that qualifications sometimes help such as marketing and sales and management skills and experience and qualifications as well as HR Skills, experience. Whilst just trying to fit in and get along and doing your job to become the next supervisor and might have nothing to do with being a good employee or give you the skills to be a supervisor.

    In saying all of this supervisors and management can be the heartless and do delibertely cause stress and the further you escalate an issue to try resolve an issue the greater stress management can generate. Stress under the safety and welfare act is something they are responsible to try resolving and should be alleviating stress on an employee. Managers often fail to do this and Whether managers are incompetent or have ulterior motives ( Un-naturally unjust and unfair reasons) they wish to keep secret from you, it is always a bad situation if managers create more stress for an employee than alleviate and that why qualifications and skills come in handy here.

    It is no surprise it is a living hell!
